1、Unit2 Physical ExercisePart A,闽教版小学英语第七册,执教者:福清市南岭小学 英语组,Early to bed,early to rise,makes you healthy,wealthy and wise.,No exercise,no life.,healthy,heli,健康的,xxx is healthy.,h_lthy,heal_,exercise,ekssaz,锻炼,ex_ci_,Lets review some exercises.,Do you often exercise?,fn,游戏猜一猜游戏规则:请一位经常锻炼的学生上台,每组请一位学生用“D
2、o you often?”提问来猜测该同学经常锻炼的体育项目。给猜对的学生所在的小组加分。,Whos the man?,Whos the woman?,woman,women,wmn,w_m_n,wmn,one woman,two women,five women,Whos she?,Where is she from?,Whos he?,Where is he from?,Is he good at sports?,He is good at sports,What are they doing?,They are having a class meeting.Look,Sally and
3、her father are talking.What are they talking about?Please listen and watch carefully.,What are Sally and her father talking about?,They are talking about Peter.,Peter exercises every day.How does Peter exercise every day?,He always gets up early in the morning.,He is good at sports,always,He always
4、gets up early in the morning.,Then he goes running.,He is good at sports,always,then,Does he often play basketball?,He is good at sports,always,then,often,Does he often play football?Whats Sallys answer?Please underline the answer.,He is good at sports,always,then,often,sometimes,Does he often do hi
5、gh jump?,看图复述,He is good at sports,always,then,often,sometimes,根据实际谈谈自己,如:I often go to school at seven oclock.Sometimes I play chess with my father.I always go running on Sunday morning.,Peter exercises_.So he looks_.,Fill in the blanks,XXX looks strong and healthy.,Where is the cat?,Its between the box.,btwi:n,Where is the cat?,Its in the box.,Where is the cat?,Its on the box.,Where is the cat?,Its beside the box.,bsad,Where is the cat?,Its behind the box.,bhand,