教育论文A Misleading Aspect in The Use of English Teaching Language and Its Countermeasures.doc

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1、 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发布的,是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的,的论文版权归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。 Abstract:Teacher plays a key role in language teaching. Teaching language is the first thing that students notice of their English teachers Engli

2、sh. However, there is a misleading aspect in the use of teaching language. The author picks it out and offers some possible solutions.Key words:Misleading Aspect English Teaching language Countermeasures.IntroductionNobody can deny that teacher plays a key role in passing down the knowledge. This is

3、 equally true in English teaching. To an English teacher, whatever he says in English, it will directly and deeply influence students knowledge about English. Therefore, a teacher of English must be cautious in teaching and make sure that what he says is not misleading. To an English teacher, the bi

4、ggest thing that people notice of his English is his pronunciation. However, a great number of English teachers in China have done far from enough to improve their teaching language. Whats worse, some college teachers are even among them. If these teachers teach in a Normal University, the problem w

5、ill be severer. According to a close observation in English classes both in high school and college, there is a big misleading aspect in English teachers pronunciation. .American English claimed but mixed English in factTo begin with, more and more teachers and would-be teachers are speaking “Americ

6、an English” which they suppose to be a symbol of fashion and proficiency. American English is so popular and overwhelming that the word “American Englishnism” almost can be created.English, just like other languages, has a number of dialects and varieties. It is widely believed that nowadays British

7、 English and American English are two major varieties. At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, English colonists arrived in North America. At that time, they spoke Received English based on London English. Later on, in order to accustom to the surroundings of the new la

8、nd, they “borrowed” many words from local Indians. In the process of developing America, their English was again influenced by other languages. Some of great importance are French, Spanish, Dutch etc. Meanwhile English used in Great Britain was also constantly changing because of great impact from G

9、reek, Latin, and other languages spoken in member countries of Great Britain. It followed that English used in North America and English used in Great Britain became American English and British English respectively which are two major varieties in English.However, the history is changing and so are

10、 international environment, the status of individual country and the position of British English and American English. Since two world wars, the United States of America has made a great progress in economy, politics, military affairs, science, technology etc, while Great Britain is lagged behind re

11、latively. What follows is that America, as the most powerful and influential English-speaking country, has become a trendsetter in linguistics and also a leader in pronunciation. Doubtlessly, English learners in China are following the trend set by America in pronunciation. More and more American mo

12、vies, TV programs, radios, videos are permitted to come to China. Through mass media, the number of people is constantly increasing who take to Carpenter, Michael Jackson, Madonna and so on in the past and new stars like N Sync, Norah Jones. Chinese students have developed an urge to imitate their p

13、ronunciation.A Most teachers of English are of no exception. Large number of them take it for granted that to speak good American English is simply a matter of adding r to the words which is said to be “a sort of morose grinding of the back teeth.” As for any word with r before a consonant, say card

14、 harbor lord farm charming port, they read them like: tmi, it is all right, because in American English, they are indeed pronounced this way. This can be found expression in Manners words “ The majority of Englishmen certainly do not pronounce the r. just as certainly the majority of educated Americ

15、ans pronounced it distinctly.” But if words like idea was class religious purpose stomach comma economics Cuba vanilla delicious California because study ridiculous are pronounced: according to Anzalda, when American people hear such “American English pronunciation”, they will definitely get hurt. O

16、ne true case may prove this very well. After hearing an English class delivered by a young teacher in college, an American scholar said to some students there “Cant you ask your teacher to get rid of that r?” It is supposed that he must have a strong sense of being offended. The inner meaning of his

17、 words can be figured out if the young teacher pronounces r whenever she likes, there must be some words she will mispronounce, but if she tries to abandon r, she will always be right in pronunciation. In fact, some people in America regard such phenomenon as “barbarism”. Therefore, it is easy to un

18、derstand that the American scholar was indeed harassed by this persistent r-sound, which sometimes should not be pronounced, because it does not exist in some cases.We cannot let this r abuse go on and deteriorate. According to Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary (the fourth edition)

19、, “The rule to follow in the case of the r sound in American English is to sound the r whenever it occurs in the spelling of a word.”.CountermeasuresAbove is the biggest misleading aspect in teaching language which Ihave observed since I became aware of them. There must be more and I wish to see. Ju

20、st as my title implicates, I am going to offer some countermeasures.From the very beginning, we should decide what kind of English to speak, British English or American English. It is not that one accent is better or more correct than the other, it is simply that what accent we like. We decide. We c

21、hoose. Whatever accent we choose, as 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发布的,是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的,的论文版权归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。long as we speak pure American English or pure British English, our pronunciation is pleasant. Once we decide,

22、 we should stick to it and learn the pronunciation of every English word we use. However, I do not mean that once one kind of English is chosen to speak, then the other can be ignored. As a matter of fact, both kinds should be learned. Lets suppose one wants to speak pure British English. He doesnt

23、want to have an American accent at all. Should he pay attention to the American pronunciation in his dictionary? Of course he should, because he will hear some American English, too. He may go see an American movie, visit the United States, have an American friend, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to

24、 understand both British English and American English. Such advice, I believe, is equally important to student teachers. When they are in college, teachers are responsible for reminding them of it. Moreover, teachers of English in college should also be strict with those would- be teachers so that t

25、hey will be qualified for their teaching job rather than mislead a large number of students.ConclusionTeacher plays a key role in passing down the knowledge. To some extent, he is powerful and influential; therefore, as a teacher, one must make sure that what he says is not misleading. This is equal

26、ly true with teachers of English.The author of this thesis presented a typical misleading aspect in the use of English teaching language. In the end the author offered some possible countermeasures in the hope that teachers of English will get rid of this misleading aspect by all means. It is also h

27、oped that the author will pave the way for a better work by some more competent man.References:1A. C. Gimson.An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English . 1972.2Chen Jingmin.British English and American English.外语研究,1991,2.3王建设.英美语差异浅析.外语与外语教学,1986,4.4王耀华.略论英国英语和美国英语的异同.外语学报,1984,4.5颜静兰.美音热与美国文化

28、.外语教学与研究,1994.2.(作者单位:新疆医科大学语言文化学院)其他参考文献Baker, Sheridan. The Practical Stylist. 6th ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.Flesch, Rudolf. The Art of Plain Talk. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946.Gowers, Ernest. The Complete Plain Words. London: Penguin Books, 1987.Snell-Hornby, Mary. Translation Studies

29、: An Integrated Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987.Hu, Zhuanglin. 胡壮麟, 语言学教程 M. 北京: 北京大学出版社, 2006.Jespersen, Otto. The Philosophy of Grammar. London: Routledge, 1951.Leech, Geoffrey, and Jan Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English. London: Longman, 1974.Li, Qingxue, and Peng Jianwu. 李庆学、

30、彭建武, 英汉翻译理论与技巧 M. 北京: 北京航空航天大学出版社, 2009.Lian, Shuneng. 连淑能, 英汉对比研究 M. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 1993.Ma, Huijuan, and Miao Ju. 马会娟、苗菊, 当代西方翻译理论选读 M. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2009.Newmark, Peter. Approaches to Translation. London: Pergmon P, 1981.Quirk, Randolph, et al. A Grammar of Contemporary English. London: Longman,

31、1973.Wang, Li. 王力, 中国语法理论 M. 济南: 山东教育出版社, 1984.Xu, Jianping. 许建平, 英汉互译实践与技巧 M. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2003.Yan, Qigang. 严启刚, 英语翻译教程 M. 天津: 南开大学出版社, 2001.Zandvoort, R. W. A Handbook of English Grammar. London: Longmans, 1957.Zhong, Shukong. 钟述孔, 英汉翻译手册 M. 北京: 商务印书馆, 1983.Zhou, Zhipei. 周志培, 汉英对比与翻译中的转换 M. 上海: 华东理工大学出版社, 2003.


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