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1、贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用研究 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用研究 Sustainable Use of the Triassic Geological Relics in Guizhou 【摘要】 地质遗迹(Geological Relics)是指在地球演化的漫长地质历史时期,由于内外应力地质作用,形成、发展并遗留下来的珍贵的、不可再生的地质自然遗产。在全球兴起保护自然文化遗产(Natural andCulture Heritage)的热潮中,国际地学界对地质遗迹(Geological Relics)的保护越来越重视。地质遗迹是不可再生的,一旦破坏,便永远不可能修复。如何既能保护好地质遗迹资



4、利用模式以及暂不利用模式。并通过实证分析验证了三种不同的利用模式的具体实现方法。第四部分是对贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的保护性利用对策和措施的建议。本文不仅仅将地质遗迹看成记录地球演化的一段历史,更将其看成一个可以服务于现实的资源,不仅仅强调对遗迹本身的保护,也看重对它们的合理利用。在对贵州省三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用综合评价的基础上研究贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用的模式、对策与措施,有利于各地质遗迹点选择更合理的利用方式,使地质遗迹资源在为社会和经济服务的同时实现自身的可持续发展,实现社会效益、生态效益、经济效益共赢的局面【Abstract】 Geological Relics are natural

5、 geo-heritages, which are formed,developed and by inner and outer-momentum geological function during the endless geological history period the Earth evolve. The arising enthusiasm for natural and culture heritages all over the world forces the international academic organizations to pay more attent

6、ion on protecting the eological Relics. Since the Geological Relic resources are non-renewable, they can never be repaired once damaged. How to protect the Geological Relic resources and how to take the advantages of their potential to serve humanity has been concerned by many geo-tourism workers fo

7、r many years. Base on the classification of the Triassic Geological Relics in Guizhou, together with some evaluations on them, models of their utilization and preliminary measures on their sustainable development are put forward.This paper is composed of three parts: First, based on the existing cla

8、ssification schemes, the Triassic geological relics in Guizhou were classified into 17 in consideration of their actual situation. Second, some qualitative and quantitative evaluations were proposed. At the first step we selected nine evaluation factors in three aspects. Including the remains of val

9、ue, use and environmental conditions. We determined the index weight of the factors by the AHP method. Based the determined weight, we calculated scores of individual factors and their total scores. In this way, the 28 typical Geosites Triassic in Guizhou were qualitative evaluated and ranked by the

10、ir scores. In the third part we investigated the sustainable use pattern of the Triassic in Guizhou geological relic. We first classified the quantitative evaluation results obtained in the second part into three types, using fuzzy clustering analysis method. Based on the classification, we establis

11、hed three models of sustainable use, including, primarily focused on protection or on using, or putting off development. The three models were all tested through empirical analysis. Finally, a piece of advice on sustainable use was proposed.In this paper, geological relics was not only recognized as

12、 records of the evolution of the Earths history, but also as resources that can serve humanity. Besides emphasis on their protection, we also focused on their rational use. The research on the sustainable use of the Triassic geological relics in Guizhou may be beneficial in choosing a more reasonabl

13、e usage. Under the prerequisite of sustainable development, Geological Relics can be used to serve the economics and society growing. And it will be helpful to the social, ecological and economic benefits.【关键词】 地质遗迹; 三叠纪; 保护性利用; 定量评价; 对策与措施 【Key words】 Geological relic; Tubiphytes; sustainable use;

14、Quantitive evaluation; countermeasures 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用研究摘要 5-7 ABSTRACT 7-8 1 引言 9-16 1.1 选题依据和研究意义 9-12 1.1.1 选题依据 9-11 1.1.2 研究意义专业术语 11-12 1.2 国内外发展与研究现状 12-15 1.2.1 国外发展与研究现状 12-13 1.2.2 国内发展与研究现状 13-15 1.3 研究思路和方法 15-16 2 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的分布、类型及主要内容 16-41 2.1 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的分布 16-18 2.1.1 三叠纪概况 16 2.1.2 三叠纪

15、地质遗迹在贵州省内的分布情况 16-18 2.2 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的分类方案 18-22 2.2.1 国内外地质遗迹分类方案概述 18-20 2.2.2 贵州省内地质遗迹分类方法 20-21 2.2.3 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹分类 21-22 2.3 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的分布概况 22-23 2.4 贵州省三叠纪地质遗迹分类分布情况 23-41 2.4.1 发育在三叠纪地层中的地貌遗迹 23-29 2.4.2 三叠系典型剖面 29-31 2.4.3 古生物遗迹 31-34 2.4.4 三叠系沉积组合类地质遗迹 34-41 3 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用评价 41-65 3.1 保护性利用的含义

16、及理论基础 41-43 3.1.1 保护性利用的含义 41 3.1.2 保护性利用的理论基础 41-43 3.2 地质遗迹评价的原则和方法 43-46 3.2.1 评价的原则 43-44 3.2.2 评价的方法 44-46 3.3 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用定性评价 46-52 3.3.1 具有极高的科学研究价值 46-49 3.3.2 具有普及地学知识的科教功能 49-50 3.3.3 具有极高的观赏价值 50-52 3.3.4 资源组合好 52 3.4 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的保护性利用定量评价 52-65 3.4.1 定量评价方法与步骤 52-56 3.4.2 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹定量评价

17、56-64 3.4.3 定量评价结果分析 64-65 4 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用研究 65-78 4.1 地质遗迹保护性利用方式综述 65-68 4.2 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用模式 68-73 4.2.1 概述 68-69 4.2.2 聚类分析评价 69-70 4.2.3 利用模式分类 70-73 4.3 实证分析 73-78 5 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用的对策与措施 78-82 5.1 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用现状 78-79 5.2 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用的对策与措施 79-82 6 结论与展望 82-84 6.1 结论 82-83 6.2 问题与不足 83 6.3 展望 83-84 参考文献 84-88 致谢 88-90


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