1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译(用外文写)外文出处: http:/www.directions.usp.ac.fj/collect/direct/index/assoc/D1175069.dir/doc.pdf附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。附件1:外文资料翻译译文 对于进入基础教育专业领域的动机研究以斐济为例本研究的重点在于对进入教育专业领域的动机研究,特别是从事基础教育工作的动机研究。本研究以斐济的托卡师范学院的学员为例,对选择小学教师作为职业的动机进行了问卷调查,研究结果显示,大多数实习教师对从事小学教师这一职业有很大的兴趣,但也有一部分认为不会把小学教师作为自己的职业选
2、择。本研究也讨论了学生选择托卡师范学院进行学习的原因。一、研究目的:在太平洋地区,对教师入职资格培训机构正逐步上升,但是,总体而言,对小学教师的培训并没有受到高度重视,至关重要的是调查和确定这项事业已经到达何种程度受到了斐济教育界的赞赏。特别是本研究探讨了小学教师的职业生涯追求职前教师的动机。以下问题的研究指导了本文:有志从事教学工作的动机是什么?二、研究范围:劳托卡师范学院成立于1977年,为第二政府拥有的小学教师的教育机构。具体来说机构的作用是提供在职培训,未经培训的教师和在职教师进修课程。然而, 师范学院在1981年被迫因为长期护理服务的责任而关闭,以接管前培训小学教师。现在它仍是唯一的
3、政府的首要 教师教育机构。三、研究方法:采用数据收集法与问卷调查法,这两个部分的调查确定了教师加入教学专业的理由。第一部分包括16个报表 调查了有关进入教师行列的动机。受访被要求对每个语句进行态度评价,对应为李克特尺度上的五点。 这有助于确定推动学生进入教师领域的最高和最低的共同因素第二部分给学生表达他们加入教师职业的理由,以进一步探讨的第一个项目所获得的数据研究。通过解释研究目的和结果呈现,我介绍了问卷设计,以协助决策者和那些谁渴望成为小学教师的人。然后我亲自派发问卷,并对所获得的数据以保护的方式对待。四、结果分析:表一:我想成为一名教师,因为: 1我觉得有一个宝贵的教学,以在社会中发挥作用
4、 2我相信我们的教师有较高的社会地位 3我喜欢孩子 4作为一名教师有机会与与社会各界紧密合作 5我喜欢与他人分享信息 6 教师可以承担起社会中发挥领导作用 7教学是一个学习专业 8我的父母希望我成为一名教师 9我想不出什么别的事情可做 10我认为这将是一个满意的工作 11老师的工作是非常安全的 12该行业是高薪厚禄 13我希望有权威 14短短一天的工作 15我喜欢长假期的想法 16我的母亲/父亲/兄弟/姐妹是一位老师 从表1可以看出,学员大部分的动机在于他们认为教学在社会上发挥宝贵的作用。其次认为教师有很高的地位。而如图所示在最不激励因素是我的母亲/父亲/兄弟/姊妹是一名教师,我想成为同样的。
5、 学员被要求罗列影响他们职业选择的因素,从数据显示看,其中最影响他们参加小学教师的培训。按照出现的频率高低频繁降序排列分别为:1儿童喜爱的2父母,同侪或老师的影响3教学看作是一个崇高的职业4童年的野心5安全的工作6信息共享7帮助社区的机会 8较长的假期9没有其他的机会10更好的状态。一些由学员反应的例子以及提供有关的证据,说明如下:1评论有关儿童喜欢的包括: (1)我喜欢孩子.我只是喜欢与孩子们。 (2)如果你花一点时间来反映你会发现,孩子们有6小时是生活在你的手里的。如果我们能够在他们适当的年龄培育他们,他们将成为未来的研究。儿童本身有很多在教我们。 (3)我喜欢孩子。我有两个小姐妹在家里,
6、我真的爱他们。看着孩子成长是非常有趣。我爱社交,有孩子,成为一名教师是他们的方式与福利。 、2有些父母,同侪的意见对教师选择产生影响:作为一个职业教学给出如下叙述: (1)我的父母希望我成为一名教师,因为他们看到我的状态 (2)我的父母都影响了我的职业生涯。(3)由于我的父亲是一所学校的老师,老师也给了我一个样的力量和动机,我应该跟随我父亲的脚步。(4)我的母亲强烈要求我谁担任这个工作,因为它是安全的 (5)我的中学老师提供给我的启示成为一名教师。他们的穿着方式,说话,教学和 分享知识给了我很大的启发。 一般来说,他们的专业化是对我影响最大。 3一些学员把教师看做是崇高的职业:他们的反馈意见包
7、括:(1)教师是唯一能培育一个孩子,从6岁初,直到他们长大成人,老师在对孩子进行价值观教育方面产生了重要的作用。(2)这是一个非常崇高的事业,高度尊重,可以得到很多关注 4有的学员一直有野心成为教师。他们的反馈意见包括:(1)这是我的梦想,成为一名教师。 (2)我人生的目标是成为小学教师。 5也有些学员 参加工作的动机是因为教学的安全: (1)这是稳定的工作,因为我们可以很容易地吸收到民事服务。 (2)这是件好事,教学是一个稳定的工作。 6有的学员想分享信息,这推动他们参加教师工作: 孩子们的兴趣与信息共享,当然是好的。这种感觉我到这个领域可以得到一个机会,以帮助他们。7一些学员认为社区是影响
8、他们选择的另一个因素。反映的意见是: (1)我喜欢成为一所学校的老师,因为这是一个很好的机会,可以紧密结合不同民族背景的人。 (2)教师可以承担起社会的领导作用研究。 (3)社区将查找到你,他们会尊重你。 8有些人加入教师行列,因为他们喜欢长假期。 (1)我喜欢这个职业是因为在长假期休息或结束时,您也不必休息和享受自己去准备另一学年。 (2)有许多假期,你还有收到你的薪水。 除了以上主要因素的影响,还有其他原因,如:奖学金,良好的薪金;便宜的培训;学员拥有合适的特性;短工作日;安全的工作环境; 为方便照顾家庭,且易于学习。五、讨论 根据马歇尔的学生四个类别,西尔斯和奥的斯,威尔伯恩(1987)
9、就其决定作出自己的教学生涯 确定了这项研究,并指出大部分学员可被视为传统主义。表1显示1他们教学认真的考虑了教学的价值。如采取积极印象教学教师有较高的社会地位。2喜欢工作与儿童。3提供工作机会。4可以密切与社会的联系。5喜欢与他人分享信息。6教学是一个博学多才的职业7教学是一个令人满意的工作同样,以开放式问题得到的学员反映得出他们绝大多数似乎对真正的教学有很大的兴趣。儿童被认为是最常见的影响学员决定加入小学教师的因素。文献也证实,这是一个教师最有价值的品质。(西尔斯,马歇尔与奥的斯,威尔伯恩,1994年),一旦学员成为成熟的教师,他们更有可能专注于他们的工作。他们还将帮助孩子们很更地提高他们的
10、学习成果。观察自己的老师,被调查者可能形成一个积极的印象,将是他们的教学生涯的选择。一个相对较小的学员在样本比例却并不急于加入专业,并加入教师队伍的非利他主义的动机,例如,有些企业正在利用作为一个跳板为大学提供赚钱的工作或享受长假期。一个小部分学生的比例说;“我不知道我还可以做什么其他的。”“我希望有权威”“我渴望有长假期。”持有这种想法的学生不具备适合一个专业教师的属性。这些学生可能开始并没有考虑进去小学师资培训。相反可能已被他们的优先参加培训或教育方案提供的其他高等教育机构,这些机构不接受他们,他们没有别的选择,只能加入此次培训。 如前所述,一些问题的结束,所收集的数据是有限的,因此通过随
11、访以获得更深入的了解, 结果发现,父母,家庭和教师在某种程度上影响的学员自己的概念比较小。但是,当这些人也有将性视作为影响选择的要素,教学生涯也在一定程度上影响了一些职业的选择。这明显是受到了父母,同侪和老师的影响 六、结果产生的影响 关于加入教师行列的动机是相关者需要注意的。虽然大部分学生对教师表现出升值的价值取向,但是有关当局不应自满,应尝试进一步加强在这些领域的研究发现,使其成为更具吸引力的行业,例如更好的报酬。结果证实,一小部分学生对教师似乎对教学缺乏兴趣。对待这样的学生不得采取严肃的工作来帮助他们的专业准备,使用适当的手段来塑造这些学生,使这一专业成为他为有兴趣的专业。整个培训计划,
12、即课程,设施,设备,教学经验等,应足以使他们进一步激发学员在专业教学的兴趣。 为了确保质量更好入职的教师,招募学员的管理政策可以进一步精简,教育事业部可以设计适当的工具来收集有关数据,对学生的职业动机进行评定。消除那些不感兴趣的专业。此外文献 表明,选择应该是一个持续的教育过程,而不是最初的入境口岸。(哈伯曼与斯廷内特,1973年)。由于教师在生活和学习的儿童和社区发挥至关重要的作用,重要的是要考虑人民们想在教育界达到的水平,而不仅只是合格的学生,而且这些合适的素质是需要的,可以帮助人们在教育发展的基础上作出积极贡献 附件2:外文原文Motivation to join primary tea
13、ching profession: The case of FijiGovinda Ishwar LingamThe study reported here focuses on motivations for joining the teaching profession. In particular, motives of the entrants joining the primary teaching force were investigated. The trainees at Lautoka Teachers College in Fiji responded to a ques
14、tionnaire aimed at identifying their motives for choosing primary teaching as a career. Analysis of the results indicated that a large percentage of trainee teachers enrolled at the College were genuinely interested in becoming a teacher, and that a small percentage of them did not consider teaching
15、 as their career choice. The paper also discusses implications pertinent to student selection at the College. Purpose of the research In the Pacific region, entry qualifications to teacher training institutions are gradually rising but, on the whole, primary teacher training is not a high priority f
16、or suitably qualified school leavers (Benson & Singh, 1993). It is vital to investigate and determine the cause of this and to what extent there is an appreciation for the teaching profession in Fiji. Specifically, the study explores pre-service teachers motivations for pursuing a primary teaching c
17、areer. The following research question guided the study: What are the entrants motivations for choosing teaching as their career? Study context:Lautoka Teachers College (LTC) was established in 1977 as the second government owned primary teacher education institution. Specifically this institutions
18、role was to provide in-service training for untrained teachers and refresher courses for practising teachers. However, the closure of Nasinu Teachers College in 1981 forced LTC to take over responsibility of pre-service training of primary teachers. It now remains the only government primary teacher
19、 education institution in Fiji. Research methods The data-gathering method involved a questionnaire survey. The two-part survey determined teachers reasons for joining the teaching profession. This was used with student teachers that were recently admitted into the pre-service teacher education prog
20、ram. A survey was considered an effective means of gathering data from a large sample (Gay, 1992). Rank STATEMENTS I would like to be a teacher because: 1 I think teaching has a valuable role to play in society 2 I believe teachers have a high status in our society 3 I like children 4 As a teacher t
21、here are opportunities to work closely with the community 5 I like sharing information with others 6 Teachers can take up leadership roles in the community 7 Teaching is a learned profession 8 My parents would like me to be a teacher 9 I can not think of anything else to do 10 I think it will be a s
22、atisfying job 11 The job of a teacher is very secure 12 The profession is well paid 13 I like to have authority 14 The working day is short 15 I like the idea of long holidays 16 My mother/father/brother/sister is a teacher The trainees were asked to list and comment on the two reasons from the list
23、 which influenced them the most to join primary teacher training. A number of comments emerged. The ten most frequent responses in descending order were (1) fondness for children, (2) parents, peer or teacher influence, (3) teaching seen as a noble profession, (4) childhood ambition, (5) security of
24、 the job, (6) sharing of information, (7)opportunity to help the community, (8) long holidays, (9) had no other opportunity, (10) better status. Some examples of responses by the trainees, which provide evidence related to the above influences, were selected and are presented below. Comments relatin
25、g to the liking for children included: I like childrenI simply adore being with kids. if you take a moment to reflect you will find that the kids place their 6 hours of living in your hands. And if we are able to properly mould them at a tender age, they become something in future. Children themselv
26、es have a lot to teach us as we do for them. I love children. I have two small sisters at home and I do really love them. Seeing children growing up is very interesting. I love socializing with children and becoming a teacher is one way of being with them. Some of the comments about parents, peer or
27、 teacher influence on selecting teaching as a career are given below: My parents wanted me to become a teacher as they saw the status my grandparents hold as teachers in society. My parents have influenced my career. Since my dad was a schoolteacher it gave me a kind of strength and motivation that
28、I should follow the footsteps of my dad. My mother who strongly urged me to take up this job since it is secure and carries a lot of weight in terms of status in society. My secondary school teachers provided me with the inspiration to become a teacher. Their way of dressing, talking, teaching and s
29、haring of knowledge inspired me a lot. Generally, their professionalism was the greatest influence on me. Teaching is regarded by some trainees as a noble profession. Quotations from their feedback included, for example: Teachersare the only ones that can bring up a child, beginning from the early a
30、ges of 6 until they become adults, so it is the teacher who plays an important role in moulding and instilling the values, behaviours etc to the children. It is a very noble career, highly respected and can get a lot of attention from the people in the community. Some trainees had always had the amb
31、ition to become teachers. The comments provided below reflect this: It was my dream to become a teacher. It was my goal in life to become a primary teacher. The following are some of the comments which indicated that some trainees were motivated to join teaching because of the security of the job: S
32、ecure job as we can easily get absorbed into the civil service. It is good to first secure a job. Teaching is a secure job. Some trainees wanted to share information and this propelled them to join teaching. For example: Getting an opportunity to help the community was considered by some trainees as
33、 another factor influencing them to select teaching as their career. These are some of the comments which reflect this perception: I love to become a school teacher because it is a good opportunity for me to work closely with the people of different ethnic backgrounds. Teachers can take up leadershi
34、p roles in the community. People in the community will look up to you and they will respect you. Some were influenced to join the teaching profession because they liked the idea of long holidays. For example: I like the idea of long holidays that is when school breaks or ends. Many holidays and you
35、still receive your salary. Apart from the ten major influences, other reasons given for choosing teaching as a career were: a scholarship; good salary; cheap training; trainee possessed suitable characteristics; short working day; safe working environment; convenient for the caring of family; easy j
36、ob; and easy to study and pass the training programme. Discussion:The four categories of students mentioned by Marshall, Sears and Otis-Wilborn (1987) in relation to their decision to make teaching their career were also identified in this study. It was noted that a large proportion of trainees coul
37、d be considered traditionalists. The trainees ratings for each statement (Table 1) indicated that they were serious about taking up teaching. They indicated a positive impression of teaching such as: teaching is a valuable role to play in our society ;teachers have a high status in our society ; fon
38、dness to work with children; opportunities available to work closely with the community,like sharing information with others ; can take up leadership roles in the community ; teaching is a learned profession ; influence from parents ; and teaching is a satisfying job . Similarly, trainees responses
39、to the open-ended questions showed a large proportion of them appeared to be genuinely interested in the teaching profession. Liking for children was cited as the most common factor influencing the trainees decision to join primary teaching. Evidence from the literature also confirms that this is th
40、e most valued quality of a teacher (Sears, Marshall & Otis-Wilborn, 1994). Once the trainees become fully-fledged teachers, they are more likely to be dedicated to their work. Also they would work well with children to enhance their learning outcomes. Influence from close family members and teachers
41、 followed liking for children in the free response section. Observing their own teachers, entrants may have formed a positive impression that teaching would be their career of choice. A relatively small proportion of trainees in the sample was not eager to join the profession and had non-altruistic
42、motives for joining the teaching force. For example, some were using the College as a stepping stone to more lucrative jobs or to enjoy long holidays. A small proportion of students stated: I cannot think of anything else to do, I like to have authority, I like the idea of long holidays. A student w
43、ith such reasons may not possess the attributes befitting a teacher or the teaching profession as a whole. It is possible that these students did not initially consider undertaking primary teacher training programme at LTC. Instead their priority may have been to enrol for training or educational pr
44、ogrammes offered by other tertiary institutions and when these institutions did not accept them, they had no other option but to join LTC. As mentioned earlier, some of the data collected in the closed-ended questions were followed up to gain a more in-depth understanding of particular items of inte
45、rest to the researcher. It was found that parents, family and teachers had somewhat smaller influence than the trainees own notions of the profession. But when all these people were considered as the significant others who could influence a person to choose teaching as a career, there seems to be so
46、me definite influence on the choice of teaching as a career. This is evident in the ranking of parents, peers and their teachers influence as second in the responses to the open-ended question. In a general sense, teacher trainees view that profession as having a valuable role to play in society. Th
47、is view ranked the first in the responses to the closed-ended questionnaire. However, at the level of the community this is not translated into a desire to help the community as evident in the seventh ranking in the open-ended question. Overall the responses gathered from the pre-service teachers th
48、rough open-ended and closed-ended items show their appreciation for the teaching service in Fiji. Implications of the findings The results from this study on motivation to join the teaching profession are important and therefore warrant attention from the relevant stakeholders. Given that a large proportion of student teachers demonstrated an appreciation for the teaching profession, the authorities concerned should not be complacent but try to further strengthen those areas