1、公务用车改革效果研究 【论文标题】公务用车改革效果研究 【英文标题】On the Effect of Official Vehicle-using System Reform 【中文摘要】 公务用车改革已成为人们普遍关注的热点问题。自上世纪九十年代以来,全国各地虽陆续进行了有益的探索,然而却是走走停停,徘徊不前,不但未获得预期效果,反而陷入尴尬的境地。本文立足于车改的困境,对车改的效果进行全面研究,从经济、社会政治方面具体分析车改的效果困境与问题。经济方面的问题主要是节支效果不明显以及国有资产大量流失;社会政治效果方面包括行政不作为现象的发生、新的社会不公、逆向激励问题以及群众认可度低等问题。
4、手资料,并结合调研情况分析影响全国车改效果的原因,在此基础上提出了有关对策建议。第三,运用社会比较理论对车改效果进行分析,揭示利益和权力在车改中的本质作用。【英文摘要】 Official vehicle-using system reform has become a hot issue that arouses great concern in todays society.Early in 1990s,although many local governments made useful exploration on the reform of official vehicle-using
5、 system,the reform wasnt successful.Not only doesnt get the expected effect,but also the contradiction and problems occur during the reform.This paper based on the reform dilemma,conducting a comprehensive study on the reform effect,gives a specific analysis of the plight and problems from economic,
6、social and political aspects.The problems of ecnomic aspect are that the savings are not obvious,as well as the state-owned assets loss.The problems of social and political aspect include the phenomenon of administrative omission,the new social injustice,reverse motivation and the low recognition in
7、 public.To futher study the reform effect,this paper makes empirical research by taking such reform in county A,Anhui province as an example.The author interviewed the related leaders,drivers,civil servants and commom people to find out the actual reform effect. Research showed that the the economic
8、 effects are not obvious because of the limited savings as well as the occurrence of the hidden costs.The social and political effects were not satisfying either.Whether the leaders or the common people oppugned the reform. Based on the analysis of lots of literature and data,this paper discusses th
9、e resons of why official vehicle-using system reform the cant attain the expect effects.The reform isnt complete,missing transparence and related measures,which are the direct causes.The deep-rooted resons lies in the public power which is lack of restraint,the leaders pursuing their own intrests,an
10、d the awareness of official position.Besides,this paper use the equity theory to analyse.This paper points out that the essence of the reform is to lower the administrative costs,improve efficiency,restrain corruptions and to improve government performance.It can learn the advanced experience of the
11、 official vehicle-using system management from foreign countries,who have strict management and strict monitoring.In the end,this paper puts forward some specific measures,including the reform should be more complete,more transparent and should be given more publicty.Whats more,it should set up the
12、long-term mechanism to ensure the useful reform effects,which needs to restrain the public power,perfect related measures.The innovation of this paper lies in these aspects.First,no longer surrounding whether the reform should be taken,it takes the reform dilemma as the premise to study the effects,
13、 especially the economic effects based on the data and truth.Second,makeing empirical research in county A,it recieves first-hand information to analyse.Third,use the social comparison theory to lucubrate. 【中文关键词】 公务用车改革; 行政成本; 公共权力 【英文关键词】 Official vehicle-using system reform; Social injustice; Pub
14、lic power 【论文目录】中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第1章 绪论 9-17 1.1 研究背景、目的和意义 9-12 1.2 文献综述 12-15 1.3 研究方法和研究内容 15-17 第2章 全国公务用车改革的效果困境及问题 17-23 2.1 总体改革进程受阻 17-18 2.2 经济效果方面的问题 18-20 2.3 社会、政治效果方面的问题 20-23 第3章 安徽省A县公务用车改革效果实地调研 23-36 3.1 A县公务用车改革情况调查 23-25 3.2 A县公务用车改革经济效果调查 25-31 3.3 A县公务用车改革社会政治效果调查 31-34 3.4 A县公务用车改革效果总评 34-36 第4章 影响公务用车改革效果的原因分析 36-45 4.1 直接原因分析 36-39 4.2 深层次原因分析 39-42 4.3 公平理论分析 42-45 第5章 有关强化公务用车改革效果的建议 45-53 5.1 借鉴国际公务用车管理先进经验 45-46 5.2 改革的具体措施与建议 46-49 5.3 建立保证车改效果的长效机制 49-53 注释 53-54 参考文献 54-56 附录:访谈提纲 56-59 致谢 59