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1、双通道微机励磁调节器的研制 双通道微机励磁调节器的研制 The Research and Manufacture of Double-channel Microprocessor-based Excitation Regulators【中文摘要】 励磁系统是电力系统的一个重要组成部分,它在调节发电机机端电压、分配电网无功功率和提高电力系统稳定性等方面都起着重要的作用。励磁系统由励磁调节器和励磁功率单元组成,其中励磁调节器是励磁系统的中枢,负责实现励磁系统的基本控制功能、励磁限制和其他辅助功能。随着发电机单机容量和电网规模的增大,发电机组和电力系统对励磁系统的快速性、可靠性、多功能性等方面提出了


3、开出量的处理以及脉冲触发电路。在软件上,主控流程采用改进型的PID控制方法,同时实现各种励磁限制和辅助功能。为了协调两个通道调节器之间的工作,确保同一时刻只有一个通道调节器输出有效,同时为了保证两个通道切换时输出无扰动,设计了两个通道之间的信息交互方式以及脉冲闭锁、脉冲切换控制电路。实验结果表明,双通道励磁调节器在空载和并网条件下,其调节速度、精确度、可靠性和稳定性等方面都满足行业标准的要求。【英文摘要】 Excitation system is an important part of power system. It has important effectto regulate the

4、voltage of synchronous generator, distribute reactive power andimprove the stabilization of power system. Excitation system is made up of regulatorand power units. The regulator, as the core of excitation system, carries out its basiccontrol functions, excitation limits and other assistant functions

5、.As a single synchronous generators electric power becomes higher and thescale of power system becomes bigger, synchronous generator and power system hasmore demand on expeditiousness, reliability and multi function of excitation system.Modern excitation regulator is called microprocessor-based regu

6、lator because itis used microprocessor as its central control unit. Its basic control functions,excitation limits and other assistant functions are carried out by software programswhich are run in microprocessor. Microprocessor-based excitor has rapid regulatingspeed, high precision, more reliabilit

7、y and other excellences.What Double-channel microprocessor-based excitation regulators mean that onesynchronous generator has two microprocessor-based regulators, one as the main, theother as the backup. It can improve reliability of excitation system.This research program is supported by Nanjing Na

8、ri Automation institute.Three-phasic controllable commutating circuit, which is made up of SiliconControlled Rectifier (SCR), is used in excitation system as power unit. The controlport of SCR is controlled by the microprocessor-based regulator. This paper usesDSP as the main control chip of the mic

9、roprocessor-based regulator and CPLD as itsinterface circuits, designs process circuits of analog signals, logical signals andpulse-open circuit. This paper also uses ameliorated PID arithmetic to carry outregulators basic control functions, excitation limits and other assistant functions bysoftware

10、 programs. In order to harmonize double microprocessor-based regulatorsworking, ensure only one regulators output in effect and switch between tworegulators without disturbing outputs, the paper designs communication circuits andpulse closedown and control circuits between them.Experiments show that

11、 the microprocessor-based excitation regulators meetindustry standards in regulating speed, precision, reliability and stability both on thecondition of generators open circuit and in load. 【中文关键词】 励磁; 调节器; DSP; 可靠性 【英文关键词】 Excitation; Regulator; DSP; Reliability 【论文目录】摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 目录 6-8 第1章 引

12、言 8-13 1.1 励磁系统在电力系统中的作用 8 1.2 励磁方式的分类 8-10 1.2.1 他励半导体励磁系统 8-9 1.2.2 自励半导体励磁系统 9 1.2.3 自并励半导体励磁系统 9-10 1.3 励磁调节器的发展概况 10-11 1.3.1 模拟式励磁调节器 10 1.3.2 微机(数字式)励磁调节系统 10-11 1.4 国内外研究现状 11 1.4.1 国内研究现状 11 1.4.2 国外研究现状 11 1.5 双通道微机励磁调节器研制意义 11-12 1.6 本课题的来源、主要研究内容以及论文的主要成果 12-13 1.6.1 本课题的来源 12 1.6.2 本课题主

13、要研究内容和成果 12-13 第2章 励磁系统工作原理及总体方案 13-25 2.1 励磁系统的基本控制原理 13-16 2.1.1 励磁系统对机端电压调节原理 13-15 2.1.2 励磁系统对无功功率控制原理 15-16 2.2 励磁系统设计 16-23 2.2.1 励磁系统控制方案 16-17 2.2.2 三相桥式可控整流电路原理 17-20 2.2.3 励磁系统总体方案设计 20-23 2.3 励磁调节器方案设计 23-25 2.3.1 单通道微机励磁调节器 23-24 2.3.2 双通道微机励磁调节器 24-25 第3章 双通道微机励磁调节器硬件设计 25-58 3.1 基于DSP的

14、系统设计 25-30 3.1.1 DSP芯片简介 25 3.1.2 DSP应用系统设计的一般步骤 25-26 3.1.3 DSP芯片的选择 26-30 3.2 微机励磁调节器硬件及规划 30-33 3.2.1 微机励磁硬件功能划分 30-31 3.2.2 励磁调节器结构设计 31-33 3.3 励磁调节器电路板硬件设计 33-55 3.3.1 交流板(PTCT板) 35-37 3.3.2 主控板(CPU板) 37-48 3.3.3 脉冲板(PULSE板) 48-53 3.3.4 其他电路板的设计 53-55 3.4 双通道微机励磁调节器的冗余处理 55-58 3.4.1 开入开出量的冗余处理 55-56 3.4.2 模拟量测量的冗余处理 56 3.4.3 供电电源的冗余处理 56-58 第4章 双通道微机励磁调节器软件设计 58-71 4.1 励磁调节器PID控制方法 58-63 4.1.1 PID控制原理及实现 59-61 4.1.2 增量式PID励磁控制的改进与实现 61-63 4.2 励磁调节器软件设计 63-71 4.2.1 软件功能设计 63-64 4.2.2 软件实现 64-71 致谢 71-72 参考文献 72-75 附录:励磁系统动态模拟试验结果 75-84


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