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1、考研英语阅读理解精读100篇之教育类unit71Unit 71 Back in 1922, Thomas Edison predicted that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and.in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks. Well, we all make mistakes. But at least Edison did not squander vast

2、quantities of public money on installing cinema screens in schools around the country.With computers, the story has been different. Many governments have packed them into schools, convinced that their presence would improve the pace and efficiency of learning. Large numbers of studies, some more aca

3、demically respectable than others, have purported to show that computers help children to learn. Now, however, a study that compares classes with computers against similar classes without them casts doubt on that view.In the current Economic Journal, Joshua Angrist of the Massachusetts Institute of

4、Technology and Victor Lavy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem look at a scheme which put computers into many of Israels primary and middle schools in the mid-1990s. Dr Angrist and Dr Lavy compare the test scores for maths and Hebrew achieved by children in the fourth and eighth grades (ie, aged a

5、bout nine and 13) in schools with and without computers. They also asked the classes teachers how they used various teaching materials, such as Xeroxed worksheets and, of course, computer programs. The researchers found that the Israeli scheme had much less effect on teaching methods in middle schoo

6、ls than in elementary schools. It also found no evidence that the use of computers improved childrens test scores. In fact, it found the reverse. In the case of the maths scores of fourth-graders, there was a consistently negative relationship between computer use and test scores.The authors offer t

7、hree possible explanations of why this might be. First, the introduction of computers into classrooms might have gobbled up cash that would otherwise have paid for other aspects of education. But that is unlikely in this case since the money for the programme came from the national lottery, and the

8、study found no significant change in teaching resources, methods or training in schools that acquired computers through the scheme.A second possibility is that the transition to using computers in instruction takes time to have an effect. Maybe, say the authors, but the schools surveyed had been usi

9、ng the schemes computers for a full school year. That was enough for the new computers to have had a large (and apparently malign) influence on fourth-grade maths scores. The third explanation is the simplest: that the use of computers in teaching is no better (and perhaps worse) than other teaching

10、 methods.The bottom line, says Dr Angrist, is that the costs are clear-cut and the benefits are murky. The burden of proof now lies with the promoters of classroom computers. And the only reliable way to make their case is, surely, to conduct a proper study, with children randomly allocated to teach

11、ers who use computers and teachers who use other methods, including the cheapest of all: chalk and talk.注(1):本文选自Economist;10/26/2002, p74;注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象是1999年真题text4(1, 2, 3, 4)和text1第4题(第5题);1. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.A motion picture has revolutionized education systemB Edis

12、ons prediction has been proved wrongC Edison encouraged schools to install cinema screensD schools are cautious about Edisons idea2. Dr. Angrist and Dr. Lavy have done the following except _. A comparing the test scores of students in different age groups B interviewing teachers about their teaching

13、 methodsC launching the computer program in many Israeli schoolsD explaining students school performance3. According to Dr. Angrist and Dr. Lavy, in the Israeli scheme, students didnt make improvement in their test scores because_.A other aspects of education were affected due to cash shortageB it w

14、as not long enough for the program to take effectC there was a negative relationship between computer use and test scoresD the use of computer was no better than other teaching methods4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _. A there hasnt been a proper study on this issue yetB school au

15、thorities should provide proof to support the computer program C installing computers in schools costs too much, but has little or no effectD chalk and talk work better than computer in teaching 5. The authors attitude towards governments packing computers in schools seems to be _. A biasedB indiffe

16、rentC disapprovingD puzzling答案:BCDAC篇章剖析:本文为说明文,采用新闻报道体,在第一段以爱迪生所作的错误预测开始,将其与第二段中学校期望通过将电脑引入课堂来改进教学的想法进行对照,引入话题,指出学校的上述想法未必正确。第三段叙述了两位研究人员对以色列在1990年代中期将电脑引入中小学课堂所带来的教学效果的研究,以此说明电脑未必如人们所期望的那样促进课堂学习。第四段,第五段,第六段分别引述了研究人员的解释,并逐一进行分析,最后得出结论:要证明电脑有助于教学,必须进行正确的研究。 词汇注释:supplantsE5plB:nt v. 取代,代替(另一个)squand

17、er5skwRndE(r) v. 挥霍或浪费;放荡地花掉purportpE5pC:t v. 声称Hebrew 5hi:bru:n. 以色列语;希伯来人Xerox v. 复印reverse rI5v:sn. 相反,颠倒:相反的事物或相反的方面gobble 5Rb(E)lv. 吞并;贪婪地攫取transition trAn5sIF(E)n, trB:-n. 转变, 转换malign mE5laIn adj. 有害的:具不良影响的;有害的the bottom line 要点或关键之处;结果,结局:最后结果或声明randomly adv. 任意地, 随便地,allocate 5AlEkeItv. 分派

18、, 分配难句突破1First, the introduction of computers into classrooms might have gobbled up cash that would otherwise have paid for other aspects of education.主体句式:the introduction might have gobbled up cash结构分析:本句是一个主从复合句,主句中的might have gobbled up表示对过去事实的猜测,that引导一个定语从句,限定修饰cash,其中从句中的otherwise常常用来引出虚拟语气,表

19、示“要不然;在另一种情况下”。例如:Otherwise I might have helped you. 要不然我就帮你了。句子译文:第一,将电脑引入课堂可能会占用本应用于其它教育方面的资金。2And the only reliable way to make their case is, surely, to conduct a proper study, with children randomly allocated to teachers who use computers and teachers who use other methods, including the cheape

20、st of all: chalk and talk.主体句式:the way is to conduct a study结构分析:本句是一个复杂长句,不但涉及主从句,还涉及不定式,分词和介词短语。第一个不定式to make their case作定语修饰way,第二个不定式作表语;with引导的介词短语往往可以是“介词+复合宾语”的形式,其中复合宾语可以由现在分词或者过去分词来充当,由它和介词宾语之间的逻辑关系决定,例如:with her hair flying in the wind;with the paper tucked under his arm等;who引导的定语从句修饰教师,分词

21、including 引导的短语限定修饰methods。句子译文:而他们所能采用的唯一可靠方法当然就是进行适当的研究,学生应该是随机分配给使用电脑教学的教师和使用其他方法教学的教师,包括最廉价的方法:粉笔和谈话。题目分析:1 答案是B,属事实细节题。文中第一段提到“we all make mistakes”,说明爱迪生的预言是错误的。2 答案是C,属事实细节题。文中第三段和第四段分别提到两位研究人员compare test scores;ask the classes teachers和offer explanations,但launch the computer program则是由以色列政府

22、所为。3 答案是D,属事实细节题。从文中第四段,第五段里两位研究人员所给出的解释以及相应的分析可以看出,学生成绩没有提高主要是因为在教学中使用电脑并不比采用其他方法教学更好。4 答案是A,属推理判断题。作者在本文第二段中指出,许多学术文章都宣称使用电脑有助于课堂教学,但新的研究对这一说法提出了怀疑。在最后一段中,作者说要证明使用电脑有助于教学,就必须进行正确的研究。可见,作者对以前的研究方法提出了质疑。5 答案是C,属推理判断题。对政府在学校安装电脑一事,作者虽然没有明确提出反对,但字里行间都透出不赞成的态度。在第一段,作者以爱迪生的预言为例,说爱迪生至少没有浪费公共资金,言下之意就是当前发生


24、图说明电脑有助于儿童的学习。不过,现在有一项对用电脑教学和不用电脑教学的课堂的比较研究对这一观点提出了怀疑。 在本期经济专刊中,来自麻省理工学院的乔舒亚安格里斯特和耶路撒冷希伯莱大学的维克多拉维对九十年代中期开始在许多以色列中小学安装电脑的计划进行了研究。安格里斯特博士和拉维博士比较了有电脑和没有电脑的四年级和八年级(也就是年龄在9到13岁之间)的儿童在数学和希伯莱语两个科目的考试成绩。他们还访问了课堂教师,询问他们是如何使用各种教学材料,例如复印纸,电脑设备等。两位研究者发现,这个以色列计划在改进中学教学方法方面的效果比小学的效果逊色得多。研究还发现,没有证据证明使用电脑能够提高儿童的考试成

25、绩。实际上,情况正好相反。从四年级学生的数学成绩来看,使用电脑和考试成绩的关系一直成反比。两位作者对这种情况提出了三种可能的解释。第一,将电脑引入课堂可能会占用本应用于其它教育方面的资金。但在这个例子当中,这种情况不太可能发生,因为该计划的资金来自国家彩票。研究发现,在按照该计划添置电脑的学校中,教学资源,教学方法或者培训并没有显著变化。 第二种可能性就是用电脑授课的这种变化要一段时间才能见效。两位作者说的只是一种可能性,但被调查的学校使用计划中的电脑已经有整整一学年了。新电脑在这段时间里足以对四年级的数学成绩产生较大的(但显然是不利的)影响。第三种解释也最简单:在教学中使用电脑并不比其他教学

26、方法更好(也许还更糟)。最后,安格里斯特博士说:“成本很清楚,但收效却很模糊。”求证效果的担子现在就落在那些提倡在课堂使用电脑的人身上了。而他们所能采用的唯一可靠方法当然就是进行适当的研究,学生应该是随机分配给使用电脑教学的教师和使用其他方法教学的教师,包括最廉价的方法:粉笔和谈话。考研英语阅读理解精读100篇unit72Unit 72 Sal Monella is a poisonous gangster hell bent on infection, and a pimple is a power-mad oil gland. Thats life-and a quirky twist o

27、n salmonella and acne-in the animated world of Ozzy & Drix, part of the WB networks Saturday-morning lineup. This was the first season for what might be called a smartoon. It was in the top programs among kids ages 2 to 11. And its coming back this fall.Instead of battling mystical monsters, Ozzy &

28、Drix cleverly personifies body parts-a muscle cell is a police chief-to teach kids about their bodies. Rather than lecture kids about smoking, Ozzy & Drix turns nicotine into Nick OTeen, a smarmy villain with long claws that hook into brains and cause addictions. Bad guys like Nick are taken down by

29、 the title stars: Osmosis Ozzy Jones, a street-smart white blood cell, and Drix, an uptight but intelligent cold pill with a chest full of medicine. White blood cells help fight infection, and Drix is a medicine chest. Get it?Ozzy & Drix makes a point of tackling issues that are very real to the day

30、-to-day lives of kids, says David Foster, a Harvard University internist who helps develop story lines for the show. We hope they take an interest in what is going on inside them. Thats why all the action occurs within 13-year-old Hector, who contracts diseases, encounters peer pressure, and even dr

31、inks spoiled milk. This poor kid has been through a lot, says Producer Alan Burnett.Pun fun. The slap-your-knee, ba-dum-dum humor takes many forms. Ozzy and Drix set up a detective firm behind Hectors cornea-theyre private eyes-to ensure him a safe adolescence. Blood cells race like cars through Hec

32、tors arteries and past a roadside billboard reading Peace for the Middle Ear. Theres a rock concert at the Diaphragm Club featuring the band Metabolica. Ozzy and Drix drive a Cel Camino.This is a very interesting direction for broadcasters to take, says Sandra Calvert, a psychologist and director of

33、 the Childrens Digital Media Center at Georgetown University. We rarely see someone go after the health area. Kids go for the slapstick and drama while adults are drawn to the puns and parodies, and the dual enjoyment sparks questions and conversation, she says.Consider an upcoming episode in which

34、Hector eats bad sausage containing parasitic worms. A spoof of jaws begins as his stomach becomes a sea of acid dotted with boats. On one, Ozzy teams up with grizzled Captain Quinine-recalling movie shark hunter Quint and the fact that quinine was once used to treat parasites. Ozzy and the Capn blow

35、 up the monsters with bicarbonate of soda. A soothing end, not for the worms, but for Hectors upset stomach.注(1):本文选自U.S. News & World Report;7/28/2003-8/4/2003, p40, 2p, 1c;注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2002年真题text4和text2第5题;1. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that _.A Ozzy & Drix is a cartoon about good

36、-guy fighting bad guy.B the target audience of Ozzy & Drix are children.C smartoon is a new type of cartoonD the purpose of Ozzy & Drix is to help children fight against diseases 2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A Ozzy in the cartoon lacks experiences.B Hectors frie

37、nds show sympathy to him when he contracts disease. C A new season of Ozzy & Drix will be on show this fall. D Ozzy & Drix mainly deals with battling frightening creatures。3. According to Sandra Calvert, broadcasters may learn from Ozzy & Drix_.A how to create humorous effect B that health area is w

38、orth exploring C that dual enjoyment of both kids and adults is the key to Ozzy & Drixs successD that kids and adults alike take great fun in Ozzy & Drix4. Which of the following best defines the word “slapstick”?A humorous actingB serious themeC interesting plotD instructive stories5. The author us

39、es the episode in which Hector eats bad sausage containing parasitic worms to show _. A how the cartoon is plottedB how children feel when they fall illC the pun and humor in the cartoonD the way children can be educated答案:B C B A C篇章剖析:本篇为说明文,通过点面结合来说明一档流行的电视节目奥兹和德里克斯的内容,特点,引人之处等。第一段是对热门电视系列剧奥兹和德里克

40、斯的简要介绍,突出了其“出奇”和“热门”两大特色,第二段,第三段说明了这个电视剧的主要内容,即以赋予身体各部分人性化的特点帮助孩子们了解自己的身体以及发生在日常生活中的问题;第四段,第五段介绍了该剧轻松幽默,老少咸宜的特点;第六段以一段剧情结束全文,让人更加深刻的体会这部剧作。词汇注释:salmonella sAlmE5nelEn. 沙门氏菌pimple 5pImp(E)ln. 丘疹, 面泡, 疙瘩gland lAndn. 腺quirky kw:kI adj. 诡诈的, 离奇的acne 5AknIn. 痤疮, 粉刺lineup laInQp n. 系列节目personify p:5sRnIfa

41、Ivt. 赋与.以人性, 使人格化nicotine 5nIkEti:nn. 烟碱,尼古丁smarmy 5smB:mIadj. 令人厌烦的, 爱说奉承话的, 虚情假意的osmosis CzmEJsIs, Cs-n. 渗透(作用), 渗透性street-smart: adj. 经验老到的uptight 5QptaIt, Qp5taItadj. 过分拘谨的;(行为,观点和品味)极端保守的internist 5Int:nIstn. 内科医师contract kEn5trAktv. 感染cornea 5kC:nIEn. 医角膜artery 5B:terIn. 动脉slapstick 5slApstIk

42、n. 闹剧;滑稽剧parody: 5pArEdi n. 模仿滑稽作品spoof spu:f n. 胡说;戏弄;哄骗grizzled 5rizld adj. 灰色的, 头发斑白的难句突破Rather than lecture kids about smoking, Ozzy & Drix turns nicotine into Nick OTeen, a smarmy villain with long claws that hook into brains and cause addictions.主体句式:Ozzy & Drix turns nicotine into Nick OTeen结

43、构分析:这是一个复杂句,主句为Ozzy & Drix turns nicotine into Nick OTeen,Nick OTeen后面有个较长的同位语,其中还含有定语从句。Rather than作为连接词引导从句,通常表示否定意义,意为:“而不是”,用于和另外一种可以肯定的情况作比较。比如,Rather than sit in a cozy room, he works out in the cold air. 他没有在舒适的房间里安坐,而是冒着严寒在室外工作。句子译文:对于吸烟,奥兹和德里克斯也没有采用对孩子们说教的方式,而是把尼古丁变成了一个名叫尼克丁的口蜜腹剑的恶棍,它长着长长的爪

44、子,并用它来钩住人的大脑,使人上瘾。题目分析:1. 答案为B,属事实细节题。文中第一段最后说这部卡通片“深受2-11岁孩子的欢迎。”第二段说要通过卡通片教孩子们认识自己的身体,第三段都讲卡通片涉及的是孩子们日常生活中面临的真实问题。由此可见,答案为B:卡通片的目标人群为儿童。C项中的smartoon只是用来说明该卡通构思巧妙,并不是新型卡通。2. 答案为C,属事实细节题。从文章第一段末its coming back this fall可知新一季的Ozzy& Drix即将在秋季上映。文中第二段提到Ozzy是street-smart,这个词的意思是“阅历丰富的,经验老到的”。文中第三段提到Hect

45、or患病后遭遇了peer pressure,即同伴的压力,可见同伴们都不喜欢患病的他。第二段特意提到了instead of battling mystical monsters,也就是说这部卡通一改和怪物斗争的模式,所以只有答案C是正确的。3. 答案为B,属推理判断题。文章第五段一开头就引用Sandra Calvert的话说,这是广播公司可以发展的一个非常有趣的方向,接着又说,以前很少见到涉足保健领域的话题。可见,她的意思是广播公司在保健领域大有可为。4. 答案为A,属猜词题。文章第四段开头说“The slap-your-knee, ba-dum-dum humor takes many fo

46、rms.”接下来举例说明,并在第五段说孩子们喜欢这种slapstick,根据上下文判断,“幽默的表演”应该是最佳选项。5. 答案为C,属推理判断题。从第三段可知双关和幽默是该剧最大的特点,在最后一段的剧情里,作者说奎宁船长的名字让人想起猎鲨专家奎恩特以及奎宁曾用于治疗寄生虫病的事情,可见作者是以此举例说明这部卡通剧作的双关和幽默。参考译文沙门氏是一伙恶毒的,会传染疾病的坏蛋,而一个粉刺则是一个迷恋权利的油脂腺。这就是在奥兹和德里克斯这档华纳电视网周六早晨节目中展现的生活-而且是对于沙门氏菌和粉刺最离奇的一次改编。而这仅是这部堪称 “聪明卡通”的系列片的第一季。在2至11岁的孩子中,它是最受欢迎



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