1、评价方法上集对分析与模糊数学的比较研究 摘 要 本文简要介绍了集对分析与模糊数学的基础理论。分析了集对分析的联系度与模糊数学的隶属函数等问题。文章总结了集对分析SPA评价法与模糊数学优选法在解决实际问题时具体的方法和步骤,并用1个实例分析验证了两种方法的可行性。从而对两种方法进行比较,发现两种方法的优劣之处。 本论文共分为5部分。第1章介绍了与本文相关的集对分析、模糊数学的基础理论。第2章研究了两种不同的理论在解决实际问题时方法和步骤。第3章结合移动通讯中的实例,用两种方法分别进行评价。第4章对两种不同的方法进行比较。第5章总结了本次论文写作的1些心得体会。
2、 关键词:集对分析;模糊数学;联系度;隶属函数AbstractThis paper synopsis introduces to Set Pair Analysis (SPA), and fuzzy mathmatics . Studied the SPA involves connexion degree,subjection function and the fuzzy mathmatics involves s
3、ubjection function etc. the concrete problem, in the same actual problem. This investigative and main characteristics uses two kinds of different theorieses to proceed the research to same actual problem at the same time, can keep the proceeding of the view the comparison well. Thi
4、s thesis is divided into totally four part. The Chapter 1 introduced with the related SPA ,and fuzzy mathmatics in this text foundation theories . The Chapter 2 studied the method for two kinds of different theorieses to resolve actual problem and the step. In Chapter3 the combination moves solid ex
5、ample within communication, use two kinds of methods to proceed the evaluation respectively and compare. The Chapter 4 to two kinds of different methods proceeding summary . The Chapter five to proceeding summary same experience in this study .Keywords:Set Pair Analysis;fuzzy mathmatics;connexion degree;subjection function