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1、 毕 业 论 文题目 The comparison of the image of vampire in western culture and ghost in eastern culture性 质: 毕业设计 毕业论文教 学 院 外国语学院 专业班级 学生姓名 学生学号 指导教师 2011年6月12日CONTENTS摘要.1Abstract2Vampire cultural background of the birth of31.1 Origins: vampire ancestors31.1.1 Overview.31.1.2 The basic argument to determi

2、ne the image of the vampire.41.2 The formation and development of the vampire family.41.3 Introduction vampire clan61.3.1Close the party clan.61.3.2 Neutral clan.71.4 The image of Western culture of the vampire.7 Resulted in two different cultures and cultural differences .82.1 The different geograp

3、hical.82.2 The development of different social systems.92.3 Can not be a clear understanding of science Conclusion: A brief history of human development is the impact of cultural progress.9Acknowledgement.11Bibliography.12摘 要“鬼”以及“吸血鬼”,都是人们臆想中的形象。有关“鬼”和“吸血鬼”的历史记载和文学创作汗牛充栋。鬼是人们对死后存在的一种想象和虚构,而吸血鬼则是对于永

4、生的一种想象和虚构。鬼小说和吸血鬼小说创作又是人类的一面镜子,可以反映出人类生存中的一些基本问题。本文以东西鬼文化和吸血鬼文化为研究对象,分析东方和西方鬼文化和吸血鬼文化中的异同,探讨两国造成这些异同的宗教的、思想的、社会的原因和特点。 正文由四章组成。第一章通过对东西文化中鬼和吸血鬼观念的演变和定义,确定其内涵和外延。第二章对鬼和吸血鬼的形象进行分析,总结其特征。第三章探讨人与鬼的关系。第四章通过对文学、影视、动漫、游戏中鬼与吸血鬼的对比,探讨东西方文化根源和现实功能。最后在总结全文的基础上,再次强调对鬼和吸血鬼进行比较研究的重要意义。关键词:鬼 吸血鬼 东方 西方 比较 文化 Abstra

5、ctGhost and the vampire, the image is people suspect. Relevant ghost and the vampire history books and literary creation. Ghost is people after the death of the existence of a kind of imagination and fiction, but as the vampire is for a imagination and fiction. Ghost stories and vampire novel creati

6、on is a mirror of human to human survival, can reflect some of the basic problem. Taking things ghosts culture and the vampire culture as the research object, the eastern and western ghost analysis of the culture of cultural and vampires, this paper discusses the similarities and differences between

7、 these two countries of the religious differences caused, ideological and social causes and characteristics.Composed by four chapters text. The first chapter of east-west cultural through in the evolution of ghosts and vampire concept and definition, determine its connotation and extension. The seco

8、nd chapter of ghost and vampire analysis, and to sum up its image characteristics. The third chapter discusses the relationship with demons. The fourth chapter in literature, film and television, through animation, the game ghosts and vampire contrast, explore cultural roots and realistic function b

9、etween east and west. Finally, on the basis of summing up of ghost and vampires once again stressed the important significance of comparison and study.Keywords: Ghosts; vampire; East; West; comparison; culture.Cultural background of the birth of the vampire1.1 Origins: vampire ancestors :1.1.1 Overv

10、iewDracula Hebrew worship and fear of blood formed a complex intolerable, on the one hand is the soul and life blood of the symbol, while the other points that they considered to be a disaster again ominous blood tag. The medieval Christian world, the blood continues to be given supernatural power,

11、and it was spirits and rendering assistance to learn, so the stage of history marks the arrival of vampire superstition - the superstition itself is provocative, is not high science and technology at the time, can not correctly understanding of illness and death, that the blood of a sin function, wh

12、ile for the worship of the Virgin Mary, the oldest vampire image is difficult to determine.1.1.2 The basic argument to determine the image of the vampire1. Cain, brother, and by God for killing curse. He is the son of Adam and Eve. 2. Judas, the disciples betrayed Jesus, and later committed suicide

13、because of regret. Legend of God so that he die, never lonely, for punishment. So now the vampires have to be kept secret, always alone. In fact, in the 18th century is not the modern sense of the word vampire. 3, Satan, Satan is the leader referred to the devil, and Lucifer is one of the very famou

14、s one, he was heaven before the Blazing Angels, called Lucifer, his position in heaven is very precious, because of dissatisfaction with the Son Jesus, treason to God, lead holy war, failed to be into the Magic. According to legend, the home of Romanian vampires. 4. Legend, created the vampire, that

15、 is, the kinship is Lilith (Lilith). She first appeared in Sumerian mythology, is the creation of God, the Lord together with the creation of the world. 查看字典详细内容1.2 The formation and development of the vampire family In Europe, from the historical beginning to spread the vampire legend. Millions of

16、people believe this legend and in the darkness, trembling because of this legend. Vampires are an ancient and mysterious race. They have their own ideas, thinking, will talk, will move around, or even injury and death. Their strength is much larger than normal, and has ordinary people can not get th

17、e ability. In order to maintain their living conditions that they must be taking blood. Most vampires are usually taking human blood, but there are to abuse animals and even other blood for a living. Many people think that as long as taking the blood of vampires, the abused person will become a vamp

18、ire, this view is not correct. Vampire who smoked were likely to die, but will not become a vampire. If you intend to make a human a vampire become a vampire, you must give each other their blood. Accepted by smokers taking the blood, the two possible fusion into a vampire blood. The phenomenon of c

19、onvergence will bring the blood to be smokers, to complete a wonderful feeling, a process known as first hug (The Embrace). After the initial owner, who was taking both the descendants of those who become smokers, according to close the partys discipline, vampires can not be free to develop their ow

20、n descendants, and descendants of a vampire must be responsible for the acts themselves. Each vampire is different from ordinary people have the ability. But is not born with this ability. The ability of the young vampire and mortal almost the same. However, the increase with age and experience, vam

21、pires will gradually discover their own ability to make itself strong, theoretically speaking, the more the ability of older vampire with the more powerful. Vampires have the ability of third-generation or even comparable with God. In front of these vampires, usually people are vulnerable. A lot of

22、information that vampires fear a lot of things, such as vampires afraid of garlic, holy water, and wood piles. Most of these rumors are not true. Vampire fear most what is the sun. Some differences can be a powerful vampires can have a weak resistance to the sun, but no vampire can withstand the sun

23、 according to the sun. In addition, the temperature of the vampire has a certain degree of restraint and, accordingly, the vampire usually act at night, as sunlight and heat during the day will seriously affect their thinking and abilities. In addition, the vampires are not afraid of garlic and holy

24、 water complete. If someone has extremely strong religious beliefs, it may temporarily inhibit the vampire with a cross, but the vampire will not therefore death. Similarly, the stakes have no effect on vampires, but if the heart can the vampire peg stakes, you can make it until the removal of the t

25、emporary paralysis so far. Driven in isolation, Cain created the first two generations of vampires. And their 13 offspring. This is the 3rd generation of the survivors of the Flood of Noah, which has established 13 major clans, and later defected and went out the 2nd generation vampire. 3, said the

26、ancient code has to be compared with the power of God. The thousands of years later, vampire blood has reached the tenth to the fifteenth generation of the triple. In the Middle Ages ago, members of the vampires have special abilities and the immortality of the footer, you can usually become a domin

27、ant party, and even competing rights and cause most people fear. Around until the fourth century, the Inquisition, the Catholic Church to ascertain the existence of vampires, then vigorously engaged in catching and killing. Although vampires have different energy, but also any one vampire can not bl

28、ock the cooperation of thousands who mortal threat. So the survival of the vampire into an unprecedented crisis. In response to the bad situation, when several vampire clans (about sixty-eight generation) had to form an alliance, so have the Camarilla (secret party) alliance faction. This is a clan

29、formed by the alliance of seven factions, but also has a large Union camp. Close when the party set a six founding precepts strictly traditional (Six Traditions), required to send in a later alliance vampire always followed. The highest aim of the traditional precepts is to require the vampire must

30、be hidden in the human society is absolutely not to be identified, so as not to cause vampires to survive the crisis, which is Masquerade doctrine of the origin. 1.3 Introduction vampire clan 1.3.1 Close the party clan Brujah: kinship clan fighting in the most appropriate, because the physical basis

31、 for all members of the Brujah blood family the best. However, members of the Brujah complexity of the concept of faith is one of the best blood family. The clan is divided into three factions: Iconoclast (the TRUE anarchs): they are everything to be criticized no respect for any agency or authority

32、. They observe the precepts potential, but only for the protection of their own purposes. Idealist: most of the older members of the Brujah Brujah elders and almost all fall into this camp. They learn from the past history of wisdom and guidance, I believe Brujah should unite to build a new Carthage

33、. Individualists: a compromise between the two factions to send them to the future of the clan together. But they did not ask others to Idealist obey their command. Gangrel: the closest of all the natural inner kinship clan. The lone vagrant who do not like the shackles of society and enjoy the comf

34、ort of the wild life. But how can they avoid the werewolf attack in the wild is still a mystery. Malkavian: recruit people hate is the other guy is also very afraid of Malkavian members. They cursed their consciousness of blood contamination. Members was the beginning of a Malkavian Fan (the Embrace

35、) shortly after it becomes insane (of course, provided they have not before this insanity.) Nosferatu: ugly distorted appearance, Nosferatu must live in the ground far away from human society, and not like other vampires as hiding in the human society. Nosferatu after being owned for a day early to

36、become ugly, the other blood group are excluded those living in the sewers or underground tomb of the guys that they are annoying thing, is not very necessary, and not between them. Toreador: have many aliases, including falling, the artist, posturing by or even hedonist. But any general classificat

37、ion of the clan as a whole is a distortion and damage. Tremere: is known to one of the shortest in the history of the clan, it is in the Dark Ages (Dark Ages) the early establishment. Tremere are a group of original members of the human desire for eternal life magician, I do not know by what power t

38、hey help, even through the alchemy, magic and a Tzimisce elders have been sucking the blood of the capacity. Ventrue: elegant, aristocratic Ventrue is the secret of the party leader. They maintain a close the partys base, the most dangerous in the close of the party members when the command through.

39、 Even modern, most of the citys Prince also served as a member of the Ventrue. Lasombra: a graceful fall, of which the members of which are quite satisfied. In them, elegant and cruelty coexist in the same noble and decadence. Lasombra is also a natural leader, and they believe they should be strong

40、er than other similar multiple. Tzimisce: If Lasombra is the heart of the magic of the party, then the Tzimisce is the soul of the party magic. They used to be the most powerful of all the clans, but the struggle with the Tremere and non-government revolution, they have been hit. 1.3.2 Neutral clan

41、Assamite: from the Middle East desert Assamite blood family killer. Assamite members to reward those who work for the employer, the reward is often the employers blood. Followers of Set: often referred to as Setites. They were in the vampire society far more than the suspicion of other clans. This i

42、s because of their beliefs. They believed that they originated in the Set-Egyptian god of night and darkness. 1.4 The image of Western culture of the vampire This is similar to what the vampire legend, is not independent in the pure, the development of Western culture are a part of history, is born

43、under the background of Western culture and Western social system has a close relationship. Vampire is an incarnation of God is spiritual sustenance the people a way because people expect divine aid and they will think of the interference of evil spirits, to the people by the time of disaster or dis

44、ease, always in the Church induction, that is Gods punishment, is the evil spirits at play, is due to lack of understanding of science can not show the correct understanding of nature, the consequences of blind superstition. The birth of every culture has its own meaning and value of existence, good

45、 or bad, is a whole, because when God created the world is symmetric, always positive and negative balance, the relative good and evil, which is the worlds development law, the development of the social system must follow this law in order to progress, while also must meet the requirements of local,

46、 or manpower is not change the nature alone, to conquer nature, people have to rely on divine power to accomplish this, that is, sustenance to the idea of God, which is why the vampire would be born, there will be, will develop the underlying causes. This image is not affected Western culture, Weste

47、rn culture in the context of development, is a reflection of people. As we all know, the Western feudal system feudal system and the East is very different, because the two cultures in which different regions are geographical differences led to the living habits of people do, but also led to a spiritual people different. Resulted in two different cultures and cultural differencesThis is no ghost, but in the hear


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