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1、 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发布的,是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的,的论文版权归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。 Abstract:Just now, pre-modifiers are used more and more frequent than post-modifier in the development of Modern English. The post-modifier also

2、a means of modification has received relatively little attention. In this paper, a basic analysis will be made regarding the types, directions and some comparisons of post-modifiers in forms of examples. Also included are methods suggested to cope with the problems on choosing exact usages.Key words

3、:Post-modifier non-finite clause prepositional phrase. IntroductionThis paper deals with the types and usages of post-modifier in noun phrases. Post-modifier is a branch of modification that is an important grammatical device for description and sentence expansion. Generally, constituents that modif

4、y nouns are called modifier or appositives. Constituents modify adjective, adverb or prepositional phrase in phrase construction also can be regarded as modifier. Word, phrase and clause all can be post-modifier. They are chiefly fall into the groups following: non-finite clauses including -ing part

5、iciple, -ed participle and infinitive, prepositional phrases. Non-finite clauses will be discussed more detailed here.Post-modifiers may be restrictive or non-restrictive. . Non-finite clause as post-modifierNon-finite clause includes ing participle clause, -ed participle clause and infinitive claus

6、e. When ing participle, -ed participle and infinitive function as post-modifier, they can be substituted by corresponding relative clauses. They could be restrictive as well as non-restrictive. Each sort will be introduced respectively in the following.1.ing participle clause as post-modifierWhen in

7、g participle clause plays the role of modifier in noun phrase, it has strict restriction in usage. The ing participle and predicative verb should indicate to the same time, and the corresponding relationship between ing participle clause and relative clause is merely limited to the relative clause w

8、hose subject is relative pronoun. ing participles as post-modifiers are mainly used in the situations below:2. -ed participle clauses as post-modifierThe same asing participle, -ed participle clause merely corresponds with the relative clause whose subject is relative pronoun. Meanwhile, -ed clause

9、are equal to relative clauses with diverse tenses and aspects, some action happen before the predicate in the main clause, and some others can be inferred according to the context. So, the time is neednt taken into consideration in the usage of ed participle as post-modifier. And in ed clause constr

10、uction, corresponding participles link closely with passive voice. Prepositional phrase as post-modifierPrepositional phrase as post-modifier is the most common type. The probability of its appearance is three or four times of non-finite clause. And it doesnt have so many complicated situations that

11、 its modification is more distinct.1.Prepositional phrase as restrictive post-modifierAll the prepositions including complex prepositions can collocate with other components to form prepositional phrases to perform the function of post-modifier. the car outside the station, the road to Lincoln, pass

12、engers on board the ship, action in case of fire, the meaning of this sentence, two years before the warPrepositional post-modifier as “the house beyond the church” can be transformed into be-sentence “the house is beyond the church”. Such correspondence is natural though under some case the preposi

13、tional phrase does not only correspond to finite verb, eg the phrase “the university as a political forum” might be turned into the sentence “The university is acting/regarded as a political forum”.2.Prepositional post-modifiers without restrictionNo matter used for appositive function or non-apposi

14、tive function, prepositional phrases can be restrictive as well as non-restrictive.The course on English grammar starts tomorrow. (non-appositive, restrictive)The course, on English grammar, starts tomorrow. (non-appositive, non-restrictive)The question of student grants was discussed yesterday.(app

15、ositive, restrictive)The question, of student grants, was discussed yesterday.(appositive, non-restrictive)Non-restrictive appositive might be used without preposition. This question, student grants, was discussed yesterday.Non-restrictive function of preposition phrase is seldom used and unnatural,

16、purely expressing the contents called to mind afterwards:A party, of children, entered the theatre.The end, of the world, is at hand.When the post-modifier is obviously restrictive, it cant be regarded as appositive relation:The man, of property, was John smith.ConclusionAlthough we dont use post-mo

17、difiers as frequently as pre-modifiers, through the study a general knowledge of post-modifier is comprehended and some other relevant information can be obtained, as well as methods on study. Some implications below could be obtained.Post-modifiers always used to focus on some features of the antec

18、edent (or headword) and to express the emphasis or comparison. Non-restrictive post-modifiers are fairly more vague than restrictive ones. Sometimes, non-restrictive post-modifier can be wrongly regarded as adverbial.References:1章振邦新编英语语法教程上海外语教育出版社,2000,22张道真,温志达英语语法大全外语教学与研究出版社,1998,83张道真张道真实用英语语法

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