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1、重庆科技学院毕业设计(论文) 题 目 A Review of Popular British TV-series in Recent 10 Years 关于近10年以来流行英剧的研究述评 学 院 外国语学院 专业班级 英语二专2009级 学生姓名 张 英 学号 2009442918 指导教师 李 宁 职称 副教授 评阅教师 职称 2013年 6 月 6 日Graduation Thesis of Chongqing University of Science & TechnologyA Review of Popular British TV-series in Recent 10 Years

2、Undergraduate: Zhang YingSupervisor: Associate Prof. Li Ling A ThesisSubmitted to the School of Foreign Languagesin Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English At Chongqing University of Science & Technology June 6, 2013 Acknowledgment I am heartfelt for those

3、 who have helped me in my thesis making and generous supports during the course of my study of M.A. Degree. My deepest and sincerely thanks are due to my supervisor, Associate Prof. Li Ling, who always gives me patient instructions, constructive suggestion and guidance in telephone calling or anythi

4、ng else way she can be in touch with me. Without her encouragements and insightful guidance, I would not made this thesis successfully and timely. I also thank her critical yet very caring and instructive. I am paying my gratefulness to all the teacher for their devoted teaching and patient tutoring

5、 in the four years of my undergraduate student study. My thanks also go to my English partner Zhong Mei who encourages my English learning throughout the college life time. She made me competitive and stepping forward.Finally, I have to say so thankful to my family support in these year, whatever th

6、e support stem from the finance planning or the advice guiding. They back me, encourage me, and see me going to the success. ABSTRACTTV-series and culture and closely related. TV-series as a comprehensive form of art, reflects a country or region of cultural, history, and society, which promote the

7、further understanding of culture. The British TV-series shows the Britishs unique sense of humor and livings in todays society life. Through the thesis a clear impression would be given by the author. In this paper, inducting and carding from the definition, classification, reasons and other aspects

8、, the author makes a comparative literature review of popular British TV-series in recent 10 years, including classic dramas, suspense dramas, situation comedies and so on, comes to a conclusion on the understanding of British culture.At the end of this thesis, the author hopes this thesis will be o

9、f some help to those who concern with the British culture or cross-culture communication. Whats more, the author also looks foreward to helping the people of Chines TV-series to promote the development of Chines TV-series. Key words: culture British TV-series popular摘要 电视剧和文化密切相关。电视剧作为一种综合的艺术表现形式,反映

10、了一个国家或地区的文化,历史,社会,可以促进人们对文化的更深层次理解。英国电视展现了剧英国人独特的幽默感以及当今社会英国人的生活百态。通过本文的研究,作者将给出一个关于英剧的清晰印象。 本文通过归纳和梳理,从定义、分类、原因和其他方面,对近10年以来的流行英国电视剧做文献综述,这些英国电视剧包括古典剧、悬疑剧、情景喜剧等。来对英国文化的理解的一个结论,旨在加深对英国文化的了解。最后,作者希望本文对关心英国文化或者对夸文化交际研究感兴趣的人能有所帮助。甚至,作者还希望本文会对中国的电视剧工作者在促进中国电视剧的发展提供帮助。关键词:文化 英国电视剧 流行TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAP


12、2.3.3 Medium7CHAPTER THREE CONCLUSION8BIBLIOGRAPHY9Chapter One Introduction Along with the London Olympic Games ended, peoples interest of British culture has not decreased. People pay much attention on a lot of popular British TV-series shows it. TV-series as a comprehensive form of art, reflects a

13、 country or region of cultural, history, and society, which promote the further understanding. With the sweeping of British TV-series especial in China, more and more people pay close attention to it. Many scholars and researchers have conducted researches in this field. This paper which collates an

14、d reviews the related literature of the popular British TV-series studies in recent ten years to strengthen us understanding of learning British culture. With corpus method, this paper aims at obtaining the British culture in different periods, the Britishs unique sense of humor and livings in today

15、s society life, by means of studying popular British TV-series in recent 10 years, including classic dramas, suspense dramas, situation comedies and so on.There are three chapters in this thesis. The first chapter is the introductory part, in which the purpose of the research, the significance of th

16、e research, the previous studies on popular British TV-series in recent 10 years and the structure of the thesis is put forward. In chapter Two the author concludes the classifications of different kinds of British TV-series both at home and abroad and tries to make it clear to the reader as well. C

17、oncludes the classic dramas of popular British TV-series, including classic dramas, suspense dramas, situation comedies and so on. And deals with the reasons how could the British TV-series be so popular in recent 10 years. The last part of the thesis, the author draws a conclusion about the whole t

18、hesis and discusses what we can learn form the popular British TV-series.The China Academic Journal Full-text Database CNKI、WanFang Digital Periodical、Science and technology periodical database of VIP are used to be the corpus of the paper by the author.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Intro of the

19、Popular British TV-seriesWhen people talk about British culture the first sensation come into mind must be the gentleman spirit, noble with thousand years history of British. And when talk about the British TV-series everyone are familiar with Mr. Bean, Sherlock Holmes in few years ago. But the Brit

20、ish TV-series becomes more and more popular in recent 10 years. There are further more hot TV-series are known by more and more people. There are Hustle, North and South, Shameless in 2004, Downton Abbey, Sherlock Holmes in 2010, Black Mirror, silk in 2011 and so on. British TV-series is not only in

21、 the past 10 years production increases but also the plot excellent.British TV-series can be distinctive according to different criteria, including different themes or different plots. Some scholars classify the British TV-series into serious plays and situation comedies; some sort them into classic

22、 dramas, suspense dramas, lawyers and political dramas, Science fiction and other kinds of themes; some also put them into British TV-series in general TV-series and mini series. Wang Juan (2012) gives it as follows: (1)The manor; (2) Detective; (3) Current affairs satire comedy. Wang Juan(2012) bel

23、ieves that there are so many British TV-series themes are about manor. Such as the very hot drama Downton Abbey, Jan Austins drama adaptation of pride and Prejudice. He also believes that the detective drama is another key word of British TV-series. Such as another popular drama Sherlock, which is a

24、dapted of Conan Doyles classic novel. He thinks the British are good at irony. Current affairs satire comedy shows that fully. Niu Nai(2012) in his paper The British TV-series comes-reading the 20 strong British dramas divides the British TV-series as follows: (1) classical dramas; (2)science fictio

25、n dramas; (3) lawyers and political dramas. About the classical dramas, there are Downton Abbey, Elizabeth I . About the science fiction dramas there are Doctor Who, Eleventh Hour. And about the lawyers and political dramas, there are State of Play, Silk , Bleak House and so on. British TV-series ha

26、s a lot of audiences. For example, Downton Abbeys Premiere had attracted 11800000 audiences in British. Then, the strong viewing situation remained to the end. And the average audience rating of the series for the first season also enter the UK TV TOP10 runner-up position. In addition, Downton Abbey

27、 in the United States is also greatly welcomed.In January 9, 2011 the United States PBS began to broadcast the seriess first season, which not only won industry acclaim but also with double ordinary viewing record started first in the United States of America. Whats more, it is also very popular in

28、China. 2.2 Classifications of the popular British TV-seriesAs a new popular TV-series , British TV-series has been a hot topic in the field of TV-series both at home and abroad. Many scholars and experts both at home and abroad have published their writings and articles to probe into the topic of Br

29、itish TV-series. There are all kinds of popular British TV-series, such as classical dramas, suspense dramas, situation comedies and so on. 2.2.1 Classical Dramas First, the sweeping whole world classical drama Downton Abbey bring us back the early 20th-century lives and historical events(Huntley an

30、d Dana2012:26-31). The first and second Industrial Revolution and the thought collision between new old were the theme of the times by Zhang Yun(2012). Sun Xiaoji(2012) said it was real description of noble spirit. And Xu Jian and Liu Chang(2012) believe the destiny was a result of everyones choices

31、 from the drama. it wons the British National Television Awards for Best Drama Award, American television Emmy Award, Golden Globe Award. And the Guinness World Records Record as the worlds most popular TV drama of 2010 year, which becomes the first award of the British drama.Shen Lin(2012) says in

32、UK Downton Abbey has been evaluated as the best TV-series since the Pride and Prejudice in 1995. From another hand, the comments also reflects the Pride and Prejudices classic status can not shake. Whether the original novel or adaptation of the TV-series pride and Prejudices ability captured the he

33、arts of the people has lasted for two hundred years. Although the two stories s background is separated by a century, there are some great similarities in the storiess subject between Downton Abbey and Pride and Prejudice. For example, the main actor and actress ask for pride and prejudice, their tw

34、ists and turns fate and the part of the female role in the works embodied the idea of feminism. Pen Zi(2012) said the British TV-series with its local style, humor and humanity firmly occupy a space for one person in the international market. She also believe the actors lines and tone of voice refle

35、ct the characters directly in pride and Prejudice. Such as “Darcy: Shes tolerable, I suppose. But shes not handsome enough to gempt me. Im in no humor go give consequence to yong ladies who are slighted by other men. Go back to your partner. Enjoy her smiles. Youre wasting your time to me.” It can r

36、eflect the actor Darcys pride to actress. Zhao Meng(2012) shows that BBC is good at adapting classics masterpiece into a TV drama. Such as pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, North and South, Wives and Daughters, Little Dorrit and so on. She also believes the British TV-series story and characterization

37、 describes minutely and carefully. Whats more, the scene is picturesque. All above have not given full expression to ones view, especially the humanistic care and delicate, as well as the theme of the mere cipher always make people feel it full of wisdom. 2.2.2 Suspense Dramas About the suspense dra

38、mas From Weinman and Jaime J(2012: 104-104) we know in recent TV adaptations Sherlock Holmes is a much cooler modern man who used to be a dour Victorian. And from Sherlock there is a sense of unique British humor(Ling Yiming 2012), such as “Sherlock: Iam trying to think. Anderson, face the other way

39、. Youe pulling me off. Anderson: So what? Sherlock: Anderson, dont talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.”. Qu Hui(2012) believes the modern high technology brings us some hurt just like what the second story named Fifteen Million Merits of suspense drama Black Mirror shows. With an ab

40、surd story, The Nation Anthem the first story of Black Mirror shows us the Britishs spirit of irony and black humor(Chen Huohuo 2012). 2.2.3 Situation ComediesAt last the situation comedies such as Black Books, The It Crowd and The Office are full of all kind of joke and humor. Whats more, The Offic

41、e is a challenge from traditional situation comedies with a way of documentary(Zhang Xiaojun 2005). Zeng Lan(2005) said TV situation comedies are simply a series of comedic narrative on the TV screen presentation. It is basically the same actors, props and field show a series of stories, each story

42、is an independent and complete narrative part. One feature of situation comedies is funny, that is to say, in certain situations show specific roles in the funny experience and behavior, and its purpose lies in making people laugh. Zeng Lan thinks that situation, the dramatic story and creating a dr

43、amatic role is the essential three points of situation comedies. 2.3 Reasons for the Popularity of British TV-series 2.3.1 CultureThe important reason for popularity of British TV-series is that the British is the country of drama, including Shakespeare Drama, the outstanding literary classics of Ja

44、n Austin, Charles Dickens and so on. There are abundant culture source material. Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Wives and Daughters are adapted successfully(Wang Qiong 2011). Niu Nai(2012) believes the other reason is the originality of the story without copying the old story as usu

45、al.British TV-series in China and other countries on the dissemination of culture, make the British culture, customs, politics, value of cognition by is known by many countries and they are eager to understand the cultural, political, and economic empires of Britain, which is one reason of the popul

46、arity of British drama.2.3.2 Production The British TV-seriess plot of story are very compact, such as the writer just gives Lady Mary 10 seconds to annoyed when Matthew dont choice to stay with her instead of leaving in the drama Downton Abbey. That is the noble they must keep reserved, sense and d

47、ecent without hurry and confusion(Zeng Lu2012). What we can learn from British TV-series is to cut the forty sets to ten sets of space. Because out of more than thirty sets, such as Downton story, in Grantham, our director will at least can get eight hours, half set by the count and the dog, performance the three Earl daughters three sets are not too many, the Earl and Countess of emotional expression for example a two set of flashbacks is needed. However, the


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