教育论文An Exploration of Chinese Students’Silent-Keeping in English Class.doc

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1、 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发布的,是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的,的论文版权归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。 Abstract:This paper aims to analysis causes of Chinese students silent-keeping as cultural interference, defects of traditional teaching and lear

2、ning method, and issues involved implications for ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching in hope to improve the proficiency of English teaching in China.Key words:silent-keeping Humanistic Approach Communicative ApproachI. IntroductionThe students performance in ESL class reveals some informati

3、on about students cultural background, motivation, expectation, learning strategy in English learning as well as the teaching method the ESL teachers applied. The Chinese students silent keeping In English class is a complex and worthwhile problem deserves our exploration. II. The silent-keeping phe

4、nomena identificationWhy arent they willing to answer my questions?Which always disturbs me a lot. Helgesen & Brown (1994) stated that each culture has different “rules” about how students should act in the classroom. In some countries, students are expected to listen and only the teacher should lec

5、ture or talk in class. But in English-speaking countries (and in English class), it is good and important to answer the teachers questions and interrupt with questions of your own. It means that you are interested and paying attention. In English, it is your job to ask questions if you dont understa

6、nd. (p. 3)Put the facts into consideration, we Chinese students belong to the former one. Besides the cultural influence, the learning and teaching method as well as the students and teachers attitude towards language learning are also the factors that bring the students in silence.III. Exploration

7、of the causes of silent-keepingThree are mainly three factors as aspects of Chinese culture, Chinese students motivations and expectations of English learning, and the traditional teaching and learning method that influence the students performance in class.1. The hidden cultural triggers behind sil

8、ent-keeping(1)The impact of power distanceAccording to Hofstedes (1980) value dimensions, of which power distance have a significant impact on behavior in all cultures. Power distance classifies cultures on a continuum of high to low power distance. People in high power distance countries such as Me

9、xico, China, believe that power and authority are facts of life. In China, this hierarchy of relationship is emphasized by Confucius and reiterated by the Chinese students. Those relationships are as father and son, teacher and students. Consequently, the students learn to show respect to their supe

10、r ordinate, accept the hierarchical relationship as it is.(2)Threat of losing faceDue to the influence of deeprooted Confucius teaching and traditional belief, we Chinese people attach much more value upon face than peoples in any other countries. Most Chinese would remain silent as a tactful withdr

11、awal. In the class context, Chinese students tend to act in the same way being afraid of the consequences of losing face. It is likely that the fear of being chosen during whole-class discussions or looking foolish in front of classmates caused students to hesitate asking or answering questions. In

12、addition, they also have to cope with the pressure from their classmates. From the aspect of positive face, the value of an individuals face exists largely in relation to a group to which he belongs. Therefore, it is essential for us to discuss the collectivism in China. 2. Chinese students motivati

13、ons and expectations of English learningAccording to Gardner and Lambert (1972), there are mainly two types of learning motivation:instrumental motivation, i.e., learning the language as an instrument to achieve practical goals, and integrative motivation, i.e., learning the language out of interest

14、 in desire to identify with the target culture. Traditionally, we Chinese students are taught to believe that good students are those who can get higher scores in examinations and get lots of certificates. Therefore, it is obvious that the Chinese students motivation of English learning is instrumen

15、tal motivation. Due to this, both the teacher teaching and students English learning is doomed to be a failure, for this kind of language learning doesnt meet the need of improving students communicative competence.3. Defects of the traditional teaching and learning methodTo some extent, we can say

16、that the teachers teaching method determines the students ways of learning. Traditionally, most Chinese teachers apply the GTA (Grammar Translation Approach) in teaching English.There are many drawbacks to the grammar-translation approach. Adopting this method, the teachers primary focus is on expla

17、nations of verb paradigms, grammar rules, and vocabulary.The students tasks are to remember these rules. Frequent utterances of Chinese can be heard from both the teacher and students. They give little attention to the active use of English. Obviously, there is little time for students to practice E

18、nglish in the real context. They just act as message receivers, taking down what the teacher says, remembering the large amount of vocabulary and various rules. Perhaps, most seriously, the type of error correction that this method requires can actually be harmful to the students learning processes.

19、 Consequently, the students will feel they are in a defensive learning environment and refuse to speak spontaneously. . ConclusionIn summary, this paper has explored the causes of Chinese students silent-keeping, the cultural backgrounds of students as power distance, face, collectivism, extrinsic m

20、otivation, the teacher- student relationship, as well as teaching methods, which have great impact on students performance in English class. Not having a positive awareness of the students needs and a suitable teaching method, the ESL teachers tend to make their students silent in class. In addition

21、, the students 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发布的,是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的,的论文版权归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。 negative expectation in learning English also leads to their incompetence in communication. Therefore, an integrated application of

22、 the Humanistic Approach and Communicative Approach in ESL teaching can solve the problem of Chinese students silent keeping. However, to avoid inactivity of the students is only the first step toward our goal of ESL teaching, for our final aim is to cultivate students intercultural communicative co

23、mpetence. Considering the demand of this, our pedagogical research must be furthered to enhance the present findings and to fill the margins. References:1Gardner, R.C. and Lambert Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning, Newbury House. 1972.2G. Hofstede, 1980.Cultures Consequences:Inter

24、national Differences in Work-Related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.3Helgesen, M. & Brown, S. Active listening:Building skills for understanding. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press,1994.(作者单位:广东南海东软信息技术职业学院)其他参考文献Baker, Sheridan. The Practical Stylist. 6th ed. New York: Harper & Row

25、, 1985.Flesch, Rudolf. The Art of Plain Talk. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946.Gowers, Ernest. The Complete Plain Words. London: Penguin Books, 1987.Snell-Hornby, Mary. Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987.Hu, Zhuanglin. 胡壮麟, 语言学教程 M. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 2006.Jesper

26、sen, Otto. The Philosophy of Grammar. London: Routledge, 1951.Leech, Geoffrey, and Jan Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English. London: Longman, 1974.Li, Qingxue, and Peng Jianwu. 李庆学、彭建武, 英汉翻译理论与技巧 M. 北京: 北京航空航天大学出版社, 2009.Lian, Shuneng. 连淑能, 英汉对比研究 M. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 1993.Ma, Huijuan, and Miao J

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