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1、职业英语技能大赛模拟题2第一部分 能力测试Part IListening 听力Section 1Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B, and C for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read twice. You will hav

2、e 10 seconds for each question. (图片判断。在本节中,你将听到5个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。) 1. W: Mary lives in Yancheng and she wants to go to Beijing. M: How does Mary go there quickly? A)B)C)2. W: The final exam is coming and I want to prepare for it. M: Where should the spe

3、aker go ?A)B)C)3. W: I dont go to work and do housework at home every day. M: What is the speaker?A)B)C) 4. W: What do you think about my new watch I bought yesterday? M: What did the speaker buy yesterday?A)B)C)5. W: The concert is to begin at 10 oclock tonight and well have an hour to go. M: What

4、time is it now?A)B)C)参考答案:CBCCBPart IListening 听力Section 2Directions: In this section, you will hear a dialogue, and fill in the blanks according to what you hear. The dialogue will be read twice. You will have 1 minute for the task. (填空。在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容填空。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。) Travelling Plan

5、Time(6)_ Destination(7) _PurposeTo learn its (8)_ Chinas attractionsthe Huangshan Mountain, (9)_ , etcWhat to tastesheep (10) _ 参考答案:(6). Sunday (7). the Great Wall (8). History (9). Suzhou Gardens (10). soup对话原文:M: Hello, Mary. Its a fine day, isnt it ?W: Yes , it is. Today is Sunday. Id like to vi

6、sit the Great Wall.M: Why do you want to visit the Great Wall? W: Because the Great Wall is Chinas landmark building and it is a building with a long history. I want to learn its history.M: Oh,I see. Do you like China? W: Sure. I like China very much. I particularly like Chinas attractions. For exam

7、ple, the Huangshan Mountain ,Suzhou Gardens, etc. I will visit them next time.M: Oh, really? But I prefer Chinese food, such as: Hunan Food, Sichuan Food and so on. W: Yes, Chinese food is delicious. Ah, its twelve oclock. Let us taste sheep soup.M: Good idea. Lets go.Part IIReading 阅读Section 1Direc

8、tions: In this section, you will read five short texts. There is a question and four possible answers for each text. Choose the best answer for each question. (选择题。在本节中,你将读到5个短信息。根据短信息,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。) 1.What does the sign mean?A. Both people and bike can cross.B. People can cross but not

9、the bike.C. Bike can cross but not people.D. Neither people nor bike can cross.2.What does the Spoonful want?A. It wants to thank the customer.B. It wants to help the customer.C. It wishes the customer to do a survey.D. It wants to do advertisements.3. SurveyThe maximal pressure from the students in

10、 vocational schools.daily cost 55% homework pressure 30% nothing change 10% others 5% What does the survey suggest?A. Over half of the students worry homework most.B. Least of the students worry daily cost. C. Nothing change amount to 15% of the total students.D. Least percentage of students choose

11、other reasons. Sept. 10Mr. Liu, I have got a cold and cough badly ,so I cant go to school. Im writing to ask for sick leave of two days.Encl. Doctors Certificate of Advice Your student, Wang Ming4. What is this note for?A. Asking for two days leave.B. Asking the doctor to treat him.C. Describing his

12、 illness to the doctor.D. Asking the doctor to give him two days leave.What do you think of the lecture method?For 26%Against 41%Neither for nor against 33%5. From the survey, we can see _people fail to choose For?A. 26% B. 41% C. 33% D. 74%参考答案:ACDADPart IIReading 阅读Section 2Directions: In this par

13、t, you will read five short descriptions and six pieces of information related to them. Match the description and the related information and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there is one extra piece of information you do not need.(信息匹配。在本节中,你将读到5段描述和6条相关的信息。请将这些描述和相应的信息匹配起来,并把与信息对应的字母填

14、写在括号内。注意有一条冗余信息。) One ( ) 1. Bailey and his classmates went to the Elderlys House yesterday afternoon. ( ) 2. Carl needs to borrow some costumes from the Opera Troupe. ( ) 3. Julian bought a pair of Ballet shoes last week. ( ) 4. Alice Barton needs to look for some books about Percy Bysshe Shelley.

15、( ) 5. Carter wants to know how the clavichord developed into the piano. School Club CenterRoom 301 A. Music Club Room 302 B. Poem ClubRoom 303 C. Bird-watching Club Room 304 D. Volunteer ClubRoom 305 E. Drama Club Room 305 F. Dancing Club.参考答案: D E F B ATwo( ) 1. Mrs. Liu needs to buy a new quilt.(

16、 ) 2. Professor Li wants to buy a new computer to replace the old one.( ) 3. Miss Zhou is going to buy a new dress for her sisters wedding ceremony.( ) 4. Mrs. Wu wants to cook the Sweet and Sour Chop.( ) 5. Miss Liu wants to buy a pair of shoes for her boy friend. Yan Cheng Shopping MallFirst Floor

17、l A. Clothes (Male)l B. Clothes (Female)l E. Food (Cooked)l F. Food (Raw)Third Floor l C. Household Applicants l D. Home TextileSecond Floor参考答案: D C B F APart IIReading 阅读Section 3Directions: In this part, you will read a passage and five questions about it. Choose the best answer for each question

18、. (选择题。阅读下面短文,请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。)Passage OneMy grandfather was a teacher. He was the headmaster of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart,because when I was young(and he was old),he gave me presents,and seated me on his

19、knees,and told me stories,but I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.At school,when he walked into a room full of noisy boys,there was silence at once. When he looked at a boy with a certain look in his eyes,that boy went red in the face,and looked down at his shoes. If a boy brought hi

20、m poor,careless work,which was not the best that boy could do,my grandfather picked up the boys book and threw it across the room,shouting,“Do it all again,and bring it back early in the morning!”If the boy was late,or if he forgot to bring the work,he had to do it again and again,and yet again. My

21、grandfather never forgot.He was a very different man at school from the man I saw day by day in his own home.1I know my grandfather was kind and gentle,because_.Ahe was the headmaster of a boys schoolBhe gave me presents and told me storiesChe told me stories about how kind he wasDhe never scolded m

22、e2When he looked at a boy in a certain way,that boy_.Awent red in the face and could not return my grandfathers lookBlooked back at my grandfathers red faceCchanged another oneDwent red in the face because his shoes were dirty3My grandfather didnt like to receive_.Aworse work than he could do himsel

23、fBwork that the boys could not doCwork that was not as good as the boys could doDthe work that the boys did4When he received poor work,my grandfather_.Ashouted at the boy and threw his work across the roomBwent red in faceCthrew the book on the floor,and shouted across the roomDthrew the book at the

24、 boy5He was a different man at home because_.Ahe didnt get angry at school as he did at homeBhe was not as gentle as at homeChe didn t throw books about at school like he did at homeDhe didnt usually get angry at home参考答案: B A C A DPassage TwoAs a reader,I,as many other book lovers do,often leave wi

25、th a long sigh after visiting a bookstore. The prices printed on book jackets keep reminding me how thin my wallet is.The price of books is now so high that I hesitate before buying a book I love. Many people feel the same way. But I remember that only a few years ago,when I was a college student,I

26、bought several books almost every month,using what was left out of the living expenses sent by my parents,and that was not more than 200 yuan.But now that I am working and the money I earn is only used to support my own expenses,I find I cant afford many good books.There is a saying,“Book lovers hav

27、e no money,but rich people have no feelings for books.” This is exactly the case. Sometimes I wonder about who the books are published for,especially those books with beautiful hard covers.It is said that usually,the listed price is more than twice as much as the books cost and we can see high profi

28、ts from selling books. But now there is a contradiction.On one hand,readers who want to buy books arent able to,while on the other hand,publishers and sellers suffer from the large stockpiles of unsaleable books being stored in their warehouses. This situation is also a disadvantage to intellectual

29、property right protection because many books of bestsellers are sold at a lower price at some book stands.The key to resolve the problem is to cut the price to an acceptable level to both sellers and consumers.I wish sincerely that in the near future common readers like me could buy the books we wan

30、t without worrying about the high prices too much.1The first paragraph of this article tells us that_. Athe prices of some books are too high Bmany readers are too poor to buy expensive books Cthe writer is one of those who cant afford to buy books Dall the above are correct2The writer _at college.A

31、often bought books when studyingBwas very rich when studyingCwas living a very simple lifeDhesitated to buying anything but books3“Book lovers have no money,but rich people have no feelings for books.” means_.Athose who like reading maybe have not enough money to buy booksBthose who dont want to stu

32、dy otherwise are very richCeverything in the world has been changed to its oppositeDboth A and B4From the fifth paragraph,we can see_.Apublishers shouldnt have set the prices of books so highBbooksellers can hardly earn their living by selling booksCits no good for publishers and sellers if the pric

33、es are too highDthe high prices of books were set by many factors5The writer of this article wished_.Athe prices of books could be acceptableBthe prices of books would be lowCthe prices of books would be lowered down soonDhe could buy books without worrying about the prices参考答案:A A D C A第二部分 情境交流比赛说

34、明及规则比赛说明:本环节含两个阶段。第一阶段:在备赛区进行,限时 30 分钟。选手阅读图片并为第二阶段的比赛做准备。第二阶段:在赛场进行,限时 3 分钟。选手先用 90 秒时间描述整组图片内容(内容可适当扩展),然后于 90 秒之内回答评委的现场提问。本环节满分 35 分。比赛规则:1. 选手只能用英语表达;2. 选手可根据需要在赛题上书写内容,但是汇报时不得携带赛题及其他任何材料,选手汇报时可参看大屏幕上提示的图片;3. 本比赛环节期间,选手不得与他人就比赛内容和方法进行交流,否则将被取消参赛资格。要求:1. 准确描述图片内容,内容可适当扩展。限时 90 秒。2. 回答评委现场提出的两个问题

35、。回答要有理有据、言简意赅。限时 90 秒。3. 语言表达要观点明确,条理清晰,表述自然、流畅、达意。图片一:一天,男孩小刚感到不开心,因为他的足球旧了,不能再踢了。他的妈妈见状,对他说:“你把狗带到公园里,散散步吧。”;图片二:于是小刚牵着狗在公园里散步。突然,小狗大叫着跑向路边的草丛中。小刚定睛一看原来那儿有一只黑包,不知道失主是谁;图片三:小刚把包拎到家里,并把事情告诉了妈妈。妈妈打开包,发现了里面失主的手机号码。她便按照号码打过去。终于,黑包物归原主;图片四:几天后,小刚突然收到了一份礼盒。打开一看,竟然是他梦寐以求的新足球,他欣喜不已。礼盒里面还夹着一封感谢信,原来礼盒是黑包的失主寄

36、过来的。真是好人有好报呀! Questions:1. Can you describe these four pictures?2. What can you learn from this story?3. What should you do when you pick up a wallet or something else in the street?第三部分 职场应用 For contestant A说明及规则说明:本部分含两个环节。第一环节: 在备赛区进行,限时30分钟,选手通过沟通和协作完成并提交任务单(Task Sheet),分别准备下一环节的比赛内容。第二环节:在赛场进行,

37、限时5分钟,选手A和选手B共同汇报任务完成情况。 本部分满分40分。规则:选手只能用英语交流(包括读和写),不得向队友展示或交换任何材料。For contestant A任务:为快递产品选择一家物流公司选手A:你有快递产品的相关信息。你的队友有三家物流公司的信息。你需要归纳出快递产品的要求(包括目的地、时间及包装送货要求),并询问队友三家物流公司的相关信息,与队友合作选出一家满足快递产品所要求的快递公司。要求:选手A在比赛第一环节(30分钟内)需完成:1. 理解团队任务。2. 认真阅读产品快递安排表(Arrangement of Logistics Delivery),完成任务单(Task S

38、heet)的相关部分。3. 询问队友三家物流公司的相关信息,与其合作,完成任务单的其他部分。4. 确认完成一式两份任务单,签字后提交其中一份(另一份留存)。5. 准备下一环节的汇报内容。选手A和选手B在比赛第二环节(5分钟内)需共同完成:汇报任务完成情况,内容及顺序如下:1)What is your groups task?2)Which logistics company do you choose for delivering the goods?3)Why have you chosen this logistics company? (Please give detailed reas

39、ons why you havent chosen the other two logistics company.)选手A汇报前两项内容,选手B汇报第三项内容。For contestant APlease read the arrangement of logistics delivery, which will be sent to the corresponding destinations.Arrangement of Logistics DeliveryGoodsDestination(目的地)ProductsBeijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Nanjing,

40、Wuhan, Qingdao, KoreaFilesChengdu, Wuxi, Jinan, Suzhou, CanadaRemarks(备注):1. The goods must be received by recipients personally. The sooner, the better.2. All the goods should be packed tightly, especially the products are easy to break.For contestant APlease complete the task sheet.Task Sheet(任务单)

41、Delivering NeedsItemsDelivering NeedsDestination(or)_ international delivery_ domestic deliveryDurationThe _, the better.PackagingSign _, _ packingLogistics Companys ConditionItemsLogistics Companys ConditionDestination(or)Company A: _international delivery,_ domestic deliveryCompany B: _internation

42、al delivery,_ domestic deliveryCompany C: _international delivery,_ domestic deliveryDurationCompany A: _days with international delivery, _days with domestic deliveryCompany B: _days with international delivery, _days with domestic deliveryCompany C: _days with international delivery, _days with do

43、mestic deliveryPackagingCompany A: Sign_, _packingCompany B: Sign_, _packingCompany C: Sign_, _packingWhich logistics do you choose for delivering the goods?Company A Company B Company CSignature of Contestant A(选手A签名):_Signature of the Judge(评委签名):_For contestant B说明及规则说明:本部分含两个环节。第一环节: 在备赛区进行,限时30分钟,选手通过沟通和协作完成并提交任务单(Task Sheet),分别准备下一环节的比赛内容。第二环节:在赛场进行,限时5分钟,选手A和选手B共同汇报任务完成情况。 本部分满分40分。规则:选手只能用英语交流(包括读和写),不得向队友展示或交换任何材料。For contestant B任务:为快递产品选择一家物流公司选手B:你有三家快递公司的信息。你的队友有快递物品的相关信息。队友会向你了解三家物流公司的相关信息(包括目的地、时间及包装送货要求),与你沟通并共


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