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1、Translation.,1.,你可以把事情向他解释一下。,You can _.,2.,公共标志可以让我们远离危险。,_ can,_ danger.,explain it to him,Public signs,keep us away from,3.,我们必须警告人们勿在此钓鱼。,We must,_ here.,4.,我们不应该随地乱扔纸屑。,We _ the ground with,paper.,warn people not to fish,should not litter,When we go to a museum,what,should we pay attention to?,

2、We shouldnt speak loudly.We,shouldnt take photos.,Can you guess who this,famous painter was according,to his two paintings?,Picasso.,1.Where did the conversation happen?,2.What does Amy want to do?Can she,do it?,3.What else does Amy tell Shirley?,In an art museum.,She wants to take a photo of a famo

3、us,painting.No,she cant.,They should not shout in the museum.,Work in groups and warn your group,members not to do something.Use,Mr Zhao and Amys conversation,below as a model.,Sample conversation,A:Can we park our car here?,B:Im afraid not.,A:Why not?,B:Look at that sign.It says“No,parking”.We shou

4、ldnt park our car.,A:Yes.Lets go.,candle,n,.,蜡烛,pain,n.,疼痛,1.,successful,adj,.,成功的,e.g.Everyone wants to be,successful,.,每个人都想成功。,2.,risk,vt,.,冒险做,e.g.You are,risking,your health by,smoking.,你抽烟是拿你的健康去冒险。,3.,practice,n,.,练习;训练;实践,e.g.Learning a language needs a lot of,practice,.,学习一门语言需要大量的练习。,4.,so

5、metime,adv,.,在某时,e.g.Well take our holiday,sometime,in August,I think.,我想我们会在八月的某个时候休,假。,1.,some times,中,some,意为“一些”,,time,意为“次,回”,意思是“几次,,若干回”。,2.,some time,中,some,意为“一些”,,time,意为“时间”,,意思是“一段时,间,一会儿”。,3.,sometimes,为副词,意为“有时,不时,,间或”,多用于一般现在时或一般过,去时。,4.,sometime,为副词,意为“在某一时候,,日后”,多用于一般过去时或一般将,来时。,【运用

6、】,根据汉语意思选用,some times,some time,sometimes,或,sometime,填空。,1.,下周某个时候我将去拜访他。,I will visit him _ next,week.,sometime,2.,妈妈有时候开车去上班。,My mother _ drives to,work.,3.,我已经在这座小镇待了一段时间。,I have stayed in the town for,_.,4.,我去过这家博物馆几次。,I have been to the museum _.,sometimes,some time,some times,5.,soon after,不久以

7、后,e.g.I rang for a taxi and it arrived,soon after,.,我打电话叫了计程车,不一会儿车,就到了。,It came on to rain,soon after,midnight.,午夜之后不久就开始下雨了。,What useful tips does Jenny offer in the,school radio show?,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.,Do you know the Chinese meaning of,this sentence?,This is an English saying.Tod

8、ay were,going to learn more English sayings.,Using English sayings(,使用英语谚语,),A saying is a short wise statement that,usually gives advice or expresses some,truth about life.,谚语是一个通常给出建议或表达生活真,理的简短且富含智慧的陈述。,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.,(When you are in a foreign country or a,situation you are no

9、t familiar with,you should,behave in the way that people around you,behave.),Many traditional sayings are still in general,use today.Sometimes they are a great help if,you need some wise words to express you ideas.,They make what you say or write simple and,vivid(,生动的,).,A.Sandy collected some sayin

10、gs.,Help her match the sayings,with their meanings.Write the,correct letters in the boxes.,the early bird catches the worm,c,you have to do something before,others in order to be successful,it never rains but it pours,b,when one bad thing happens to,you,other bad things happen soon,after,many hands

11、make light work,d,if lots of people share the work,it,will make a job easier to complete,every dog has its day,a,everybody will be lucky or,successful sometime in their life,put all your eggs in one basket,f,risk losing everything all at one time,the grass is always greener on,the other side,e,what

12、other people have always,seems better than your own,B.Mr Wu has prepared some,sayings for the students.Help,the students complete the,sentences with the correct,sayings.,?,actions speak louder than words,?,no pain,no gain,?,a friend in need is a friend indeed,?,practice makes perfect,?,burn the cand

13、le at both ends,1.,Just as the saying goes,“_.”My cousin has,made his dream come true after years,of hard work.,2._.If you,keep practising speaking English every,day,you will be better at it.,no pain,no gain,Practice makes perfect,3.Do not try to do many things at one,time.Otherwise,you will become,

14、tired out.Remember,you cannot,_.,burn the candle at both ends,4.He always gives his friends help,when they need it because he knows,that,_.,a friend in need is a friend indeed,5.Dad never says that he is good at,cooking,but in fact he is.He always,cooks delicious meals for us,that is,_.,actions spea

15、k louder than words,猜测一下英语谚语对应的汉语表达。,1.A cold hand and a warm heart.,2.Birds of a feather flock together.,3.Dont judge people by their appearance.,刀子嘴,豆腐心。,物以类聚,人以群分。,不可以貌取人。,4.It is better to trust the eye than the,ear.,5.It is never too late to mend.,百闻不如一见。,亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣。,1.Remember the new words and,the sayings in this lesson.,2.Preview the next lesson.,


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