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1、黄 冈 师 范 学 院本 科 生 毕 业 论 文论文题目:On the Translation of Chinese Neologism 作 者: 专业班级: 指导教师: 学 号: 2012年5月20日郑重声明本人的毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师 吴兵东 的指导下独立撰写并完成的。毕业论文(设计)没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任;并可以通过网络接受公众的查询。特此郑重声明。 毕业论文作者: 2012年 5月 20日黄冈师范学院外国语学院本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告论文题目 On the Translation of Chines

2、e Neologism 学生姓名 李晓娟 学 号 200813140321 专业班级 英语200803班 导师姓名 吴兵东 职 称 讲师 2011年12月一、本课题研究的目的及其意义近年来,随着我国社会经济的快速发展,汉语言中的新词新义不断涌现。这些新词语具有鲜明的时代特色,是我国改革开放和社会主义市场经济以及人们精神和物质文明发展的见证,同时也极大地丰富了我国汉语言文字的宝库。如何将这些具有文化负载的新词语及时地翻译成准确、地道的外语,使国外读者了解中国的国情与发展,从而弘扬中国文化,成为外语及翻译工作者的迫切任务。翻译汉语新词的主要目的是向世界人民介绍当前中国的国情和社会发展。让世界了解中





7、们可能认为汉译英要理解的是母语不会太困难,事实并非如此。”汉语新词的理解并不仅仅指词的字面意义,而更主要的是指在汉语逻辑隐含关系和特定语境所衍生的临时意义。要深刻理解词汇,必须掌握词汇单位所蕴涵的国俗语义,才有可能在英语中找到恰当的等值词汇而不至于闹笑话甚至因词害意。如古人所说, “资之深,故取之左右逢其源。” 参考文献:1 Baker, Mona. In Other Words: A Course book on Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Researeh Press, 2000. 2 Bloomfield, L.

8、 LanguageM. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2001.3 De Waard, Jan and E. A. Nida. From One Language to Another: Functional Equivalence in Bible TranslatingM. New york: Nelson, 1986.4 Jeremy, Munday. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and ApplicationsM. Routledge, 2001.5 Jin Di

9、. on Ttranslation: with Special Reference to Chinese and EnglishM. New york: Nelson, 2002.6 曹聪孙. 时代的脉搏, 生活的镜子.新词新语词典编后赘语辞书研究,1990(2):155.7 陈苹.汉文. 新词的英文翻译探讨.中国翻译,1997,(2).8 陈小全, 丁衡祁. 汉语新词新语英泽质量问题不容忽视. 中国日报, 2008.9 陈秀. 沦译者介入J. 中国翻一译口,2002,(1): l,它2.10 陈原社会语言学M上海:学林出版社,1983:118.11 陈忠实, 吴幼娟. 词语翻译丛谈续篇M.

10、北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000.12 陈忠实. 词语翻译丛谈M. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.13 李浏文. 汉语街词语词典. 文汇出版社,1999.14 梁咏梅. 巴斯奈特的文化翻译观与汉语新词英译J. 合肥工业大学学报, 2003.15 陆茵. 新时期新词构词特点及其折射出的文化变动态势. 襄樊学院学报, 2004, (1): 71.16 马会娟. 奈达翻译理论研究M. 外语研究与教育出版社,2003.17 欧阳因. 朗文中国流行析词语. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2000.18 王德春. 报刊新词英译纵横. 上海: 上海科技教育出版社, 2001.19 王弄笙. 近年

11、来汉英翻译中出现的一些析问题. 中国翻译, 2005.20 肖恩霍利, 徐艳秋, 彭小, 马争. 报刊英语关健词. 北京: 外文出版社, 2001.三、本课题研究的主要内容全文由四个章节组成。第一章作为引言是对论文的概括性介绍,主要介绍新词研究的现状,新词研究的目的和意义及其翻译方面的大量研究成果。第二章中探讨了新词的定义、分类、特点和新词的主要来源。第三章是本文的核心,基于翻译的基本原则,探讨汉语新词英译的原则与方法和常用的策略。第三章介绍中文新词英译的难点与特点。指出当前汉语新词翻译中存在的一些问题,同时对解决这些问题的方法进行探讨。从文化交际障碍等方面着手,文中提到了新词翻译中存在的困难

12、和翻译者常见的不足之处。第四章是结论部分,指出:1.汉语新词的翻译不仅要求译者对英汉双语的精通,还要求有全面的知识,尤其是汉英两种文化的知识。因此译者务必要不断地提高自己对于汉英两种语言的精通程度,掌握更多的文化知识。2.译者不应盲目地接受,而应该对现有的或汉英词典中的翻译持批判的、分析的、建设性的态度。3.译者要以敏锐的文化意识来发现确定新词,应该小心谨慎地翻译新词。四、本课题采用的研究方法及路线 列举论文写作和资料收集过程中所使用的研究方法本文依据相关的翻译理论和实践,采用新闻媒体中出现的大量新的例证作为依据,从语言学、跨文化交际以及对外交流的角度对汉语新词的英译进行科学系统的研究,以期为

13、汉语新词翻译中出现的一些问题探讨翻译策略。并且通过对期刊文献及书目的大量调查研究,对汉语新词英译进行文献回顾。其目的是为了尽量避免误译现象的出现,更好进行翻译研究与实践。同时参照前以往经验,对汉语新词翻译的方法进行描述与总结,归纳出对汉语新词翻译的有效原则,以致于更好地完成汉语词汇的翻译工作。五、本课题研究的进度安排2011.10 确定选题2011.12.3-2011.12.15 查找和收集有关资料2011.12.18-2012.12.20 对收集及查找的资料进行分析和整理 2011.12.20-2012.1.14 撰写文献综述、开题报告、论文提纲 2012.3.15-2012.5.11 写出

14、初稿、修改定稿2012.5.12-2012.5.23 终期检查2012.5.26 论文答辩六、指导教师意见签名 年 月 日 七、院论文指导小组审批意见签名 年 月 日AbstractAs an important communicating tool and carrier of culture, language serves as the symbol of a nation. As a common phenomenon, language coexists with the society and they affect mutually. The change of the soci

15、ety will inevitably affect the change of language. Due to the development and the advancement of science and technology, new words are gushing out.The emergence of neologisms means the advancement and development of society. In todays world,with the rapid development of science and technology, the i

16、rreversible momentum toward globalization makes cross-cultural communication increasingly important and frequent. Through the translation of neologisms,China shows its great changes to the outside world. However,due to the“newness”and strong Chinese characters, the translation is a great challenge t

17、o translators. Based on the scientific analysis and study on Chinese neologisms,several practical and popular methods of how to translate Chinese neologisms are illustrated.Key words:Chinese neologisms,translation,strategies摘 要语言是重要的交际工具和文化载体,是一个民族的象征。语言又是一种社会现象,它和社会相互依存和影响,社会的变化必然会引起语言的变化。社会的发展和科技的

18、进步,使新词语层出不穷。当今世界,随着科技的迅猛发展,不可逆转的全球化势头使跨文化交际变得愈加重要和频繁。通过新词的翻译,中国也向外部世界展现着自己的巨大变化。然而,由于中文新词的“新鲜”以及具有强烈的中国特色,汉语新词的翻译难度不言而喻。本文基于对汉语新词的科学的分析与研究,归纳总结了若干针对新词行之有效的翻译方法。关键词:汉语新词,翻译,策略Contents I. Introduction1II. The Analysis and Study at Chinese Neologism22.1 The Definition of Neologism22.2 Sources of Neolog

19、ism32.2.1 Newly Created Words32.2.2 Existent Words and Expressions with New Senses32.2.3 Borrowings42.2.4 Adopting Dialects42.3 Classification of Neologism42.3.1 Politic42.3.2 Economy52.3.3 Science and Technology52.3.4 Education62.3.5 Health and Medical Care62.3.6 Culture and Entertainment62.3.7 Spo

20、rts72.3.8 Marriage and family7III. The Translation of Chinese Neologism83.1 General Principles of Translation83.1.1 Equivalence Preference83.1.2 Respect for the Routine and Diversity.83.1.3 Flexible Response to Cultural Difference83.1.4 China English Publlcation93.2 Strategies of Chinese Neologism T

21、ranslation93.3 Methods Applicable to Chinese Neologism Translation103.3.1 Back Translation103.3.2 Literal Translation103.3.3 Free Translation113.3.4 Equivalent Translation and Near Equivalent Translation12IV .Problems on Chinese Neologism Translation124.1 Redundant Translation124.2 Ignorance of the

22、Cultural Differences between Languages124.3 Chinese English134.4 Imprudence in Translating Political Terms13V .Conclusion14Bibliography16I. IntroductionLanguage,serving as a tool in social interaction,reflects the changes of social life. Social changes, in turn, find their expressions through words

23、and phrases particular to that time. Then interdependent relationship between social development and language has its manifestation in what we are going to discuss in this thesisneologisms.In order to communicate with people of different nations, translation is crucial and in order to know the up-to

24、-date information in China, translation of Chinese neologism is critical. The version of translation is in close relationship with the understanding of foreigners. The target audiences want to have an idea of China today, its laws and regulations, conners of the Chinese people, currently most favora

25、ble movie in China and even the most popular Chinese song. Hence, how to make Chinese neologism more clear and proper has become the most important task for translators. Related circles have paid great attention to the rapid increase of neologism and its translation, so there are various works on ne

26、ologisms published during recent years,for example, 汉英最新特色词汇, 英语新词新义, 当代英语新词语词典 and so forth. 新时代汉英词典(New Age Concise Chinese-English Dictionary ) published in 2000, says in its preface:“ in the recent two decades, the flying development of society and the rapid advancement of science and technology

27、 result in endless emergence of neologisms. In order to reflcet the times as well as meet the demands of readers, the present dictionary aims at collceting those widely accepted neologisms and then providing accurate English renderings for them.” Apart from dictionaries, there are a lot of theoretie

28、 study on translation of Chinese neologisms into English. Such as 报刊新词英译纵横,新时期新词语的趋势和选择 and so on. These are useful guidance of neologism stranslators. This thesis consists of five parts. In the following chapters, the author firstly gives an overview of the neologisms including the definition, the

29、sources and the features of new words and expressions. Secondly, the author expounds some useful translation techniques that are feasible in translation practice. In chapter four, some mistakes made by translators are revealed and possible solutions are given to solve them. Lastly, in the concluding

30、 chapter, the author indicates that there is no set way in Chinese neologisms translation, so translators should combine flexibility with principle in translation practice.II. The Analysis and Study at Chinese Neologism2.1 The Definition of NeologismWhat is neologism? This is the first question we m

31、ust answer before taking an in-depth study of Chinese neologisms. When it comes to a discussion about neologism, it is apparently necessary to begin with making a clear definition. Up till now, the debate about the definition of neologism has been on for a long time but no general agreement has been

32、 reached. I have found several different answers from related researchers: What is so called“neologism” refers to those newly created in accordance with the language rule and with unambiguous meaning so as to be used in communication. (李建国, quoted in张健, 2001:30-31) Neologism is a sophisticated langu

33、age phenomenon. Neologisms can be formed by means of building,borrowing,derivation,affixation,claque, compounding of old words, coining by writers. (王德春, quoted in张健, 2001:34-35) Generally speaking,the concept “neologism”, covers two meanings: first,from the perspective of time,neologism can be defi

34、ned as those “appeared for the first time during a period of time or from a time point until now”. For instance, John Aytos Longman Register of New Words(1989) embodies new words has arisen during 1986-88; second, from the perspective of dictionary, neologism refers to those word“not covered by some

35、 dictionary, dictionaries, or all existed dictionaries”, for example, word embodied in the supplementay versions of a few dictionaries. (蔡富有, 郭龙生, 2002:104)“Neologism” can be defined in many ways such as “newly-invented word”(Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, 2000), “a new word or

36、 expression, or a word used with a new meaning”(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2004).Besides the above definitions,there are still many other views on“neologism”. Though they are from different schools of thoughts, we can clearly find that“freshness” is the common nature of neologisms.

37、From the above-mentioned definitions we can draw a conclusion that a neologism must have the following properties:1. A Chinese neologism should be unused before, newly created or have just entered into the general Chinese vocabulary.2. A Chinese neologism should be still in use now; it has existed i

38、n a certain period; it has been rooted in Chinese vocabulary and extensively understood by people in a certain field, by one particular language group or by people of different language levels.3. Neologisms should include newly created words and word groups, loanwords, old words with new sense or ne

39、w usage, derivatives, and so forth.2.2 Sources of NeologismsThe vocabulary of Chinese has changed a lot in the past several years, and one of the facts is that the appearance of neologisms is emerging every day. But how do these words come into vogue? And what are the reasons? The following section

40、will focus on the ways in which these new words are brought to Chinese vocabulary. There accordingly include six main sources.2.2.1 Newly Created WordsRapid social progress and language development urge the creation of new words and expressions to demonstrate some new things,new concepts and new phe

41、nomena, such as: “三角债”(chain debts;tripartite debts), “下海”(go into business; plunge into the commercial sea), “大款”(tycoon; the rich), “大腕” (top notch), “专属经济区” (exclusive economic zone), “中国出口商品交易会” (广交会)(China Export Commodities Fair(Guangzhou Fair), “带薪假日”(paid holiday), “股民”(stock market investor

42、), “经济特区”(special economic zone), “素质教育”(quality-oriented education; education for all-around development). These neologisms concern all fields of the society.2.2.2 Existent Words and Expressions with New SensesThings, concepts and thoughts are keeping changing. That is to say Currently-existing wor

43、ds are often given new meanings to fit new situations. “婆婆” originally means husbands mother, now it has another meaning: higher authority; leader; chief. Other examples, “瓶颈”(bottle neek) used to refer to the thin upper part of a bottle, and now it is more often used to refer to the key factor or p

44、art that keeps things from developing.“聚焦”(focus) used to refer to the action of making a beam of light focus on one point and now it is more often used to refer to the action that such as sight, concentration focus.“工程”(program:project) , when used in such as“菜篮子工程”,“豆腐渣工程”,and“211工程”is also the ex

45、ample of specialization.“阳光”(sunshine:sunny), which is an example of transformation of part of speech,used to refer to sunshine, and now it is also used as an adjective to deseribe that a person is healthy and cheerful and that things, phenomena are open and transparent.2.2.3 BorrowingsChina has bee

46、n in close contact with other countries since the ancient times. Since the reform and opening up policy,China has been more closely connected with the world and different regions of the whole nation are also more closely connected than ever before. Such as“热线”(hot line),“双赢”(win-win),“基因”(gene),“黑客” (hacker). Words from French,such as“香槟”(champagne),“摩丝” (mousse),“大厨” (chef). Words from Germany,such as“华氏”(Fahrenheit) “闪电线”(blitz). W


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