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1、,Tong Chang Middle School Chen Min,I only eat food that tastes good!,教 学 设 计 展 示,新目标英语九年级上册Unit 6(Reading),教学生学习任何科目,决不是对学生心灵中灌输些固定的知识,而是启发学生主动地去求取知识与组织知识。布鲁纳(美国),教学设计流程,(1)短语:Keep healthy、stay away from、fast food、increase(2)句型:I only eat food that tastes good(3)语言结构:who和that引导的定语从句。(4)语言功能:谈论食物。,(1


3、(3-5分钟),任务启动,语言实践(10-15分钟),设疑探究,寻规导律(8-10分钟),多边互动,运用拓展(10-15),理念,思路,手段,教学设计,创意,1、面向全体学生 2、体现灵活开放 3、尊重个体差异 4、倡导体验参与 5、注重过程评价,以新课标理念为指导,根据学情,力求体现九年级学生的学习需求和认知特点,突出课堂整体性、灵活性和开放性。,1.用视频导入新课,激发学生学习兴趣。2.将“游戏:super star”引入阅读课,实现寓教于乐,充分体现学生的主体地位。,采用PPT将视频、游戏、声音、图表、文字等制成CAI课件,创设情景,激趣导入(3-5分钟),任务启动,语言实践(10-15

4、分钟),设疑探究,寻规导律(8-10分钟),多边互动,运用拓展(10-15),创设情景,激趣导入(3-5分钟),本节课,我首先让学生欣赏一段“饮食与健康”的视频,创设学习氛围,激发学习兴趣,通过询问学生 What do you prefer to eat/drink?来导入本课新授内容。,Interest is the best teacher!,Diet and health,What do you prefer to eat/drink?,fried food,fruit,juice,meat,fish,vegetables,coffee,ice cream,创设情景,激趣导入(3-5分钟

5、),任务启动,语言实践(10-15分钟),设疑探究,寻规导律(8-10分钟),多边互动,运用拓展(10-15),Listen and answer:,How many people are talking in the passage?Who are they?What are they talking about?,There are three.They are Peter,Tony and Laura.,They are talking about the diets.,Task 1,模仿语音语调,根据句子意群理解文章大意。,Are the following statements tr

6、ue or false?,1.Peter prefers too much fried food.2.Tony doesnt eat sugar.3.Some types of oil are bad for us.4.Laura eats meat.5.Burnt barbecued meat might cause cancer.,Task 2,FTTFT,快速阅读,获取关键信息。,Fill in the chart according to the passage.,Peter,Tony,Laura,food that tastes good;meat thats well cooked

7、,food that he likes,food that is healthy;nuts,too much food that is fried;sugar,food that is cooked in oil;burnt food;meat,not mentioned,Task 3,Work with groups,培养合作意识,训练精读、捕捉有用信息的阅读技巧。,创设情景,激趣导入(3-5分钟),任务启动,语言实践(10-15分钟),设疑探究,寻规导律(8-10分钟),多边互动,运用拓展(10-15),小组合作探究、交流分享,这篇文章我知道的知识点 难以理解的句子是 我会运用的短语是 我

8、还想知道的是,把课堂还给学生,让学生做学习的主人。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,h,调查,反,馈,玩中学,学中乐,Play a game,说出保持健康的短语,keep healthy=stay healthy=keep fit,大声朗读to be honest这个短语三遍,并说出它的同义短语,in fact=actually,翻译句子:我听说吃类似的烧烤食品会增加得癌症的风险,Ive heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.,请用be good for,be bad for 这两个短语造句,填空:A

9、nd I(保持距离)sugar,you do too,dont you?,stay away from,翻译句子:I want to take care of my health,so I eat mainly fruit and vegetables,我想照顾好我的健康,所以我主要吃蔬菜和水果。,请表演“eat an apple”,填空:People who eat(一个均衡的饮食)should be(更健康)than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,?,先行词,关系代词,a balanced diet,healthier,shouldn

10、t they,创设情景,激趣导入(3-5分钟),任务启动,语言实践(10-15分钟),设疑探究,寻规导律(8-10分钟),多边互动,运用拓展(10-15),应用实践,人人有发展人人有提高个个有收获,单选题()1.I like music _ has great lyrics.A.that B.who C.whose D.whom()2.My brother says he prefers juice to coffee.A.he likes coffee better B.he likes juice better C.he likes both of them D.he likes neit

11、her of the drinks.()3.I dont like people_ talk more but do less.A.that B.who C.where D.whom()4.The soup looks_ but tastes _.A.good,good B.bad,well C.well,bad D.bad good()5.Its very important for us _ a balanced diet.A.to have B.have C.having D.had,A,B,B,C,A,Do a class survey about your classmates di

12、ets,and then fill in the chart.,Make a survey,names,diets,A:What kind of food/drinks/fruit do you prefer?B:I prefer A:What other things do you like?B:I like,采用调查的方式,使学生积极参与到获取信息的过程中。,Report your results of the survey by using written English.(运用书面语汇报调查结果),Try to“write”short passage,A:What kind of fo

13、od/drinks/fruit do you prefer?B:I prefer A:What other things do you like?B:I like _ prefers to eat _.He/She prefers to drink_.He/She likes _ and _.Whose diet is the healthiest?I think XXXs is the healthiest.Because _.,汇报结果,实现语言学习与语言运用的有机结合。,Summary,water,fruit,vegetable,nuts,some meat or fish,well c

14、ooked food,cola,fried food,French fries,sugar,sweet dessert,burnt barbecued meat,biscuits,hamburgers,oil,积极动脑,善于思考,2.Please look after your health for yourself,for your family,for the people who love you.,1.Happiness is first of all in health.,Homework,Make a survey about your family or friends diet

15、,then report it in next class.,五、板书设计,T:People eat balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldnt they?,S:Actually,did you know that its been found in laboratory testing that some types of oil are really bad for us.,be bad for 对有害,to be honest 老实说 eg:To be honest,I prefer music that I can dance to.,stay away from 与保持距离 eg:Teenagers should stay away from cigarettes.,who,=it has,Unit 6 reading,力求简洁、清晰地展示本堂课重点内容,Thank you for listening!,


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