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1、附录AVentilates the model in the tunneling application with Canada coal resource the influence which limits in the society and politics The extraction of minerals and coal at greater depth, employing higher-powered machinery to increase production levels has imposed an increased burden on ventilation

2、systems to maintain an acceptable working environment. A deterioration in the climate experienced within these workings may also adversely affect the health and safety of the workforce. In the UK, mineral extraction is now being practiced at depths of over 1000 m. In addition, the adoption of contin

3、uous miner and tunnel bolting support methods has permitted improved development rates to be achieved at the cost of increased emissions of dust, gas and heat and humidity. There is a recognized need to improve the efficiency in the design and operation of auxiliary ventilation systems to maintain a

4、n adequate underground environment and climate. Any improvement achieved in the quality, quantity and control of the delivered ventilation will assist in the provision of improved gas and dust dilution and climatic control. Due to the constraints imposed by the mining method, there may be an economi

5、c or practical limit to the climatic improvement that may be obtained by the sole use of ventilation air. Where this limit is identified, there may be the need to consider the selective application of air-cooling systems. The paper details the construction of a computer based climatic prediction too

6、l developed at the University of Nottingham. This work builds upon earlier research (Ross et al., 1997, Proceedings of 6th International Mine Ventilation Congress, SME, Littleton, CO, pp. 283288) that developed a prototype model for short tunnel developments. The current model predicts the psychrome

7、tric and thermodynamic conditions within long rapid development single entry tunnel drivages. The model takes into account the mass and heat transfer between the strata, water, machinery and the ventilation air. The results produced by the model have been correlated against ventilation, climatic and

8、 operational data, obtained from a number of rapid tunnel developments within UK deep coalmines. The paper details the results of a series of correlation and validation studies conducted against the ventilation and climate survey data measured within 105s district Tail Gate tunnel development at Mal

9、tby Colliery, UK. The paper concludes by presenting the results of a case study that illustrate the application of the validated model to the design and operation of an integrated mine ventilation and cooling system. The case study illustrates the effect that an increased depth and hence increased v

10、irgin strata temperature has on the climate experienced within rapid tunnel developments. Further investigations were performed to identify the optimum cooling strategy that should be adopted to maintain a satisfactory climate at the head of the drivage.A coal resource estimate should reflect the we

11、alth that coal endows to the land within which it occurs. It forms the basis for long term public and commercial planning in areas such as future coal supply possibilities, and land use options. Coal beds occur in a variety of forms and amounts in most sedimentary basins in Canada. Coal bed thicknes

12、s, depth form surface, geographical location and coal quality are primary indicators of a deposits potential utility Exploitation of some coal deposits is currently unfeasible for economic and/or technological reasons associated with the nature of their occurrence. Some of these deposits may become

13、viable sources of coal, or coal-derived products, in the foreseeable future as technologies advance and economic conditions change. Other deposits, such as those that are extremely deep or thin, have no imaginable future utility and are not included in estimates of the nations coal resources.Most of

14、 this report focuses on Canadas coal resources of immediate interest (refer to Chapter 2). Additional large quantities of coal that might be exploited in the foreseeable future given more favourable economical, technological, and/or statutory conditions are classified as coal of future interest.Reso

15、urces of future interest generally consider coal that are less than 60cm thick (with the exception of resources in New Brunswick, where thinner beds are currently mined), occurring at depths that are greater than 600m from surface, (with the exception of resources in Nova Scotia, where mining to muc

16、h greater depths is currently planned). For relatively thin coal beds to be considered resources of future interest where underground mining is the likely coal extraction method, they must contribute to a minimum aggregate thickness of 1.5m with other beds in close proximity. This is often referred

17、to as a coal zone or mining zone.Coal is the most abundant fossil in Canada and in the rest of the world.It currently represents about 14 per cent of Canada/s primary energy economy. this is nearly the same as the combined contribution of hydro- and nuclear generated electricity in 1986,the value of

18、 coal production in Canada surpassed that of all other mineral commodities with the exception of petroleum and nature gas.Coal is not a singular homogeneous substance-it com prises variable amounts of different components,which can give it diverse properties.the character of coal is related mainly t

19、o original types of peat-forming vegetal debris,environments of deposition,degree of organic maturation,and mineralization .The occurrrnce of potentially exploitable coal is related to a variety of geological factors.Although coal is abundant in Canada,deposits,which vary significantly in geological

20、 complexity,are widely distributed and contain coals of diverse rank,composition and properties.The Geological Survey of Canada is establishing a national inventory of coal resources in collaborztion with coal companies,universities,and provincial and federal government agencies.This inventory provi

21、des the basis for the purposeful management of the nation/s coal resources,and is essential for considering effectively Canada/s future energy options. This compendium is intended to reflect the geological Survey Canada/s current knowledge of the nation/s coal resources. It updates previous coal res

22、ource summaries published by the Government of Canada,with particular reference to cosl resources and reserves of Canada that was released in 1979 Unlike some previous publications, however ,which summarized both national coal publications,however ,which summarized both national coal resource and re

23、serve potential, this compendium focuses,resources,with particular attention to the nation/s presently undeveloped coal potentialOrganic matter occurs in variable amounts in most sedimentaty rocks.it originates as animal or vegetal debris,and is fossilized in appropriate geological and geochemical e

24、nvironments.its presence is essential for the formation of coal and hydrocarbons.it undergoes progressive diagenesis under the influence of geothermal conditions that are mainly related to depth of burial.Although coal exploitation can significantly contribute to the nations wealth and resulting sta

25、ndard of living, it can also cause major social and environmental disturbances. The potential of a coal deposit is a matter of public concern. These concerns are usually addressed by government coal leasing policies and various regulations that govern possible coal deposits are excluded from possibl

26、e future exploitation as a result of these constraints.Coal deposits that occur within urban areas (e.g. Edmonton) and within National Parks (e.g. Banff National Park) are excluded from the national inventory of coal resources. Although coal deposits that occur within Provincial Parks (e.g. Naikoon

27、Provincial Park, British Columbia, and Kananaskis Country, Alberta) are included in the inventory, they often contribute to coal resources of future interest. Factors associated with land reclamation in Canadas high Arctic could mitigate against future large scale surface coal mining, even if other

28、economic and technological were favourable.Proceeding with coal developments in future will likely depend, to a large degree, on associated social and environmental impacts relative to alternative energy options. Canadian coal deposits are widespread, and coal composition and properties are diverse.

29、 These factors provide a basis for choice in selecting a coal that best suits a particular need, and in optimizing social benefit. These factors provide a basis for choice in selecting a coal that best suits a particular need, and in optimizing social benefit. The problems associated with coal explo

30、itation may be more manageable than those associated with other energy sources. Coal research and development activities vy the private and public sectors continue to address the challenge of more efficiently exploiting this fuel and, thus, provide additional potential for coal to contribute greater

31、 wealth to the nation.附录B通风模型在掘进的应用和加拿大煤炭资源在社会和政治上限制的影响在适宜工作的环境下,为了能够更深入开采地下的矿物和煤,使用了高效率的机械设备以提高生产水平这样也增加了通风系统的负担。空气经过这些机械时可能产生不利于影响人体身体健康和生命安全的问题。在加拿大,矿物的开采深度已经超过了1000米。此外,连续采煤机和巷道锚杆支护的方法的使用提高了生产率,但粉尘排放、气体燃料消耗、废热和湿度的变化这也同样意味着成本的增加。众所周知,以提高效率为目的,在设计阶段和采矿时必须增加辅助通风系统,以维持适当的地下环境和气温。通风系统的改良,取得了在质与量的控制将有

32、助于提供更好的空气、尘埃的稀释和气温控制。采矿方法的使用有可能是经济或实际的限制,但气候的改善,唯一能够使用的则是通风空调。如果是因为这个限制的,就需要考虑选择性的应用空调冷却系统。该文件详细介绍了在英国诺丁汉大学建设的基于计算机基础上的气候预测控制的工具。这项工作是建立在先前的研究基础(罗斯等人,1997年,第六届国际矿井通风年会,中小企业,利特尔顿,合作,第283-288页 )开发了原型模型短巷道的开拓。目前模型能预测单巷道掘进中的空气湿度和热力学条件长期变化。该模型涉及了传热介质之间的地层、水、机械和通风系统。结果所产生的模型已对相关的通风,气候和相应的数据,在英国的深煤矿取得了一些巷道


34、素都是评价的重要指标。有一些煤炭资源在技术,经济和一些其它性质上都没有开采的价值。随着技术进步和经济条件的变化,在可预见的将来,这些现在不可开采的煤炭资源,可能成为可行的来源,煤或煤的衍生品都有潜在的价值。估计一个国家的煤炭资源不应把那些堤藏极深或不具开采价值的储量放在其中。本篇文章的重点是与加拿大煤炭资源的切身利益相关的。大量的煤可能被利用在可预见的将来,当技术或法规允许的条件下,煤炭资源将会有更大的经济价值,这些都被列为煤炭未来的利益。普遍认,具有可采的煤炭资源煤层不应小于60厘米厚(除新不伦瑞克省以外,更薄的矿床,目前正在开采) ,埋藏在水深都大于600米,从表面上看,(除了新星斯的资源

35、,挖掘更大的深度是根据目前的计划) 。相对于薄煤层来说,要考虑资源未来的利益,如果地下开采是可能的采煤方法,它们必须有助于建立一个与其它矿床接近最低的总厚度为1.5米的煤层。这常常是被称为煤矿区或采矿区。煤炭资源的储量无论在加拿大还是在世界的其地方都非常大,它目前大约占加拿大的能源经济的14%,在1986年他对于发电的贡献是和利用太阳能,水能,和其他能源所加之合是一样的。除石油和天然气,煤炭产量和产值在加拿大超过所有其他矿产的商品,除石油和天然气,煤碳不是一种单一的物质,它是由各种物质混合起来所组成的,这些物质都有各自的性质,煤炭的属性主要是根据形成性质的煤是主要涉及到原类型的泥炭形成植物碎片

36、煤泥炭前的植物、成煤性质、有机物的含量、和环境、决定的。各种地质因素的影响直接接决定着开采利用煤炭资源的难易程度,虽然加拿大的煤炭资源的储量是非常丰富的 ,但是其分布的地域非常的广泛,地质赋存条件也相当的复杂,煤炭的性质组成和和级别也各不相同,为了能调控管理好加拿大的煤炭资源,加拿大进行了全国性的的地质调查工作.并与煤炭生产企业、大学的科研机构、以及政府的职能部门有着良好的合作关系,这项工作对于加拿大未来对煤炭资源的开发是必不可少的。本次调查加拿大国内煤炭资源是加拿大地质调查局利用现有的技术对国内现有的煤炭资源进行普查,它的调查结果更新了以往加拿大政府发表的煤炭资源现状,特别是煤炭资源储量的部


38、扰。煤炭资源的潜在发展是一个公众关注的事情。由于这些限制,煤的租赁政策和各项规定,这些问题通常是由政府解决,它可能被排除在未来可能的剥采。待添加的隐藏文字内容2储量煤炭资源要把埋藏在城市地区(如埃德蒙顿) ,以及国家公园(如班夫国家公园)都会被排除。虽然煤炭储量发生的省级公园(例如艾克龙省级公园,不列颠哥伦比亚省,卡纳纳斯基斯国家,亚伯达省)都有很大的储量,他们往往有助于煤炭资源的未来利益。在加拿大的北极地区相关因素与土地复垦可以减轻对未来的露天采煤,即使其他经济和技术均是有利的。进行煤炭的发展在未来可能会在相当大的程度上取决于相关的社会和环境的影响相对替代能源的选择。加拿大的煤炭储量十分普遍,煤炭等组成和性质是多种多样的。这些因素,通过一次再一次的选择,使经济效益达到最大。与其他能源来源相比煤炭开发可能更便于管理。煤的研究和开发活动是私营部门和公共部门继续处理的挑战,更有效地利用这种燃料,从而提供额外的潜力,煤炭会向人类贡献更大的财富。


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