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1、LabVIEW程序框图设计摘要:一个真正好的程序就像一件艺术品一样,而差的程序看起来就像意大利面那样乱。这篇文章提出的风格能确保我们实际应用中在规定时间内开发出整洁,结构清晰的程序。结合其他规则,我们能开发出可读性好的,易于维护的LabView源代码。LabVIEW的程序框图长于源代码表述。一个真正好的程序是发人深省的,甚至是令人敬畏的,就是一件艺术品一样。而一个差的程序,看起来就像一碗意大利面条那样凌乱。事实上,这两种极端的情况就像风格的重要性中Meticulous VI 和 Spaghetti VI所表现的那样。而大部分程序处于艺术品和意大利面条之间。一些程序开发者有连线整齐的习惯,但程序




5、循环变成子VI来减小所占背面板空间,使背面板仅在一个方向上滑动。开发程序时,VI之间应采用从上至下和自下而上相结合的方法来构建多层次结构关系。VI的层次结构可以通过选择ViewVI Hierarchy 来查看。从窗口的工具条中取消选择包括VI Lib ,包括全局变量和包括自定义类型,并且只显示你自己提供的用户VI。通常的几何形状包括金字塔形,钻石形和椭圆形。除了非常简单的应用程序外,VI层次结构中在顶层VI之下的应包含多行子VI。在第一章中,模块化率被定义为是用户VI数与总的节点数之比,再乘100。这些数据的大小可以通过选择ToolsProfileVI Metrics快速查看到。典型应用程序的





10、困苦的是浏览一个多帧结构的许多帧时,要去寻找那些在连线上被修改的数据,比如说条件结构或者是事件结构。然而,有时条件结构通过一些额外的连线线是非常有用的将没有连线的前面板控件在程序框图上放在一起,那样程序开发人员就能非常容易的将找到它们。标记那些在程序只用到一次,不在循环结构中的接线端 。实践中大多数局部变量,全局变量和顺序结构都不是必要的。没有学习过有效数据流法则的开发者经常过多地使用局部变量和全局变量。强迫自己避免使用变量和顺序结构是最有效的掌握数据流的方法,除非完全必要要用到它们。的确,掌握数据流和尽可能避免使用变量和顺序结构具有相同的含义。为了避免连线混乱且保持有组织秩序,紧凑地放置移位


12、VI从来就不是一个好的风格而且程序必须改写。关闭检查展示出从右向左的线是一个文件路径,它是由Case结构里面的若干底层函数所形成的。不管怎样,在顶层VI上由若干底层函数共同组成以完成某种功能的程序最好用一个子VI的形式出现。这篇文章提出的风格能确保我们实际应用中在规定时间内开发出整洁,结构清晰的程序。结合其他规则,我们能开发出可读性好的,易于维护的LabView源代码。而且,遵守这些好的编程风格所要求的准则将可能会使我们开发出令人赞叹的LabView程序。The LabVIEW Program Diagram DesignABSTRACT:A really good diagram is li

13、ke a work of art. Some developers have neat wiring practices but large, flat diagrams. This chapter presents style rules that ensure neat and organized diagrams that are practical to implement in real applications with tight deadlines. Combined with the rules in other chapters, they ensure readable

14、and maintainable LabVIEW source codeThe LabVIEW block diagram excels at conveying source code. A really good diagram is enlightening, even awe-inspiring, like a work of art. Some developers have neat wiring practices but large, flat diagrams. Others have overly modular diagrams that disguise the arc

15、hitecture. . Indeed, these two extremes are depicted by Meticulous VI and Spaghetti VI in Chapter 1, The Significance of Style. Somewhere in the middle between artwork and spaghetti is where most applications reside. Still others prefer variables over data flow. Many, many developers skimp on docume

16、ntation to save time. Moreover, most diagrams are characterized by tradeoffs between good style and shortcuts deemed necessary to get the job done. The overall outcome is a compromise among attractive appearance, personal preferences, and functional performance.Many developers wrongfully assume that

17、 attractive diagrams require a level of toil that is impractical for real-world applications that have tight deadlines. It seems faster and more productive to avoid getting caught up in diagram aesthetics. Indeed, it is possible to expend excessive time optimizing the appearance of a complex diagram

18、, If you know the style rules and how to implement them, you eliminate the toil. The LabVIEW development environment is designed for a minimum 1024x768 resolution. A resolution of 1280x1024 provides additional real estate while maintaining compatibility with mainstream PC display technology. Avoid r

19、esolutions much higher than 1280x1024 because higher resolutions are less universally supported, and the larger work area promotes larger diagrams and potentially less modularity. Also, depending on the monitor size, very high resolutions may strain your eyes.The display resolution affects the visib

20、le area the developer has to work with and how the diagram appears when opened on a given target computer. It is beneficial to standardize on one display resolution so that the diagram window maintains a consistent appearance when opened on PCs with similar display capabilities. The higher the resol

21、ution setting, the smaller the diagram objects shrink relative to the screen size, and the more code fits on one screen. A fairly high resolution is recommended to maximize the viewable diagram area without straining your eyes. Today many computers support multiple monitors. It is particularly usefu

22、l to utilize two monitors for LabVIEW development. This allows you to dedicate one monitor to the front panel and the other monitor to the block diagram, and have both windows simultaneously visible without having to navigate between them.Do not color the diagrams. Leave the background of the diagra

23、m, and every subdiagram of every structure, default white. Data flow must be easy to visualize. A high density of objects is desired, without crowding objects too close and causing wires and objects to overlap. In general, try to limit the diagram size to one display screen. In some situations, it i

24、s difficult to work within this constraint, such as a complex diagram containing multiple parallel loops. In this case, organize the large diagram so that it may be viewed by scrolling in only one direction, or modularize the loops into subVIs to reduce space.Develop your applications as a multilaye

25、r hierarchy of subVIs using a combination of top-down and bottom-up design and development techniques. The VI Hierarchy is viewed by selecting ViewVI Hierarchy. Deselect Include VI Lib, Include Globals, and Include typedef from the toolbar to remove these items from the window, and view only the hie

26、rarchy of user VIs that you provided. Common geometries include pyramid, diamond, and oval. Except for very simple applications, the VI Hierarchy should contain multiple rows of subVIs below the top-level VI. In Chapter 1, the modularity index was defined as the ratio of the number of user VIs to to

27、tal nodes, multiplied by 100. These quantities are quickly referenced using the VI Metrics window, selected from ToolsProfileVI Metrics. A modularity index of 3.0 or greater is recommended for a typical application.Depending on the design pattern, most top-level diagrams should consist of structures

28、, wires, component VIs, and subVIs. Component VIs are very high-level subVIs, or dynamically loaded plug-in VIs, that encapsulate a major portion or subsystem of the application. An applications graphical user interface and data acquisition engine, implemented as separate VIs, are examples of compon

29、ent VIs. The top-level and high-level diagrams should contain very few low-level data-manipulation functions, such as math, array manipulations, string formatting, and similar functions.Some applications require large numbers of Property Nodes for controlling GUI behavior. Most Property Node read an

30、d write operations are triggered by GUI events. Consequently, the Event structure is an ideal construct for handling Property Nodes. Because the Event structure contains separate subdiagrams for each event case, it is uncommon to run out of space. However, it is common to have multiple event cases t

31、hat require many of the same Property Nodes, with different values read or written to them in each. Modularize these common Property Nodes into subVIs, and pass the Control References and property values to the subVI in each location. Each instance of the subVI refers to the same collection of Prope

32、rty Nodes in memory. This substantially reduces memory use and diagram complexity.Likewise, modularize the diagrams of your high-level component VIs into lower-level subVIs. Using the top-down design and development approach, modularize any low-level routines into cohesive subVIs. Anywhere you have

33、a collection of related functions that work together to perform a specific routine, replace them with a subVI. A subVI is cohesive if you can clearly describe its purpose in two or three sentences, such as when entering the subVIs description.SubVIs are advantageous because it is easier to develop,

34、test, debug, maintain, and reuse software modules as subVIs versus sections of a large diagram. As shown in Figure 4-2C, they also provide a considerable space-saving benefit. In general, if the collection of functions or Property Nodes or other routine is used in more than one place, it is an easy

35、decision: Replace the repeated code with a subVI. Likewise, if several nonrepetitive nodes are related to one another and work together to perform a specific task, modularize them into cohesive subVIs, whether they are needed in multiple places or not. However, do not randomly select areas of the di

36、agram and create subVIs just to save space. SubVIs created in this manner are not cohesive, intuitive, or reusable. Also, do not create trivial subVIs that contain few nodes. In this case, the subVI icon unnecessarily masks the underlying code on the diagram. For example, the subVI in Figure 4-3 con

37、tains only a single Index Array function. However, the subVIs icon, name, and description disguise the function. The LabVIEW functions and shipping subVIs within vi.lib are universally recognizable, so avoid masking them within trivial subVIs.Create a meaningful icon and cohesive description for eve

38、ry subVI!Always create a meaningful icon and cohesive description for every subVI. I cannot emphasize this enough. At Bloomy Controls, this is one of our most sacred precepts. The icon and description identify the subVI from the diagram of the calling VI through the Context Help window. The descript

39、ion enforces the cohesion test. If you cannot summarize its purpose in two or three sentences, it probably contains too much code for one subVITunnel wires into structures through their left border, and out of structures through their right border. Avoid tunneling wires through the top and bottom bo

40、rders. Also avoid passing wires through structures if they are not utilized within the structure, unless their purpose is clearly labeled. It is particularly annoying to flip through many frames of a multiframe structure, such as a Case or an Event structure, searching for places where the data in t

41、he wire is modified.Place any unwired terminals of front panel objects in a consistent location on the diagram so that developers can find them easily. Note that any terminals not contained by a repeating structure are read only once.Most local and global variables and Sequence structures used in pr

42、actice are not necessary. Most often, they are overused by developers who have not learned efficient dataflow principles. The best way to master data flow is to force oneself to avoid variables and Sequence structures unless absolutely required. Indeed, mastering data flow is synonymous with minimiz

43、ing variables and Sequence structures.To avoid wire clutter and maintain organization, space most shift registers tightly, and group them near the top of the loop. This creates a data highway that is limited to an area near the top of the loop and minimizes wire crossovers. Leave just enough space b

44、etween the shift registers to apply free labels on each wire near the left terminals. Exceptions to shift register grouping include error clusters and case selectors. Error clusters normally enter and exit near the bottom of loops. Also, case selectors are frequently positioned near the middle. Ther

45、efore, error clusters and case selectors are usually kept separate from the data highway at the top.For example, the task ID and error control terminals are improperly labeled task ID out and error out. Additionally, one of the indicators has the generic label Numeric. What is curious is that the su

46、bVI has a custom icon and description, and the control terminals are within reasonable proximity to the structure. Perhaps it was partially repaired. The wiring and terminal labels have been cleaned up in Figure 4-14B. Also, Figure 4-14C contains equivalent code using the waveform data type and the

47、newer sound output VIs released with LabVIEW 8. This is the preferred implementation.Close inspection reveals that the right-to-left wire is a file path that is formed by some low-level functions within an inner Case structure. Whenever a collection of low-level functions that work together to perfo

48、rm a cohesive routine appears on the diagram of a high-level VI, it is a good opportunity for a subVI,This chapter presents style rules that ensure neat and organized diagrams that are practical to implement in real applications with tight deadlines. Combined with the rules in other chapters, they ensure readable and maintainable LabVIEW source code. Moreover, mastery of these style rules may lead to awe-inspiring LabVIEW diagrams.


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