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1、1,大家好,2,Part2 考点1,Part2 语法专题,考点1 冠词,3,1.主要考查的知识点:定冠词的基本用法、抽象名词具体化和固定搭配等。复习重点:(1)定冠词的用法(基本用法必须熟记。下面几句顺口溜可以帮助记忆:特指双熟悉,上文已提及;世上独无二,序数最高级;普转专有名,习语及乐器。),4,2.冠词的判断:根据冠词修饰名词这一特点,如果空格位于名词前(或名词前还有个形容词)时,该空格可能是填冠词。(2011广东卷)I sat next to the man and introduced myself.We had _ amazing conversation.思路点拨:当纯空格在没有限

2、定词的名词前,特别是单数可数名词前,通常是填冠词,根据语境及定冠词与不定冠词的基本用法选用恰当的冠词。(注:限定词主要是指冠词、形容词性物主代词,以及some,any,another等不定代词)此外,这种情况下,也有可能要求考生填some,any,other,another等不定代词。,5,在改错时如何发现漏用冠词,一 留意三无名词:遇到无冠词、形容词性物主代词,以及无不定代词的单数可数名词,若根据语境不是将其变为复数,就一定是在前面加冠词.1.Last year,we went on exchange programme to England to make my English impro

3、ved.2.(2011)I was going to visit a friend there,and after that,I would go to Xiamen for long holiday.3.(2013)The custom soon became another meal of day.,6,4.Good health is persons most valuable possession.5.It was such wonderful dinner that we enjoyed it very much.6.Generally speaking,in western cou

4、ntries,15-percent tip is normal for most restaurants.,7,二 留意固定搭配,1.(2015)Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.2.I once took a walk along the street on Sunday dusk,with a Pepsi can in my hand.3.Last year,I visited an American school,which made deep impression on me.4.Jay had al

5、ways tended to keep his girlfriends at distance,8,1.定冠词(the)表示特指,相当于this,these,that,those,(1)He lives in the north.(2)The Smiths live in the apartment above ours.(3)He pays the rent by the month/week.(4)She is good at playing the piano.(5)This morning I saw a woman who looked like your aunt.(6)Do yo

6、u know who invented the telephone?(7)We caught him by the arm.(8)He looked up at the stars in the sky.(9)The Yellow River flows into the Bohai Sea.(10)She was educated in America in the 1980s.(11)This was the first time that he had ever been late.(12)We should respect the elderly.,9,归 纳 总 结,规则1:方位名词

7、east,west,south,north,left,right,front,middle和时间名词present,past,future前都要用定冠词the,如:(1)。on the right/left特别提醒:这些方位名词作副词用时不加冠词He was then heading east for the school farm.他当时正朝东向学校农场走去。规则2:定冠词用于姓氏名称的复数前,表示“一家人或夫妇俩”。如:(2)。,10,归 纳 总 结,规则3:by 和计量单位名词连用时,名词前要用冠词the;例如:by the yard/the meter/the dozen/the mo

8、nth/the year/the hour,如:(3)。但如果该名词为不可数名词时,则不用冠词。如:by weight。规则4:当西洋乐器名称作play的宾语时,名词前必须加定冠词the,如:(4)。规则5:名词由短语或定语从句修饰而成为特指时要加定冠词the;但是,修饰以后仍然是泛指时就不能用定冠词。如:(5)。,11,归 纳 总 结,规则6:“the 可数名词单数”表示泛指时通常 在谈论发明物和科技问题,如:(6)。规则7:在“打、抓、拍”的部位名词前:hit him in the face(介词the身体部位),如:(7)。Do no t say:“take sb.by ones arm

9、”规则8:另外独一无二的名词、江河湖海(山脉、群岛、海湾、海峡)等地理名词、形容词和副词最高级及the+普通名词构成专有名词:the West Lake西湖,the Great Wall,the Students Union(组织机构、建筑物、报纸杂志、会议条约等)前要用定冠词,如:(8)、(9)。,12,熟 读 深 思,不定冠词(a/an)(1)I only know it was a dog not a cat that bit me.(2)In order to find a better job,he decided to study a second foreign language

10、.(3)They are all songs of a type./We are of an age.(4)A Mr.Li died on a Saturday.(5)He walks twentymiles an hour.(6)What a lovely surprise to see you again!(7)When can we enjoy a new moon?(8)Its a most boring book.,13,归 纳 总 结,规则1:当紧挨着不定冠词的单词的第一个音素为辅音音素时,用 a;而当紧挨着不定冠词的单词的第一个音素为元音音素时,用_an_。特别提醒:判断a还是a

11、n的依据是其后的词的发音,而不是字母。例如:a university student,a unique style,a European writer,a one-day trip an honest boy,an xray,an 800metrelong bridge等。规则2:“a/an 可数名词单数”常用来表示泛指,如:(1)。,14,归 纳 总 结,规则3:序数词前面加不定冠词a/an表示“再一,又一”之意,如:(2)。表示“又/再一”:Hell have to do it a second time.规则4:在“of a/an 名词单数”结构中,不定冠词a/an表示“同一,相同”,如

12、:(3)。规则5:不定冠词a/an用在姓氏和星期名称前表示“某一个”,“有一个”。也可指与某名人有类似性质的人或事物,相当于“a certain”,如:(4)a Mr.Brown 有一位叫布朗的先生,15,规则6:a/an 在表示时间和度量单位的名词前,表示“每一”,如:(5)。规则7:使抽象名词具体化:a success一位成功的人不定冠词a/an用在某些抽象名词和物质名词前,表示“一种,一件,一个”之意;如果这些名词前有形容词修饰,则不定冠词通常不可少,如:(6)。He has a knowledge of chemistry.a pity;a pleasure;a shame,a hea

13、vy rain;a coffee,16,归 纳 总 结,规则8:moon,sky,world等表示世界上独一无二的事物被形容词修饰时前面要加不定冠词,如:(7)。a+adj 独一无二的名词 a full moon;规则9:不定冠词a/an用于most在most前表示“非常,十分”,如:(8)。:a most interesting film the most interesting film,17,熟 读 深 思,3零冠词(即不用冠词)用适当的冠词填空(1)_/_ wealth does not always bring _/_ happiness.(2)He left _/_ school

14、at the age of 18.他18岁毕业。(3)They live near _a_ school.他们靠近一所学校居住。(4)Todays vehicles use two kinds of _/_ fuel petrol(汽油)and diesel.(柴油)(5)He used to be _a_ teacher till he turned _/_ writer.(6)_/_ president was holding _the_ meeting.,18,归 纳 总 结,规则1:物质名词和抽象名词都是不可数名词,泛指总称时不用冠词,如:(1)中wealth和happiness。I

15、am fun of music.规则2:class,school,church,college,university,hospital,prison,court,bed,table等名词,当我们取它们的功能意义作某一目的用时,不加冠词;如果这些名词表示“场所”时,要加冠词,如:(2)、(3)。,19,归 纳 总 结,规则3:society表示“我们居住的社会”时,space表示“星球间的距离即太空”时,nature表示“大自然”时,most表示“大多数”,man 表示“人类”,word表示“消息”时都不用冠词。规则4:“kind of 名词”中的名词不用冠词,类似的名词还有:type,sort

16、,species,如:(4)中“fuel”。(2014)There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around our school.(wrong)规则5:在turn,go(变成、成为)变成后面的名词做短语时,名词前不加冠词。如:(5)中“writer”。但become后面的名词前一定要加冠词。在as(虽然)引导的让步状语从句前面的单数可数名词前不用冠词。,20,归 纳 总 结,规则6:学科名词,球类运动棋类游戏,和三餐名词前不用冠词,如:play football踢足球 play chess,have breakfast。enjoy a won

17、derful breakfast规则7:表示职位、身份、头衔和季节、年份、日期的名词前,不用冠词,如:(6)中“president”。in the summer of 2004规则8:多数街名、广场名、车站、机场、公园、桥梁名、大学名、节日名、杂志名前。,21,TeachersDayNational Day on New Years Eve 在新年前夕 the Spring Festival;the Mid-Autumn Festival(农历)Readers Digest读者文摘,22,归 纳 总 结,Wall Street Wang Fu Jing Street Nanjing RoadT

18、ime Square 时代广场 Tian An Men SquareHyde Park Bei Hai Park Beijing University(北京大学)Zhejiang University(浙江大学)the University of Beijing the University of Zhejiang,23,规则9:一些习语中常使用零冠词。at table 在吃饭;on purpose 故意的;lose face 丢脸;within reach of 在够得着的地方;in case of 假如,万一。in vain(徒劳,by hand;by nature就其本质而言,天生地;b

19、y weight(按重量)by mistake(错误地)by bike/bus/plane=be on/in a bike/bus/plane;by sea/air/land on holiday/vacation;on business;,on fire;in debt,in use;in office(就职)in good(bad)health,in good condition,in honour of;in trouble(difficulty),in favour of,in general,,24,零冠词:in order 按次序的,合乎程序的;井然有序;out of order(

20、故障,违反规章)in the order of time 以时间的顺序 from morning till night at dawn/daybreak/dusk come/bring to light(显露,显露;揭露;为人所知)come to office=take office(就职)give birth to(引起,产生in case of(如果,万一)day and night side by side(相互支持,一起)shoulder to shoulder hand in hand in place of(代替)catch fire(着火),25,与不定冠词连用的习语have a

21、 cold/fever/headache;have a good time;have a word with sb与某人交谈 have words with sb 与某人吵架;give/lend(sb)a hand once in a while(时不时偶尔)for a while(暂时)in a hurry in a good/bad mood in a good state at a loss(不知所措;亏本)once upon a time(从前)all of a sudden(突然地)at a distance(保持一定距离),26,have a population of(有多少人口

22、a waste of(浪费)have a holiday(休假,度假,放假)get a lift/ride(搭车)go on a diet(用规定食谱)keep a diary;a collection of(一批)收藏品,作品集;一堆,一群(东西);as a result结果 as a rule(通常,一般说来;照说;照例;)in a way在某种程度上 lead/live a happy life 过着快乐的生活turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻 turn a blind eye to视而不见,27,与定冠词连用的习语make the most/best of(充分利用)in t

23、he daytime(在白天)in the end in the habit of(有的习惯常常)not in the least=not at all(in the distance(在远处)in the way(挡路)on the whole(大体上)on the one hand;on the other hand;on the air 正在广播;on the spot(在现场)on the contrary相反 at the same time at the moment go to the cinema/concert/theater the other day(前几天)for th

24、e time being(暂且)at the foot of the mountain在山脚下,28,to tell the truth(说实话)by the way;on the left在左边 in the east在东边 on the other side在另一边in the middle of;at the age of 在岁时 at the very start一开始;to the east of在东方in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/中午/晚上,29,主要考查的知识点:一.注意定冠词的基本用法、抽象名词具体化。二注意固定搭配三 留意三无名词(改错题),


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