契约简论侵权行为外文翻译资料(可编辑) .doc

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1、契约简论侵权行为外文翻译资料 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文完成日期:1.Briefly on contractsThe law of contracts is concerned with the enforcement of promissory obligations. Contractual liability is usually based on consent freely given in the form of an express promise or one implied in fact from the acts of the parties. In so

2、me circumstances, however, the courts will imply a promise often called implied in law or quasi contract in order to avoid unjust enrichment in spite of lack of consent by the party who is bound by it.The subject matter of contract law comprises capacity, formalities, offer and acceptance, considera

3、tion, fraud and mistake, legality, interpretation and construction, performance and conditions of performance, frustration and impossibility, discharge, rights of assignees and third party beneficiaries, and remedies. It has, to a very considerable extent, preserved its unitary quality , resisting f

4、undamental distinctions between different classes of contracts according to either the subject of the agreement or the nature of the parties.Accordingly, with some exceptions, its principles are applicable to agreements on such varied subjects as employment, sale of goods or land, and insurance, and

5、 to such diverse parties as individuals, business organizations, and governmental entities.It is largely state rather than federal law, but it differs usually only in detail from one state to anther. While it is still primarily case law, an increasing number of statutes deal with particular problems

6、. The Uniform Commercial Code, for example, contains some special provisions on the formation of contracts for the sale of goods. And by the Tucker Act of 1887, as amended, one of the most significant of the federal statutes in the field, the United States government has waived its sovereign immunit

7、y in contract actions by consenting to suit in the federal courts. Some rules laid down by statute, and by case law as well, are mandatory or compulsory and cannot be avoided by the parties, while others are implicative, interpretative, or suppletory and can be varied by agreement.A contract may be

8、simply defined as a promise for the breach of which the law gives a remedy , although the word “contract” may also be used to refer to the series of acts by which the parties expressed their agreement, to the document which they may have executed, or to the legal relations which have resulted. Not a

9、ll promise are enforceable and several criteria must be met before the law will give a remedy. Two of the most fundamental of these are the requirement of a writing and requirement of considerationthe requirement of a writing is imposed by statutes of frauds, derived from the English Statute of Frau

10、ds of 1677, which have been enacted throughout the United States. Typically they provide that, with some exceptions, specified kinds of contracts are unenforceable unless evidenced by a writing. They usually cover contracts to sell goods of more than a minimum value, contracts to sell land, contract

11、s to answer for the debt of another, and contracts not to be performed within a year. Many agreements, such as most contracts to furnish services, are not included and are enforceable even if there is no writing. Although dissatisfaction has led to the repeal of most of the English Statute of Frauds

12、 in 1954,there has been no serious movement for its abolition in the United States.apart from any requirement of a writing, a promise is not generally enforceable in the United States unless it is supported by consideration. Historically a promissory could make a binding written promise, even withou

13、t consideration, by affixing his wax seal to the writing. But as the wax seal was replaced by a penned or printed imitation, the seal became an empty formality and its effectiveness has now been eliminated or at least greatly diminished by state statutes. Consideration is essentially something for w

14、hich the promisor has bargained andwhich he has received in exchange for his own promise. It may be another promise given in return, in which case the resulting contract is known as a bilateral contract, or it may be an act given in return, in which case the resulting contract is known as unilateral

15、 contract. But , for example, a gratuitous promise, including one to pay for goods or services which have already supported by consideration. Fortunately there are only a few such instances of business promises in which the requirement of consideration is not met. One of the most troublesome involve

16、s the “firm”, or irrevocable, offer. The usual rule in the United States is that an offeror has the power to revoke his offer at any time before its acceptance by the offeree, and a promise by the offeror not to revoke is not generally effective unless supported by consideration. A common device for

17、 holding the offeror to his promise is the payment to him of a nominal sum, for example one dollar, as consideration for what is then known as an “option.” Even without consideration a few courts have held that the offeror was estopped, or precluded, from revoking his offer where the offeree relied

18、to his detriment upon the promise. But the most satisfactory solution has been through legislation, adopted in a number of states, making an offer irrevocable, regardless of consideration, if it is embodied in a signed writing which states that it is irrevocable. As this suggests, the tendency has b

19、een to attempt to remedy the deficiencies of the doctrine of consideration rather than to discard it.In the United States, contracts, like statutes, are characteristically detailed and prolix. Those prepared by lawyers are often compounded of standard clauses, popularly known as “boiler-plate,” take

20、n from other agreements kept on file or from books. Even when a lawyer is not directly involved, the parties may use or incorporate by reference a standard printed form which has been drafted by a lawyer, perhaps for a particular enterprise, perhaps for an association of enterprises, or perhaps for

21、sale to the general public. This attention to detail may be due to a number of causes, including the standardization of routine transactions, the frequent involvement of lawyers in all stages of exceptional transactions, the inclination to use language which has been tested in previous controversies

22、, and the desire to avoid uncertainty when the law of more than one state may be involved. All of these add to the general disposition of the case-oriented American lawyer to provide expressly for specific disputes which have arisen in the past or which might be foreseen in the future.A related phen

23、omenon is the widespread use of standard forms “contracts of adhesion,” such as tickets, leases, and retail sales contracts, which are forced upon the party with inferior bargaining power. In recent years, courts and legislatures have become increasingly concerned with the effects which unrestrained

24、 freedom of contract may have in such situations. Courts which had always refused to enforce agreements contemplating crimes, torts, or other acts which were clearly contrary to the public interest, began, under the guise of interpreting the contracts, to favor the weaker party and in extreme cases

25、to deny effect to terms dictated by one party even where the subject of the agreement was not in itself unlawful. Legislatures enacted statutes fixing terms , such as miximum hours and minimum wages for employment, or even prescribing entire contracts, such as insurance policies, and gave administra

26、tive bodies the power to determine rates and conditions for such essential services as transportation and electricity. Nevertheless, in spite of the erosion of the doctrine of freedom of contract in many areas, the doctrine is still the rule rather than the exception译文:1.契约简论契约法所关心的是实现所约定的义务。通常,契约责任







33、(合同)”之广泛使用。近些年来,法院和立法机构对在上述情况下契约自由竟会丝毫不受限制的后果越来越感到关切。过去一向对企图犯罪、侵权或为其它明显违反公共利益行为的协议拒不予以执行的法院,现在已开始以解释契约的名义偏护处于劣势的一方,并在趋于极端的案件中拒不承认由一方当事人单方面说了算的条款有任何效力尽管协议内容本身并无违法之可言。立法机关也颁布了规定诸如雇佣契约中最高工作时数和最低工资之类的条件甚至规定了整个契约(如保险单之类)并予行政机关以规定诸如运输业和电力业的价格和条件的权力。契约自由论虽已在许多领域遭受侵蚀,但仍不失其为原则而尚未成为例外。2.TortsLeading legal wri

34、ters agree that no one has satisfactorily defined a tort. this is partly because torts are so common, so widespread and so varied. You are far more likely to be the victim of a tort than of a crime, and you are also far more likely to commit a tort than a crime.A tort is a civil wrong against an ind

35、ividual. A crime , on the other hand, is an offense against the public at large, or the state. An automobile driver who carelessly bumps into your car in a parking lot and crumples the fender had committed no crime.Suppose, however, that after leaving the parking lot the same driver goes to a nearby

36、 bar, downs six whiskeys, then careens through a crowded city street at fifty miles an hour. Now he has committed at least these crimes: drunken driving, reckless driving and endangering the lives of others. But unless he actually damages another car or injures someone he has not violated the rights

37、 of nay individual.A crime, then, is wrongful act against society. When a crime is committed, it is the states responsibility to investigate, prosecute and bear the expense of legal acting against the defendant, in the court handling criminal matters.A tort, on the other hand, is an act that violate

38、s your private or personal rights. If you believe someone has violated your personal rights?but has not acted against the interests of the public as a whole?it is entirely up to you to seek relief by suing him in the civil courts. If the person who you believe has legally aggrieved you is found liab

39、le?that is , if the judge or jury finds that he did in fact injure you or your property?he may be required a to give you relief by paying you “damages” for the injury or property loss you suffered, b to discontinue his wrongful acts or c to restore to you what he took from you. In rare cases he may

40、be imprisoned. All monetary damages awarded to you by the court in your suit are of course yours to keep. By the same token, the cost of hiring a lawyer to handle your case is your own personal expires whether you win or lose the case. Even a defendant who wins must bear his own legal costs.If the t

41、ort is also a crime, two separate legal actions confront the wrongdoer: yours and the states. we will discuss later the effect of these actions on each other. But they are independent of each other.A tort is usually committed when someone injures you physically, damages or misuses your property, att

42、acks your reputation without justification or takes away your liberty and freedom of action without just cause. To recover damages for a tort you must prove either that the act was committed with deliberate intent as when someone circulated a letter calling you a thief or that it was the result of n

43、egligence as in the case of the driver in the parking lot who carelessly hit your car when he had a duty to drive carefully.In most cases you must prove that the act inflicted actual damage or injuries. A malicious act that does you no harm, such as a threat to punch you in the nose or a shove in a

44、crowded subway, is not a sufficient cause for legal action.Nor are you likely to recover damages from a neighbor when the healthy-looking elm tree in his yard crashes down on your roof in a windstorm. The crash was not something he intended, nor was it the result of his negligence.A person who is pr

45、oved to have committed a tort have resulted from his act. A motorist who sideswipes your car, causing you to serve and hit a pedestrian, is responsible for damages both to you for the injure to your car and to the pedestrian for his dental expenses in replacing the false teeth knocked ort when your

46、car hit him. A mugger who attacks you on the street, leading you, in defending yourself, to raise your umbrella so quickly that you hit a passerby, is responsible both to you for the shock to your nervous system and to the passerby for the cost of stitching up his scalp. He is also guilty of a crime

47、 and can be arrested and prosecuted.Generally speaking, any person, young or old, mentally competent or not, is responsible for his torts: for the consequences of his actions to others injured by those actions. The same person who in the eyes of the law is not mentally competent to commit a crime ma

48、y nonetheless be held liable for committing a tort.Almost all employers are liable for the torts of their employees if the employee committed the harmful act during the course of his employment. The law usually holds an employer liable for what happens when his employee is carrying ort his instructi

49、ons and working on his behalf. But not all employers?especially not governmental ones.The doctrine of sovereign immunity?that the state cannot be sued except by its own consent?severely limits your right to sue governments and governmental bodes for the torts of their employees.Some people may not be held liable in tort actions. Among them are bus bands and wives. Who are not considered responsible for each others torts, and parents, who are not usually liable for the torts


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