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1、本科毕业论文中文题目: 新女性独立精神在小妇人中的体现外文题目: The New Woman Ideology in Little Women 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用授权说明本人完全了解 大

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4、文化的传承的小说, 以家庭日志的形式,讲述了马奇家四姐妹的成长经历,给读者留下了极为深刻的印象。小说中充分体现了时代新女性的独立精神,小说女主人公们不满足家庭主妇式的生活, 要求走出家门、步入社会、追求经济上的独立, 渴望通过发挥自己的才智以实现自我价值。除此之外,小说通过马奇姐妹艺术才华的展示、梅格和乔外出工作以补贴家用、马奇姐妹组织俱乐部创立自己的报刊、 乔违背传统的婚姻、丈夫们参与家务事等片段揭示出女权主义兴起和新女性主义的体现。 论文的第一部分主要阐述女性主义的萌芽,包括美国文化中的女性主义,女权运动,新女性主义等。第二部分着重于女性独立精神在婚姻和家庭生活中的改革,分别从乔和艾米这两

5、个人物加以论证描述。第三章是论文的结论,概括总结了小妇人中体现出的新女性独立精神。 关键词:新女性;自我依靠;自我独立The New woman Ideology in Little WomenAbstractLouisa. May. Alcott, American woman writer in the latter half of the 19th century, is famous for her warmly-received novel Little Women. In the form of domestic diary, the novel tells the growing

6、- up experiences of the four March sisters. Set in a small town in New England during American Civil War in the mid-nineteenth century, Little Women impresses readers with the social changes and cultural traditions of the American society at that time. The story presents the New Woman ideology in gr

7、eat sense, such as the four March sisters cannot stand their poor life and go out to work, earn money for the family in order to lessen the pressure of their parents and pursuit their economic independence, realize their self-value. Besides, the March sisters show their artistic talents, Meg go out

8、to work and earn money for lessen the family burden, they run their own newspaper club, Jo go against with the traditional marriage, and husband takes part in the household things are all present the New Woman Ideology.The first chapter of this thesis introduces the Initiation of Feminism, including

9、 the True Women Ideology in American Culture, Womens Movement, the New Women Ideology. The second chapter mainly describes the Feminist Reform of Marriage and Family Life, especially about Jo and Amy in this perspective. The Third chapter is the conclusion, which summerizes the new Women Ideology in

10、 Little Women.Key words: new woman; self-reliance; self-individualism AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Mr.ZhangCongcheng, who has guide me in my study of English literature, and with his painstaking instructions has led me through th

11、e whole process of writing the thesis. With kindness and generosity, he engages himself with this project above and beyond the call of duty. His infinite wisdom and advice and the grace and with which it has always been bestowed, and for everything he has taught me through his own outstanding exampl

12、e about being a professional, effective, and dedicated scholar and teacher, as well as a truly considerate, generous, and lovely person. Without his continuing directions and encouragement, this thesis would not have been possible.Thanks to all the teachers in English Department for their help in ge

13、tting me through bachelor program virtually unscathed.Thanks to my family and friends for helping me through various breakdowns, for listening to my Victorian and Gaskell Ian rants and rambles, for putting up with countless hours of whining, always been there to listen and encourage and help and rem

14、ind me of what is important.Contents中文摘要iAbstractiiAcknowledgementsiiiIntroduction2I.The Initiation of Feminism4A.The” True Women” Ideology in American Culture4B.Womens movement7C.The “New Woman ideology9II.Feminist reform of marriage and family life11A.Self-reliance and Individualism in Jos Writing

15、 Pursuit121.Self-reliance in Jos writing Pursuit132.Individualism in Jos Writing Pursuit13B.Self-knowledge and Individualism in Jos Marriage151.Self-knowledge in Jos Marriage152.Individualism in Jos Marriage16C.Self-assertion and Self-reliance in Amys Artistic Pursuit161.Self-assertion in Amys Artis

16、tic Pursuit172.Self-reliance in Amys Artistic Pursuit183.Individualism in Amys Marriage19Conclusion21Works Cited22The New Women Ideology in Little WomenIntroductionLittle Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of fo

17、ur sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcotts own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth.This is a story about love, faith, fortitude, and devotion. The story of March happened in Massachusetts during the Ameri

18、can Civil War. It includes most problems which probably happen in the growth of young girls, such as the problems in first love, friendship between teenagers and the gap between our dream and the reality. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Fa

19、ther March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her te

20、mper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house, is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Maumee finds out about her husbands illness. Worse is to come as Beth cont

21、racts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbor and becomes more or less an invalid. The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beths terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world. This is the story of their gro

22、wing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedness of family life. It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalized biography of Alcott and her sisters. It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant

23、 today as evidenced by its continued following.I. The Initiation of Feminism Little Women is a multifaceted novel with Alcotts subversion of the storys traditional doctrine and on the other hand her compromise with her cultures norms. It preaches domestic containment while it explores the infinity o

24、f inward female space and suggests an unending rage against the cultural limitations imposed on female development. Women in the March family bear conventional feminine features preserved by the 19th-century True Woman ideology, but meanwhile carry distinctive New Womans spirits of that time. These

25、self-contradictory messages in Little Women show two highly polarized views as regards womens role in the American culture. The more prevalent of these two views, the conservative or traditional one, relied especially on the Biblical story of Eves ordained subservient status. The opposing view, “equ

26、alitarian feminism” to use Cot s phrase, admitted womens “shared weakness relative to men but questioned “whether this weakness was natural or artificial, biological or cultural(qtd. in Davidson,126).Accord to this view womens supposed natural inferiority was really imposed by custom and culture ,th

27、en it could largely be remedied through many ways.A. The” True Women” Ideology in American CultureBased on the traditional ideologies, a term and concept of “True Women” pervaded in antebellum 19th-century American Culture, defining the proper role for middle class white women. “The Cult of True Wom

28、anhood”, as Barbara Welter named in her influential essay of the same title, involves “the attributes of piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity”. (qtd. in Ross, 887-888)Piety, a virtue of “True Womanhood”, requires a devout belief in Christianity, stressing that woman is mans helpmeet, not hi

29、s equal. A womans duty is to serve her husband. Religious women are not expected to question their subordinate status, which is believed to be ordained by God. Megs engagement years and marital life clearly prove this point. When Megs engagement to John Brooke is fixed, Meg resolves to learn the dom

30、estic chores so as to get herself ready for marriage when Brooke works outside to earn the material basis for their marriage. Precisely speaking, Megs preparation for marriage is to train her to serve a man.Purity, a second virtue, demands of womens chastity before marriage and fidelity afterwards.

31、When Mr. March leaves home to take part in the war, Mrs. March waits for him to come back faithfully. When Meg is engaged to Mr. Brooke, she with fidelity waits three years for him to earn enough means for marriage. These show female loyalty to husband of fianc.Submissiveness, the next virtue, requi

32、res that a woman obey her parents and later her husband without question. Womans passivity, dependence, self-effacement and self-abnegation ensure that the patriarchal myth of male supremacy will remain in force. Although submission brings suffering to many women, they are schooled to vie suffering

33、as part of their lot and obediently accept. The four March girls, following the suggestion of their mother as well as in response to their fathers expectation in a letter, determine to begin their self-improvement in journey. They are obedient children. Mrs. Marchs advice to her daughter Meg on her

34、marriage-”Watch yourself, be the first to ask pardon if you both err, and guard against the little piques, misunderstandings, and hasty words that often pave the way for bitter sorrow and regret”. (263). shows the former obedient child is turning to a docile wife. Amys utterance in the novel-”women

35、should learn to be agreeable”, - echoes womens submissive status. Women will not be tolerated unless they are agreeable. They can justify their existence and assuage the guilt deriving from being useless only through a life of cheerful service to others. Women must watch themselves because they are

36、economically dependent on mens income and emotionally dependent on their approval.Domesticity favors the doctrine of separate spheres, emphasizing that womens sphere is the home while mens sphere is the world. Men are the supporters of families, and should go out to earn the bread. Women should cent

37、er their lives on the home, immersing themselves in domestic tasks of housekeeping, child rearing, and providing comfort to their families. In the novel, Mrs. March represents such an ideal domestic woman in the 19th-century America. Mrs. March, the mother of the four March sisters, is the center of

38、 the household. Her voice is “the first sound in the morning- and the last sound at night”. When her husband is away as a Union Army chaplain during the Civil War, she leads her daughters through their troubles and faults with her calm bearing, selflessness, and wisdom. Throughout the novel she is a

39、 reliable source of loving wisdom, strong as an imperturbable rock. She is the guide for the girls when they are confused, their confessor when they have done wrong, and their confidante when they are troubled. She is always compassionate, always there when she is needed, always strong and loving, a

40、nd always knowing what to do. Mrs. March is a model domestic woman for all her girls to follow. Married Meg is a duplicate of her model mother. She does all the domestic chores and takes care of two small children in her little cottage, while John, the single wage-earner spends more time working awa

41、y from home. These instances exemplify womens role in their domestic sphere.While Alcotts Little Women still celebrates womens domestic role, its heroine Jo March carries with her the image of the financially, physically, and emotionally independent “New Woman”. It seems clear that the traditional m

42、essages about female dependency gradually did not serve the needs of the 19th century women. Alcott in a certain sense openly violated the boundaries of womens sphere. The reason is that at that time, American social reformers such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought to achieve soc

43、ial and political equality for women, especially through the right for women to vote, and Alcott was definitely affected by this womens rights movement.B. Womens movementWomens movements, according to Lisa Fine, occurred during three separate periods in the history of the United States. They roughly

44、 coincided with the antebellum period (18301860), the progressive era (approximately 1900-World War1), and the civil rights movement and the student activism of the 1960s and early 1970s (933).At different times during Alcotts childhood, the Alcott family had influential feminists as acquaintances s

45、uch as Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Peabody and so on. Surely Alcott was affected by the initiation of womens movement.The first period of womens movement in the United States occurred just as the existence of the womens sphere seemed to be limiting womens range of activates. The intellectual and orga

46、nizational progress women made during the antebellum period grew out of the antebellum reforms. Many of the early activities on behalf of womens rights such as Elizabeth Cady and Susan B. Anthony participated in one or more of the great causes of the day, such as abolitionism, educational reform, te

47、mperance, and labor reform because these reforms and intellectual currents of the day also led women to expressions of the desire for a change in gender roles. Scottish Frances Wright scandalized in her New York City audience not only by being one of the first women to speak in public but also by ta

48、ckling such subjects as labor reform, the gradual emancipation of slaves, and womens emancipation. Margret Fuller, intellectual, writer, and one of the New England transcendentalists, also challenged all barriers to the fullest development of women. Invoking assumption about natural rights, Fuller claimed, “We should have every arbitrary barrier thrown down. We would have every path laid open to woma


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