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1、Unit 2 Ways to go to school,2,课前热身,Lets sing!,TeddyBearTeddy Bear,Teddy BearTurn aroundTeddy Bear,Teddy BearTouch the groundTeddy Bear,Teddy BearShine you shoeTeddy Bear,Teddy BearThat will doTeddy Bear,Teddy BearGo upstairs,Teddy Bear,Teddy BearSay you prayersTeddy Bear,Teddy BearSwitch off the lig

2、htTeddy Bear,Teddy BearSay Good-nightTeddy Bear,Teddy BearGood bye,3,课前热身,Lets sing!,泰迪熊 泰迪熊转个身泰迪熊 泰迪熊摸一下大地泰迪熊 泰迪熊让你的鞋子发光泰迪熊 泰迪熊那会有用的泰迪熊 泰迪熊上楼梯,泰迪熊 泰迪熊看看你的祈导者泰迪熊 泰迪熊关上灯泰迪熊 泰迪熊说晚安泰迪熊 泰迪熊再见,话题导入,各种各样的交通,bike,bus,话题导入,car,foot,Mrs/misiz/(名词)夫人,太太,early/l/(形容词)早期的,1,2,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,Mrs ear

3、ly,(夫人),(早的),1.How do you go to school?,课文原文,你怎么去上学?我经常乘坐地铁。,I often go by subway.,2.How do you come to school?,课文原文,你怎么来学校?我通常走着来。,I usually come on foot.,3.Good morning,Mrs Smith!,课文原文,早上好,史密斯夫人!孩子们好,你们来得真早。,Hi children.Youre early.,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,Listening,课文原文,X,点击“Lets tal

4、k”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Conversation,课文原文,Mrs/misiz/(名词)夫人,太太,短语,重难点探究,Mrs Green 格林夫人,例句,延伸,Mrs Li is a doctor.李夫人是一名医生。,Mr 先生 Miss 小姐,重难点探究,early/l/(形容词)早期的,短语,例句,the early bus 早班车,He gets up early.他起床很早。,拓展,副词也是 early,详解,How do you come to school?你怎么来上学?Usually,I come on foot.通常我走着来。Sometimes

5、I come by bus.有时我乘坐公交车。,How do you come to?询问交通方式on foot/by bus 回答交通方式usually,sometimes 表示频率,重难点探究,例句,How do you come to school?你怎么来上学?I usually come by bus.通常我乘坐公交车。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示询问交通的句式及答语,How do you go to?你怎么去?By subway/by bike.乘地铁或者骑自行车。,如:How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?On foot./I walk我走

6、着去上学。,交际用语,重难点探究,Good morning.早上好。Hi!你好!,注意:,打招呼,与人交流之前要先打招呼,一定要注意礼貌,这就是交际用语的作用。,重难点探究,例句,Good morning.Mr Li!早上好,李先生!Hi,Li Ming!李明你好!,其他知识,重难点探究,表示频率的副词:usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时候 always 总是 never 从不,例句,I often go to work by bike!我经常骑自行车去上班。,Groups work,请同学们分角色表演Lets talk。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,

7、Lets do it!,课文原文,二、选词填空。how where on by good1._ is the bookstore?Its near the library.2._ morning!3._ do you go to school?4.I come to school _foot.5.Lily goes to school _ bike.,一、英汉互译。1.你怎么去上学?_2.乘坐地铁_ 3.走路_4.You are early!_5.Thats good exercise._,巩固练习,How do you go to school?by subway on foot 你太早了!

8、那是很好的锻炼。,WhereGoodHow on by,巩固练习,三、单项选择。()1._do you go to work?By car.A.What B.Where C.How()2.Sometimes I go to school _bike.A.in B.on C.by()3.I can go there_.Its very near.A.by plane B.by bike C.on foot()4.My mother _ to work by car.A.go B.going C.goes,CCCC,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,How d

9、o you come to school?你怎么来上学?Usually,I come on foot.通常我走着来。Sometimes I come by bus.有时我乘坐公交车。,Mrs(太太;夫人)early(早期的),31,Talk about the transportation(交通)of your friends and your family.,课后作业,Thank You,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,34,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases:on foot by subway by bike by carSentences:Good

10、 morning.How do you go to By car.,话题导入,taxi,各种各样的交通,plane,话题导入,ship,train,by/ba/(介词)通过,bus/bs/(名词)公交车,1,2,新词展示,plane/plen/(名词)飞机,taxi/tks/(名词)出租车,3,4,新词展示,新词展示,5,ship/p/(名词)轮船,subway/sbwe/(名词)地铁,6,train/tren/(名词)火车,on foot 走路,7,8,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,on footbuspla

11、netaxishipsubwaytrain,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,How do we get there?,课文原文,我们怎么到达那儿?乘坐公交车。,By bus.,课文原文,Remember,How do we get to?,课文原文,我们怎么到达(某地)?通过(交通方式)。,By,Practice,by/ba/(介词)通过,短语,重难点探究,by car/bus/bike/train,例句,You can get here by bus.你可以乘坐公交车来这儿。,bus/bs/(名词)公交车,复数,重难点探究,buses,短语,

12、by bus take the bus 乘坐公交车,重难点探究,plane/plen/(名词)飞机,短语,延伸,by plane take the plane 乘坐飞机,乘坐飞机还可以用 by air,taxi/tks/(名词)出租车,重难点探究,复数形式,taxis,短语,by taxi take the taxi 乘坐出租车,造句,I come to school by taxi.我乘坐出租车来上学。,重难点探究,ship/p/(名词)轮船,复数形式,ships,短语,by ship take the ship 乘船,延伸,乘船还可以用 by water,by sea,重难点探究,subw

13、ay/sbwe/(名词)地铁,短语,例句,by subway take the subway 乘坐地铁,He goes to school by subway.他乘坐地铁去上学。,重难点探究,train/tren/(名词)火车,短语,例句,by train take the train 乘坐火车,She comes to Beijing by train.她乘坐火车来北京。,重难点探究,on foot 走路,构成,介词on加上名词的原形foot,延伸,只有“走路”这个词组用“on”,foot 的复数是feet。,详解,How do we get there?我们怎么到达那儿?By bus.乘坐

14、公交车。,How do we get?询问交通方式By通过交通方式,例句,How do you get to school?你怎样去上学?By ship.乘船。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示询问交通方式及答语,How do you get to from?你怎样从到By 通过,如:How do you get to your school from your home?你怎样从你家到你的学校?By bike.通过骑自行车。,交通方式,重难点探究,on foot 走路by bus/plane/subway/train/ship/taxi通过各种交通方式,注意:,只有走路用“on”,

15、其他都是用“by”,再就是无论是“on”,还是“by”后面接的都是名词的原形,不要加上任何修饰。,其他句式,重难点探究,祈使句:Lets go to the nature park.让我们去自然公园吧。,例句,Lets go to school by bike.让我们骑着自行车去上学吧。,Groups work,请同学们讨论并进行对话练习Write and say。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,bookstore,hospital,library,shop,二、根据提供的词语填空。1.I go to the park _.(乘坐公交车)2.I go to Shanghai _.(坐船)3.S

16、he goes to China _.(乘坐飞机)4.He goes to Beijing_.(开车)5.I usually go to school _.(走路),一、英汉互译。1.走路_ 2.by subway_3.乘坐飞机_4.by taxi _5.Lets go to the nature park._6.我们怎样到达那儿?_,巩固练习,on foot 乘地铁 by plane 乘出租车 我们去自然公园吧。How do we get there?,by bus by ship by plane by car on foot,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。1.do you school h

17、ow get to?(连词成句)_2.the nature park go to lets(连词成句)_3.I go to school by bus.(对画线部分提问)_4.How go you get to the USA _ China?(填空),How do you get to school?Lets go to the nature park.How do you go to school?in,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,How do we get there?我们怎样到达那儿?By bus.乘坐公交车。,by(通过)taxi(出租车)

18、bus(公交车)plane(飞机)train(火车)subway(地铁)ship(轮船)on foot(走路),65,Talk about how your friends and your classmates go to school or work.,课后作业,Thank You,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,68,课前热身,Lets play a game!,How many traffic ways do you know?,by bus by car by taxi,on foot by bike by train,69,课前热身,Lets review!

19、,Phrases:by bus by plane by ship by trainSentences:Lets How do we go?By,话题导入,交通安全,bike,helmet,话题导入,car,traffic light,helmet/helmt/(名词)头盔,must/mst/(助动词)必须,1,2,新词展示,wear/we/(动词)戴,3,attention/ten()n/(名词)注意,4,新词展示,pay attention to 注意,traffic/trfk/(名词)交通,5,新词展示,traffic lights交通信号灯,Lets play a game!,新词展示,

20、helmettraffic wear must attention,(名词)头盔,(助动词)必须,(动词)戴,(名词)注意,(名词)交通,1.How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?,课文原文,我怎样才能到达复兴医院?乘坐那边的57路公交车。,Take the No.57 bus over there.,2.In the USA people on bikes must wear one.,课文原文,在美国,骑自行车必须戴着头盔。,3.Hey,dont go at the red right.,课文原文,嘿,不要在红灯的时候走。,4.I must pay at

21、tention to the traffic lights.,我必须注意交通信号灯。,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,Listening,课文原文,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Conversation,课文原文,helmet/helmt/(名词)头盔,复数,重难点探究,helmets,例句,延伸,People on bikes must a helmet.骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。,帽子:cap hat,must/mst/(助动词)必须,短语,重难点探究,must be 一定是,You must do y

22、our homework.你必须做你的作业。,例句,拓展,must 后面接动词的原形,重难点探究,wear/we/(动词)戴,wore,过去式,拓展,例句,We wear some warm clothes.我们穿了一些暖和衣服。,put on 穿上 表示动作,attention/ten()n/(名词)注意,拓展,短语,重难点探究,pay attention to 注意,pay attention to 后面接名词,重难点探究,traffic/trfk/(名词)交通,短语,拓展,heavy traffic 繁忙的交通,traffic lights 交通信号灯,详解,How can I get

23、to the Fuxing Hospital?我怎样到复兴医院?Take the No.57 bus over there.在那边坐57路公交车。,How can I get to?询问交通句式Take the bus 乘坐over there 那边,重难点探究,例句,How can I get to the zoo?我怎样到达动物园?Take the No.2 bus.乘坐2路公交车。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示遵守交通规则的句式,You must look right before you cross the road in Hong Kong.在香港过马路之前你必须向右看

24、一看。Dont touch the door in the subway.在地铁站,不要去碰门。,指示牌子,重难点探究,Look right.向右看。Stop!停!No photos!禁止照相!,注意:,一般指示牌子比较简单,直接,含有命令,警告或者提醒的意思。,重难点探究,例句,No smoking 禁止吸烟No parking 禁止停车,其他句式,重难点探究,感叹句:So many pictures of bikes!这么多自行车的照片!The bus is coming!公交车马上来了!,例句,So beautiful city!多美的城市啊!,Groups work,请同学们讨论一些交

25、通标志。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课文原文,二、用所给诃的适当形式填空。l.People must_(wear)the coat in winter.2.The car is_(come).3._(pay)attention to the red light.4.There_(be)a photo of the train.5.We must pay attention to the traffic _(light).,一、英汉互译。1.那边_ 2.the red light _3.注意_ 4.the traffic lights_5.向右看_ 6.Dont touch!_,巩固练习,over t

26、here 红灯attention 交通信号灯 look right 不要摸!,wear coming Pay is lights,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。1.Its a helmet.(对画线部分提问)_2.the No.57 bus you take must(.)(连词成句)_3.can I the hospital how get to(?)(连词成句)_4.Touch the door!(变否定句)_5.Pay attention to the traffic lights.(翻译)_,Whats this?You must take the No.57 bus.How can I

27、 get to the hospital?Dont touch the door!注意交通信号灯。,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?我们怎样才能到达复兴医院?Take the No.57 bus over there.在那边乘坐57路公交车。,helmet(头盔)must(必须)wear(戴)attention(注意)pay attention to(注意)traffic(交通)traffic lights(交通信号灯),100,Talk about the rules(规则)ab

28、out the traffic with your classmates and your family.,课后作业,Thank You,第三课时,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,人教版(三年级起点)六年级上册,103,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases:get to so many pay attention to the traffic lightsSentences:The bus is coming.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.,话题导入,各种各样的交通指示牌子,turn right,tu

29、rn left,话题导入,go straight,stop,slow/sl/(动词)放慢速度(形容词)慢的,down/dan/(副词)向下,下来(介词)沿着 往下,slow down 慢下来,1,2,新词展示,stop/stp/(动词)停下,3,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,slowdown stop,1.Slow down and stop at a yellow light,课文原文,黄灯的时候,要减速并停下来。,2.Stop and wait at a red light.,课文原文,红灯的时候,停下来并

30、等着。,3.Go at a green light.,课文原文,绿灯行。,4.Look!The park is over there!Lets go!,课文原文,看!公园就在那边,让我们走吧!请等等!现在是红灯,我们必须停下来等待。,Please wait!Its red now.We must stop and wait.,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,课文原文,Conversation,课文原文,slow/sl/(动词)放慢速度(形容词)慢的,短语,重难点探究,slow down 慢下来,例句,延伸,Thats a slow bus.那是

31、一辆慢车。,slowly 缓慢地,down/dan/(副词)向下,下来(介词)沿着 往下,短语,重难点探究,slow down 慢下来 go down 沿着,例句,延伸,Please writedownyour names here.请你把名字写到这儿。,up and down 上上下下,重难点探究,stop/stp/(动词)停下,stop from 阻止,短语,例句,You must stop!你必须停下来!,延伸,stop 过去式:stopped,详解,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.在黄灯的时候,要慢下来并停下来。,Slow down and s

32、top 祈使句at 介词,重难点探究,例句,Stop and wait at a red light.红灯停。Go at a green light.绿灯行。,重难点探究,详解,The park is over there!Lets go!公园在那边,让我们走吧!,over there 那边Lets 祈使句Lets 后接动词的原形,重难点探究,例句,The library is over there!图书馆在那边!Lets read the books there.让我们去那儿读书吧!,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他祈使句,Lets go!让我们走吧!Please wait!请等等!L

33、ook!看!,如:Lets go home!让我们回家吧!Listen!听!,交际用语,重难点探究,Please wait!请等等!,注意:,一般交际用语用上“please”,使得句子更加的委婉客气,有礼貌。,例句,Please go!请走吧!,Groups work,请同学们分角色表演Role-play。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,二、选词填空。stop wait go slow down must1._ and stop at a yellow light.2._ at a green light.3._ and _ at a red light.4.We _ look left an

34、d right before you cross the road.,一、翻译句子。1.Slow down and stop!_2.公园在那边。_3.Stop and wait at a red light!_4.让我们走吧!_,巩固练习,减速并停下。The park is over there.红灯停下等一等。Lets go!,Slow down GoStop wait must,巩固练习,三、按要求写句子。1.The park is over there.(对画线部分提问)_2.wait and stop lets(.)(连词成句)_3.stop slow down and a yello

35、w light at(.)(连词成句)_4.Can we go at a green light?(作肯定回答)_5.Lets go.(翻译)_,Where is the park?Lets stop and wait.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Yes,you can.我们走吧。,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.黄灯要减速并停下来。Stop and wait at a red light.红灯要停下来并等待。Go at a green

36、 light.绿灯行,slow(减速,慢下来)down(向下,沿着)stop(停止)slow down(减速),132,Talk about the traffic rules in your hometown(家乡)with your friends and your family.,课后作业,Thank You,第五课时,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,人教版(三年级起点)六年级上册,135,课前热身,Lets sing!,Its a small world Its a world of laughter,a world of tear.Its a world of

37、 hopes and a world of fears.Theres so much that we shareAnd its time were aware.Its a small world after all.Its a small world after allIts a small world.,这是一个有笑声的世界,这是一个有泪水的世界。这是一个有希望的世界,这是一个有恐惧的世界。有这么多的事情我们可以分享。是时候了,让我们意识到这就是个小小世界。这就是个小小世界。这就是个小小世界。,话题导入,各种各样的交通工具,car,ship,话题导入,bike,train,Munich/mj

38、unik/(名词)慕尼黑,Germany/dmn/(名词)德国,1,2,新词展示,Alaska/lsk/(名词)阿拉斯加州,3,新词展示,sled/sled/(名词)雪橇,4,fast/fst/(形容词)快的,5,新词展示,6,ferry/fer/(名词)轮渡,Papa Westray/pap westre/(名词)帕帕韦斯特雷岛,Scotland/sktlnd/(名词)苏格兰,7,8,新词展示,Lets play a game!,新词展示,Munich GermanyAlaskasledfastferryPapa Westray Scotland,慕尼黑,德国,帕帕韦斯特雷岛,苏格兰,阿拉斯

39、加州,快的,雪橇,轮渡,课文原文,children 孩子们on foot 走路,在德国慕尼黑,一些孩子走路去上学。,课文原文,snow 下雪a lot 许多kids 孩子们by sled 乘坐雪橇fast 快的,在美国阿拉斯加州,雪下的很多。一些孩子坐雪橇去上学,非常快。,课文原文,在中国江西,一些孩子每天乘坐轮渡去上学。,by ferry 乘坐轮渡,课文原文,went to school 去上学by plane 乘飞机,在苏格兰帕帕韦斯特雷岛,孩子们也乘坐轮渡去上学。但是在2009年,他们乘飞机去上学,因为轮渡不走了。,课文原文,爷爷,我给你读书吧。谢谢,罗宾。我不去上学,我在家学习。,le

40、t me read让我读learn at home 在家学习,Munich/mjunik/(名词)慕尼黑,短语,重难点探究,Munich Residenz 慕尼黑王宫,例句,And thenwewent toMunich.然后我们去了慕尼黑。,Germany/dmn/(名词)德国,短语,重难点探究,Google Germany 谷歌德国,延伸,German 德国人 德国的,重难点探究,Alaska/lsk/(名词)阿拉斯加州,Alaska State 阿拉斯加州,短语,例句,Itsperfect ifyouliveinAlaska.如果你住在阿拉斯加的话,这是一件完美的事情。,sled/sle

41、d/(名词)雪橇,拓展,短语,重难点探究,sled plane 雪上飞机,sled 也可以当动词用意思是乘坐雪橇,重难点探究,fast/fst/(形容词)快的,短语,例句,fast break 快攻 快速断电,That car is fast.那辆汽车很快。,延伸,fast 的副词不变,重难点探究,复数形式,ferry/fer/(名词)轮渡,短语,延伸,ferries,Ferry Terminal 渡轮码头,客轮码头,ferry用作动词,词义是乘渡口,摆渡,重难点探究,Papa Westray/pap westre/(名词)帕帕韦斯特雷岛,例句,Papa Westray is in Scotl

42、and.帕帕韦斯特雷岛是在苏格兰。,重难点探究,Scotland/sktlnd/(名词)苏格兰,短语,例句,Scotland Yard 苏格兰场Scotland Highland 苏格兰高地,HetraveledScotlandlast year.他去年在苏格兰旅行。,详解,Some children go to school on foot in Munich.在慕尼黑一些孩子走路去上学。Some kids go to school by sled.Its fast.一些孩子坐着雪橇去上学,非常快。,go to school 去上学children kids 孩子们on foot by sl

43、ed 步行 坐雪橇fast 快的,快地,重难点探究,例句,Some children go to school by ferry.一些孩子乘坐渡轮去上学。They went to school by plane.他们乘飞机去上学。,重难点探究,重难点探究,拓展,一些其他表示交通方式的句式,I go to school by bike.我骑自行车去上学。We go to school by subway.我们乘坐地铁去上学。,如:He walks to go to school.他走路去上学。I take the bus to go to school.我乘坐公交车去上学。,情态动词,重难点探究

44、,must 必须 一定You must stop at a red light.红灯的时候你必须停下来。,注意:,用上“must”表示主观上必须做某事,后面接动词的原形。,重难点探究,例句,You must drive slowly.你一定要慢点开车。You must wear a life jacket.你必须穿一件救生衣。,其他句式,重难点探究,祈使句(否定句):Dont go at a red light.不要在红灯的时候走。Dont let the dogs run too fast.不要让狗跑得太快。,例句,Dont run on the ferry.不要在轮渡上面跑。,Groups

45、 work,请同学们阅读课文后,回答问题。,课堂互动,课堂互动,课堂互动,Lets do it!,课文原文,二、选词填空。child slow not snow I 1._ run on the ferry.2.Let_ read this for you.3.It _ a lot in winter.4.Many_ go to school by bike.5.We must drive_.,一、翻译句子。1.一些孩子走路去上学。_2.Some kids go to school by sled._3.一些孩子乘坐轮渡回家。_4.They went to school by plane._,

46、巩固练习,Some children go to school on foot.一些孩子坐雪橇去上学。Some children go home by ferry.他们坐飞机去上学。,Dont me snows children slowly,巩固练习,三、单项选择。()1.How many_ to go to school?A.ways B.way C.kinds()2.He must walk_ in the hallway.A.slowing B.slowly C.slow()3.Dont talk _ the library.A.on B.in C.under()4.Let the d

47、og _ slowly.A.runs B.to run C.run()5.Let her read _ her mum.A.to B.for C.at,A BBCB,一、本课时学的重点词汇如下:,二、本课时学习的重点句子如下:,回顾小结,Some children go to school on foot in Munich.在慕尼黑一些孩子走路去上学。Some kids go to school by sled.Its fast.一些孩子坐着雪橇去上学,非常快。,Munich(慕尼黑)Germany(德国)Alaska(阿拉斯加州)sled(雪橇)fast(快的)ferry(轮渡)Papa

48、Westray(帕帕韦斯特雷岛)Scotland(苏格兰),169,Talk about the ways of transportation(交通)in your class with your friends and your family.,课后作业,Thank You,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,172,课前热身,Lets review!,Phrases:on foot by sled by ferry by planeSentences:Let me read this for you.You must stop Dont go,话题导入,各种各样的交通工

49、具,by bus,by train,话题导入,look left,look right,各种各样的交通规则,点击“Lets check”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets check,课文朗读,课文原文,1,2,3,4,课文原文,bus,train,on foot,stop,wait,课文原文,点击“Story time”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Story time,课文朗读,课文原文,so good 如此好miss 想念,艾米:见到你真好,安妮。安妮:我也是,我想你们。,课文原文,be different from 和不一样chopsticks 筷子,安妮:中国食物和英国食 物太不一样了。艾米:是

50、的,你会用筷子 吗?安妮:不会。,课文原文,take a bus 乘坐公交cross the road 穿过马路 side 边,艾米:让我们乘公交回家吧,我们必须穿过马路。在英国你们是靠左行驶。在中国人们是靠右行驶。,课文原文,安妮:我明白了。我们过 马路之前必须向右看。艾米:不是,先看左,再 看右。,look right 向右看first left 先向左,课文原文,over there 那边double-decker 双层公交 the same as 和一样,艾米:看,公交车在那边。安妮:哇,这是一辆双层 公交,和伦敦的一样。,课文原文,安妮:门在哪儿?艾米,公交车上没有门。艾米:哈哈,你


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