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1、本科毕业论文(设计)题目:Application of Yan Fus Translation Theory in Translation of Traditional Chinese Medical Terms严复的翻译理论在中医术语翻译中的应用姓 名: 刘 双 双 学 号: 08101051211 专业班级: 08 英语本科(2)班 二级学院: 外国语学院 指导老师: 王 永 娣 完成时间: 2012年5月10 日 教务处制Application of Yan Fus Translation Theory in Translation of Traditional Chinese Medi

2、cal Terms Written by: Liu ShuangshuangSupervised by: Wang YongdiA Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English to theSchool of Foreign LanguagesAnhui Xinhua UniversityMay, 2012AcknowledgementsI have benefited a lot during my writing of this th

3、esis, which owes a lot to my tutor, Miss Wang Yongdi. To begin with, I show great thanks to her intellectual inculcation and warm encouragement, which motivates me to finish this paper to a certain degree; then I am indebted to her industrious attitude, for she often stays up late to correct the pap

4、er, and does anything according to her plan; at last, her keen and vigorous academic observation enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.With her help, a complete thesis is finally completed through my efforts; and moreover, I also give my gratitude to my classmates, parent

5、s, and other teachers from the School of Foreign Languages of Xinhua University, who have spirited me up, for their great support.Application of Yan Fus Translation Theory in Translation of Traditional Chinese Medical TermsAbstract From 1980s, TCM has become gradually hot in the world along with the

6、 Reform and Opening. A lot of Chinese medicine literature has been translated, and TCM has been introduced to foreign countries. So there are more and more people to be specialized in translating TCM both in domestic and foreign countries. During the practice of translation, the translation of Chine

7、se medicine terms is the core. In recent years, despite more and more scholars have realized the importance of translating Chinese medical terms, however, it lacks a uniform standardization in the translation of TCM terms for various reasons. This article first reviewed the current situation and exi

8、sting problems of translation of Traditional Chinese Medical terms. In the light of the lack of standardization in translation of TCM terms, the author analyzed the components of Yan Fus translation theory faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance and the feasibility of this theory in the practice.Key

9、words: translation theory; Traditional Chinese Medicine terms; application严复的翻译理论在中医术语翻译中的应用摘 要20世纪80年代以来,伴随着改革开放的不断深入,世界中医热开始升温,大量的中医药文献被翻译、介绍到国外,国内外涌现了许多研究中医翻译的专业人员。中医翻译实践中,中医术语的翻译是一个核心。近些年来,尽管越来越多的学者已经意识到了中医术语翻译的重要性,然而由于种种原因,目前中医术语的翻译还缺乏一个统一的标准,不够规范化。因此,此论文探讨中医术语翻译的现状和存在问题,并且针对目前中医术语翻译缺乏规范性和标准的现象

10、,分析严复的翻译理论“信、达、雅”的具体含义,进而提出和分析严复的“信、达、雅”翻译标准用于指导中医术语翻译的可行性。 关键词: 翻译理论;中医术语;应用ContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.IABSTRACT IN ENGLISH.IIABSTRACT IN CHINESE.IIICHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION.11.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Rationale and Objective.2CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW.3CHAPTER THREE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK43.1

11、Introduction to Yan Fus Translation Theory43.1.1 Main Idea.43.1.2 Integrity.53.2 Study of Yan Fus Translation Theory.63.2.1 From Essence of Translation.63.2.2 From Practice of Translation.6CHAPTER FOUR APPLICATION OF YAN FUS TRANSLATION THEORY IN TRANSLATION OF TCM TERMS.8 4.1 Features of TCM Terms.

12、8 4.2 Application of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance.9 4.2.1 Application of Faithfulness.9 4.2.2 Application of Expressiveness.11 4.2.3 Application of Elegance.13 4.3 Summary.15CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION.16BIBLIOGRAPHY.17Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background From 1980s, TCM has become hot in

13、 the world along with the Reform and Opening. A lot of Chinese medicine literature has been translated, and TCM has been introduced to foreign countries. So there are more and more people to be specialized in translating TCM both in domestic and foreign countries. During the practice of translation,

14、 the translation of Chinese medicine terms is the core. In recent years, despite more and more scholars have realized the importance of TCM terms, however, it lacks a uniform standardization in the translation of TCM terms for various reasons. In the current study, there are three common situations

15、in the translation of TCM. One is that most of the translators could not create a new group of translation terms, so they just use Western academic terms to express the concept of TCM. The second situation is that some of the translators did not consider the standardization of translation, but creat

16、e translation terms in accordance with their own understanding. The third situation is that some translators use the same word or phrase to translate the terminology for different concepts in order to blindly pursuit the uniform translation.1.2 Research Rationale and Objective Although there were ma

17、ny previous researches on the application of translation theory in the translation of TCM terms, few introduced the theory systematically. This thesis is from the perspective of Yan Fus translation theory to guide the translation of TCM terms. And Yan Fus translation theory has three components, nam

18、ely, faithfulness (信), be true to the original works in spirit; expressiveness (达), be accessible to the target reader, in other words, the translator should use the common and fluent language to make sure that his translation can be understood completely and easily by readers; and elegance (雅), be

19、in the language the target reader accepts as being educated, that is, be attractive to the target reader in style. With the analysis of the TCM terms translation, both the readers and learners will obtain a new perspective of appreciating or evaluating TCM. Only in that way can we broaden the applic

20、ation of Yan Fus translation theory, achieve the best correlation between the original and the translation, thereby achieving the goals of cross-cultural communication.Chapter Two Literature Review Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), one of the most excellent traditional culture of the Chinese natio

21、n, has formed an unique theoretical system for thousands of years of medical practice, and has become a flower in the field of world medicine science, especially in the treasure-house of the world traditional medicine.British scholar, Nigel Wiseman, is one of the representatives of the translation o

22、f TCM terms in Western. For many years, he devoted to the translation of TCM terms and its international standardization, and had a lot of works, for example, Chinese-English Dictionary of Chinese Medicine, which was far-reaching. He raised a popularization of the TCM series of terms, and proceeded

23、with bold innovation and exploration. His translation study has been controversial and concerned all the time. But his thought had a greater influence on the practice and the development of international standardization of TCM terms translation.At home, many researchers have conducted similar resear

24、ch into Yan Fus translation theory and the translation of TCM terms. Since Yan Fu,the modem enlightenment thinker and translator, put forward the three difficulties in authorship things, the discussion of the translation criteria, surrounded by the comments of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegan

25、ce, has been off and on. In the field of translation, each airs his own views. The scholars all express their own intelligent views. Among them, there are some people who support his theory, while such people against him are not rare, and they think the theory is out of date. Li Zhaoguo, the directo

26、r of the center of Shanghai Foreign Language University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, thinks that traditional Chinese medicine is different from the western medicine, because its humanistic medicine, not pure technology product. Western medicine deals with equipment and sheets, while the traditio

27、nal Chinese medicine pays attention to communication with people.All in all, the translation circle at home and abroad has already made some surveys on TCM. Chapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction to Yan Fus Translation Theory In the translation theory, the greatest contribution of Yan F

28、u is the faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance theory, which is mentioned in the Comments on Evolution and Ethics. His theory has spread up to now in circles of culture and translation and it can be said that until now there has not a theory on translation, whether in domestic or in foreign, whi

29、ch can have such a lasting and extensive influence. Of course, there are a lot of criticism and discussions about the theory. Because of his very short narrative, many people have different understanding in the three words as a translation principle. Opinions differ from each other. In order to radi

30、cally reform, a more comprehensive interpretation will be given on the basic of the origin of the Comments on Evolution and Ethics. Comments on Evolution and Ethics begins with 译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。 And its translation is, the translation work has three difficulties, namely faithfuln

31、ess, faithful to the original, expressiveness, elegance, that is the level of word must be high. In fact, it is not easy to follow the principle of faithfulness, but if only pay attention to the principle of faithfulness and ignore the principle of expressiveness, then the translation is in vain, so

32、 the principle of expressiveness should be paid equal attention. 3.1.1 Main Idea Comments on Evolution and Ethics is equivalent to the preface of modern translation, which shows the principle and translation purpose that the translator follows in the book, so that it becomes easier for readers to re

33、ad. The main points expressed in this article are as follows. First, the translator should follow the principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which is the standard of translation. Second, the principle of faithfulness is the most important. The most basic requirement of faithfulness

34、is faithful to the original both in the content and in the form. But the translator often has to give up faithfulness to the form, in order to pursuit faithfulness to the content. Third, the principle of expressiveness is that when the translator translates, he should express the content of the orig

35、inal well, so as to make the readers fully understand the nature of the original. And as long as the translator follows the principle of expressiveness, we can say that the principle of faithfulness also be followed. Fourth, in addition to following the principle of expressiveness, the translation s

36、hould also follow the principle of elegant, which is required to emphasize rhetoric and ask for polish, whose reasons are that, one is in order to widely receive the readers recognition and cherish as much as possible, the other is to follow the principle of elegant. 3.1.2 IntegrityThe above section

37、 is about the main idea of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, this section will study the integrity of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.Yan Fu thought that the three parts of the theory of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance are an integrity and they closely contact with each

38、other and are dependent on each other. However, there is a relative progression in all three, namely, the principle of faithfulness is the most important, but if the translator only pays attention to the principle of faithfulness and ignores the principle of expressiveness, then the translation is i

39、n vain, so on this occasion the principle of expressiveness should be paid more attention. And the principle of elegant serves for the principle of expressiveness. It is very important to have a good knowledge of the integrity of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, because the theory of faith

40、fulness, expressiveness and elegance as a whole is accorded with the nature of translation, which has its scientific value, although it is not a complete and systemic theory. 3.2 Study of Yan Fus Translation Theory Whether the theory of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, as the guiding princ

41、iple of translating or standard of evaluating translation work, is right or wrong, is determined by whether it accords with the nature of translation and the process of translating. Therefore, this section will discuss from the following two aspects.3.2.1 From Essence of TranslationAfter all, the mo

42、st practical, specific and urgent question translation involves is to the understanding of the original and then express in the target language, so it is natural to think the essence of translation is interlingual meaning conversion(Peter Newmark, 1990).Lots of practical experience of translation in

43、dicates the reason for the generation and development of translation is the communication between people who speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds. So exchange and communication are the overall aim and purpose of translation. Any information which has no communication fun

44、ction is useless at all, so the universal demand of translation is that the translation message must be easy to be understood and accepted, in order to play a role in communication and propaganda education. It can be said that, without communication, there is no translation. Therefore, translation is not only a linguistic activity, but also a communication activity, even it is mainly the communication activity.3.2.2 From Practice of Translat


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