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1、目 录1引言11.1研究的目的和意义11.1.1选题背景11.1.2研究的目的11.1.3研究的意义21.2国内外研究文献现状及评价21.2.1国外研究文献现状21.2.2国内研究文献现状31.2.3国内外研究文献评价51.3研究的主要内容及研究的方法51.3.1研究的主要内容51.3.2 研究方法62 相关概念界定及理论基础72.1相关概念的界定72.1.1粮食物流的概念72.1.2 粮食物流的功能及特点82.1.3 粮食物流产业体系的构成92.2理论基础102.2.1粮食物流供应链理论102.2.2 分工理论112.2.3 交易成本理论122.2.4 产业组织理论122.2.5 协同理论1

2、33黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展模式的现状:成效和问题分析153.1 我国粮食物流发展历程回顾153.2黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展的现有模式及特点163.2.1 黑龙江省粮食物流产业的现有模式163.2.2 黑龙江省粮食物流产业模式的特点173.3 现有模式下黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展取得的成效分析183.3.1形成了覆盖全省、辐射周边的综合交通运输网络183.3.2 粮食物流节点基础设施进一步完善193.3.3 粮食行业信息体系建设初具规模193.3.4 粮食质量检测体系已日益完善213.3.5 粮食物流产业具备供应链管理的基本条件213.4 现有模式下黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展中存在的问题分析223

3、.4.1 物流设施落后223.4.2 粮食深加工不足233.4.3 物流环节过多233.4.4信息化程度不足244 国内外粮食物流产业发展模式借鉴254.1 发达国家粮食物流产业发展模式分析254.1.1 美国粮食物流产业发展模式:全球化254.1.2 欧洲粮食物流产业发展模式:专业化264.1.3日本粮食物流产业发展模式:政府主导274.1.4 加拿大的粮食物流产业发展模式:“四散”化流通284.2 国内粮食物流产业发展模式分析284.2.1 湖南省粮食物流产业模式:骨干粮库294.2.2 吉林省粮食物流产业模式:供应链管理294.2.3大连市粮食物流产业模式:枢纽型304.3 国内外粮食物

4、流产业发展模式对黑龙江省的借鉴304.3.1 加强粮食物流体系规划研究304.3.2 粮食物流各节点布局合理314.3.3 推进粮食物流“四散化”的发展314.3.4 形成以大型跨国企业为主体的粮食物流体系314.3.5 政府对粮食标准及质量控制体系的促进和完善315 黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展模式创新设计335.1指导思想、基本原则及目标定位335.1.1 指导思想335.1.2 基本原则335.1.3 发展目标及功能定位345.2 黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展模式设计345.2.1 基于“拉动式”产业链的粮食物流产业发展模式的建立345.2.2 粮食物流产业发展模式下重点建设项目设计355.3

5、保障措施385.3.1 加强对粮食物流的科学定位和规划布局385.3.2 加大对粮食储运基础设施建设的投入385.3.3 积极推行粮食入库和出库质量检验制度385.3.4加大粮食物流人才的引进和培养395.3.5 强化政府对粮食物流的宏观调控职能396 结论40Contents1 Introduction11.1 Purpose and significance of the study11.1.1 Topics background11.1.2 Purpose of the study11.1.3 Significance of the study21.2 Status and evalua

6、tion of the research literature21.2.1 Status of foreign research literature21.2.2 Status of domestic Studies literature31.2.3 Evaluation of the research literature51.3 Main content of the research and research methods51.3.1 Main content of the research and research methods51.3.2 Research methods62 D

7、efinition of related concepts and theoretical basis72.1 Related Concepts72.1.1 Concept of food logistics72.1.2 Functions and features of the grain logistics82.1.3 The grain logistics industrial system constitute92.2 Theoretical basis102.2.1 Food logistics supply chain theory102.2.2 Division of labor

8、 theory112.2.3 Transaction cost theory122.2.4 Industrial organization theory122.2.5 Synergy Theory133 Status quo: the effectiveness and problems of of Heilongjiang Grain logistics industry development model 153.1 Review of the development of Chinas grain logistics153.2 Existing models and characteri

9、stics of grain logistics industry development163.2.1 Existing models of food logistics industry163.2.2 Mode characteristics of grain logistics industry173.3 Food Logistics Industry Development the results achieved in the existing mode183.3.1 Integrated transport network covering the whole province,

10、the radiation surrounding183.3.2 Further improve grain logistics node infrastructure193.3.3 Food industry information system to take shape193.3.4 Food quality inspection system has been growing.213.3.5 Food logistics industry with the basic conditions of the supply chain management213.4 Problems gra

11、in logistics industry development223.4.1 Logistics facilities behind223.4.2 Shortage of food processing233.4.3 Too many logistics links233.4.4 Insufficient level of information technology244 Domestic and international grain logistics industry development model draws254.1 Developed countries food log

12、istics industry development pattern analysis254.1.1 U.S. grain logistics industry development model: Globalization254.1.2 European food logistics industry development model: specialization264.1.3 Japanese food logistics industry development model: government-led274.1.4 Canadian grain logistics indus

13、try development model: the scatter of circulation284.2 Domestic grain pattern analysis of the development of the logistics industry284.2.1 Hunan food logistics industry mode: backbone granary294.2.2 Grain logistics industry model: supply chain management294.2.3 Dalian City food logistics industry mo

14、del: hub type304.3 Domestic and international grain logistics industry development mode Reference Heilongjiang Province304.3.1 Strengthen grain logistics system planning studies304.3.2 Reasonable food logistics node layout314.3.3 Push forward the development of food logistics scattered314.3.4 The fo

15、rmation of a the main large multinational grain logistics system314.3.5 Government food standards and quality control system315 Innovative design of Provincial Grain logistics industry development mode335.1Guiding ideology, basic principles and objectives set335.1.1 Guiding ideology335.1.2 Basic pri

16、nciples335.1.3 Development Goals and functional orientation345.2 Grain logistics industry development model design345.2.1 The establishment of development model based on the pull-style industrial chain345.2.2 Grain logistics industry development mode key construction project design355.3 Safeguards38

17、5.3.1 Strengthen the scientific orientation of grain logistics and planning layout385.3.2 Increase investment in the construction of grain storage and transportation385.3.3 Actively promote the quality inspection system for food storage and a library385.3.4 Introduction and training of logistics per

18、sonnel to increase food395.3.5 Strengthen the governments macro-control of grain logistics functions396 Conclusion40 独创声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含未获得(注:如没有其他需要特别声明的,本栏可空)或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签名

19、: 日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权学校可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日摘 要分析黑龙江省粮食物流产业发展模式的现状,同时借鉴国内外粮食物流产业发展模式的优势,对于提高黑龙江省粮食物流产业水平,保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。本文研究的目的就是通过对黑龙江省粮食物流产


21、行了回顾,分析了黑龙江省现有粮食物流产业发展模式及特点,并对现有模式下粮食物流产业发展取得的成效和存在的问题进行了深刻剖析。认为黑龙江省当前粮食最主要的物流模式为从农户到产地批发市场,到加工企业,到城市批发市场,再到超市、集贸市场直至消费者的一个冗长的直线物流。这种模式下,黑龙江省粮食物流产业取得了一定的成效,但还存在着包括物流设施落后、“四散”化程度较低、粮食深加工不足等诸多问题。三是(第4章)对国内外成功粮食物流产业发展模式进行了分析和借鉴。这些模式包括美国的“全球化”模式、欧盟的“专业化”模式、日本的政府主导模式和加拿大的“四散”化流通模式,国内发达地区主要包括 湖南省的“骨干粮库”模式


23、件设施建设、创建“四散”化的粮食物流运输模式、建立强大而统一的粮食交易物流信息平台。并针对这些提出了相应的保障措施。关键词 粮食物流;产业体系;发展模式;“拉动式”产业链Research on Grain Logistics Industry Development Mode in Heilongjiang ProvinceAbstractThe analysis of Heilongjiang Grain logistics industries development mode status quo and the drawing on the advantages of domestic

24、 and international grain logistics industry development model have important significance in improving the industry level of Heilongjiang Grain logistics, and ensuring national food security. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation of grain logistics industry development mode o

25、f Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang Grain logistics industry development achievements and the problems, and the presentation and analysis of relevant experience at home and abroad. And at last novel Heilongjiang Province grain logistics industry development model design. The ultimate goal is to es

26、tablish a set and storage, trading, transport-stop business processes, to form a complete industrial chain, offers versatile for stored grain farmers and grain growers. The modern grain circulation of a comprehensive integration services industry model. This paper uses a literature study, flow chart

27、 and specification analysis and other methods.The main content of this paper consists of four parts:The first part (Chapter 2) is analysis and related concepts and theoretical basis. Mainly to define the composition of grain logistics concepts, features, characteristics, and food logistics industry

28、system, and detailed exposition of the theoretical basis of the food logistics industry development model.The second part (Chapter 3) reviewed the course of the development of Chinas grain logistics mode and the characteristics of the development of the existing food logistics industry in Heilongjia

29、ng Province, and the effectiveness and the problems of food made in the development of the logistics industry in the current mode in-depth analysis. The main logistics model food wholesale market from the farmers to the farms to processing enterprises, to urban wholesale markets to supermarkets, baz

30、aars until a lengthy line of consumer logistics. In this mode, the food logistics industry in Heilongjiang Province has made some achievements, but also including logistics facilities behind, scattered lower level and many other issues.The third part (Chapter 4) analyzed and learned from successful

31、food logistics industry development mode. These modes include globalization mode, the EUs professionalism mode, the Japanese government-led model and Canada scatter of the circulation pattern developed areas including Hunan Province the backbone granary mode, Jilin Province supply chain management m

32、ode and Dalian logistics hub-type mode. The prevalence of these logistics model with the following advantages: First, strengthen the grain logistics system planning studies; reasonable grain logistics node layout; advancing the development of grain logistics scattered; Fourth, the formation of mainl

33、y large multinational grain logistics system; five government to promote and improve food standards and quality control system. These experiences have important implications for grain logistics system in Heilongjiang Province.The forth part (Chapter 5) Design Heilongjiang Grain logistics industry de

34、velopment mode. The model is based on the third-party food logistics enterprises as the main node, an integrated food logistics center mainly food industry chain based on the pull logistics industry development mode. Five major projects, and in this mode are: formation of large grain logistics cente

35、r, and improve a wide range of food logistics market players to strengthen food logistics and transport hardware facilities, to create the scatter of food logistics and transport mode, strong and unified grain trade logistics information platform.Key words: grain logistics; industrial system; develo

36、pment mode; pull industrial chainCandidate: Yang Guanghui Specialty: Master of Agricultural Extension Supervisor: Vice-Professor ShiHong1引言 1.1研究的目的和意义1.1.1选题背景粮食是关系国际民生的重要战略性商品,建设现代化大农业,将为国民经济的发展奠定基础,其中粮食物流是否安全、高效、低耗,关系到粮食生产能否持续、快速、协调地发展。当今国际上高效粮食物流体系的发展主要以美国、日本、加拿大、欧盟等国家的粮食供应链为代表,经过近百年的发展形成了从国内粮食产






42、第一次论述了影响农产品配送成本的各种因素,揭开了人们对物流认识的序幕,由此开辟了农产品物流的发展历程。弗莱得.E. 克拉克(Fred E.Clark)将市场营销定义为商品所有权转移所发生的各种活动以及包含物流在内的各种活动,将物流纳入到了市场经营行为的研究范畴之中。1932年,克拉克和韦尔德(L.D.H.weld)在其所著的农产品营销中,对农产品营销的多种职能进行了研究,如农产品营销的集中、运输、储存、融资、风险、标准化等职能。农业发达国家,尤其是欧美农业发达国家,基本上都是以大规模集中的大农场形式进行生产,农场主个人或者由农业合作社和农协等专门的物流组织承担产加销一条龙的物流过程,农产品各个

43、物流环节呈现系统化,整个物流流程统一计划、管理和控制,已经从物流发展转化为农产品供应链发展。VOLLMERS(1980)对物流系统的组织对密歇根拇指地区粮食市场的费用产生的影响进行了分析。CHOW,MING-HONG(1984)从不同物流体系对堪萨斯州西北部的12个县向太平洋沿岸的港口和墨西哥湾出口小麦的经济影响进行了研究,得出的结论是物流系统对铁路费用的变动高度敏感,铁路费用的增加改善了商用卡车和驳船运输的竞争地位。Priewe,Steven Roger(1997)在推进粮食商品的运输服务保障的基础上,研究了管理粮食物流托运人新的战略工具,构建随机模拟模型评估对航运战略的不确定性的关键影响因

44、素,并得出结论:混合策略可以减少风险的预期收益水平,而且承包和交货计划也可能导致风险大幅减少。McVey,Marty Jay(1997)论述了从基于商品的物流体系向质量差异化物流体系转变的的经济影响。Jessup,Eric L(1998)通过分配粮食运往特定的公路,铁路设施和驳船设施,构建了物流和地理信息系统相结合的运输系统模型。Mruss,Kerrin L(2004)分析了在交通运输应用区域货运预测的重要性,构建了包括货物的产生、货物配送、货物的转让三个步骤的货运预测模型,用于测评在马尼托巴省农村公路网粮食运动。Kilima,Fredy(2004)根据农产品仓储和运输的成本效益确定仓库设施的



47、(2003)构建了一个包括进行网络监管的“精干港口企业”(leanportenterprise)、港口以及内陆终端等组织要素在内的综合性网络化战略联盟模型。Long等(2006)从环境与企业的角度,针对国际物流管理的主要功能,详细剖析了国际物流的全球作业管理、全球货物运输管理、进出口运作及物流管理方面。John L.Gattoma(2003)分析了由市场、战略响应、文化、领导和物流信息五个部分为主要要素的战略联盟模型。Hans一C城stianPfoh.(2004)全面地阐述了物流理念的发展、应用和可持续性,深入研究了现代物流问题,并结合实例分析如何通过运用物流的理念在企业内部和企业间建立优秀的物流系统。DonaldJ.Bowersox等(2006)展示了未来商业物流发展的前景及其在增强企业竞争力方面所起到的作用,揭示了一体化物


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