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1、On the Research of the English ClassroomTeaching Mode under the Network Environment网络环境下英语课堂教学模式探索姓名 XXX(班级:X级英本X班 学号:XXXXXXXX)指导老师: 王春(职称:讲师 学科:英语)摘 要随着网络技术的迅猛发展,传统的教育观念受到了很大的冲击,从而使大学英语的教学模式产生了深刻的变化。本文以建构主义教学理论为基础,从认知心理学的角度,探讨网络环境下的大学英语课堂教学的新模式,从而提高大学英语课堂教学质量及学生综合运用语言的能力。关键词:网络环境;建构主义理论;课堂教学新模式Abst

2、ractWith the rapid development of network technology, the traditional concepts of education has beenstricken greatly, thus resulting profound changes on the English teaching model.Confronting withthe new network teaching and learning environment, it becomes more and more important on how to improve

3、the quality of English Teaching and the ability of studentson making comprehensive use of language. Based on theconstructivist teaching theory, I explore and research the English classroomTeaching Mode under the network environment from the perspective of the cognitive psychologyKey words: network e

4、nvironment; constructivism theory; classroom teaching mode1 IntroductionScience and technology change faster and faster after mankind enters the 21st century. Multimedia technology, communication technology, network technology have permeated all aspects of the society. It is the technology in an ala

5、rming rate that changes peoples work, learning, living, thinking and the way of communication. Confronting with the new environment, information education becomes an inevitable trend. English classroom teaching and learning are undergoing some profound changes. Multimedia network technology provides

6、 a broad space and market for the English teaching and learning. It has completely changed the simplex teaching mode which mainly depends on books to teach students. The multimedia college English teaching mode, which based on the computers and networks comes into being. Making full use of modern in

7、formation networks and multimedia technology mobilizes the enthusiasm of the students learning. It is an important subject of every English teacher on how to train students ability of autonomic learning and how to improve the quality of teaching. Teachers should change their teaching mind primarily

8、and adjust their own role in guiding and promoting students to learn. At last, they can improve the effectiveness and quality of classroom teaching, which is the ultimate goal of the teaching.2 The advantages of classroom teaching in the network environment Network as a new type of teaching media ha

9、s many advantages which the traditional media does not have.First, the classroom teaching in the network environment can break through constraints of time and space, so that classroom teaching has become more active and efficient. From the view point of time, students can visit the home page of teac

10、hers through the Internet, so as to make effective preparation before class and they can also use the same method to review after class. Even if in the classroom, each student has a certain degree of flexibility on time, when they complete the task that the teacher mandates. From the view point of s

11、pace, the network classroom has broken through the concept of the classroom in the traditional sense. Students can discuss with any a student in the classroom or even discuss with one person online freely. The advantage of traditional classroom teaching can not compare with it.Second, the classroom

12、teaching in the network environment is conducive to help students exert the autonomy on learning. Dozens of students are taught by a teacher in the traditional class, because of the seats, personality, learning ability, and other factors, the students can not receive the same education and opportuni

13、ty in the English classroom teaching. The English teaching in the network environment can make up for defect of the traditional teaching which is that teachers in large classroom can not give each student a detailed individual counseling on time. For example, students can learn the major festivals i

14、n China and the west: Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Day, Dragon Boat, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc in the Oxford English 7A Unit 3. In this process, students can learn new words freely according to their capacity with the help of the multimedia computers. Some students can listen and read less,

15、but some students need to listen and read repeatedly in order to grasp the basic voice and basic knowledge. There is no need to be afraid of being teased by other students when they say wrong.Third, network environment is conductive to producing information gaps for communication. The English teachi

16、ng under the network environment transmit and disseminate information through the network, thus forming gaps in both students-students and students-teachers. Stirred up by the information gap, students are eager to communicating with others in English, thereby promoting cooperation and exchanges bet

17、ween teachers and students. Teachers can distribute different files (different contents) to different students through the network to produce information gaps. In the promotion of information gaps, each student has a strong desire to know the information and communicate with others in the communicat

18、ive atmosphere. The communicative competence of students has been trained up and improved by communicating in English.To sum up, the network environment provides a new teaching and learning environment for teachers and students. It really has a lot of advantages, compared with the traditional classr

19、oom environment. However, it is undeniable that this new type of classroom teaching still has a lot of problems, which need us to think about and discuss.3 The characteristics of the new English teaching mode in the network environmentFirst, the new English teaching mode makes use of the online reso

20、urces to create scenarios, so that English teaching becomes more vivid. In the network environment, sources of information are both varied and rich, at the same time, sources of information provide the most advanced organization ways of information. It can combine the text, graphics, images, video,

21、sound, animation and other multimedia information organically according to different requirements of people and create scenarios to make teaching more intuitive. For example, on learning Senior English Students Book 2A Unit 11 Hurricane, students are lacking of awareness of the image of the raging c

22、razy acts of the hurricane. It is difficult for students from the shape, extent to have a stronger impression, thus affecting the understanding of the article. Teachers can make use of some hurricane photos on the internet whit animation and audio-related, so that students can feel the erosion of fa

23、rmland, the destruction of their homes, thus deepening the understanding of texts.Second, the new English teaching mode makes use of network environment to broaden the teaching space of “listening, speaking, reading, and writing”. In the network environment, the teachers can use a variety of wonderf

24、ul pictures and graphics, beautiful music, video and VCD, rich multi-media teaching software through multimedia computers for teaching students listening, speaking, reading and writing.Third, the new English teaching mode makes use of network technology to develop the creative mind of students and c

25、ultivate creativity of students. Modern education technology enters into the English classroom teaching, so that the capacity of classroom teaching multiplies, which is beneficial to broaden the horizons of students. Taking advantage of the interaction of network technology in the classroom teaching

26、 makes students think independently and also increases opportunities of participation for students, from passive acceptance into independent thinking. The students improve the capacity of analysis and solving problems by the application pf knowledge when they are in access to knowledge. The applicat

27、ion of modern education technology through modern teaching media makes the teachers and students carry on new connections and new combinations by a new information channel to realize the transmission of new teaching information. The interaction of modern teaching methods and autonomic learning have

28、established the new status of students in the process of teaching and learning, so as to cultivate the habit of independent thinking and innovation capabilities.4 The basis of English teaching theory under the network environmentThe teaching theory of constructivism, also known as structuralism, is

29、a great leap in research of the objective understanding of the world, which is on the basis of the further development of the cognition. Constructivism theory has formed a lot of branches in the development. Among them, cognitive constructivism and social constructivism are most influential. The fou

30、nder of constructivism, Piaget, is the most influential psychologist in the cognitive development field. He thinks that humans understanding of the outside world is to find a balance between the known and the unknown constantly. This balance achieves through assimilation and accommodation, at the sa

31、me time, it has been obtained continuous enrichment, improvement and development by the infinite cycle of “the balance-the imbalance-a new balance”. Later, the former Soviet Union psychologist, Lev Vyogtsky, the United States psychologist, Jerome Bruner and other cognitive psychologists from the nat

32、ure and the developing conditions of the cognitive structure, human social environments effect on the psychology development, as well as the important role of individual initiative in the process of building the cognitive structure, has made significant contributions, thus forming a relatively compl

33、ete theory of constructivism. They have created conditions for the specific application of the constructivism theory on the teaching and learning. Even though the two schools of thoughts highlight different from flank emphasis, they have many collective views on learning and teaching. About learning

34、 activities, they believe that learning is a process that the learners take the initiative to construct through new information and original knowledge and experience to achieve a two-way interaction, not simply from outside to inside which the one-way input. Specifically, learners construct new know

35、ledge and strengthen the comprehension of the new knowledge on the basis of the original knowledge or experience. Because the backgrounds of learners are different, so from different backgrounds and perspectives with the help of teachers and other people, they construct their own sense through the u

36、nique processing activities of information. This shows that learning is a process of active construction of learners. It includes not only the construction of the significance of new information of the learners, but also the reconstruction and reorganization of their own original experience. Learner

37、s gain the number of knowledge that depends on the capacity of learners in accordance with their own knowledge and experience to construct relative knowledge and not depend on the learners capacity of memorizing and reciting the contents of teachers teaching with regard to knowledge, they believe th

38、at knowledge is not an accurate representation of reality and it is only an understanding, an assumption. Knowledge is not immutable, but it is of certain situation. In teaching, teachers should not force students to learn the knowledge of dogma. Students should be allowed to make their own choices,

39、 analysis and evaluation freely. This shows that the constructivism promote the learners-centered in the guidance of the teachers. It stresses the main role of the learners without losing sight of the guiding role of teachers.In contemporary English teaching, autonomic learning has become the goal o

40、f teaching. Since the 90s of the 20 century, the teaching theory and learning mode of construction is popular in the world. Constructivism is the base of the college English teaching mode under the network environment. It is a good illustration of the cognitive rules of human learning process and it

41、 also explains how to learn, how to construct the sense, how to form conception as well as some factors of the rational learning.First, the theory of constructivism emphasizes students-centered. It requests that students should turn from the passive acceptance of knowledge to the main role of the in

42、formation processing and the active constructor of knowledge sense. It accords with the mode of the college English teaching, which also emphasizes the students-centered. Since early 2004, the Ministry of Education launched a “college English teaching reform”. It has had more than four years. The co

43、llege English teaching reform is focusing on the students and it improves the comprehensive practical ability of students. The college English teaching turn from teachers-centered traditional, single mode of language learning to a new mode of students-centered teaching, the latter not only impart ge

44、neral language knowledge and skills, but also pay attention to training the capacity of students to use language and autonomic learning.Second, constructivism theory requires teachers from initiators of knowledge turn to promoters who can help students to construct sense on their own and encourage s

45、tudents to discover, to create, to solve problems. This new mode of teaching takes multimedia and network technology as a support. It makes the autonomic learning of computer network, classroom teaching and tutorship of teachers combined and embodies the concept of learners-centered in the teaching

46、and also develops personalizes learning and the autonomic learning.Third,constructivism theory advocates that network information technology can serve as a cognitive tool under constructivism learning environment, so network can provide the adequate information and free environment for the learners

47、to construct knowledge. It is conducive to constructing the scene, collaboration, conversation and the meaning. The full expression of these four basic attributes provides the most ideal conditions for the realization of learning environment of constructivism.The learners themselves play the decisiv

48、e role on the final outcome of the foreign language learning. Therefore, in English teaching, educators must take full account of the individuality of the learners. They should create an open environment, provide a wealth of information, and promote students through mutual collaboration to use langu

49、age creatively in the classroom teaching. English learning is no doubt rising to a newer height under the network environment. Network is not only creating a good communicational environment for the learners. Learners can construct knowledge on their own in some certain scenarios through collaboration, discussion, exchanges, mutual help and using the necessary information resources. But also teachers can extract the part


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