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1、公司如何吸引和留住人才福雷德理何博格著摘要 吸引人才和留住人才,是企业成功的关键。企业最重要的资源,就是优秀雇员,他们不断提升工作技能,为企业和顾客带来更大的价值。本文论述的是如何吸引和留住人才来保持竞争力,以及如何打造持续繁荣发展的企业环境。关键词 吸引,留住,人才,环境,竞争力1 吸引和留住人才的重要性十多年前,美国一些先进的公司就预言将会出现严重的人力资源短缺问题。这样的预言在当今竞争越来越激烈的商界中已经得到验证。人力资源短缺几乎能影响所有的行业,因此企业雇主应当跳出传统陈旧的人力资源配置概念。当“新手”雇员加入工作岗位,必然有各种问题随之产生。因此,吸引和留住企业中的优秀雇员十分重要

2、。高效率的雇员就是令人满意的雇员。这样的人才能为企业创造更好的业绩。企业管理者有责任不断地营造能让人才乐意工作于其中的企业环境。首先要确保新招募的雇员的素质,认定及留住资深雇员,再者就是发展有成长潜力的雇员。同时要关注表现欠佳的员工,去了解这类员工是否分配到了不适当的工作岗位,明确公司有无提供具体清晰的工作要求让员工清楚明白自己的工作职责。如果员工的表现没有达到预定的要求,企业管理者应明确地反馈给员工知道。大卫格洛斯是Power & Control Automation公司的客户代表。该公司是西门子公司在美国佛罗里达州和佐治亚州的主要分销商。他提出以下的观点:“一个出色雇员的特点是忠诚,有责任

3、心,有创意,注重细节这是最重要也最难得的特性。除了福利和报酬之外,雇员还需要对公司有一份信心。他们希望确定为公司销售的产品是安全无害的,希望确定公司会在业界保持稳固地位。”格洛斯认为安全感是区分好企业与坏企业的一大特点。“优秀的雇员具有积极的态度和可培训性,他们有良好的工作记录,能与他们合作融洽。作为小型的企业,我们可以更加灵活,并且我们很自豪能给雇员提供家庭般和谐友好的氛围,较有自我管理的风格。我们允许雇员处理个人事情但在过后补上该工作的时间,我们提供的整套福利也很有竞争力。”1.1 优秀员工对公司的期望任何行业任何公司里的雇员都对公司有以下几方面的需求,以下各方面是根据重要性和受重视的程度



6、。当雇员花时间去考虑这些问题,谈论这些问题,或者想追求这些条件的时候,也正是企业在这些方面做得不够,导致雇员没有高效率工作的时候。带着满足的感觉下班回家的雇员必然会期待第二天上班工作。这样的雇员不仅会一直留守在企业,而且会在自己的工作岗位上有高效率的表现。“员工是雇来完成具体工作任务的,而一个好的雇员清楚知道自己所在的位置以及想要达到的位置。”美国大型的管理层人员招聘机构的客户代表达斯丁福特这样说,“而作为雇主的则当然是观察这样的一个雇员如何做到创造效益或者节约成本。”福特的专长是为工业销售界搜寻合适的人才或者填补企业职位空缺的人才。他早前在Motion Industries就职,已经有5年的

7、人才招聘工作经验。德里克布察儿与其姐姐米歇儿分别是其家族企业IBS公司的业务经理和市场部副总监。他们提出以下的观点:“优秀的雇员更看重的是待遇中的优越方面,而不是明确的赔偿金,不是单单追求待遇中的金额。”他指出,“如今的雇员寻求的是一份整体的职业,即包括良好的公司文化,职业道路,工作责任分工,以及工作与生活的协调平衡。这种平衡已经日趋受到重视。即使一个企业能给雇员提供一切,雇员自己还是会希望有时间有空间与自己的家人共处。”1.2 招聘面试甄别人才的确,招聘面试是重要的一个环节。有的招聘者将其作为发掘适当雇员的决定性的最后一步,也有的招聘者将面试作为判断雇员素质的第一步。面试是整个招聘过程中举足



10、,必然使是员工队伍士气大振。如果一家企业里有员工已经用完了规定内的假期,而员工家属突然有急症,这样的情况下企业管理者应该首先让员工去探视家属,关于假期的问题事后再安排。企业应建立与员工之间的和谐关系,成为其生活中给予支持、扶持的力量来源之一。1.3 愉快工作布察儿和约翰曾在其雇员中进行关于员工工作满意度、喜好等方面的调查。调查表明其公司雇员的工作满意度来自于该公司的良好财政形势(66.7%员工的意见),优厚福利(41.7%员工的意见)以及薪酬(33.3%员工的意见)。其他被提到的满意原因还包括制度灵活性、工作安全感、同事关系、公司规模、与管理层人员的关系,以及受重视的感觉。有58%的员工表示他


12、水平,而本公司的雇员好象还觉得自己获得的薪酬还不够高。”2 留住员工在招聘与留人中有三个大方面要注意:弄清楚人员流失的原因,经济上鼓舞员工,以及创造更好的工作环境。为什么有员工流失?当这个问题出现时,必须要先弄清楚这个问题的答案再采取行动。然而许多公司招聘者在员工离职的时候却没有按这样的思路正确处理。招聘方不应等到有员工离职的时候才开始采取预防措施。他们应当开始从员工、从应聘者的角度设想,有什么样的理由能使求职者选择在这一家而不是别家公司工作?人员流失的许多原因与薪金并不无很大的关联。离职的员工往往是因为人的因素而离职,例如与管理层的冲突,没有得到兑现的承诺,或者意识到得不到欣赏、支持或适当的

13、监督指点。甚至有一些人员流动的原因完全与雇佣方无关的,例如是想在离家更近的地方工作。2.1 应对人才流失的经济措施雇佣方可通过以下几个途径鼓舞和挽留员工:1、支付符合市场水平的薪酬。关于薪资水平的调查可以从有关机构、招聘公司、甚至是网络上获取。任何一个值得挽留的员工都足够聪明地去了解清楚自己所得的薪资是否符合市场行情。2、持股制度能鼓舞员工增加对企业的忠诚度。最忠诚的雇员,值得拥有企业的一部分股份。专家认为这种制度能将人才流失率降低一半。3、奖金和其他一些按表现奖励的措施能稳固员工对企业的忠诚度。多年来销售业务员提成抽佣非常普遍,而如今这种做法也能作为参考应用于其他类型的员工上。利益能吸引和留





18、,对企业好感加分,而一个刻薄的令人讨厌的经理则相反。然而作为真正善于留人的经理或主管都知道,要控制企业员工流失的情况,管理的质量是一个关键因素。懂得有效管理的经理人能避免或降低员工的流失。这类型的经理挽留员工的第一步就是在一开始的时候向员工清晰说明对员工在工作上的要求和期望,向员工描绘符合预期的工作表现所能带来的成功,这种成功是雇佣双方共同的成功。他们还会频繁地与员工进行沟通,使得互相沟通后员工感到受重视,并认为自己有信心完成工作任务。员工对于经理们和主管们的抱怨主要包括以下一些方面,也就是他们决定辞职的缘故:1、他们没有清晰说明对员工的工作要求和期望 2、他们没有清晰说明员工晋升的空间和加薪

19、的可能 3、他们没有经常与员工会面和谈话4、他们没有为员工指出可以通过员工努力而达到的工作上的目标当经理试图挽留员工而没有成功时怎么办?如果一个经理没有成功地挽留要辞职的员工,那么很可能只有两种原因:一是他可能没有能力加强他对在职员工的管理和合理的评价员工,二是他可能是不愿意加强对员工的管理和合理的评价。一个经理在职时期如果有不少重要的优秀的员工离职,就说明他不足以继续担当管理者的角色。如果这样的经理选择争取留下,就必须努力做到有成绩有表现有贡献。经理本身也是企业主属下的员工,如果他们无法进步,企业的最高管理者就应当让这样的经理离开企业,而不是等到他们对企业造成负面影响的时候才去辞退他们。如果

20、采用前文所列出的挽留雇员的方法,大多数经理们将会成为成功挽留人才、降低企业人员流失率的,成为合格的经理人。企业最高管理者对企业经理的栽培投资,能给企业带来持续的发展。毕竟归根到底,一个企业的成功核心在于企业雇佣怎么样的员工,留用怎么样的人才。The company how to attract andk keep good employeesFrederick HornbergerAbstract:Attracting and retaining great staff is the key for business success. Talented people who continue

21、to develop skills and increase their value to their organization and to their customers are a companys most important resource. The essay is on how to attract and retain these people and create an environment in which they remain competitive and continue to thrive. Key words: Attracting, retaining,

22、good employees, environment, competitiveA. Importance of attracting and keeping good employeesReasons for attracting and keeping good employeesMore than a decade ago, leading trade associations in the United States began warning of an impending labor shortage. That prediction has turned out to apply

23、 to almost all parts of the more and more intensively competitive business world nowadays. This labor shortage affects almost every industry and employers must begin to look outside of traditional labor pool sources. As “greener” workers take their places on jobsites, accidents are sure to follow. T

24、hats why attracting and retaining good employees is key. Company owners and management have to take the responsibility and efforts to create an environment where good employees are willing to work in and stay.Definition of good employeesA productive employee is a satisfied employee. Productive, sati

25、sfied employees create successful businesses. Its managements job to create the environment that enables employees to feel satisfied on a consistent basis.See how some employers define and describe good employeesEmployees are brought on to do a specific task, and a good employee knows where theyre a

26、t, and where theyre going, says Dustin Ford, an account executive at Management Recruiters, one of the largest search firms in the country. Employers, of course, are looking at, how can this employee either make money or save money? Ford specializes in finding and placing people in the industrial sa

27、les sector. He worked for Motion Industries prior to this position, and has been recruiting for five years. Good employees are attracted by advantageous aspects other than strictly compensation, something more than a number, he says. Today, theyre looking for a career package, including a comfortabl

28、e company culture, career path, diversity of responsibilities, and a work/life balance. That balance is becoming increasingly more popular. A company can give it all to an employee, but they still want to have a life to spend time with their spouses and kids. David Groce is an account manager at Pow

29、er & Controls Automation, an automation products distributor in Norcross, Ga. The company is the master distributor for Siemens Energy and Automation in Florida and Georgia. A good employee features loyalty, commitment, creativity, and attention to detail, a trait that is very important and quite ra

30、re, says Groce. Beyond benefits and a salary package, an employee needs to have confidence in the company. They need to know that the products you are selling are no risk, and that the company itself will be staying in the industry, and is reliable. According to Groce, security is the differentiatio

31、n between a good company and a bad company. Derek Butcher and his sister, Michelle St. John, are the operations manager and vice president of marketing, respectively, for their family business, IBS, Inc., a general-line distributor in Auburn, Wash. IBS sells cutting tools, abrasives, electrical comp

32、onents and fittings, among other products, to MRO customers in several industries. A good employee has a positive attitude, is trainable, has a reputable track record, and works well with others, says St. John. As a small company, we are able to be more flexible, and boast a family-friendly environm

33、ent with a more self-management style. We allow employees to take time for what they need and make it up later, and have a benefit package that competes. Improving quality of employeesThe primary elements of any plan to improve the quality of the staff you employ include improving the quality of new

34、 hires, identifying and retaining superior employees, and developing employees (especially those with high potential for growth). At the same time, you need to take a look at underperforming staff. Ask whether each individual is in the wrong job. Determine whether the company has provided specific a

35、nd clear requirements so the individual knows what you expect from him. Make sure you have provided feedback against goals and objectives so the person knows he is not meeting expectations. A good employees expectations from a companyAn employee in any business wants the following - in descending or

36、der of importance or weight. 1. Pleasure - Job pleasure includes looking forward to going to work and feeling satisfied when the day is done. What that means will be different for each employee. It may come from being creative, successfully carrying out an assignment or task, seeing a positive resul

37、t from their actions, knowing theyve contributed to someone elses good or receiving respect and recognition from others.A creative person will be most productive being creative. A detail-oriented person will enjoy digging into the minutia. Moving a technical genius into an administrative position pr

38、obably isnt going to be productive - anywhere. Job duties and individual personal qualities need to come together in order to maximize productivity. 2. Money - For most employees, money is only important when it feels like the pay does not match perceived value. Money can add to job pleasure, but do

39、es not replace it. Those who are driven by money alone may have trouble aligning with the rest of the team. 3. Comfort/Time-Off - Everyone has a different definition of comfort. For some people working close to home is a comfort because of family needs. Flexible time or extra time off may be needed

40、for a variety of reasons. Willingness to negotiate is the key to success here.4. Security/Benefits - No one wants to feel like they may be the next to go or that the company is in dire circumstances out of their control. Benefits are more important to some than to others. Benefits that fit the needs

41、 of each individual are ideal and may be negotiable. Make sure the employee understands their benefits and their responsibility in order to receive them.These are the prerequisites needed to experience job satisfaction. Any time an employee spends thinking about, talking about or pursuing any of the

42、se is unproductive time.The guy who goes home at the end of the day feeling satisfied will look forward to coming to work tomorrow. He will not only stay on board, he will be highly productive while hes there.Interviewing the possibilities Interviewing is almost an essential part for all companies t

43、o recruit new staff. For some companies, its a definitive avenue into figuring out a potential hire; for others, its a preliminary step into deciding if this person would be good for the company. Interviewing is the pivotal part of this whole process, because how else can you know if the potential e

44、mployee is good, unless you ask questions, put them in situations, and test them for their ability to think on their feet? The ultimate importance of the interview is always up for debate, but how it is approached seems to be trending. Conducting a Successful Interview1.Be prepared; know what questi

45、ons youre going to ask.Research the position, identify skills a qualified candidate should possess; if there is more than one person doing the interview, work together and be ready.2.Be courteous; be on time; put YOUR best foot forward.Show potential employees that your company is a great place to w

46、ork.3.Conduct the interview in a comfortable place; eliminate interruptions.Your office is not a good place to conduct an interview. Use a conference room, private break area or other room where you wont be interrupted.4.Listen attentively; make eye contact; get to know the applicant.You can learn a

47、 great deal about a person by simply listening to what they say and how they say it. Do they communicate well? Are they being honest? Listen and youll know.5.Give the applicant time to ask questions about the company and the job.Sell the position and the organization; create goodwill. This person ha

48、s the potential to increase your profits.Companies that approach their employees as numbers, and treat them as nothing but vessels from which to get money and revenue, fail at retaining their people, he adds. You have to be concerned about their welfare, and give them flexibility when they need it, says Groce. If a company could provide some kind of day care, or anything like that with a personal touch, that would be a huge boon to their people. How about an employee with no more vacation time and an emergency illness with his mother? You tell him to go to her, and


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