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1、毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文全 缘 火 棘 “卡桑” 和 “纳兰得” 烯效唑 响 应 和 矮 壮 素 氯 化Pyracantha coccinea Kasan andLalandei Response to Uniconazoleand Chlormequat ChlorideJanet C. Henderson and Thomas H. NicholsDepartment of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Oklahoma StateUniversity, Stillwater OK 74078Additi

2、onal index words. growth regulator, growth retardant, firethornAbstract. Pyracantha coccinea M.J. Roem. Kasan and Lalandei were treated with a soil drench of 30 mg a.i. chlormequat chloride per container or 0, 0.25, 0.50, or 1.00 mg a.i. uniconazole per container or with a foliar application of 3000

3、 mg a.i. chlormequat chloride/liter or 0, 25, 50, or 100 mg a.i. uniconazole/liter. Chlormequat chloride applied as a drench did not affect growth of Kasan or Lalandei until 17 weeksafter application, when Kasan was taller and Lalandei shorter than untreated plants. Kasan plants drenched with chlorm

4、equat chloride had more leaves with greater total leaf area and higher leaf and stem dry weights than untreated plants. However, area per leaf, root dry weight, and root : shoot ratio were not affected by the chlormequat chloride drench. In Lalandei, the chlormequat chloride drench did not affect an

5、y of these criteria, except stem dry weight. Foliar applications of chlormequat chloride had little effect on either cultivar. Height of Kasan and Lalandei decreased with increasing uniconazole rates for both application methods. Area per leaf increased in Kasan but decreased in Lalandei receiving a

6、 drench applied to the medium. Foliar and drench applications of uniconazole both resulted in decreased stem dry weight of both cultivars. Chemical names used: 2-chloro-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium chloride (chlormequat chloride); (E)-1-(p-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-1-penten-3-

7、ol (uniconazole).Uniconazole and chlormequat chloride are plant growth regulators that reduce plant growth by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis (Henry, 1985). These chemicals have been used to restrict the height of floricultural crops such as chrysanthemum (Holcomb et al., 1983; Wilfret, 1986), p

8、oinsettia (Conover and Vines, 1972; White and Holcomb, 1974; Wilfret, 1986) and several bedding plant species (Barrett and Nell, 1986).The use of growth regulators on woody ornamental plants is less widespread than in Received for publication 1 Oct. 1990. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Jou

9、rnal Series no. 5849. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact. HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 26(7), JULY 1991 the floriculture industry. The response of

10、woody plants to uniconazole has been variable, depending on species and application rate. Extremely short internodes resulted when uniconazole was applied at 2.5 mg a.i. per container as a soil drench to ibolium privet and Wonderberry pyracantha (Norcini and Knox, 1989). Uniconazole-treated hibiscus

11、 were shorter than untreated hibiscus, but foliar distortion reduced plant quality as application rate increased (Newman et al.,1989). In contrast, forsythia (Vaigro-Wolff and Warmund, 1987) and Fraser photinia (Norcini and Knox, 1989) treated with similar uniconazole rates were more compact, plant

12、appearance was more desirable, and photinia flowers were showier than for controls. Although chlormequat chloride has not been as widely tested on woody plants, increased shoot lengths, plant diameters, and plant heights have been observed in willows, forsythias, and roses but not spirea or weigela

13、that were treated with this growth regulator(Grzesik and Rudnicki, 1985).Pyracantha is used widely as an informal hedge and as espaliers. This species can, however, grow out of control if it is not properly pruned and maintained. The use of growth regulators to control the growth habit of pyracantha

14、 during production and after planting into the landscape could lead to wider use of this species and reduced maintenance costs. The objectives of this research were to determine uniconazole application rates that would decrease growth of two pyracantha cultivars while maintaining a desirable appeara

15、nce, and to determine whether uniconazole controls the height of woody plants better than chlormequat chloride, a growth regulator currently used in the floriculture industry to reduce height of seasonal flowering plants.One hundred 7.5-cm-long rooted cuttings of Pyracantha coccinea Kasan and Laland

16、ei were planted in 3.8-liter containers of 3 pine bark :1 peat :1 sand (by volume) amended with 17N-3. 6P-10K slow release fertilizer at 8.3gm-3) (Osmocote, Sierra Chemical, Milpitas, Calif.), Micromax at 1.9 kgm-3 (Sierra Chemical), and dolomite at 2.3 kgm-3. Plants were grown in a greenhouse for 6

17、 weeks at 30/15C day/night, then pruned to a 20-cm final shoot length. Plants then were treated with 30 mg chlormequat chloride per container or 0, 0.25, 0.50, or 1.00 mg uniconazole per container as a soil drench, or 3000 mg chlormequat chloride/ liter or 0, 25, or 50 mg uniconazole/liter as a foli

18、ar spray and placed outside in full sun. Soil drenches were applied in 100 ml of solution to each container, and foliar applications were applied as a spray to runoff. The soil surface of plants receiving a foliar spraywas covered with plastic before spraying to assure that no uniconazole would ente

19、r the growing medium. Plastic was removed when the foliage had dried.Plant height from the medium surface to the top of the tallest shoot was measured periodically beginning 3 weeks after application. Plant widths were determined by measuring plant diameter at the widest point and perpendicular to t

20、his point and then averaging the values. Seventeen weeks after 877 treatment, plants were harvested and leaves counted, leaf areas were measured with a LI- 3100 area meter (LI-COR, Lincoln, Neb.), and leaves, shoots and roots were dried at 45C for 7 days and weighed. Average area per leaf for each p

21、lant was calculated by dividing total leaf area by leaf number. Root : shoot ratios were calculated as (leaf dry weight + shoot dry weight)/root dry weight. A randomized complete-block design with 10 single-plant replications and 10 treatments within each cultivar was used. Analysis of variance proc

22、edures and paired t tests were used to determine differences among chlormequat chloride and uniconazole treatments within each application method. Orthogonal contrasts were used to determine linear, quadratic, and cubic relationships among uniconazole application rates. Kasan plants treated with a c

23、hlormequat chloride medium drench did not differ significantly from controls in height or width until 17 weeks after application when treated plants were taller than controls (Table 1). These results agree with observations of increased plant height in willow, forsythia, and roses treated with chlor

24、mequat chloride (Grzesik and Rudnicki, 1985). Plants receiving foliar treatments also did not differ except at week 13, when chlormequat chloride plants were shorter than control plants. Chlormequat chloride applied as a drench resulted in more leaves, larger plant leaf areas, and higher leaf and st

25、em dry weights in Kasan than the control treatment (Table 2).The foliar application of chlormequat chloride did not affect these measurements.Lalandei plants drenched with chlorme- 878 HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 26(7), JULY 1991 quat chloride were smaller than controls after 17 weeks (Table 3). The foliar ch

26、lormequat chloride application resulted in larger plants at week 13, but this difference was not significant at week 17. Application of chlormequat chloride as a medium drench to Lalandei reduced stem dry weights, but foliar applications had no effect (Table 4).Kasan height decreased as the uniconaz

27、ole concentration increased for the medium drench and foliar applications (Table 1). The effect was curvilinear for foliar sprays, beginning 8 weeks after treatment and for medium drenches beginning 13 weeks after treatment. Similar results were obtained by Norcini and Knox (1989), with ibolium priv

28、et, fraser photinia, and Wonderberry pyracantha, all being shorter when treated with uniconazole,particularly when environmental conditions favored rapid growth. Uniconazole did not affect the number of leaves per plant or plant leaf area, leaf and root dry weights, or the root : shoot ratio of Kasa

29、n (Table 2). The medium drench resulted in a curvilinear increase in area per leaf, while both application methods curvilinearly decreased stem dry weights.Decreased stem and leaf dry weight with uniconazole was also noted by Norcini and Knox (1989) onWonderberry pyracantha, fraser photinia, and ibo

30、lium privet. The increased individual leaf areas were in contrast to the decrease in total foliage areas observed in treated privet seedlings and American sycamore when uniconazole was injected into plants (Sterrett, 1988); however, individual leaf areas were not measured in that study.Height and wi

31、dth of Lalandei decreased beginning 8 weeks after drench applications HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 26(7), JULY 1991 879 (Table 3). At this time, there was a curvilinear relationship between application rates and height and width. Foliar applications decreased plant height curvilinearly by 3 weeks after applica

32、tion. There was a linear relationship between foliar application rate and width at week 3, but it was curvilinear by week 5.Both application methods decreased leaf count and stem dry weight curvilinearly in Lalandei (Table 4). The drench resulted in a curvilinear decrease in area per leaf, while the

33、 foliar treatment resulted in a curvilinear decrease in root dry weight.In this study, chlormequat chloride had little effect on plant growth and visual appearance of either Pyracantha coccinea Kasan or Lalandei. In contrast, uniconazole decreased height of both. Kasan was most affected by the soil

34、drench, while Lalandei responded more to foliar applications. Uniconazole-treated plants of both cultivars had a desirably compact growth habit and darker green foliage and were considered more desirable in appearance than those not treated with the growth regulator or with chlormequat chloride.Lite

35、rature CitedBarrett, J.E. and T.A. Nell. 1986. Evaluation of XE-1019 and paclobutrazol for height control of flowering annuals. Proc. Plant Growth Regulat. Soc. Amer. 13:62-64.Conover, C.A. and H.M. Vines. 1972. Chlormequat drench and spray applications to poinsettias. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 97:31

36、6-320.Grzesik, M. and R.M. Rudnicki. 1985. The use of growth regulators in nursery production of woody ornamental plants. Acta Hort. 167:401415.Henry, M.J. 1985. Plant growth regulating activity of sterol and gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitors. Bul. Plant Growth Regulat. Soc. Amer. 13(2):9-11.Holco

37、mb, E.J., S. Ream, and J. Reed. 1983. The effect of BAS 106, ancymidol, and chlormequat on chrysanthemum and poinsettia. HortScience 18:364-365.Newman, S.E., S.B. Tenney, and M.W. Follett. 1989. Influence of uniconazole (Sumagicr) on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Mississippi Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Rpt. 14

38、(4):1-3.Norcini, J.G. and G.W. Knox. 1989. Response of Ligustrum ibolium, Photinia fraseri, and Pyacantha koidzumii Wonderberry to XE-1019 and pruning. J. Environ. Hort. 7:126-128.Sterrett, J.P. 1988. XE-1019: Plant response, translocation, and metabolism. J. Plant Growth Regulat. 7:19-26.Vaigro-Wol

39、ff, A.L. and M.R. Warmund. 1987. Suppression of growth and plant moisture stress of forsythia with flurprimidol and XE-1019.HortScience 22:884-885.White, J.W. and E.J. Holcomb. 1974. Height control methods for poinsettia. HortScience 9:146-147.Wilfret, G.J. 1986. Growth retardation of chrysanthemum

40、and poinsettia with Ortho XE-1019.Proc. Plant Growth Regulat. Soc. Amer. 13:65.(Abstr.)译文:全缘火棘“卡桑”和“纳兰得”烯效唑响应和矮壮素氯化珍妮特C。亨德森和托马斯H尼科尔斯 , 园艺与园林系,俄克拉何马州大学,斯蒂尔沃特确定74078额外的索引词:生长调节剂,生长阻燃,火棘摘要:全缘火棘兆焦耳香椿。“卡桑”和“纳兰得”治疗与土壤淋了30毫克每个容器或0,0.25,0.50,或1.00毫克矮壮素氯烯效唑每个容器或与叶面喷施3000毫克AI的矮壮素氯/升或0,25,50,或100毫克AI烯效唑/升。矮壮素1

41、雨淋氯化物中的应用没有影响,直到17个星期的“卡桑”或“纳兰得“增长申请后,当“卡桑”高和“纳兰得”比未经处理的植物短。 “卡桑”植物与矮壮素氯湿透了更多更大的总叶面积和较高的叶和茎比未经处理的植物干重的叶。然而,每叶面积,根干重,根:根冠比未受影响由的矮壮素氯化淋。矮壮素的氯化淋在“纳兰得”,不影响任何这些标准的,除茎干重。叶面喷施矮壮素氯化应用,无论是品种的影响不大。 “卡桑”和“纳兰得”高度增加两种应用方法的烯效唑率下降。每叶面积增加了“卡桑”,但接收雨淋适用于中等在“纳兰得“下降。叶面喷施烯效唑和雨淋的应用导致两个品种在减少干干重。化学名称:2 - 氯-N,N,N-三甲基乙胺氯化物(矮

42、壮素氯);(五)-1 - (P-氯苯基)-4,4 - 二甲基-2 - (1,2,4 - 三唑-1 - 基)-1 - 戊烯-3 - 醇(烯效唑)。烯效唑,矮壮素氯是植物生长调节剂,植物生长抑制赤霉素的生物合成(亨利,1985年)减少。这些化学品被用来限制高度的花卉作物,如菊花(霍尔库姆等人,1983年; Wilfret,1986),一品红(康诺弗和藤本植物,1972年,白色和霍尔库姆,1974年; Wilfret,1986年)和一些床上用品厂物种(Barrett和内尔,1986年)。木本观赏植物生长调节剂的使用是低于1990年110月出版,收到广泛。俄克拉何马州农业实验站 - 系列没有。 584

43、9。发布本文费用中支付部分由版面费的支付。在邮政法规,因此,本文必须特此标记的广告仅表示这一事实。园艺科学, 26(7),1991年7月的花卉产业。木本植物烯效唑的反应一直是变量,取决于物种和应用率。极短的节间导致时,烯效唑在2.5毫克AI应用每土壤淋到“ibolium”女贞和“Wonderberry”火棘(Norcini和Knox,1989)的容器。烯效唑的治疗芙蓉比未处理芙蓉较短,但叶面扭曲降低了工厂的质量,为提高应用率(纽曼等,1989)。相比之下,连翘“(Vaigro沃尔夫和Warmund的,1987年)和弗雷泽石楠(Norcini和Knox,1989)处理类似的烯效唑率更紧凑,厂房外

44、观是更可取的,和石楠花比对照showier。虽然矮壮素氯化物一直没有广泛测试木本植物,拍摄长度增加,厂房直径,株高已观察柳树,连翘,玫瑰,但绣线菊或锦带,与此生长调节(Grzesik和Rudnicki的治疗, 1985年)。火棘被广泛使用作为一个非正式的对冲基金和墙树。然而,这一物种增长失控,如果没有适当的修剪和维护。使用植物生长调节剂,控制在生产过程中和之后的景观种植的火棘的生长习性,可能会导致这一物种的广泛使用和降低维护成本。这项研究的目的是确定烯效唑的应用率将减少两个火棘品种的增长,同时保持一个理想的外观,以确定是否烯效唑控制木本植物优于矮壮素氯化的高度,生长调节剂目前在花卉产业降低高度

45、季节性的开花植物。7.5厘米长的一百年植根全缘火棘“卡桑”和“纳兰得”扦插种植在3.8升的容器3松树皮:泥炭:1砂(体积比)与17N-3修订。 6P-10K在8.3克缓释肥料M-3)(Osmocote,塞拉利昂,化工,位于加州Milpitas),Micromax1.9公斤M-3(塞拉利昂化工),白云石2.3公斤的M-3。植物生长在温室30/15C日/夜6周,然后修剪到20厘米的最后拍摄长度。然后分别用容器或0,0.25,0.50,或1.00毫克每货柜烯效唑30毫克每土壤雨淋,或3000毫克矮壮素毫克/升的氯化物或0,25,或50的烯效唑/升矮壮素氯作为叶面喷雾和放置在充足的阳光之外。土壤淋应用

46、解决方案,每个集装箱的100毫升,叶片上的应用作为径流喷雾应用。接受植物叶面喷洒,以确保没有烯效唑将进入生长介质之前用塑料覆盖喷雾土壤表面。塑料被拆除时,叶子已经干了。申请后3个星期开始定期测量株高从介质表面最高拍摄。植物的宽度决定通过测量植物直径最宽处和垂直于这一点,然后平均的值。 877治疗17周后,植物收获和叶算,叶面积测定的Li-3100区计(LI-COR公司,林肯,内布拉斯加州),叶,茎和根干燥45C为7天,体重。总叶面积,叶片数除以每个工厂平均每叶面积计算。根:根冠比进行了计算(叶干重+地上部干重)/根干重。在每个品种10个处理完全随机块设计。方差程序和配对t检验分析被用来确定在每

47、个应用程序的方法矮壮素氯化物和烯效唑治疗之间的差异。正交对比来确定线性,二次和三次烯效唑的应用率之间的关系 “卡桑”植物与矮壮素氯化物介质雨淋治疗没有显着不同的高度或宽度的控制,直到17周后,应用处理厂时,分别比对照(见表1)高。这些结果与柳树,连翘,株高增加,并与矮壮素氯化处理的玫瑰“(Grzesik和Rudnicki,1985年)的意见。接收叶面处理的植物也没有差别,除了在第13周时,矮壮素氯植物分别比对照植株矮。矮壮素1雨淋氯化物中的应用导致更多的树叶,植物叶面积较大,较高的叶和茎干重比对照(见表2)在“卡桑”叶面喷施矮壮素氯化没有影响这些测量。“纳兰得”植物与chlorme-878 H

48、ORTSCIENC,音量湿透。 26(7),1991年7月第四纪氯比对照组少17个星期后(见表3)。叶面喷施矮壮素氯应用在13周大的植物,但这种差异并不在第17周显着。作为一个中型淋氯化矮壮素纳兰得i的应用减少干的干重,但叶片上的应用没有任何影响(见表4)。待添加的隐藏文字内容1“卡桑”高度下降的烯效唑浓度增加中期雨淋和叶片上的应用(表1)。叶面喷洒效果曲线,开始治疗后8周中等淋,开始治疗后13个星期。类似的结果,得到了Norcini和诺克斯(1989),女贞,弗雷泽石楠,“Wonderberry,火棘,所有较短时,烯效唑治疗,尤其是当环境条件有利于快速增长。烯效唑不影响每叶植物或植物叶面积,

49、叶和根干重,根数:“卡桑”根冠比(见表2)。中期雨淋导致曲线在每叶面积增加,而两个应用程序的方法曲线下降干干重。还注意到Norcini和诺克斯(1989年)弗雷泽在 Wonderberry,火棘,石楠,和ibolium女贞下降干与叶烯效唑干重。增加个别叶面积在对比度下降到在观察总女贞幼苗处理,烯效唑,注射到植物(斯特雷特,1988)和美国梧桐树叶地区;然而,个别叶面积没有在这项研究中的测量。高度和宽度“纳兰得“雨淋应用HORTSCIENCE,卷8周后开始下降。 26(7),1991年7月879(见表3)。在这个时候,有一个应用率和高度和宽度之间的关系曲线。叶片上的应用应用后株高下降了3个星期曲线。叶面肥的应用率和宽度在3周之间有一个线性关系,但它是由5周的曲线。这两种应用方法减少叶数及干重干“纳兰得”(见表4)曲线。雨淋导致曲线在每叶面积减少,而在根干重曲线下降


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