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1、2023/3/30,1.宾语从句是每年中考的必考内容(单项选择,完型填空和阅读理解)2.主要考查宾语从句的三大要素:,考点分析,连接词、语序、时态,We know him,We know he likes English.,主s,主s,谓v,谓v,宾o,宾o,在复合句中充当宾语成分的从句叫宾语从句。,简单句,复合句,一、什么 是宾语从句?,试比较,Do you know who is the first Chinese astronaut(宇航员)?Our teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.Please tell me whe

2、re she has gone.I dont know if he will come tonight.Lets find out whats on tonight.,Find out the Object Clauses,We are proud of that Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world.,引导陈述句:引导一般疑问句:引导特殊疑问句:,连接词,that,whether,if,who,whom,whose,which,what,where,how,why,when等,连接词that引导的宾语从句,that在句中无词汇意义

3、,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语和非正式文体中常省略。,我听说他一小时后回来。,I hear(that)he will be back in an hour.,他说他非常想念我们。,He said(that)he missed us very much.,连接词if,whether引导的宾语从句,whether,if 有“是否”的含义,在从句也不充当成分。,老师问我们是否准备好了期末考试。,The teacher asked us _ we were ready for the final exam.,if/whether,连接词if,whether引导的宾语从句,只用whether不用if引导

4、的宾语从句。,whether 与 or not 连用,而if不行。在介词后用whether而不用if.动词不定式前用whether而不用if.,I dont know _ he will come or not.2.I dont care of _ he is handsome.3.He wondered _ to stay here tomorrow.,whether,whether,whether,连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句,连接代词what,which,who等在从句中可充当主语,表语,宾语等;连接副词when,where,how等在从句中可充当状语。,Can you tell m

5、e _ he is.(他在哪儿),2.Could you tell me _ I can get to the station.(我该怎么去车站),3.Please tell me we will have a meeting.(我们什么时候开会),where,how,when,1.Can you tell me_ you were born,Betty?A.who B.what C.when D.that2.I hardly understand_ he has told me.A.that B.what C.which D.who3.She doesnt know_ back or not

6、.A.whether B.if C.when D.what4.I dont know _ he will go fishing tomorrow.A.whether B.where C.what D.when5.Do you know _ they listened to yesterday?A.what B.when C.why D.how,C,B,A,B,A,小试牛刀,I dont know where I should go.,Find out the rules.,Tell me how I can do it.,Tell me how to do it.,结论:由连接代词和连接副词引

7、导的宾语从句 疑问词+to do 的简单句。,I dont know where to go,1.I dont know what I shall do next.I dont know next.2.John didnt decide which book he would buy.John didnt decide.3.Can you tell me how I can get to the bus stop?Can you tell me the bus stop?4.Please tell Lucy how she can use the MP5.Can you tellLucy th

8、e MP5.,what to do,which book to buy,how to get to,how to use,一展身手,将下列问句变成陈述句。1.Can he swim?swim.2.Does he have a pen?a pen.3.Which place did he go to?Which place.,He can,He has,he went to,将上面的句子置于一个主句后,变成一个宾语从句。,e.g.Can you tell me if/whether he can swim?,宾语从句的语序:,宾语从句都是运用陈述句的语序,即是“主语在前,谓语在后”的顺序。,宾语

9、从句的语序,Can you tell me if/whether he has a pen?,Can you tell me which place he went to?,Correct the mistakes(改错),He asked me why was I late for school.He doesnt know that when he can come back.3.Lily said she didnt know how much did the computer cost.4.I dont know if he can help me or not.5.Tom didnt

10、 know what he does yesterday.,1.He asked me why was I late for school.,I was,注意语序。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。即先主语后谓语,2.He doesnt know that when he can come back.,去掉that,宾语从句中不能同时用两个连接词,3.Lily said she didnt know how much did the computer cost.,4.I dont know if he can help me or not.,去掉did,宾语从句应用陈述语序,whether,whe

11、theror not,5.Tom didnt know what he does yesterday.,did,当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种 时态,宾语从句中时态的变化,was,is,will cook,is singing,has been,was playing,had learned,1.当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不作限制,我们可以根据句子的需要使用任何一种时态。,2.当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态。,1)He will go to Hong Kong.2)He is sick.3)He is reading a

12、book.4)He has finished his work.,1)he_ to Hong Kong.2)he_ sick.3)he_ a book.4)he_,would go,was,was reading,his work.,had finished,宾语从句中时态的变化,3.当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍是用一般现在时态。,He told me(that),Summer is after Spring.,I was told(that),the sun is much bigger than the moon.,My parent

13、s told me(that),no news is good news.,宾语从句中时态的变化,Practice makes perfect,熟 能 生 巧,She said that she _(be)right.She said that she _(will)fly to America in a week.3.The teacher said that the moon_(move)around the sun.4.She said that she _(finish)her homework already.5.I wonder where they _(go)tomorrow.,

14、was,would,moves,had finished,will go,经典真题,感悟中考,1.Well plant trees tomorrow,and I dont know_ Tom will come and join us.A.if B.which C.what 2.I wanted to know _.A.what did she say B.why does she go to bed late C.why she went to bed late,A,C,3.Do you know _ tomorrow?Sorry,I dont know.You may surf the I

15、nternet.A.whether will it rain B.if it will rain C.whether does it rain4.I dont know _ he will come or not.A.if B.whether C.that,B,B,5.-I dont know if he _ to Kates birthday party.-He will go if he _.A.goes,knows B.will go,knows C.goes,will know 6.She asked the doctor _ keep healthy A.how to B.how c

16、an she C.how she can,B,A,7.-Could you tell me _?.-Its next to the post office.A.where the supermarket is B.where is the supermarket C.where was the supermarket,A,8.Could you tell me _ it.A.how to do B.how can I do C.what to do,A,9.Mike_ laughing at others _.A.thinks,isnt right B.think,isnt right C.d

17、oesnt think,is right10.Mary,could you tell me if your mother _ our school sports meeting tomorrow?I think she will come to school if she _ free.A.will take part in;will be B.takes part in;is C.will take part in;is,C,C,宾语从句三要素,that(陈述句),ifwhether(一般疑问句),特殊疑问词(特殊疑问句),主句为一般现在时从句可为任何时态,语序,宾语从句的语序都为陈述句语序,客观真理 自然现象公式定理 名言警句 时态不变,本课小结,


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