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1、毕业论文设计之外文翻译班级:xxxxx 学生:xxxxx 指导教师:xxxxxxxEmphasis on marketing ethics, carry out sincere letter sale Honesty, is the life of the country, but also of the business. In traditional chinese culture, the integrity of two words is an extremely important component. Renyilizhi letter is advocated and seeks

2、 to follow the code of conduct. People can not stand promise the word once spoken can never be withdrawn reflects the people of faith worship. Success of modern enterprises are owed his success to his honesty, the world famous ship king Bao Yugang believes the secret of success is“credit transaction

3、s, and borrow credit development”. Honest marketing requires enterprises in marketing activities, honest management, guarantee the marketing activities of the openness, fairness and justice, to maintain and promote the whole society and consumers in the long-term interests, in order to achieve the l

4、ong-term development of enterprises. Especially with the progress of society, the norms of market competition, enterprises sustainable development, pressing requirement enterprise carry out sincere letter sale. ( a ) Establish the integrity concept of the implementation of integrity marketing. first

5、 of all,it requires the enterprises to establish the concept of integrity. There is a saying: attitude is everything! in fact, integrity is very simple, the key depends on an enterprise conscience, spirit and serious attitude. The attitude of good faith.so that enterprises in product quality will ne

6、ver engage in Yici charge distinctions; not price fraud; not blindly follow the trend of speculation; not to engage in advertising bomb savagely; not to transfer risk to the dealer; not blindly commitment, once committed, one hundred percent cash; not promise and then deny in succession, fail to kee

7、p faith; not do anything harmful to goodwill and business de thing. Integrity is not only the survival of the enterprise, is the enterprise marketing channel. A good marketing strategy loses faith, is not a successful marketing strategy. Integrity is the best marketing strategy. ( b )Innovative mark

8、eting enterprises should be based on the market, long-term stability and development, we must innovate the marketing ways. Such as a garment factory transparent marketing, homemade products label open labelled fabrics and materials cost, quantity, unit as well as garment processing fees, the manufac

9、turing cost, profit of factory and retail price, so that consumers buy, buy at ease. For example, some enterprises good marketing, the product of insufficient frankly told customers, show the enterprise and businessman was for the sake of customers of the integrity and business ethics, in order to w

10、in the trust of customers. In the world the most typical exposed short sale is a product recall ( national automotive industry to implement product recall, Coca Cola company have carried out product recall ). To the Prudential business, sincere hospitality, has always been to the market competition

11、of the. Because the shortage of products will one day be exposed, the big advantages can make up for the deficiency, the big promise also does not include inadequate, if not a good attitude awareness and recognition of defects, even try various devices to hide inadequacy, ended up losing the trust o

12、f customers, is given a punishment market and elimination. Sense of responsibility marketing is a kind of ethical marketing, it is strict according to ecological principles, adhere to the principle of moderate reduction in sales, marketing, advertising costs, reduce the consumption of the total soci

13、al cost, enterprise, society, consumers win-win.来源: 营销道德待添加的隐藏文字内容3作者: 高朴,朱步楼,江苏人民出版社 讲求营销道德,实施诚信营销诚信,是做人之本,也是企业经营之本。在中国传统文化中,“诚信”二字具有极其重要的分量。“仁义礼智信”是人们提倡并力求遵循的行为准则。“人无信不立”、“千金一诺”、“一言既出,驷马难追”都反映了人们对诚信的推崇。现代成功的企业都把自己的成功归功于诚实,如世界著名船王包玉刚成功的要诀就是“与信誉成交,借信誉发展”。诚信营销就是要求企业在市场营销活动中,诚实经营,保证营销活动的公开、公平与公正,以维护和增

14、进全社会和消费者的长远利益,以求得企业的长期发展。特别是随着社会的进步,市场竞争的规范化、企业的可持续发展等都迫切要求企业实施诚信营销。 (一)树立诚信理念 实施诚信营销,首先要求企业树立诚信理念。有一句话:“态度决定一切!”其实,“诚信”很简单,关键在于一个企业的良知、精神和认真的态度。这种诚信的态度,使企业在产品质量方面决不搞以次充优;不搞价格欺诈;不盲目跟风炒作;不搞广告狂轰滥炸;不将风险转移给经销商;不盲目承诺,一旦承诺,就百分之百兑现;不出尔反尔,言而无信;不做任何有损商誉和商德的事。诚信不仅是企业生存之本,更是企业营销之道。再好的营销策略失去了诚信,就不是成功的营销策略。诚信本身就

15、是最好的营销策略。 (二)创新营销方式 企业要立足市场,长期稳定发展,就必须创新营销方式。如某制衣厂的“透明营销”,自制的产品标签上公开标明面料及辅料的成本、用量、单位以及成衣的加工费、制造成本、工厂利税和零售价等,使消费者买得明白、买得放心。再比如某些企业的“揭短营销”,把产品的不足坦然地告诉顾客,显示出企业和商家一心为顾客着想的诚信精神和商业道德,以此来赢得顾客的信任。在国际上最典型的露短营销就是产品召回(各国汽车行业都实行产品召回,可口可乐公司也曾经实行过产品召回)。以诚从商、以诚待客,历来为市场竞争之本。因为产品的不足总有一天会暴露的,再大的优点也弥补不了不足,再大的诺言也包不住不足,如果不能以好的态度认识和承认不足,甚至想方设法掩饰不足,到头来失去的是顾客的信任,得到的却是市场的惩罚和淘汰。“责任感营销”也属于一种诚信营销,它严格遵循生态准则,坚持适度营销原则,缩减在促销、广告上的费用,降低产品消费的社会总成本,实现企业、社会、消费者的共赢。


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