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1、,LEAD-IN,READING AND WRITING,LISTENING AND SPEAKING,LANGUAGE IN USE,LIFE AND CULTURE,SELF-CHECK,UNIT TASK,WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,FUN TIME,Lead-in,Lead-in,visited the zoo,went swimming,picked apples,1.Read and tick.,Lead-in,went skiing,climbed mountains,played volleyballon the beach,1.Read and tick.,L

2、ead-in,went sailing,1.Read and tick.,went skating,went fishing,Lead-in,2.Listen and match.,“I went swimming with my parents.It was very nice.”,“My dad and I played volleyballon the beach.”,“I went boating with my twinbrother.Both of us had great fun.”,“I went skiing with my friends.We all enjoyed ou

3、rselves.”,Lead-in,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,3.Listen and tick.,Listening and speaking,4.Listen and answer.,It was very hot.It was great.,Listening and speaking,5.Listen and match.,went swimming,played volleyball,went sailing,Cindys father,Cindys mother,Cindy,Listening and speakin

4、g,6.Listen and underline.,Li Xiaonian:Tang Hua:Li Xiaonian:Tang Hua:Li Xiaonian:Tang Hua:Li Xiaonian:Tang Hua:,Hello,Tang Hua!How was your vacation?Oh,it was wonderful.Where did you go?I went to Harbin with my parents.We had a great week there.Wow!What was the weather like?It was cold,but we all enj

5、oyed the beautiful snow.How nice!Did you go to the ski resort there?Yes,we went there every day.My parents loved skiing and Ienjoyed skating.We also made a very big snowman together!,Listening and speaking,7.Look and talk.,Example:A:Where did you go?B:I went to Hainan.A:What was the weather like?B:I

6、t was hotA:What did you do there?B:We went swimming.A:Did you enjoy yourselves?B:Yes,I did.It was wonderful.,Listening and speaking,7.Look and talk.,Listening and speaking,7.Look and talk.,Listening and speaking,7.Look and talk.,Listening and speaking,8.Interview and complete.,Listening and speaking

7、,Everyday English,Did you have a nice holiday?How was your vacation?It was wonderful/great/not bad.We had great fun.Where did your family go?What did you do there?,你假期过得好吗?你的假期过得怎么样啊?很精彩很棒不错。我们玩得很开心。你们一家去哪儿了?你们在那里都玩了什么?,Listening and speaking,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,9.Think and discu

8、ss.,Reading and writing,10.Read and tick.,Letters from our readers,Last week we asked our readers to write us funny stories.Bob and Ben sent us very amusing family stories.,Reading and writing,Dear Family Life,My mother is a career woman,but she never forgets her household duties.One snowy morning,s

9、he went out for her daily run.When she returned to the house,she slipped and hit her head on the driveway.I sent her to the hospital.When we arrived,the doctor asked my mom some questions to see if she was OK.“What day is today?”he asked.Without hesitation,Mom replied,“Cleaning day.”Yours,Bob,Readin

10、g and writing,10.Read and tick.,Dear Family Life,My mother is a typical housewife and she does nearly all the housework.My father is an engineer and he never does any family chores.Last Sunday afternoon my mother was ill,and my father volunteered to go to the supermarket for her.She gave him a shopp

11、ing list with five items:1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers.Dad returned half an hour later.He opened a large grocery bag and started to count“one orange,two eggs,three hams,four eggplants,and five green peppers”.Mom and I laughed into tears!Yours,Ben,Reading and writing,10.Read and

12、tick.,10.Read and tick.,Reading and writing,11.Read and tick.,Reading and writing,12.Read and tick.,Reading and writing,13.Choose and complete.,was ill,volunteered to go,gave him a shopping list,started to count,laughed into tears,shopping,Reading and writing,14.Look and describe.,Last month,Marys m

13、other was ill.And she stayed in bed.,Reading and writing,14.Look and describe.,Marys mother gave her daughter a shopping list.,Reading and writing,14.Look and describe.,Mary bought vegetables and fish in the supermarket.,Reading and writing,14.Look and describe.,Mary cooked in the kitchen.She burned

14、 the fish.,Reading and writing,15.Write and practice.,my mother was ill,and she stayed in bed.She gave me a shopping list.I went to the supermarket and bought some vegetables and fish.Then I cooked in the kitchen but I burned the fish.,Reading and writing,Language in use,Language in use,Grammar focu

15、s,Language in use,Tom listened to music this morning.,16.Look and write.,Language in use,Mary read a book yesterday afternoon.,16.Look and write.,Language in use,Lisa danced the day before yesterday.,16.Look and write.,Language in use,Mom and Dad saw a movie last Sunday.,16.Look and write.,Language

16、in use,The men played basketball two days ago.,16.Look and write.,Language in use,Harry chatted online last night.,16.Look and write.,Language in use,17.Complete and read.,1.A:Did your mom go to the market yesterday?B:Yes,she _.She bought lots of apples.,2.A:Did your dad watch TV yesterday evening?B

17、:No,he _.He went to the cinema.,3.A:Did you have breakfast this morning?B:Yes,I _.I had bread and milk.,did,didnt,did,Language in use,4.A:Was your sister late for school yesterday morning?B:Yes,she _.She got up too late.,5.A:Were you in the library the day before yesterday?B:Yes,I _.I read a very in

18、teresting novel.,6.A:Were your parents at home last weekend?B:No,they _.They went to a party.,werent,was,was,17.Complete and read.,Language in use,1)you/music/listen to/did/this morning?2)was/in the theatre/your sister/last night?,18.Ask and answer.,Language in use,3)on holiday/your family/did/go/la

19、st year?4)were/lots of trees/there/in your hometown?,Did you listen to music this morning?Was your sister in the theatre last night?,Did your family go on holiday last year?Were there lots of trees in your hometown?,5)nice/was/last weekend/the weather?6)did/last winter holiday/go skating/you?,18.Ask

20、 and answer.,Was the weather nice last weekend?Did you go skating last winter holiday?,Language in use,7)yesterday/your father/cook dinner/did?8)were/at the park/you and your friends/the day before yesterday?,Did your father cook dinner yesterday?Were you and your friends at the park the day before

21、yesterday?,Vocabulary practice,1.He told us an amusing story.2.Tom doesnt like to do housework.3.Bens teacher didnt ask him to clean the window.4.The young lady slipped on the floor.5.It is just a typical day for the students.,a.His wife has to do all the family chores.b.She hurt her left foot.c.The

22、y go to school in the morning and come back home in the afternoon.d.We all laughed.e.He volunteered to do it.,19.Read and match.,Language in use,20.Find and match.,fishing,go,sailing,skating,shopping,skiing,swimming,Language in use,a party,have,a meetingfootballa wonderful timea snowmana lot of funa

23、 card,a drinksailingshoppingskiingswimminga long holiday,a terrible timea walka toy carvolleyballskatinga shopping list,tennisa trip to Beijingcomputer gameslots of friendsa good idea,a terrible time,a long holiday,a wonderful time,a lot of fun,20.Find and match.,Language in use,lots of friends,a go

24、od idea,a meeting,a drink,a walk,tennis,play,a meetingfootballa wonderful timea snowmana lot of funa card,a drinksailingshoppingskiingswimminga long holiday,a terrible timea walka toy carvolleyballskatinga shopping list,tennisa trip to Beijingcomputer gameslots of friendsa good idea,computer games,v

25、olleyball,football,20.Find and match.,Language in use,a snowman,lots of friends,a cake,make,a meetingfootballa wonderful timea snowmana lot of funa card,a drinksailingshoppingskiingswimminga long holiday,a terrible timea walka toy carvolleyballskatinga shopping list,tennisa trip to Beijingcomputer g

26、ameslots of friendsa good idea,20.Find and match.,a trip to Beijing,Language in use,a toy car,a shopping list,a card,B.Yes,I did.,21.Talk and practice.,A.Did you,Language in use,go fishing play tennis.,last vacation?,I went fishing with my dad.I played tennis every day.,B.No,I didnt.,21.Talk and pra

27、ctice.,A.Did you,Language in use,go fishing play tennis.,last vacation?,I went skiing with my brother.I played volleyball twice a week.,B.,21.Talk and practice.,A.Did you enjoy yourself?,Language in use,Yes,I had a lot of fun.No,I had a terrible time.,Unit task,Unit task,Hold a funny childhood story

28、 acting competition.,Everyone has a childhood.And childhood experiences are often very funny.Your class is to hold a funny childhood story acting competition.,Write a funny childhood story.Talk with your parents or other family members about the funniest thing you did in your childhood,and then writ

29、e a story about it.The story should be in English and be around 150 words.2.Share your stories.Work in groups of four.Read aloud and act out your story.,Unit task,3.Choose a representative for the competition.Choose the most interesting storyteller in your group for the class competition.4.Vote for

30、the funniest storyteller in your class.You can use the following table to make decisions.,Story plot(50)_,Intonation(15)_,Acting(20)_,Pronunciation(15)_,Hold a funny childhood story acting competition.,Unit task,Total score _,Fun time,Fun time,Father:Son:Daughter:,What did you do today to help your

31、mother?I dried the dishes.And I helped pick up the pieces.,Fun time,Listen and repeat.,Self-check,Self-check,I have learned:,()beach()funny()parent()ski()typical()chore,()career()ham()return()slip()vacation,()daily()housewife()sail()sunshine()volunteer,()engineer()mountain()skate()trip()wonderful,Se

32、lf-check,I can:,()talk about family life.()talk about past activities on family trips.,()talk about past experiences.()use the simple past tense.,Self-check,Words and expressions,Words and expressions,Words and expressions,ski,mountain,beach,sail,skate,vacation,wonderful,parent,household,amusing,Wor

33、ds and expressions,career,daily,return,slip,hesitation,typical,housewife,chore,volunteer,ham,trip,Life and culture,Life and culture,Edna Cookie,an Inuit(因纽特)Girl,Hello!My name is Edna Cookie.I am 10 years old.I live in Umiujaq,a village in Nunavik,Canada.I have a sister and a brother.My mother is a

34、teacher and my father is a policeman.My favorite food is fish and pizza.My favorite animals are polar bears and cats.,Life and culture,Edna Cookie,an Inuit(因纽特)Girl,There are about 300 people in my village.The first families came to the village in 1985.It was a wild place at that time,but now there

35、is a school and an airport.My friends and I play volleyball at the school gym every Monday and Friday evening.In the summer and fall we play baseball(棒球)a lot.We also play Inuit games.During the Christmas holidays we play games indoors and outdoors for prizes.Some people like to hunt,fish,and camp a

36、 lot.Children like to slide on the snow and ice.They can also skate on the road because it is hard packed with snow in the winter.,Life and culture,Thank You!,编者语,要如何做到上课认真听讲?我们都知道一个人的注意力集中时间是有限的,一节课45分钟如何保持时时刻刻都能认真听讲不走神呢?1、往前坐坐的位置越靠后,注意力就越难集中。老师不会注意到你的事实可以让你不再紧张,放心去做别的事情。坐在后面,视线分散,哪怕你是在看老师,如果有人移动,你





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