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1、习题:一.将下列单词分类将序号填在横线上,其中有一个不属于任何一类。A. Tuesday B. bookstore C. face D. bank E. supermarket F. Monday G. Friday H. foot I. Thursday J put. K. head 星期: 身体部位: 公共场所: 二.选择( )1._ did you get to school? At 7:00 this morning.A. How B. Where C. When( )2.He was so busy yesterday. He _ at 8:30 last night. A. has

2、 dinner B. have dinner C. had dinner( )3.Did Polly see a film last month? Yes, she_.A. did B. saw C. sees ( )4. Did you a good time in the party? A. have B. had C. has( )5. I went to visit my grandma my parents. A. to B. and C. with一.同类词A. swam B. what C. nose D. when E. hurt F. leg G. rode H. broke

3、 I. where J. face K.walk 特殊疑问词:_ _ _ 动词过去式:_ _ _ _身体部位: _ _ _二、观察图片,选择与图意最相符的词组,将其标号填写在括号里。A. see the film B. pull out the tooth C. drink Coke D. fix the computer E. visit museums ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、读短文,从各题所给的三个词中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Lingling had a wonderful time _1_ a summer camp. S

4、he went there with girls from Grade 5. They _2_ swimming in the sea. They washed _3_ own clothes and learned to cook. Yangyang was late for school _4_ he rode his bike very fast. He fell off his bike and hurt one of his _5_. It was dangerous to ride fast. The doctor told him to _6_ more careful next

5、 time. ( B ) 1. A. with B. in C. on ( ) 2. A. go B. going C. went ( ) 3. A. their B. them C. they ( ) 4. A. because B. then C. so ( ) 5. A. legs B. head C. leg ( ) 6. A. is B. be C. was一、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类,将其标号填写在相应的线上,其中有一个单词不属于任何一类.A. airplane B. saw C. spend D. bank E. ship F. bookstore G. rode H.

6、were I. subway J. train K. came L. airport交通工具: A 动词过去式: 地点: 二、选择( )1. There a lot of apples on the table last night ?A .were B. are C. was( )2. you at the party last night ? Yes, I . We had a lot of fun .A. Were were B. Was were C. Were was( )3. If you more, you progress.A. practiced will make B. p

7、ractice will make C. practice make( )4. What did she do ? She some cards for her teachers . A. make B. makes C. made( )5. What did you do just now ? I my clothes. A. am washing B. washed C. washes( )6. Who all of these ?A. invent B. invents C. invented ( )7. Who cleaned the windows ? Some students .

8、A. do B. does C. did ( )8.Excuse me , How can I get to the bookstore ? Walk this road. A. to B. along C. with( )9.You should stop computer games.A.play B. plays C. playing( )10. I had to my homework befor dinner last Monday.A. do B. does C. doing习题:一、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类,将其标号填写在相应的横线上,其中有一个单词不属于任何一类。A.

9、shirtB. chineseC.thousandD. EnglishE. jacketF. JapaneseG. hundredH. uniformI. bookJ. setK. desk 文具:_国籍:_数字:_服装:_二 、从方框中选择恰当的单词,把它抄写在相应的横线上。 success took part in begin modern history1.When did our class _? It began ten minutes ago. 2.There are more events in the _ Olympic Games than in the ancient Ga

10、mes.3. Do you know how many countries _ in the first modern Olympic Games?4. It was a big _. We won 3 gold medals and 2 silver ones.5 China has a very long _, about five thousand years.三、读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在横线上。A. send a letterB. walk a dog C. read a bookE. do homeworkD. see grandparents 1 _2 _3

11、 _4 _5_习题:一、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类,将其标号填写在相应的横线上,其中有一个单词不属于任何一类。A. post officeB. blouseC. airport D. faceE. blackF. SaturdayG. whiteH. jeansI. MondayJ. nose星 期: _ _ 衣 服:_ _场 所: _ _ 身体部位:_ _颜 色: _ _二、看图读词组,选择与图片内容相符的词组,将其标号填写在横线上。A. write a letter B. ride a horse C. take the bus D. wash the dishes E. play

12、computer games 1_2_3_4 _5 _三、读短文,选择相应的单词,将其序号填写在横线上。Mike is _ at the door and waiting for his fathers friend. He is a man. This man is tall and is wearing a blue suit _ a silver tie. He _very formal. Saras sister is a singer. _ she goes on the stage to sing, she likes to _ her favorite purple dress.

13、1. A. stand B. stands C. standing2. A. with B. for C. of3. A. look B. looks C. looking4. A. when B. why C. so5. A. wear B. wears C. wearing习题:一、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类,将其标号填写在相应的横线上。 A. bought B. shirt C. snake D. dragon E. skirt F. rat G. jeans H. took J. sent K. went L. brave服装: 26._ 27._ 28._动物:29. _ 30

14、._ 31._动词过去式: 32._ 33._ 34._ 35._二、从下面各题所给的三个选项中选择最佳选项,并填在题前的括号内。 ( )1. There _ a telephone call for you just now. A. is B. are C. was( )2. Mary _ to China last month. A. come B. came C. comes( )3.How did that _. A. happen B. happens C. happened( )4. I am _ now. A. sing B. sings C. singing( )5._ are

15、 you from? -I am from China. A. What B. Which C. Where( )6.My father _ for my mother at the gate.A . is waiting B. waits C. waiting( ) 7. Beijing hosted the _ Olympic Games. A. 28th B. 29th C. 27th( )8.My cousin was born _1997, he is an OX.A. in B. of C. at ( )9.Tom is wearing a shirt _ a dog on it

16、. A. on B. with C. of( )10. _ birth-year animal is your mother ? She was born in the Year of the Snake. A. What B. Which C. When二、同类词第一组:A. SundayB. legC. cookedD. toothE. MondayG. FridayH. JuneI. faceJ. swamK. nose动词过去式:_C_1._2._3._身体部位: 4._5._6._7. _星期:8._9._10._ 第二组:A. EnglishB. subwayC. thousand

17、D. airportE. supermarketF. trainG. hundredH. busI. P.E.J. setK. station 课 程:_场所:_数 字:_交通工具:_ 第三组:A. sweatshirtB. blouseC. oxD. dressE. silverF. dogG. whiteH. skirtI. blackJ. leatherK. horseL. sheep服 装:_A _生肖动物:_颜 色:_._词组,作为家庭作业 根据图片选择词组第一组:A. see the dentist B. have dinner C. put money in the bank D

18、. ride a horse E. read a book F. go to the Great Wall G. line up H. fell off the bed I. ride a bike J. go to the supermarket 第二组:A.fix the computer B. have a headache C. visit my grandparents D. wash clothes E. see a filmF. send a letter G. do home work H. take pictures I. clean the classroom J. wal

19、k the dog 第三组:A. do word puzzles B. have a terrible cold C. pull out the tooth D.play computer games 习题:第一组:( )1. What your sister do? A. do B. did C. does ( )2. when she on the stage she likes to wear her favorite pink dress. A. sing B. sings C. singing ( )3. My father wears a suit a tie. A. and B.

20、 with C. on ( )4. 8.The ancient Olympic Games began 776 BC. A. in B. on C. at ( )5. What they wear to school? A. do B. does C. did ( )6. Which birth-year animal your father ? A. is B. are C. am ( )7. I was born in the year the Rabbit. A. for B. off C. of( )8. I am ox and I am hardworking. A. a B. an

21、第二组:一、选择填空( )1.I at seven yesterday morning. A get up B got up C getting up( )2.We watched a film morning. A tomorrow B this C next( )3. your grandparents water the flowers a few minutes ago ? A Do B Does C Did( )4.Now Tim is staying in bed ,he his bike. A falls off B fell off C fall off( )5.My brot

22、her likes basketball .But he it. He just basketball matches on NBA A. dont play/watches B doesnt plays/doesnt watch C doesnt play/watches( )6.Bob is smart student. He always his homework by himself. A do B doeb C doing ( )7.My parents go to bed at 6:30. A didnt B arent C doesnt( )8.This is my mother

23、. She often at 7:00 in the morning. A have breakfast B has breakfastChad breakfast( )9.My brother always the computer games in the evening . A play B plays C playing.( )10.What to your arm?I off my bike A happened, fall B happened, fell C happen, fell二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.I want to (buy) a pair of shoes.2

24、. You should (do) better next time.3. Shall we (go) to the zoo tomorrow.4.What about (visit) my new house?5.I (do) homework now.一、根据图片的情景选择句子,将其标号填写在横线上。Mike: What are you doing here?Tom: .Mike: What does she do?Tom: Mike: What do they wear to work?Tom: Mike: I like your sweater, it looks nice.Tom:

25、.Mike: What size is he?Tom: A: She is a doctor.B: Im waiting for my sister.C. It was my brothers. But its small for him.D. She likes to wear formal clothes to work.E. He wears size L and mine is M. 二、根据对话内容选择合适的语句,将其标号填写在横线上。(共10分)A: I went to Tibet with my family during National Day holiday.B: 1 A:

26、 It was wonderful! 2 I had a great time there.B: 3 A: Its a bit cold and my mom bought some mountaineering suits and they were very comfortable. B: How did you make your trip?A: By plane. B: How long were you there?A: Only five days.B: 4 A: We visited some famous temples.B: Did you try Tibetan food

27、there?A: 5 Tom: _61_( )_Make: Fine, thank you. Sue: _62_( )_May: Sue: _63_( )_May: Sue: _64_( )_May: Sue: _65_( )_May: Sue: _66_( )_May:A. How was the weather there?B. Yes, it was very different from ours.C. The people there were very friendly.D. Really? How was your trip?E. What places did you visi

28、t?Jim: Hey, Tom. I have a problem.Tom: 37._Jim: I lost a book.Tom: What book?Jim: The story book. I borrowed it from the library. Tom: Thats too bad. 38. .Jim: I cant tell her. She will be angry.Tom: Maybe you should tell Dad. Jim: No, I cant. 39._.Tom: No, he will understand. Last time I broke his

29、computer. 40. Jim: 41._Tom: _61_( )_Make: Fine, thank you. Sue: _62_( )_May: Sue: _63_( )_May: Sue: _64_( )_May: Sue: _65_( )_May: Sue: _66_( )_May:A. He wasnt angry.B. Ok. Lets go and tell him about this.C. Dad will be angry with me.D. What is it?E. Maybe you should tell our teacher.一观察表格信息,完成相关习题。

30、The list of MacdonaldDifferent kinds of drinks Price Hot Milk ¥ 8 yuanHot Tea ¥ 6 yuanHot Chocolate ¥ 10 yuanCoffee ¥ 8 yuanLarge Coke ¥ 7 yuanThe list of MacdonaldDifferent kinds of foods Price Spicy Chicken Wings ¥ 7 yuanBig Mac ¥ 13 yuanFries ¥ 8 yuanApple Pie ¥ 4 yuanDouble Cheeseburger ¥ 10 yua

31、n ( )71. How many kinds of drinks in Macdonald?A. There are 3 kinds. B. There are 4 kinds. C. There are 5 kinds.( )72. If you like spicy food you can choose _.A. Spicy Chicken Wings B. Big Mac C. Double Cheeseburger( )73. How much are a cup of hot chocolate and an apple pie?A. Thirteen yuan. B. Four

32、teen yuan. C. Fifteen yuan.( )74. If you feel cold in winter, what kinds of drinks can you choose from Macdonald?A. Hot milk and Hot tea. B. Hot tea and hot chocolate. C. Hot tea, hot milk and hot chocolate.( )75. Which kind of foods is the cheapest in Macdonald?A. Fries B. Apple pie C. Double Chees

33、eburgers二、阅读短文,完成下面各题。On Christmas Eve - the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents. Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of present.Christmas Da


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