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1、天长古镇的保护与规划研究 天长古镇的保护与规划研究 Study on the Conservation and Planning of Tianchang Town【中文摘要】 我国近些年来经济高速发展,地方建设日新月异,随之而来的是许多历史古镇的传统建筑、风貌、习俗面临快速消亡的境地,虽然一些地方的古镇保护与规划已经深入开展并取得了一些成果,但整体情况不容乐观,尤其是那些有较高价值但非广为人知的古镇保护亟待各方面的大力投入。历史古镇作为小城镇中一种类型,对其保护与规划的研究不仅对促进历史古镇发展有一定的借鉴意义,同时对将来会普遍开展的古村落保护与发展研究也具有非常重要的意义。因此,历史古镇的


3、入地分析了古镇空间形态的发展与演变、民居院落的特点、历史街区的保护,充分挖掘古镇的地域特征并展示其特有风貌,进而在此基础上提出有针对性的保护和规划的原则目标及措施内容。论文主体分为五部分:1、绪论部分,提出本文研究的背景及研究意义,国内外对历史古镇已有的研究成果,本文的研究方法和框架。2、研究对象简介,主要介绍自然地理、社会文化、古镇景观三方面内容。3、研究对象的形态和组成要素分析,对其空间布局、肌理、民居、历史街区进行研究探讨。4、提出保护与规划的策略,主要从整体格局、文保单位、历史街区、传统民居四方面入手。5、结语部分,总结提炼前文的论述,对全文进行总结。【英文摘要】 Many archa

4、ic town are facing losing their traditional architecture, scenes and custom by the fast development of economic and continually local construction. The situations which makes us pessimistic is only few archaic town have been laid out and protected effectively. We need to invest the archaic towns by

5、all many ways, especially to which are unfamous and high valuable.As a typical style of the small town, the archaic towns protection and lay out research work is very important in the reference meaning, both for the archaic towns development and for the future pervasive archaic villages protection a

6、nd development. Therefore, it is very important for us that the archaic towns conservation and planning research. But ever since a long time ago the departments of government and the communities did not attach important to the protection and plan work to the village level archaic towns. Just because

7、 the lack of protection, their history custom and living environments, etc, were damag.ed heavily. The stable instruction of the archaic towns was threatened, and the critical elements such as the space instruction and social instruction was changed obviously.Archaic towns are precious heritage for

8、society, and eximious resource for both local sustainable development and showing the local individuality. This article was written based on the situation of Tianchang town, by field survey, conversazione with resident, mapping and data collection from many ways.To find out the problem of the conser

9、vation and reasons for those problem, based on the towns history, geographical environment, natural and human landscape, the author analyzes the space instruction of the town, the towns development and evolution, the characteristics of residential yard, the conservation of the historic quarters. The

10、 author fully explores the geographical characteristics and the survey of the town. On this basis, the author offer the principles of the conservation and the measure and content.There are the five parts of the thesis:1. Introduction of the background to this study and research meaning, what about o

11、ther countriesresearch results have been made, the research method and framework.2. Introduce the geography, society and culture ,landscape of the landscape briefly. 3. research the towns space instruction, texture, residential areas base on the composing factor and the towns shape.4. offer the cons

12、ervation and planning strategy from four aspect: the integrate pattern, heritage preservation units, historical areas, traditional houses.5. Summing up the discussion earlier and expressing the major idea of the thesis clearly.【中文关键词】 空间布局; 古镇肌理; 历史街区; 传统民居; 保护与规划 【英文关键词】 space instruction; historic

13、al areas; residence location; conservation and planning 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 1 绪论 10-16 1.1 研究意义及国内外研究现状综述 10-13 1.1.1 研究意义及目的 10 1.1.2 国际上及国内古镇保护研究概况 10-13 1.2 研究对象及内容 13-14 1.2.1 研究对象 13 1.2.2 研究内容 13-14 1.3 研究方法及框架 14-16 1.3.1 研究方法 14-15 1.3.2 研究框架 15-16 2 古镇概况 16-25 2.1 自然与资源 16-18 2.1.1

14、地理位置 16 2.1.2 区域及环境 16-18 2.2 社会文化 18-23 2.2.1 历史沿革 18-19 2.2.2 城镇古迹 19-22 2.2.3 民俗 22-23 2.3 古镇景观 23-25 2.3.1 自然景观 23 2.3.2 人文景观 23-25 3 古镇的空间形态与组成要素 25-40 3.1 空间布局 25-28 3.1.1 选址 25-26 3.1.2 布局 26-28 3.2 古镇肌理 28-32 3.2.1 城墙 28-29 3.2.2 街巷 29-32 3.3 古镇民居 32-37 3.3.1 古镇民居风貌划分 32-33 3.3.2 民居的聚集与离散 33

15、-34 3.3.3 典型院落 34-37 3.4 历史街区 37-40 3.4.1 概念辨析 37 3.4.2 空间分布和范围 37-38 3.4.3 历史街区的价值 38-40 4 古镇的保护与规划 40-52 4.1 存在的问题 40-42 4.1.1 整体风貌的破坏 40-41 4.1.2 环境质量的下降 41 4.1.3 保护措施的欠缺 41 4.1.4 传统住区的衰退 41-42 4.2 保护规划的目标与原则 42-45 4.2.1 保护与发展的关系 42-43 4.2.2 保护规划的目标 43 4.2.3 保护规划的原则 43-44 4.2.4 保护原则的诠释 44-45 4.3 保护规划的构思与内容 45-52 4.3.1 总体构思 45 4.3.2 划定保护范围 45-47 4.3.3 整体格局的保护 47 4.3.4 文保单位的保护 47-48 4.3.5 历史街区的保护 48-50 4.3.6 传统民居的保护 50-52 5 结语 52-53 参考文献 53-55 在读期间发表的学术论文 55-56 作者简历 56-57 致谢 57


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