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1、 糖厂145t/h CFB锅炉改造方案The Upgrade Project of 145 t/h CFB Boiler一 工程概况:1。 Project Overview本项目为一台145t/h CFB锅炉改造,其主要工程项目为:更换二次风机,引风机;对锅炉二次风管部分管道进行改造,增加二次风管风门调节阀,送料风调节阀,密封风调节阀,圆形碳钢给料管改为方形不锈钢给料管,螺旋给料机检查门改为快开式;This project is a renovation of 1 45t/h CFB boiler, and its main projects are as follows: to replac

2、e the secondary fan and induced-draft fan; to transform partial pipeline of boiler secondary air duct, to increase the throttle valve of secondary air duct, throttling valve of both the feeding airflow and the sealing airflow, to change the feeding pipe from round carbonsteel into square stainless a

3、nd to change the inspection door of spiral feeder into quickopening type.100t/h大气热力式除氧器钢架与平台制作,安装一台100t/h大气热力式除氧器和一台800连续排污器,增加锅筒连续排污装置;安装取样器4个,Fabrication of steel frame of 100 t/h atmospheric thermal deaerator and its platform; installation of a 100t / h atmospheric thermal deaerator and a 800 con

4、tinuous blowdown device; increase of continuous blowdown device for boiler drum; and installation of four samplers。受煤斗加高700mm左右,安装振动给料机一台,更换破碎机一台,安装皮带秤一套.Increase the height of coal-receiving hopper by around 700mm, install a set of vibrating feeder, change a set of crusher and install a set of belt

5、 scale。锅炉电气控制系统:控制系统改为PLC控制;给水泵、一次风机、二次风机、引风机改为ABB变频控制,增加部分控制电缆和桥架。Electrical control system of boiler: change the control system to the PLC control; change feed pump, primary fan, secondary air fan, induceddraft fan to ABB variable frequency control, increase some control cable and cable tray。二 施工方

6、案 2. Construction Scheme1)。引风机更换,拆除原有引风机,利用原有引风机基础,新引风机轴承座和电机仍坐在一基础上,风机壳在原基础上焊接400mm高的钢支架固定,固定后为美观浇筑混凝土。根据风机安装高度和风机出口尺寸,做天园地方大小头与原风道连接。按风机安装技术要求精度找平找正。 1)。 Replace induced-draft fan and remove the previous induced-draft fan; the bearing block of new induced-draft fan and the motor are still on the s

7、ame foundation, for which the original induceddraft fan foundation will be used; weld a 400mm-high steel bracket to fix the draught fan casing on the original foundation and cast concrete for aesthetic purpose. Fabricate the square and round connection reducer to connect with the original air duct a

8、ccording to the installation height of blower and the size of blower outlet。 Make leveling and aligning, according to the required precision of technical requirements for installation of blower.2).鼓风机更换,拆除原有引风机,风机基础拆除到风机机壳底座高度,保留原混凝土中钢筋.鼓风机轴承座框架制作的与风机机壳底座同高,在基础上用水钻开加强孔8个,孔DN100,深400,风机安装位置按风机出风口中心线确

9、定。风机安装就位后将鼓风机轴承座框架与保留钢筋焊接再支模浇筑混凝土。按风机安装技术要求精度找平找正.2) Replace air blower and remove the previous induceddraft fan; dismantle the blower foundation to the height of base of blower casing and retain the original reinforcement steel bars of concrete; fabricate the frame of bearing block of air blower an

10、d make it the base at the same height of blower casing and use high-pressure water jet to open eight reinforced holes on that foundation, with the hole of DN100 and the depth of 400. The installation position of blower should be determined by the centerline of the blower outlet. After the installati

11、on and positioning of the blower, weld the frame of bearing block of air blower and the reserved steel bars together, and then use formwork support to pour concrete. Make leveling and aligning according to the required precision of technical requirements for installation of blower.3)二次风道改造,锅炉右侧二次风道(

12、进料侧)在炉后大小头处切断,直径增加到900mm,水平转90度后通到锅炉原二次风道三通处,向上90度翻转,通到锅炉原有槽钢框架处90度左转,将900管道支撑在槽钢框架上。此管运作为锅炉进料侧二次风母管,炉前六支200二次风管和三支100密封风管,由此因管向下引出,风管在适当高度安装调风门,风门处于同一高度,在风门下方1.4m处设置风门操作平台。六支200二次风管以中心分为左右各三支穿过给料机平台框架后,左右各三支分别向中心转45再向前倾斜转45与原二次风口碰头。三支100密封风管通到给料机上部盖板上。在9支分风管调节阀是端安装单波补偿器。 3) Upgrade on secondary air

13、 duct: the secondary air duct on the right side of the boiler (feeding side) should be cut off on the reducer of the furnace rear, increase the diameter to 900 mm, rotate by 90 degrees in horizontal level and then connect to the tee of the original secondary air duct of boiler; Turn upwards by 90 de

14、gree, then pass to the position of original channel framework of boiler and turn left by 90 degrees, and then install900 pipe supports on the framework of channel steel. The pipe is used as the main pipe of secondary air on the side of boiler feeding. Six200 secondary air ducts in the front of boile

15、r and three 100 sealed air ducts should be led downward from this pipe。 The air duct should be equipped with adjustable dampers at proper height at the same level; meanwhile, the operating platform of air dampers should be set below by 1。4m. Six 200 secondary air ducts should be divided into three b

16、ranches at each side by the centerline and then go through the framework of feeder platform frame, with each three branches moving towards the center by 45 degrees and also tilting forward and rotating by 45 degrees, finally connecting to the original secondary air outlet. Three sealing air pipes of

17、 100 should be connected to the upper cover plate of the feeder. A single-wave compensator should be mounted on the upper side of the control valve of nine sub-air ducts。 炉后原三支700二次风管在分支管大小头处切断,直径设仍为700m,在大小头后处向上90转弯升高到原炉后最高的一支二次风管高度,并转90与最其连接.其长度与原风管相同。炉后4根200二次风管,由此管向下引出,在锅炉平台适当高度安装调风门.炉前一支200二次风管

18、,由此出风管端部引出。转90到炉前,在锅炉中心部位再向下转90与原二次风进口连接,同时在适当高度安装二次风门.The original three secondary air ducts of700 at the rear furnace should be cut off in the reducer of the branch pipe and the diameter should be still set at 700 mm, and should be turned upward by 90 degrees at the rear of the reducer and then be

19、 lifted to the height of the highest secondary air duct at the original boiler rear, and be rotated by 90 degrees for connection with its length the same as the original air duct。 Four secondary air ducts of 200 at the rear of boiler should be led out by this duct and an adjustable damper should be

20、mounted at the right height of boiler platform。 A secondary air duct of 200 at the front of boiler should be led out by the end of this air duct, and then turn by 90 degrees to the front of the boiler, and turn downward by 90 degrees in the central part of boiler to connect with the original seconda

21、ry air inlet, also a secondary damper should be installed at the appropriate height。炉前133三根送料风管,位置不变。增装三个调风门,送风管由送料管端部进风,设为底部进风,防止锅炉在料管中粘底堵塞。The position of three feeding ducts of133 should be kept unchanged, three adjustable damper shall be added。 The air supply of blast pipe shall be supplied from

22、 the end of feeding pipe and the bottom air supply is adopted to prevent the boiler from being stuck and blocked in the feed pipe.炉后一根200二次风管,由水平送风设为向上升高12m后,再斜向进风口安装。A secondary air duct of200 at the rear of boiler should be lifted upward by 1 2m from the mode of horizontal air supply, and then be

23、installed towards air inlet.炉后进料273送料风管设为200,同时安装调风门,调风门安装在前操作处.The diameter of feeding duct at the rear of boiler should be set from 273 to200, meanwhile, the adjustable damper should be installed on the operation place。3、 输煤系统改造 3. Upgrade of Coal Conveying System 受料斗四条支腿加高700800mm,在受料斗下安装振动给料机一台,

24、在受料斗支架进料侧加装防护板及支撑,防止煤埋压皮带机,在1#输煤皮带上方适当位置悬挂安装永磁式除铁器,以除去煤中夹杂的铁件.Raise the height of four landing leg of receiving hopper to 700 800 mm; install a vibrating feeder under the receiving hopper; equip the protective plate and support on the feeding side of the support of receiving hopper to prevent the co

25、al buried on belt conveyor; make suspension mounting of permanent magnetic ironseparator above the appropriate position of 1 # coal conveyer belt in order to remove irons mixed in the coal。 双辊破碎机安装:拆除原有破碎机和平台扶梯.对破碎机基础进行改造,按照新破碎机基础平面图要求,在原基础梁上用水钻钻出45的地脚螺栓孔,按照设计位置将破碎机吊装到基础上操平找正破碎机,用8条螺栓固定破碎机.重新制作安装破碎机

26、进料口溜煤管,在溜煤管中加装进料分配篦板,使落煤在破碎辊的轴向均匀分布,使破碎机径向力均布.Installation of double roll crusher: dismantle the original crusher, platforms and ladder; upgrade the crusher foundation,; use highpressure water jet to drill the holes of 45 anchor bolt on the original base beam in accordance with requirements of the n

27、ew crusher base plan; hoist the crusher to the foundation and level and align the crusher according to the design position, with eight bolts to fasten crusher; re-fabricate and install coal chute at the feeding inlet of crusher and then add feeding distribution grates in coal chute, making the falle

28、n coal in a uniform distribution in the axis direction and making radial forces in a uniform distribution. 在配仓皮带落料口后与第一个卸料器之间的皮带上安装电子皮带称。An electronic belt scale should be installed on belts between the rear of belt blanking hole in coal bunker and the first discharger (unloader)。5、除氧器、连排安装 Installa

29、tion of Deaerator and Continuous Flash Vessel 首先在除氧器基础上搭平台,对除氧器钢架进行组对安装,组对成两片后,分片吊装,然后连接除氧器钢架横梁,最后安装除氧器平台扶梯,除氧器钢架平台安装完成后,在平台上划线,确定好除氧器安装位置,将除氧器水箱和除氧器头吊装就位,除氧器就位后,除氧器头与除氧水箱连接法兰之间垫片要放正压紧。 First, build a platform on the deaerator foundation for assembly of deaerator steel frame, which will be assembled

30、 into two half subassemblies of a pair and then be hoisted together。 Secondly, connect the crossgirder of deaerator steel frame and finally mount deaerator platform ladders。 After the completion of deaerator steel frame platform, mark the platform to fix the mounting position of deaerator and hoist

31、the deaerating water tank and deaerator head in place. After the deaerator has been in its place, the gasket between connecting flanges of deaerator head and its water tank shall be placed correctly and compressed tightly. 连排安装:在除氧器框架下中部位置安装连续排污膨胀器。Mounting of continuous flash vessel: mount continuo

32、us flash vessel in the low middle position of deaerator frame.连续排污膨胀器和除氧器安装就位后连接除氧器本体管道、阀门仪表。除氧器给水管道连接到原有给水管道上.除氧器加热蒸汽,取自锅炉上锅筒自用蒸汽阀,经孔板调节后工作压力降到1。6Mpa以下,然后经减压阀组,减压到0.5Mpa左右,经调节阀组调节后加热蒸汽进入除氧器头进气口。除氧器水位由电气控制系统实现自动调节.除氧器325出水管道与原锅炉给水泵母管连通。 Connect pipes, valves and instruments of deaerator body after c

33、ontinuous flash vessel and deaerator are mounted in place。 Deaerator feedwater pipes are then connected to the original feedwater pipes。 Work pressure of deaerator heating steam, which is from plantuse steam valve of boiler upper drum, drops below 1.6MPa through orifice plate and then to 0.5MPa thro

34、ugh pressure release valves, and heating steam then goes into deaerator head inlet through adjusting valves。 Deaerator water level will be automatically controlled by electric control system。 The water discharge pipe (325) of deaerator will be connected to the original main pipes of feedwater pump o

35、f boiler. 锅炉连续排污系统的改造:在锅炉底部的原有排污管口上改造连续排污装置,在锅筒内增加安装连续排污管道,排污管的制作按照45吨,3.82Mpa蒸汽锅炉排污管制作和安装,。在锅筒外适当位置安装连续排污调节阀和截止阀.连续排污管道,连接到连续排污膨胀器进口。连排的出气口与除氧器二次加热蒸汽入口相连,以便回收二次蒸汽,节约能源.连续排污膨胀器排水口安装气动调节阀控制排污膨胀器水位。排水至排水沟安全处。 Renovation of boiler continuous blowdown system: reconstruct the continuous blowdown device o

36、n the original blowdown outlet on the bottom of the boiler and add continuous blowdown pipes to the drum inside。 Blowdown pipes will be fabricated and installed based on 45t/h, 3。82MPa steam boiler。 Install continuous blowdown adjusting valve and stop valve in proper positions outside the drum. Cont

37、inuous blowdown pipes will be connected to the inlet of continuous blowdown flash vessel。 The air outlet of the flash vessel will be connected to the inlet of deaerator secondary heating steam for recycle of secondary steam for energy saving。 Pneumatic control valve will be installed at water draina

38、ge outlet of continuous blowdown flash vessel to control the water level and the water needs to be drained to safety area of the gutter。 6、给料管改造 Renovation of Feeding Pipe锅炉两侧四支给料管由原来的圆形改为方形。给料管由 不锈钢板制作,见方300300,给料管送料风由端部送风,改造为落料管尾端底部送风。给料风由给料管底部夹层板缝隙中高速泄流喷出,使给料呈悬浮状态流向炉膛,防止给料在给料管中的堵塞。The shape of th

39、e four feeding pipes on both sides of the boiler is changed from round to square。 The feeding pipe is made of xxx SS plates and is with a size of 300300。 Feeding air is now supplied from the end of feeding pipe rather than from the bottom of ash dropping pipe tail end as original。 Feeding air is spr

40、ayed out at a high speed from the gap of sandwich plates at the bottom of the feeding pipe to enable the fuels to float to the furnace and avoid blockage in the feeding pipe. 给料膨胀节内径大于给料管外径,使给料管在给料方向无凸出接头,减少给料阻力,防止给料堵塞。Inner diameter of feeding expansion joint is larger than outer diameter of feedin

41、g pipe which makes the feeding pipe without any convex joint towards feeding direction so as to reduce feeding resistance and avoid feeding blockage.7、给料管拆除安装注意事项 Points for Attention for Removal of Feeding Pipe 原给料管拆除时要轻敲慢打,防止原有炉墙损坏,取出原给料管后,将圆形孔修改成方形孔,使方形孔略大于给料管,给料管安装后,用耐火浇注密封所有空隙。 Be careful when

42、removing the original feeding pipe to avoid damage of original furnace. Modify the shape of the hole from round to square and make the square hole a little larger than the feeding pipe after the original feeding pipe has been taken out. Seal all the gaps with castable refractory after installation o

43、f feeding pipe。 给料管安装完成后和二次风管安装完成后对拆除的炉墙保温进行恢复。 Restore the removed furnace thermal insulation after installation completion of feeding pipe and SA duct.8、控制系统改造方案Modification Scheme of Control System:A、原来的MCC柜除了放置引风机、鼓风机、一台给水泵、二次风机的控制设备去除外,其余的电器控制设备均不动,另外增加去除设备的二次控制回路并进行布线,柜体内的布线也在现场完成,并增设永久性标示.A.

44、Aside from placing the induced draft fan, blower, a feed pump, the removal equipment of control equipment of secondary air fan in the original MCC cabinet, the rest of the electrical control equipment does not move; in addition, increase the secondary control circuit of removal equipment and conduct

45、 wiring, while the wiring of the cabinet body is also done on site, with additional permanent mark。B、在现场增加引风机、鼓风机、二次风机的出口风压检测装置,并在增设的空气预热器后加装温度传感器,用来检测预热后的空气温度。B。 Increase the induced draft fan, a blower, the outlet blast pressure detector of the secondary air fan, and add temperature sensor after t

46、he additional air preheater for detecting the temperature of the preheated air。C、另外新增PLC控制柜,将原来的控制柜全部废除,将原有的信号线全部由中间转接箱进行转接到新的PLC柜内,这个工作在现场完成.接线完成后需要提前进行信号的测试,确保与原来的信号没有区别,并增设永久性标示。C。 In addition, increase another new PLC control cabinets and abolish all of the original control cabinets, and switch

47、all of the original signal line to the new PLC cabinet by the middle adapter box, and the work is done in the field。 After complete the wiring, signal test signal needs to be carried out in advance to ensure that there is no difference with the original signal, with additional permanent mark。D、在现场原有

48、的动力桥架上方不知一路仪表桥架,用于现场仪表信号与动力信号区分.D. Arrange one cable tray all the way above the original power cable tray in the field for the distinction between field instrument signal and power signal。E、在原有的上煤皮带上增设皮带秤一套,用于称重,并将信号接入控制内显示.E. Increase a set of belt weigher in the original coal loading belt for weig

49、hing, and connect the signal to access control to display。F、在新增的除氧器上增加压力、液位、温度的测点.使除氧器液位、温度能达到自动控制的要求。F. Increase measuring points of pressure, liquid level and temperature in new deaerator。 The deaerator liquid level, temperature can reach the requirement of automatic control。 9、杜塔改造施工进度计划表:Construction Schedule序号No。任


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