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1、树达学院本 科 毕 业 论 文题目飘中的女性发展Female Development in Gone with the Wind姓 名学 号系 (部)专业、年级指导教师毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名: 日 期: 指导教师签名: 日期: 使用

2、授权说明本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。作者签名: 日 期: 湖南师范大学树达学院本科毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个

3、人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 本科毕业论文作者签名: 二一年 月 日一、湖南师范大学树达学院本科毕业论文开题报告书论 文 题 目飘中的女性发展作 者 姓 名所属院、专业、年级 树达学院 英语翻译专业 指导教师姓名、职称预计字数5000开题日期选题的根据:1)说明本选题的理论、实际意义2)综述国内外有关本选题的研究动态和自己的见解时过境迁,女性不再只拘泥于家庭,甘当传宗接代,抚育子女的工具,她们开始走出家门,在社会大舞台中开创自己的天地,实现自身的才华。现在越来越多的女性纵横驰骋在刀光剑影的职场上,一展身手.在通往成功的道路上,给原本一统天下的男人


5、的非典型女性,她美艳、聪明、独立、虚荣,为了达到目的,她甚至不惜使用为人所不齿的狡诈伎俩。然而她却是一位不折不扣的事业女强人,她身上所具有的不同于其他女性的品质在事业上发挥了极大的作用。另一位女主角梅兰妮完全不同于斯嘉丽的狡诈与自私,她在短暂的一生中仁慈、隐忍、善良又坚强,其美德另人折服。主要内容:本文拟分三章:第一章分析在内战前后斯嘉丽性格的变化及成长,主要包括战前的自在、任性;战后家园重建过程中体现的责任、勇敢与智慧以及她的爱情、婚姻关。第二章主要对梅兰妮的性格以及其人格魅力进行阐述。第三章通过分类现代女性,各从斯嘉丽与梅兰妮的性格优点中,给予商业女性与家庭主妇建议与启示。 研究方法:(1

6、)文献法:广泛查找和阅读与小说相关的文献资料。 (2)分析法:分析小说内容,形成自己对小说的人物描写的见解和观点。完成期限和采取的主要措施:完成期限: (1)2009.11月 上网查资料,初步定下论文题目。 (2)2009.12月中旬 完成开题报告。(3)2010.3月上旬 完成第一稿。(4)2010.3月下旬 完成第二稿。(5)2010.4月中旬 完成第三稿。(6)2010.4月下旬 定稿。主要措施:从网上和图书馆查找相关资料,和同学交流讨论,听从指导老师意见和建议,不断改进。主要参考资料:Angelis, Barbara D. Secrets About Life Every Woman

7、Should Know MBeijing: Zhongxin Press. 2003Bishop, John Peale. War and No Peace J. The New Republic, 1936. (87)Elizabeth, R.T. Scarlett OHara: The Southern Lady as New Woman J. American Quarterly. 1981.(33)Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the Wind M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

8、. 1992.Stuckey,W. J. New Brands of Individualism M. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. 1966代良英外国文学名著读本M.成都:四川大学出版社.2003.荆兴梅.飘的女性主义解读J. 江苏科技大学学报.2005.(5)李培峰.论斯嘉丽的现实主义性格特征J. 新疆教育学院学报.1999.(4) 玛格丽特米切尔.贾文浩等译. 飘M. 北京:中国致公出版社.2005熊欣.飘中斯嘉丽的反叛精神浅析J.琼州大学学报.2005.(12)张绍含给女人一生的最好忠告 M北京:蓝天出版社.2005指导教师意见: 签

9、名: 年 月 日开 题 报 告 会 纪 要时间 地点与会人员姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)会议记录摘要:会议主持人签名:记录人签名:年 月 日指导小组意见负责人签名: 年 月 日学 院 意 见负责人签名: 年 月 日湖 南 师 范 大 学 树 达 学 院 外语 系(部)指导教师指导毕业论文情况登记表论 文题 目飘中的女性发展学生姓名陈 洁所属专业、年级 英语 专业 2006 级指导教师姓名肖运初职 称教授学 历指导时间指导地点指 导 内 容学生签名备 注二、湖南师范大学树达学院本科毕业论文评审表论文题目Female Development in Gone with th

10、e Wind作者姓名陈 洁所系(部)、专业、年级 外语 系(部) 英语 专业 2006 年级指导教师姓名、职称肖运初 教授字 数5100定稿日期2010.4.30中文摘要玛格丽特.米歇尔所著的长篇小说飘在世界文坛上占据着不可替代的地位。小说通过描写战前战后的人民生活状况,以斯嘉丽、白瑞特、艾希礼和梅兰妮之间复杂的感情纠葛为线索,刻画了一幅壮观而又生动的美国南方社会的生活画面。在作品塑造的众多富有特色的人物中,两位女主角斯嘉丽和梅兰妮代表着两类女性,即家庭主妇与事业女性以及她们各自的人生态度。本文通过分析比较两者的性格特点,并提取其中优秀的品质以供当代女性学习。本文拟从三个方面展开讨论:一是在内

11、战前后斯嘉丽性格的变化及成长,主要包括战前的自在、任性;战后家园重建过程中体现的责任、勇敢与智慧以及她的爱情、婚姻关。第二章主要对梅兰妮的性格以及其人格魅力进行阐述。第三章通过分类现代女性,各从斯嘉丽与梅兰妮的性格优点中,给予商业女性与家庭主妇建议与启示。关键词飘 斯嘉丽 梅兰妮 现代女性英文摘要Gone with the Wind, the long novel written by Margaret Mitchell has taken an irreplaceable status in the world literature. The novel portraits the live

12、lihood from the breaking out to the ending of the war, sets its clues through the complex love between Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley, and Melanie, to show readers a splendid and vivid living picture of the south American. Among all the typical characters lively build by the writer, the two major female ro

13、lesScarlett and Melanie represent two kinds of females-the housewife and businesswoman, and their life value. This article is to analyze and compare both characters personalities, and to extract their good qualities which can be learnt by modern females. The article is written from three aspects: th

14、e first one is Scarletts personalities and personal development around the Civil war, include her carefree and self-will before the Civil war, Scarletts responsibility, bravery and wisdom in postwar reconstruction, and her special views of love and marriage; the second one shows Melanies personaliti

15、es and personality charm; in the last part, I classify modern female into two major parts-the businesswoman and the housewife, and set Scarlett and Melanie as examples for modern female to follow.关键词Gone with the Wind Scarlett Melanie Modern female 毕业论文指导教师评定成绩评审基元评审要素评审内涵满分实评分选题质量30%目的明确符合要求选题符合专业培


17、息10外文应用能力能阅读、翻译一定量的本专业外文资料、外文摘要和外文参考书目(特殊专业除外)体现一定的外语水平5论文质量35%文题相符较好地完成论文选题的目的要求5写作水平论点鲜明;论据充分;条理清晰;语言流畅10写作规范符合学术论文的基本要求。用语、格式、图表、数据、量和单位、各种资料引用规范化、符合标准10论文篇幅符合学校文件(处发200768号)要求5成果的理论或实际价值成果富有一定的理论深度和实际运用价值 5正文部分成绩(上表):总成绩:评定等级:指导教师评审意见: 指导教师签名: 说明:此表指标部分为正文部分计分表,正文部分成绩实评总分0.9,外文资料译文成绩满分为10分。总成绩正文



20、表、数据、量和单位、各种资料引用规范化、符合标准10论文篇幅符合学校文件(处发200768号)要求5成果的理论或实际价值成果富有一定的理论深度和实际运用价值 5正文部分成绩(上表):总成绩:评定等级:评阅教师评审意见: 评阅教师签名: 说明:此表指标部分为正文部分计分表,正文部分成绩实评总分0.9,外文资料译文成绩满分为10分。总成绩正文部分成绩外文资料译文成绩。评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,总成绩90100分记为优秀,8089分记为良好,7079分记为中等,6069分记为及格,60分以下记为不及格。若译文成绩为零,则不计总成绩,评定等级记为不及格。三、湖南师范大学树达学

21、院本科毕业论文答辩记录表论文题目Female Development in Gone with the Wind作者姓名陈 洁所系(部)、专业、年级 外语 系(部) 英语 专业 2006 年级指导教师姓名、职称肖运初 教授答 辩 会 纪 要时间地点答辩小组成员姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)答辩中提出的主要问题及回答的简要情况记录:会议主持人签名:记录人签名:年 月 日 答辩小组意见评语:评定等级: 负责人(签名): 年 月 日学院意见评语:论文学院最终评定等级: 负责人(签名): 学院(公章) 年月 日学校意见评语:评定等级: 负责人(签名): 年月 日Contents

22、Abstract.1Introduction2Chapter 1 Scarletts Personalities and Personal Development41.1 Carefree and Self-will before the Civil War51.2 Stubbornness in love and intentional in marriage61.3 Scarletts Responsibility, Bravery and Wisdom in Postwar Reconstruction8Chapter 2 Melanies Personalities and Perso

23、nality Charm112.1 A traditional and tolerant housewife112.2 An unselfish and forbearing woman12Chapter 3 Good Qualities for Modern Female to Follow143.1 Scarletts Good qualities for businesswoman143.1.1 The liberation of nature143.1.2 Bravery and persistence153.1.3 Decisive and sacrifice153.2 Melani

24、es Good qualities for housewife163.2.1 Love163.2.2 Respect and Trust17Conclusion18Notes19Bibliography20Acknowledgements21Female Development in Gone with the WindChen JieAbstract: Gone with the Wind, the long novel written by Margaret Mitchell has taken an irreplaceable status in the world literature

25、. The novel portraits the livelihood from the breaking out to the ending of the war, sets its clues through the complex love between Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley, and Melanie, to show readers a splendid and vivid living picture of the south American. Among all the typical characters lively build by the w

26、riter, the two major female rolesScarlett and Melanie represent two kinds of females-the housewife and businesswoman, and their life value. This article is to analyze and compare both characters personalities, and to extract their good qualities which can be learnt by modern females. The article is

27、written from three aspects: the first one is Scarletts personalities and personal development around the Civil war, include her carefree and self-will before the Civil war, Scarletts responsibility, bravery and wisdom in postwar reconstruction, and her special views of love and marriage; the second

28、one shows Melanies personalities and personality charm; in the last part, I classify modern female into two major parts-the businesswoman and the housewife, and set Scarlett and Melanie as examples for modern female to follow.Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; Melanie; Modern female 内容提要:玛格丽特.


30、现代女性,各从斯嘉丽与梅兰妮的性格优点中,给予商业女性与家庭主妇建议与启示。关键词:飘;斯嘉丽;梅兰妮;现代女性IntroductionAs Gone with the Wind has being popular, two heroines in this novel -Scarlett and Melanie also left a deep impression on readers mind by their extremely different personalities. Although they are entirely different from each other i

31、n almost all aspects, from the opinions toward social to the evaluation to themselves, they both can be highly praised by modern female. During both of their lives, they are wonderful soldiers fighting in their own battles. Scarlett, with her natural rebellion, against any restrictions fettled her,

32、she pursues the forever carefree and happiness, for which goals she has to be strong enough and save enough money. Melanie seems not ambitious, but she has been a model of wife who has set a glory status.Time has changed, women nowadays showed their importance in every part of human life. “Businessw

33、oman” is no longer a rare word since women begin to rush into the business world and take a half crucial role in family incomes. However, in order to run a successful career, women must suffer much more than men. Scarlett O Hara, a woman who is brave, confident, innovative, and indifferent and dare

34、to defiance the social restrictions, possesses all of the qualities of businesswoman.What can not be changed with the time is the so called “natural duty”. As a woman, her natural duty is to look after her husband and children and to maintain the harmony of the family. It is possible that to be a go

35、od wife is no easier than to be a good businesswoman. For Melanie, a woman who gets the qualities of tolerance, respect, sincerity and trust, can be absolutely called a perfect housewife.I made this paper aims to set Scarlett and Melanie as the model of businesswoman and housewife, giving good examp

36、les and suggestions for modern females personal development. The article contains three large parts. The first part is the changing of Scarletts characteristics around the Civil War. It consists of her antebellum carefree and self-will, postwar responsibility, bravery and wisdom and stubbornness in

37、love and intentional in marriage. The second part comes to Melanies personalities and personality charm, something about her kindhearted, mercy and tolerant to be a good wife. The last part selects some of their good qualities for modern females to follow, for example, qualities of natural liberatio

38、n, bravery and persistence, decisive and sacrifice for office ladies; love respect and trust for housewives.Chapter 1 Scarletts Personalities and Personal DevelopmentTwo popular and comparable roles in this novel are Scarlett and Melanie. Both of them are young ladies popular among upper class. As r

39、ivals they both like Ashley, but they are no doubt best friends with opposite characters. One is a self-concerned business woman, who runs her own career and feed a big family. The other is a typical housewife, who is obviously a good wife and mother.Pursuing for true love is a main clue of Scarlett

40、s story. Her continue love for Ashley and courage of admit her love is much advance of other girls at that time. She has the strong bravery to face fresh and blood and to overcome difficulties, but her wish of independence is not accepted by the society at that time. What accepted by that society is

41、 woman like Melanie who never complaints and fights for her dream, or in other words the one who has little egoism. Scarlett is rebellion against social restrictions. She hates the rules of the society. She herself decides her marriage to Charles, and after his death, she disagrees with the rule tha

42、t a widow must wear black weeds and cant show her face in the public. Even in the party, she accepts Rhetts invitation to dance with him openly and ignores other peoples complains. She runs her own career so that she can protect Taraher house land. Her action is a heavy blow to society which is man-centered. After she has went trough the failure of love, endured the fear of war, reconstructed the postwar Tara, surffered from the death of her belove


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