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1、,成长教育教学课件,讲课人:优质老师,呵护儿童健康成长,1,课件在线,Module 6,Around town,-Kate,2,课件在线,Unit 1,Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,3,课件在线,Words and expressions,bankmuseumalongacrosscrossoppositetouristexcuseexcuse mestreet,n.银行n.博物馆prep.沿着prep.越过v.穿过prep.在的对面n.游客v.原谅;谅解劳驾,对不起n.街道,4,课件在线,turnthirdguid

2、ebookbookshoprightWhy not?couldundergroundtake,v.换方向mum.第三n.导游手册n.书店adj.右边的,正确的 n.右边为什么不?aux.可以;能n.地铁v.搭乘;乘坐;固定使用;把(某人)带往;使(某人)到,Words and expressions,5,课件在线,bank,museum,6,课件在线,restaurant,station,7,课件在线,bookshop=bookstore,flower store,8,课件在线,an underground=a subway,an underground station,9,课件在线,supe

3、rmarket,market,10,课件在线,the Olympic Sport Centre,奥林匹克体育中心,11,课件在线,the National Stadium国家体育馆,12,课件在线,bakery,chemist,13,课件在线,Lets review!,between in behind in front of beside,There are five buildings_ the school.The office building is _the playground and the lab.The garden is _ _the office building.The

4、 Library is _ the office building.We can see that the lab is _ the office building.,in,between,in front of,behind,beside,14,课件在线,market,Swimming pool,Learn how to ask the way and give directions,A:the market?,B:the street and its the swimming pool.,Go across,opposite,Excuse me,Where is,Go across,str

5、eet,15,课件在线,Changan Jie,go along,bank,bookshop,turn left,Can you tell me the way to the bank?,Excuse me,A:,Go along,Changan Jie and then,turn left.,Its on the right.,B:,16,课件在线,Bank,Changan Jie,Hotel,go along,Wenjin Jie,-Excuse me,can you tell me how to get to the bank?,-Go along Changan Jie and the

6、n turn left at the second crossing.Its on the right.,17,课件在线,-How can I get to the?,Bus stop,Restaurant,School,Supermarket,Park,Store,Bookstore,Toilet,Hospital,Factory,Zoo,Museum,A,18,课件在线,Match the words from the box with the pictures.,bank museum restaurant station,Listening and vocabulary,b,a,b,c

7、,d,3,2,1,4,c,a,d,Now listen and number the places as you hear them.,19,课件在线,2.Work in pairs.Say which places in Activity1 you can find in your hometown and where they are.,along across cross opposite,Theres a station opposite our school gate.,20,课件在线,3.Listen and read,then answer the questions.,How

8、will the tourist get to Wabgfujing Dajie from Tiananmen Square?Where is the bookshop?Who does the tourist ask for the way to the National Stadium?,She will go across Dong Changan Jie,then go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.Its over there.,Just along Xi Changan Jie,on t

9、he right,opposite the bank.,The policeman,21,课件在线,4.Complete the questions with the correct form of the words from the box.,1._ me,is Wangfujing Dajie far from Tiananmen Square?2.Theres a bookshop near here.Whats the name of the _?3.Can a _ ask a _the way to get to places in Beijing?4._ you tell me

10、how to get to the National stadium?5.Wheres the _ station?,could excuse policeman street tourist underground,Excuse,street,tourist,policeman,Could,underground,Now work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.,22,课件在线,1.Excuse me,Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?劳驾,请问到王府井大街怎么走?,Language poin

11、ts,这是一句典型的问路用语。类似的表达:How can I get/go to?Can you show me the way to?Where is?Is there near here?等等。上句可写为:How can I get to Wangfujing Dajie?Can you show me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?,23,课件在线,2.Go across Dong Changan Jie,go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.穿过东长安街,沿着这条街走

12、,在左边第三大街左转。,1)go across 穿过,go/walk along 沿着走 go straight ahead 径直向前走,指路时还有go down,go up,go past(经过)go down 指下坡或者往南走(上北下南),go up 指上坡或者北上;go along 沿着.走.或返指沿着.走,指引方向用语:,24,课件在线,2)turn left/right 左转、右转 turn left/right into 向左/右转到,left 左边,它的反义词是 right 右边 on the left/right 在左/右边 on my left/right 在我的左/右边 o

13、n the left/right of 在的左/右边,例如:Turn left into Changan Jie and turn right into Chang Jie.,25,课件在线,at the third street 在第三大街at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口at the second turning 在第二个转弯处,例如:1)Go down this street,turn right at the third crossing.沿着这条街走在第三个十字路口右转。,2)Take the first turning on the left.是在第一个转

14、弯处左转,26,课件在线,3.Is there a bookshop near here?这儿附近有一家书店吗?,Is there near here?在这儿附近有吗?,4.How can I get there?我怎样能到那里?,5.Why not ask the policeman over there?为什么不去问一下那边的那位警察呢?,Why not?为什么不呢?,表示提建议.why not 后面要跟动词原型.例如:Why not have a picnic this afternoon?,(=Why dont you ask the policeman over there?),27

15、,课件在线,Quiz,一、用适当的介词填空。,1.The bookshop is near here,_ the corner of this road.2.Who was sitting _ your left at the cinema?3.Can you tell me the way _ the market?4.Please turn right _ Heping Road,and you can see the hospital.5.Please look at the map _ China.,on,on,to,into,of,28,课件在线,二、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词

16、。1.The post office is b_ the big restaurant and the cinema.2.Helens father didnt have enough money to buy a car so he borrowed from a b_.3.Can you see the theatre over there?The library is o_ it,on the other side of the road.4.Chinese people are proud of our c_.5.Its very hot in the room.W_ not turn

17、 on the air conditioner?,etween,ank,pposite,ountry,hy,29,课件在线,三、根据所给中文完成下列句子,每空一词。1.你知道托尼在哪里吗?他正和张杰在那边谈话。Do you know where Tony is?He is talking with Zhang Jie _ _.2.我不知道去邮局的路。I dont know _ _ _ the post office.3.李老师的办公室是左边第一个房间。Mr.Lis office is the first room _ _ _.4.向右拐进人民大街,继续走。_ _ _ Renmin Street

18、 and go on.5.过马路时要小心。Be careful when you _ _the street.,over there,the way to,on the left,Turn right into,go across,30,课件在线,Thank you!,31,课件在线,Supermarket,Chemists,Look at the map:Make similar dialogues.,Jiefang Road,Postoffice,Bank,Jianguo Road,Shop,Xinhua Road,KFC,Hospital,AixinMiddleSchool,Xianho

19、udi Road,32,课件在线,Model,A:How do I get to the shop?/Can you tell me the way to the shop?B:Go along this street.Turn right into Jiefang Road.Go straight ahead.Its on your right.,33,课件在线,Words:opposite,across,turn,tourist,underground,Phrases:on the right,go across,take a taxi,at the third street,over there,near here,Patterns:How can I get there?Can you tell me the way to?Is there near there?Go along/Go across,34,课件在线,课后回顾,本课时主要句型,Can you tell me the way to?How can I get there?Is there a near here?Could you tell me how to get to?Go along/Go acrossTurn left at,35,课件在线,


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