A Preliminary of Emphtic Method in English Expression.doc

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1、A Preliminary of Emphtic Method in English ExpressionIntroductionWhen emphatic method in English expression is talked, most of people will emerage the emphatic sentence in their mind immediately. However, it is only one kind of common usage in the oral or writing expression. There are also lots of m

2、ethods to express the emphasized feeling. At the beginning of the thesis, the author will use an experiment to lead the problem out. Then, the author will analyzes the emphtic method from four parts. The method is based on principle of studying progress (from the word, phrase, sentence to speciall e

3、xpression ). The foundation of this thesis is the English grammer and some related konwledge of oral expression. At the end of the paper, the author will put the fruit into the reality. First, it will help people to catch the main idea or centual meaning when we communicate with others. Second, it w

4、ill help writing more attractive and changeable.1 Introduction to Emphatic Method in English ExpressionThe emphatic method is an useful skill to stress or express ones feeling, especailly, in the daily life. This method can be used to emphasize the vital part. However, there is a misunderstanding be

5、tween Chinese English learner and native English speaker. These two kinds of people emphsize different words in a same sentence. Here, it is a consequent of an experiment. Eight British college students and fourty-five Chinese English learner were asked to read fellowing sentence. The graph analyze

6、the different emphtic parts in two kinds of culture.The Sentence Emphatic WordNative SpeakerChinese LearnerNumber PercentageNumber Percentage1He liked his cottage very much.Much 113%3169%Very338%613%2.”What are they?” she asked him at last.They002453%Are8100%818%Last004191%3.Im not talking anything

7、out of the bottleIm just put some-Thing into itNot 8100%3067%Out00711%Into001533%4.You are not taking a drink at ten in the morning, are you?Ten00818%Are8100%2044%You002556%From the graph, we can get a conclusion that it exits a different method in two kinds of people. So in this thesis, the author

8、will help everyone to identify and understand the emphatic words, phrases and sentences in different situation. Only in this way, can we aviod the misunderstanding.2 The Style of Emphatic Method 2.1 The WordsThe words are a widly method to emphasize a sentence, because it is more easier to hold this

9、 method. At the same time, it had better to pay more attention to the usage of wordsdifferent parts of speech have different ways to emphasize.Then, the author will analyse from the general of words.2.1.1 Adjective and AdverbThe adjective is wildly used in the emphatic sentence to express the feelin

10、g, such as, very、only、single、all、almost and so on. These words are very common in the English expression, while the words are used in different ways. Now, the examples can be used to explain it.1. Thats all wrong.“All” means “completely” in this sentence. Then, it expresses the emotion that is compl

11、etely wrong. 2. I saw it with my own eyes.“Own” means “by oneself”. This word is used to stress ones feeling effectively. In this sentence, the stressed part is “the way that saw by oneself.”3. He is the last man to do it.Here the word “last” not means “final” but “impossible”. So the sentence means

12、 “he is not to do it”.It also exits lots of words to stress part of sentence. For instance,4. VeryThis is the very thing that I want.5. OnlyYou are the only person here who can help us.6. SingleNot a single mistake did he make in the exam . 7. AbsoluteMost students have absolute trust in their teach

13、er.8. RealIs this ring brass or real gold.9. GreatThere are a great number of new books in our library.10. SuchHow dare you buy such expensive jewels?When write or read a passage, all of people should notice the adjective, because they always indicate a kind of emotion. From these words, people can

14、get a situable attitude toward the passage. So the adjective is very helpful for us to express the emphatic emotion.Next, the usage of adverb will be analyzed.It is also the universal method to emphasize a feeling. As all known, even, ever, most, quite, just and many of adverbs own this kind of usag

15、e.1. He worked hard even during his illness.“Even” in this sentence is a condition that identifies the man work hard, no matter health or illness.2. This is the best film that I have ever seen.Compare with before, the film is the best one. So the “ever” is always used to contrast with former one.3.

16、It is a most dangerous trick to play with fire.“Most” which is a word to emphasize the intonation. It often appears before a noun as a structure of “most + adjective”.Then, there are also lots of other adverb that can express emphatic emotions. For instances,4. QuiteYou are quite mistaken.5. SimplyI

17、 simply can not di it without it.6. aloneHe alone can do it.7. AlwaysAlways, he went there on foot.8. BadlyHe was badly wounded.9. ReallyI really do not know what to do next.10. JustThis is just what I wanted.Compare with adjective, the adverb is more intricate, bacause the adverb should be pay more

18、 attention to the position of it in each sentence.In addition, all of adjectives and adverbs can be used in a comparative degree to emphasize .For instance,11. A cat runs much faster than a bike.12. Just as we thougt the sun would sink it grew still redder. 13. The new road is far better than the ol

19、d one.14. This is the hottest summer on record.15. The farther north you go, the more severe the winters are. All of these just are the examples to explain the method of adjective and adverb in emphatic expression. However, holding this method require to be applied in a flexiable way.2.1.2 Auxiliary

20、 WordsDo, Does, DidAuxiliary words is another method to emphasize. However, the auxiliary words are not commanded but requested intonation. For instance,1. But the family did manage to send him to a technical school.2. I did think you were the best student in our class.3. He does like dogs.4. I did

21、invite her, but she forgot it.5. She does speak well.6. Frequent sleeplessness does cause some psychological and psysical problems. 7. This pearl does look real, but it is not. 8. He does know the place well.All of these are most common usages for auxiliary word, because they are all emphasize the f

22、act part in the sentence. Then, the structure is that auxiliary word fellow with infinitive .In addition, the auxiliary word at the beginning of one sentence that means “must” or “truth”. Now, there are some examples to explain that.1. Do come with us.2. Do be careful. This floor is quite slippery.3

23、. Do come and see me again one of these day.4. Do write to me when you get there.From all of the examples, it is easily to find out the auxiliary words are flexible. So when writing or communication, people had better to choose or listen the right and suitable stressed intonation to express a feelin

24、g and meaning. 2.1.3 ReflexivesReflexives is another kind of word to play emphasized role in a sentence. It is always after the emphatic part. When peole read a snetence, it usually stresss the reflexives.When stress the subject part in a sentence, the position of reflexives is after it. For instanc

25、es, 1. I myself saw it. 2. He himself went to visit the old lady.3. I myself took my morther to hospital.4. Sress itself is not illness, but prolonged stress can lead to sickness absence from work. 5. I myself would not do such a thing.6. I myself will see her off at the station.When the reflexivies

26、 stress the object part, it always sets behind closely. There are some examples to explain that.7. He saw Tom himself.8. I will send this gift to John himself.9. She bought herself a new blouse.10. He is happiness itself.11. He spoke to the chairman himself.12. I will do it myself.13. There is nothi

27、ng wrong with the car itself.It is a very useful method to strengthen the feeling or emotion. However, people had better to notice the position of reflexives in the sentence, and the reflexives are always after the emphatic part closely.2.1.4 Modal VerbThe modal verb usually shows a kind of feelingr

28、equest, command or desire. Such as, during the writing or oral expression. “Will” and “shall” are widly used. It can reflect the deep feeling in mind. However, the modal verb that can be used in an emphatic expression is not only “will” and “shall”, but also lots of others. Then, the author will use

29、 some examples to explain the view.1. We have to take work home simetimes.2. We have got to stick to it to the last.3. Alice had to run to catch up with the rabbit.4. A lot of things will have to be done without.There is a common meaning above all the examples. “Have to” and “have got to” own the sa

30、me meaning of “must”. In addition, “have to ” and “have got to ” can instead of “must” .When it expresses the feeling of wish, command or desire, “shall” and “will” are always used in this condition. There are some examples to explain that.5. You shall fail if you do not work hard.6. He shall have t

31、he book when I finish it.7. H e shall be punnished.8. I will never do that again.9. They asked him if he would go abroad.Such as “should”, “ought to” and many other modal verb can be used for emphatic expression.10. I should help her because she is in trouble.11. You ought to take care of the baby.1

32、2. You should go to class right way.13. Should I open the window?The modal verb can express a feeling in a suitable way, but when chooseing a modal verb, people had better to think twice. Otherwise, it will be misunderstanded to others.2.2 The Prepositional Phrase and Collocation 2.2.1 The Prepositi

33、onal PhraseThe prepositional phrase is a range for emphatic part in a sentence. When the prepositional phrase is used in an interrogative, it always repersents for “What actually happened?” While it is used in a negation, and understanding the meaning as“not in the least.” Then, there are some examp

34、les to explain the view.1. I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note.2. What ever does he mean by saying that?3. What on the earth are you doing here?4. Why the hell did not you tell me earlier?5. What in the world did you go just now?6. She in not in the least angry with me?7. You must no

35、t go there on any account.The prepositional phrase of “at all” is generally used for negative sentence, conditional clause or the meaning of certain sentence containing the negative meaning. For instance,8. He did not like his wife at all.9. I am not at all satisfied with his report.10. Do it well i

36、f you do it at all.11. Are you at all worried about the forecast?12. I am not sleepy at all.The author merely lists some representative examples of prepositional phrase. For holding this method, it needs majorty people to collect many other expressions for emphasis during the daily life. 2.2.2 Collo

37、cationThe author will analyze five representative collocation. Each of them own different characteristics and rules.1. This problem is of great importance.The structure of “of+great+abstract noun”, using the abstract nouns are advantage, benefit, help, importance, use, value and so on.2. This room i

38、s nice and warmThe structure of “nice and ” be added before adjective or adverb,and is equivalent to very. Then, the sentence can be understand as “ the room is very warm.” 3. We should serve the people heart and soul.In this sentence, the “heart and soul” has the same meaning with “whole- heartdly”

39、.4. He is a friend of your husbands.With a double lattice structure is a prominent part, representing that “one of them or part of them.”5. As a matter of fact, John is an honset man.Using the parenthess to strengthen the sentence.2.3 The Emphatic Sentences 2.3.1 The Usage of Emphatic SentencesThe s

40、tructure of emphatic sentence is “It+be+stressed part+that+sentence”. The word of “it” has no practical meaning, only plays a role in grammer and guides the emphatic part of the sentence. When the emphatic part is human, “who(m)” or “that” can be used. “That”can be used in other situation. For insta

41、nce,1. It was I that met Jack yesterday.2. It was Jack that or whom I met yesterday.3. It was yesterday that I met Jack.Then the author will analyze the emphatic part in subject, adverbial modifier object and object complement. First, taking the subject part as an example.4. It was John who broke th

42、e window.5. It is this overpass that will be pulled down.6. It is people who or that are really powerful.From these sentences, it is concluded that stress the suject in the nominative personal pronouns, while stress the object in the accusative object.Then , the fellowing examples stress the adverbi

43、al modifier in an emphatic snetence.7. It was at that moment that he changed the mind.8. It is not until Saturday that he bagan to prepare of the examination.9. It was in the library that I met Jack yesterday.10. It might have been on the bus that I lost my purse.11. It was under the tree that I was

44、 sitting then.When the emphatic sentence stresses the components of a sentence in time adverbials, place adverbials and reason advbials. I t is also not used “when”, “where” and “why”.Next, the author will use some instances to explian the object and object complement parts in an emphatic sentence.1

45、2. It was him at they telephoned.13. It was Toms bike that she borrowed, not mine.14. It was a cat that your dogwas running after.15. It was wonderful that we considered his plan.16. It is Lincoln that they named the aircraft carrier.17. It is a fine player that we believe Jane. When people use this

46、 method, they had better to pay more attention to the nominative personal prounces. Especially, stressing the object parts.2.3.2 The Different Between Emphtic Sentence and OthersThe author will compare the usage of emphatic sentence with suject clause and attributive clause.In the emphtic sentence,

47、the structure of “It is or wasthat” can emiliate at the same time, while “that” in a suject clause instead of “it” that in front of the contents.1. It is Li Leis brother that you met in the street yesterday.It can be eliminated as “You met Li Leis brother in the street yesterday.” However, this sent

48、ence is also correct, so we can conclude it is an emphatic sentence.2. It is exciting that we have successeded in sending up Shenzhou.It be eliminated as“We have successeded exciting in sending up Shenzhou.”Oberviously, it is wrong. So this sentence is a subject clause.Another group of sentence.3. It is true that he is honest man. (subject clause)4. It is known to


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