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1、结 课 论 文(设 计)电子商务中诚信问题的研究与对策Research and Strategies of the credibility of e-commerce独创性说明作者郑重声明:本毕业论文(设计)是我个人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,毕业论文(设计)中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得辽东学院或其他单位的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作者签名:_ 日期:_ _ 毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下

2、进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文(设计)不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 毕业论文(设计)授权使用说明本论文(设计)作者完全了解*学院有关保留、使用毕业论文(设计)的规定,学校有权保留论文(设计)并向相关部门送交论文(设计)的电子版和纸质版。有权将论文(设计)用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允许论文(设计)进入学校图书馆被查阅。学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分内容。保密的论文(设计)在解密后适用本规定。 作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 日

3、期: 注 意 事 项1.设计(论文)的内容包括:1)封面(按教务处制定的标准封面格式制作)2)原创性声明3)中文摘要(300字左右)、关键词4)外文摘要、关键词 5)目次页(附件不统一编入)6)论文主体部分:引言(或绪论)、正文、结论7)参考文献8)致谢9)附录(对论文支持必要时)2.论文字数要求:理工类设计(论文)正文字数不少于1万字(不包括图纸、程序清单等),文科类论文正文字数不少于1.2万字。3.附件包括:任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)。4.文字、图表要求:1)文字通顺,语言流畅,书写字迹工整,打印字体及大小符合要求,无错别字,不准请他人代写2)工程设计类题目的图纸,要求

4、部分用尺规绘制,部分用计算机绘制,所有图纸应符合国家技术标准规范。图表整洁,布局合理,文字注释必须使用工程字书写,不准用徒手画3)毕业论文须用A4单面打印,论文50页以上的双面打印4)图表应绘制于无格子的页面上5)软件工程类课题应有程序清单,并提供电子文档5.装订顺序1)设计(论文)2)附件:按照任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)次序装订3)其它摘 要随着我国电子商务的快速发展,越来越多的人涉足电子商务,目前电子商务已经成为一项重要的商务形式,给人们的生产生活带来了极大的便利,与此同时电子商务诚信问题越来越突出:如价格欺诈,发货不及时、付款不到位或不及时,商品的售后服务得不到保证,

5、信息的安全性得不到保障等事件时有发生,针对这些问题产生的原因提出通过构建我国电子商务诚信体系来解决电子商务诚信问题,促进我国电子商务健康发展,电子商务诚信体系的建立需要政府、企业和消费者三方面共同努力来建设,本文对电子商务诚信体系建设中政府、企业及消费者所应承担的任务作了探讨。关键词:电子商务;诚信;诚信缺失;诚信体系Research and Strategies of the credibility of e-commerceAbstractWith the rapid development of electronic commerce in China, more and more pe

6、ople involved in electronic commerce, at present, electronic commerce is an important business forms of production and life, give people a great convenience, at the same time e-commerce problem is becoming more and more serious, such as price, delivery in time and not fraudulent payment is not in pl

7、ace or not in time, commodity after-sales service without guarantee the security of the information is not guaranteed incidents such as these problems, in the light of these problems, the causes of proposed through the government, enterprises and individuals from three aspects constructing Chinas e-

8、commerce systems to solve problems e-commerce, and promote the healthy development of electronic commerce in China. Key words: electronic commerce;the good faith;the lack of credibility;integrity system 目 录摘 要IAbstractII一、概述1(一)本文研究的背景1(二)关于电子商务中诚信问题研究现状2(三)本文的主要工作3二、电子商务诚信现状及问题4(一)电子商务的发展现状及特点4(二)电

9、子商务中诚信的内涵51、诚信的含义52、 电子商务中诚信的内涵63、 电子商务中诚信的影响6(三)电子商务中诚信问题的主要表现形式81、价格欺诈82、发货、付款不到位或不及时83、产品的售后服务得不到保证84、信息的安全性得不到保障9三 电子商务诚信影响因素分析10(一) 电子商务诚信的多维度分析101、经济学的解释102、社会心理学的解释14(二) 我国电子商务诚信影响因素分析171、我国诚信基础薄弱,社会信用体制尚未完全建立172、 网上交易双方信息不对等193、市场进入壁垒低,法律虚位194、社会诚信意识普遍薄弱。205、安全技术瓶颈未突破206、部分企业条件不完备导致诚信无法保证20(

10、三) 我国电子商务影响因素的系统分析211、消费者方面212、企业方面233、环境方面244、各影响因素之间的相互影响及相互制约关系25四、电子商务诚信体系的构建方案27(一)企业要提高诚信意识,主动树立诚信形象27(二)政府要营造社会诚信大环境281、法律法规的制定和完善282、政府执行法律法规方面293、政府诚信监管方面.30(三)消费者方面31(四)安全技术方面31结 论33Conclusion34参考文献35附录A 演示文稿36致 谢37课程结课论文审阅评分表38课程结课论文答辩记录评分表39一、 Outline(一) The background of this studyE-com

11、merce as a new business model of the 21st century, it has broad prospects for development around the world are actively developing e-commerce. As an innovative economic operation, its impact is felt far beyond the commercial field. E-commerce as an important business activities in Chinas modern econ

12、omic life, play an increasingly important role in economic development. As of the end of 2010, according to the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the scale of Chinese netizens reached 457 million people, the size of the online shopping users year-on-year growth of 48.6% to reach 161

13、 million. IResearch data also show that in 2010, the annual e-commerce transactions amounted to 4.8 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 33.5% over 2009. Expected the next three to five years, the Chinese e-commerce market will continue to maintain a sustained and stable growth steadily year o

14、n year growth is expected to exceed 10 trillion yuan in 2013. But on the other hand, e-commerce development in China has been accompanied by a shadow, that is the issue of integrity. In the B2B field, the field of C2C, and the recent rise of Buying Online activities, lack credibility caused by vario

15、us events occur frequently, the issue of integrity has become an important bottleneck restricting the development of electronic commerce. E-commerce to rapid and sustainable development, we must accelerate the integrity of the building.(二)Research on the integrity of e-commerceIntegrity is the basis

16、 of all economic activities, we want the good faith throughout the enterprise and industry development of the whole, for any acts of fraud must be zero tolerance, this to ensure that market transactions, prosperous, healthy economic development. The issue of integrity in e-commerce is not very recen

17、t, as early as the beginning of the e-commerce rise, many people of insight concerned about the integrity of e-commerce, the founding of Alibaba put the integrity of management as a corporate foothold in this 2000, China international Electronic Commerce Center has been active in the work of the cor

18、porate credit rating, and in the case of access to the market to respond positively to gradually expand the depth and breadth, to establish the China International Electronic Commerce Center credit certification Center. With the popularity of electronic commerce, the people involved more and more, t

19、he impact of the credibility of e-commerce is growing, its concern more and more people, many scholars from different angles, the integrity of e-commerce the issues were: Yao Tianxiang the root of the game theory of the integrity of e-commerce, China international Electronic Commerce Center Director

20、 Liu Junsheng ideas business integrity issues should be resolved through the establishment of third party credit rating . Jiang Qiping proposed e-commerce through the establishment of the integrity of ecological integrity missing. Chen Xinxiang, China Electronic Commerce Association, said that for e

21、-commerce industry, it is imperative to establish a unified cross-platform data system integrity, the personal credit system and credit system of enterprises unify the establishment of a database, and the establishment of appropriate data analysis system for risk prevention.Compared to China, the co

22、nstruction of credit system of foreign e-commerce is still relatively complete. In other countries, e-commerce has been popular, it has become an important part of peoples lives. Ebay, Amazon in the world has a very large market and the impact of global Internet companies, has developed into. Foreig

23、n e-commerce has a comprehensive mechanism of mutual trust and credibility of the system, mature markets have a special credit intermediaries to ensure that e-commerce businesses and individual consumers of credit, good credit card system in the United States but also for the launching of the e-comm

24、erce has created a good credit protection .(三)The main work In this paper, the manifestation of the e-commerce integrity to sort out the factors affecting the integrity of e-commerce more in-depth system analysis, a number of countermeasures to solve the problem of e-commerce integrity. 二、Current si

25、tuation and problems of e-commerce integrity(一)Status and characteristics of e-commerce development Online shopping 1This new way to shop for more and more people are loved by a large number of e-commerce sites (such as Amazon, excellence, Dangdang, eBay and Alibabas Taobao, etc.) ofthe emergence al

26、so attracted a large number of consumers. Consumers enjoy the freedom and convenience of online shopping while also often subject to fraud, poor credibility of the Internet has become a big criticism of e-commerce As we all know, online shopping is not like traditional transactions as seeing, hear,

27、touch hands, the existence of real feelings of goods2, able to understand the information is limited to online pictures and text description of the means of the transactions tend to be paid by bank transferand the post office to send the goods, which gives the law-breakers can take advantage of cons

28、umers have been cheated, even if the complaints are due to the geographical span and sellers of real uncertainty is difficult to be handled properly and to protect. Credit in most online consumers in the e-commerce appears to be dynamic and change. The credit is based on the purchase experience slow

29、ly, for each shopping site, online consumers from the initial preliminary understanding to the early browsing understanding, and then to the mid-purchase attempts, and finally the formation of basic trust in the successful purchase this trust with the successful purchase experience increases gradual

30、ly increase. Site credit, once formed, have an important role in maintaining the number of established buyers.Of course, the credibility of both sides 3. For example, an e-commerce sites organized by discount or sweepstakes, if users do not win, it will lead to a large number of return behavior, mak

31、ing the operator of the rising cost, and even cause phase loss. The root causes of this phenomenon is that Internet users dishonesty, causing difficulties in business operationsTherefore, whether online consumers, network enterprise, business or an intermediary companies (such as Alibabas Alipay), t

32、he average of its overall integrity of the water needs to be improved, otherwise the integrity problem would severely hinder e-commerce further develop a(二)The integrity of the content of e-commerce1The meaning of integrityIntegrity is a moral category, is the second identity card of the citizens, c

33、ollectively, of the daily behavior of the honest and the official exchange credit. Others doing things that is, sincere, honest, reputation, and Promises must be kept and action must be resolute, authoritative, as good as gold.2The integrity of the content of e-commerceE-commerce integrity of the ne

34、twork environment, each other, trust each other, mutual trust as a social practice 4. The Internet is a virtual society, virtual performance as you can not understand the game, with you the true identity of the chat, it is this virtual nature provides us with another new way of life and the environm

35、ent; but it is also has a certain reality, the reality of performance for this community provides us with many conveniences, such as: shopping can be done through e-commerce consumers, network transactions. It should be said that e-commerce is the product of the combination of virtual community and

36、social reality. Commodity trading through e-commerce is not a unilateral but a bilateral or multilateral buyer and seller complete a transaction. For promoting e-health development in the course of dealing between the parties to the transaction, to establish a mutual trust mechanism. This mechanism

37、must have confirmed, identify counterparties true identity function, and can protect the interests of the parties to the transaction will not be harmed, the damage to be resolved fairly.3The impact of e-commerce in the integrity of the(1)Integrity management for e-commerce businesses to expand the s

38、caleIntegrity management to enable enterprises to create a favorable environment for the enterprise, enabling businesses continued development. Conversely, if the integrity of management, the enterprise environment will not be able to get good protection, firm size is difficult to be expanded.(2)Int

39、egrity management is an important means to strengthen customer resourcesIntegrity management will make customers increase business satisfaction and trust of the enterprise. If the enterprise has no credibility, false prices, delivery is not timely, customer will be gradually lost, leading to the cus

40、tomer to reduce.(3) Integrity management can help companies to establish a good marketIntegrity management will make customers have a good evaluation of the enterprise, so that more people know about the company, good corporate image(4) Integrity management is to improve the product priceIntegrity m

41、anagement to make more people like the corporate, corporate trust and satisfaction, and only in this way will it be possible to raise prices, if not the integrity of management, even if the lower price nor will customers buy corporate goods, because customers can not trustand satisfaction is too low

42、(三) The main manifestations of the credibility of e-commerce1Price-gougingCertain sites on the publicity of price information and is not reliable 5, in the network of publicity, the price of the product description vague or exaggerated, resulting in consumers not consistent with the expected price p

43、roducts; consumer registration submitted falseinformation, to the enterprise business processes more difficult. A variety of price-gouging phenomenon and the resulting price-gouging fear, greatly reduced interest in e-commerce buyers and sellers of online transactions.2Delivery, payment is not in pl

44、ace or not timelySome B2C websites shipping after receipt of the payment of consumers, or from time to time delivery 6, so that the interests of consumers have been infringed; some consumers to use cash on delivery payment, but receipt of the goodsrefused to pay, or do not make timely payments, and

45、return for no reason after the consumer receives the goods, have increased marketing costs.3Products, service can not be guaranteedOn the one hand, many business managers do not set the commodity sales service mechanism, leading to online commodity buyers to seek after-sales service nowhere. On the

46、other hand, some e-commerce operators, although the setting there is a product after-sales service centers, but the after-sales service is poor, service is poor, low quality of service, left a very bad impression to the online merchandise purchase 4Information security can not be guaranteedAt presen

47、t, many e-commerce operators to provide online merchandise purchase of personal information protection mechanisms there are security risks, resulting in online merchandise purchase of personal information by others to steal. According to the survey 7: 40.9% of respondents use the network or online transactions encountered their personal information was stolen experience; 66% of respondents suspect that their personal information unknowingly related site collection.三、E-commerce integrity impact factor analysis(一)E-commerce the integrity of the multi-dimensional analysis1Interpretation of the


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