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1、The linguistic features of business English and Translation SkillsAbstract:With the development of our market economy and further expand, business English is not only the tool of communication but also the way to improve the international competitive .And it is paid much attention now, people indivi

2、dually realized only learn English more professional can they communicate well in economic trade and kinds of countries . Therefore, business English is more popular today; learn linguistic features will help to know language and translation better. This article analyzes the linguistic features of b

3、usiness English and explains translation skills. Keywords: business English, linguistic features, translation skills摘要:随着市场经济的发展和不断扩展,商务英语已经不仅是交流的工具,而且是提高国际竞争的手段。人们逐渐认识到学习英语可以在不同国家之间更好的交流。因此,商务英语越来越流行,学习其语言特点可以对翻译有更好的了解。本文通过讲述语言特点分析了商务英语的翻译技巧。关键词:商务英语、语言特点、翻译技巧The linguistic features of business Eng

4、lish and Translation Skills. IntroductionInternational business trade is more and more frequent nowadays and, business English, as a language tool for international economic communication, has a new type of comprehensive subject. Business English plays an important role in our national economy refor

5、m and innovation, and the business English translation is a bridge connecting Chinese and English. It is different from normal English language, which can be seen from vocabulary, sentences and discourse. So the translation is different .Here will gives some translation skills.1. The definition of b

6、usiness EnglishIn international business English activities, English plays an important role, it has a wide use and at the same time grows up a unique style of literary language, because of its unique, and it is divided from common English .and called business English, Business Correspondence or Bus

7、iness Letter in the USA. In Britain, it is often called Commercial English or Commercial Correspondence or Commercial Letter. Business English is a variant which has a strong social function, aimed to serving for business activities, set in a specific purpose, and accepted by the people who engaged

8、in international business activities. It consists of language knowledge、communication skills、professional content 、management skills and cultural awareness.Demonstration1. The character on language of business EnglishAs Business English is a specialized use language for international business activi

9、ties, it based on the Basic English grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary, but it has its unique part of expression contents which are mainly show in the following aspects: 1.1. Characteristics of Business English vocabulary1.1.1. Many Ordinary words in common English have a special meaning in

10、business English. For example: offer original means“ provide, in Business English is “quote”. Promotion means elevate to a high position, in Business English is “promote sales .balance intended to be “counterpoise”, in Business English is ask for damage”1.1.2. The vocabulary and its content is highl

11、y specializedBusiness English vocabulary is characterized by the most precise use of professional vocabulary, which contents a large number of specialized vocabularies, the ordinary words that connect to commercial or compound words. “accommodation notes、 bid bond、bad check、balance sheet、bank draft、

12、bill of exchange、bill of lading、date draft”are all full proof. The second certification, Liquidity: Basically, this is the ability of a company to repay its short - term debts. It is usually measured by the current ratio (Current assets current liabilities). For companies with high stock levels, the

13、 so - called quick ratio may be more relevant since this Excludes stocks from the current assets.1.1.3. A lot of abbreviations in useCombined with the frequent business and the demand of saving time and energy, a large number of abbreviations come out. The word abbreviation, strictly means a shorten

14、ing, commonly refers to a letter or a group of letters taken from a single word or phrase, to represent that word or phrase. When we use the abbreviations, we should know their meanings and know where they are appropriate. In business English, most abbreviations have the fixed meanings. For instance

15、, A /C =Account、A /P =Authority to Purchase、B /L = bill of lading、L /C = letter of credit FOB =free on board CI F =cost, insurance and freight FCA =free carrierAbbreviations of business English have a special expression .If we flout the unique characteristics of business English abbreviations to ren

16、der those frequently used abbreviations, it is impossible to serve successfully for the international trade.1.1.4. Emerge out of new vocabularyWith the further development of international economy and computer technology, new vocabularies create at the same time. Such as “Euro”、“ E business”、“ credi

17、t gap”、“ value added tax”、“ E - money cash”、“ Knowledge- based economy”.1.2. Syntactic features of business EnglishI n order to be precise, map out a contract or document must not only use appropriate words but also a large number of clauses and phrases to modify or limit the content ,so the structu

18、re turn to complex, especially in the tender documents and contracts. For example: It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the documents for payment under relevant L/C. In this sentence, the certificate of quality and q

19、uantity or weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the documents for payment under relevant L/C is subject clause; it is the formal subject. The clause“it is mutually agreed”use passive voice. It equals “both parties agree”, but it is more formal than the later one.1.2.1. Use a lot of lon

20、g and difficult sentencesFor example: Many large companies sponsor popular events as well as individual athletes or p layers, using the opportunity to advertise their name prominently at the sports ground or on the individuals sportswear or equipment, at a football match or a tennis Tourna. However,

21、 it is different in business documents such as contracts. We need to express clearly not only the main meaning but also the exceptions or less vital issues. Thus it is unavoidable for those documents to use long and complex sentences. The second example, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes

22、 no responsibility for the contents of this announcement , makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement1.2.2. Extensive us

23、e of the active voiceIn General, because business English Pay more attention to the precise, the sentence structure is complex, long and difficult sentences make extensive use of clauses and the active voice. In Chinese, passive sentences are used a little while on the contraryactive voice is used f

24、requentlyin business English. For example, Although we are appreciative your trial order for 100dozen Vacuum Flasks, we regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment under D/A terms, the reason being that we generally ask for payment by letter of credit.1.3. Discourse features of Bu

25、siness English1.3.1 Rhetorical devices are used a little Because the theme is serious in business English, the use of rhetoric and tense are limited. It usually is a concise and plain style .It is different from literature, the present tense, past tense, future tense is used frequently. For example,

26、 I am requested by the Import and Export Department to inform you that the 150 tons of coal ordered from your company one month ago have not been delivered. ,Will you be so kind as to institute enquiries concerning this non-delivery ? It will be appreciated that you give your reply as soon as possib

27、le.In this paragraph, no rhetorical devices are used, but it expresses its meaning more clearly. Its so common in business documents.1.3.2. Express things clearly and specificallyIn business English, expressing things are more clearly and specifically, it should not be evasive、abstract and general.

28、For example, in business English, we can not say, “we wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday”,but to say, “we confirm our telex of July 2nd 2009”.Because the former one is more clear and specific. The second example“ Since the promise in business has the influential effects of law which is r

29、elated with benefits of each party, an over absolute promise may lead you to a passive stage if any accident happens .So the expression of promise in business English is relatively implicit.”1.3.3. A large number of politenesses In business English, especially in business letter, politeness is a ver

30、y important feature on language.The social activities show the desire of building good relation in business trade, so the content is polite and thoughtfulness. A good letter in business trade can help a person build an ideal image. It seems so important to every business man.2. Translation skills of

31、 business English2.1. Definition of TranslationTranslation is a method by that made communication possible between the nations that use different languages. It is also a science, it has its own regular, and translation is an art, it seems like painting, grab the shape can people do a good job. Trans

32、lation is ability; it can not divide from its methods and skills. Communication among different nations is increasing day by day and the role of it is becoming even more important. Translation is the faithful representation in one language of the thought content, feeling and style relating to anothe

33、r language. This situation requires a large number of translators to improve their professional skills so as to have better translation and to meet the need of increasing communication.Business English refers to language, communication skills, business knowledge and cultural background. It has uniqu

34、e characters, learn the character can help to know translation skills better. Translation is a process of information and communication, which step astride language and culture, business translation is the synthesis of business knowledge and translation. 2.1. The principle of translation2.1.1. Faith

35、fulness, expressiveness and eleganceYan Fus three-character standard, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which has exercised great influence on our translation work since it was founded 100 years ago.“ Faithfulness” is the first principle for business English translators to follow, which dem

36、ands the in translation must be equivalent with the information in source language. It is the foundation of expressiveness and elegance. Expressiveness is to explain things exactly, made the things easy to understand. Elegance means to express the target beautifully.2.1.2. Three principles of transl

37、ationIn the book “Essay on the Principles of Translation”, Alexander Fraser Tyle writes, the translated version must express the original meaning of the paragraph, the style must according with the text ,and the translated text must as frequent as the original text .This is the three principles of t

38、ranslation proposed by Alexander.2.1.3 Functional EquivalenceThe famous translator, Eugene A. Nida, gives his translation principle. He thinks that the purpose of translation is to maintain the original mean of content, the style, language and culture. He said:“Translation means translating meaning.

39、” Translation is one kind of activities; it is a process to show one language from another. Through the three translation principle, we can draw the conclusion, the principle at home and aboard are all the same, the principle we should obey is keep the original information .In total, translation mus

40、t be according with 1700faithfulness, exactness, consistency, this principle can meet the demand of business trade. Style of information transmission can not be ignored in translation. Although the conditions of human existence and environment, a different culture will produce some non-translated, b

41、ut the need for human survival and human ways of thinking have something in common. If the translation of the original style of neglected information, not only will a large number of translation loss of information, but also seem inappropriate translation. For example: in the translation of Asian Ti

42、gers, some people translate it as the Four Asian Dragons, respect is something wrong. In short, the international business English language related to different literary forms, such as documents, law, and advertising. Therefore, the translator must pay attention to. When translating, both grammatica

43、l and rhetorical considerations are involved. Since Chinese and English belong to two different language families and present a lot of differences in their grammars, we cannot avoid while translating is how to make the version sound as smooth and natural as possible.2.2. Converted the word2.2.1. Tra

44、nslating Nouns into VerbsIt is reported that nouns take the greatest part of English vocabularies. While in China people usually prefer to use verbs. So, when translating English to Chinese often are conversed into verbs. Especially in business English, this technique will meet the conciseness. For

45、example: and in a best-selling book, Lester thrown told us that America would soon be going head to head with a German led Europe in the struggle for world markets. Here, the noun “struggle” is translated into verb. Its more direct and conciseness.2.2.2. Translating Adjectives into Verbs Sometimes w

46、e may translate adjective in English into adverbs Chinese when the situation needs. For example,(1)And we would recommend subsidies, consistent with GATT, only for a demonstrably competitive industry whose products are used in a variety of manufactured goods(2) The export trade is subject to many ri

47、sks. Ships my sink or consignments be damaged in transit, exchange rates may alter, buyers default of governments suddenly impose an embargo.From the translation, we discover that an adjective, “competitive”, in the legal document of international business English may be expressed in Chinese.2.2.3.

48、Translation of Courteous ToneAs mentioned above, the courteous tone in business English is important in business activities. The most commonly used word in Chinese to show courtesy is“please”, while in English, we can say“we would like”“we would be glad to”We should like to know whether you would al

49、low us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days, and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by cable without delayPlease reply by telegram immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment for twenty days. The two sentences express the same meaning. The second one is brief and clear, but it is not so courteous than the


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