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1、Module 2 My New Teachers. 单词拓展1. _ adj. 有趣的;可笑的 _adj. 感到有趣的_vt. 使愉快 amusement n. 乐趣, 娱乐2energetic adj.精力充沛的 _n精力3intelligent adj.聪明的_adv.聪明地_n智力,智慧4nervous adj.紧张的;焦虑的 _ n. 神经紧张;焦虑5. _adj.有组织的;有系统的organizer n组织者_v组织_n组织6. _adj. 耐心的_adv.耐心地_ n耐心_adj.不耐烦的7. _v. 感激, 欣赏 appreciation n感激, 欣赏8.admit vt.承认

2、;许可;进入_ n许可9scientific adj. 科学的 _n. 科学 _ n. 科学家10. _ n总结;摘要;提要summarize vt.总结;概述11relationship n关系relation n关系relative adj.&n.比较的,相对的;亲戚related adj.有关的,相联系的_ v有关,涉及 12. _n复习revise vt.复习; 修订, 修改13. _ adj.正式的 _ adj.非正式的14relaxed adj.轻松的;宽松的_ adj.令人轻松的_vt.使轻松relaxation n轻松;放松15._adv.同样地;类似地_adj.同样的;类似的

3、_similarity n. 相似.短语检测1确定, 确信;查明_2犯错误_3取得进步 _4不断/总是做某事_5结果_6对.要求严格_6在某方面干得好_7事实上_8睡着 _9讲笑话;开玩笑_10厌倦了_11宁愿, 宁可_12适用于, 合乎的事实_III单词点睛1. amuse的适当形式填空:Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _with her stories.No matter how_the story is ,I have to put it away and focus my attentio

4、n on study.It took us quite a long time to get to the _park. It was a three-hour journey.2. intelligent 适当形式填空:Its a good idea to train our brain by learning ways to increase our memory or_.Jenny made a very _comment, which showed that she was a girl of very high_.3. lively, living, live, alive填空:Th

5、e word is not often used in the_language.He is a strict but kind teacher, who is always trying to make his class_and interesting.The rescuers found the little girl still _after the earthquake.-Did you watch the football game on TV last night?-Yes,I did. It was_, and I enjoyed every minute of it.4. p

6、atient适当形式填:Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with_.Bob is a little slow in understanding, so you have to be _with him.Mr. Li_cultivated my interest in English.5. strict适当形式和语法填空:My father is sometimes strict _me, especially about my study._speaking, he is not a professional athl

7、ete.6. so/such 选词填空They are _interesting stories that I want to read them once again.Table tennis is _interesting a game that many people like to play it.There was _much food that we couldnt eat it at all.He is _ a little boy that he cant lift the box.7.avoidvt.避免, 逃避, 躲避, 回避avoid sth./sb.躲避某事或某人avo

8、id doing sth. 避免做某事只跟v. ing形式 (不可用不定式)作宾语的常见动词及动词短语有:mind, risk, practise, keep, consider, miss, suggest, enjoy, delay, admit, escape, finish, appreciate, imagine, give up, insist on, cant help, be worth, look forward to, get down to等。In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid_(eat) food high in fat

9、, like French fries and cookies.He was luck and avoided _(punish).Storm is coming. In order to avoid_(catch), we must take our raincoats with us.8.dare语法填空:The little girl dares_(live) alone when her parents are away.She doesnt dare_(say ) what she thinks.He darent _(speak) English before his classm

10、ates.9 .keep doing sth.继续/反复做某事 keep sb. doing使某人一直做keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做To keep _(do) sth until you have been successful. I keep my son_(listen) to music every day. We should keep children from _(play) games too much.10.appreciatevt .欣赏;感激;领会appreciation n欣赏, 赏识;感激appreciate sb doing sth. 感激(某人

11、)做某事I would appreciate it if如果, 我将不胜感激。语法填空:Id appreciate_if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.I appreciate_(give) the opportunity to work in your company two years ago.IIt took me a long time before I was able to _(full) appreciate what they had done for me.11.admitvt. 承

12、认;允许进入;接收admission n. 承认;允许进入;admit sb./sth. to/into 允许进入/加入be admitted to/into 被接收/录取admit doing sth. 承认做了Through her hard work, she_(admit)Peking University. Joe is proud and stubborn(固执的),never_(admit) he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.If you leave the club, you will not _(

13、admit)back it.12.as a result 因此,结果 。常用作插入语。as a result of由于的结果。Of是介词,后面跟名词、代词或者doing sthresult in 造成;导致result from 因发生语法填空:Jenny missed the flight as a result of _(do) too much shopping._the pilots strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.He had his leg injured. _, he had to stay in bed for two

14、weeks. His failure _carelessness. 13.with 复合结构, 在句中表状态或说明背景情况, 常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。 语法填空:With so many financial problems _(deal with), President Obama feels worried.We went through the forest without any difficulty with the guide _(lead)us. With the windows _(open), it is cooler. With the problems_(sol

15、ve), she felt relieved.14.have/has been doing sth 现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去某时开始一直延续到现在且可能继续下去。通常和all the time等状语以及for或since表示的时间段连用。All these years we_(try) to get in touch with him.Since the time humankind started gardening, we_(try) to make our environment more beautiful.He went to the library after breakfa

16、st and _(write) his essay there ever since.15.respect sb. for sth. 因某事尊重某人 Show/have respect for 尊敬/尊重. gain/win/earn the respect of.赢得.的尊重 send/give ones respect to. 代某人向.问好 with respect to 关于,就.而言语法填空:Mr.Smith always shows respect_his childrens opinions.Please send my _to them when you write.He ne

17、ver shows any opinions with respect_this matter.He is always ready to help those in trouble, so he wins the _of his classmates and teachers.Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be equally_(respect).16.preferv. (to like better)更喜欢prefer (doing/n. )to (doing/n. )喜欢尤胜于prefer to dor

18、ather than do 宁愿做而不愿做Some people nowadays prefer_ during the golden week rather than _out for holidays. Some people nowadays prefer_during the golden week to _ out for holidays. 现在有些人喜欢在黄金周期间呆在家里而不是外出度假。17. translation n.翻译;译文translator n.翻译家;译者 translate.into. 把.翻译成.translate的适当形式填空:The novel has b

19、een_into many languages.Mary often does some_work to earn extra money, which makes up half of her income.Nancy wants to become a _when she grows up.17. would rather宁愿, 宁可 would rather do sth.宁愿做某事 would rather have done sth. 宁愿做过某事 (但事实上没做) would rather do A than do B宁愿做A也不做B would rather sb. did st

20、h. 宁愿某人做某事(虚拟语气, 表示与现在或将来的情况相反) would rather sb. had done sth.宁愿某人做过某事(虚拟语气,表示与过去的情况相反)语法填空:The children would rather_(travel) by train than by air.Id rather you_(attend) the meeting tomorrow afternoon.Id rather you_(not tell) him the news that day.He would rather_(lie) on the sofa watching Tv than_

21、(do) a little housework.18.consider sb/sth (to be) sth/adj. 把.看作.consider it +adj+to do sth. 认为做某事是.的consider +从句 认为.consider doing sth. 考虑做某事take sth. into consideration 把.考虑在内语法填空:Why not consider_(visit) the park with your friends?Kenneth Williama _(consider) one of the greatest British comic actors of the twentieth century.We consider _unwise to give a child everything he or she wants.Before you quit your job, _(consider) how our family would feel about your decision.


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