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1、,Unit 5 Theme parks,After this class,students will be able to1.Memorize the spelling and meaning of the important words in this part:theme,central,various,cartoon,whichever,fantasy,amusement,swing,attraction,tourism,wherever,unique,carpenter,engine,preserve,length,deed,sword,tournament,settler,athle

2、tic,translator,minority,cloth,jungle,creature,sunlight,advance,advanced,brand,outing,admission,shuttle,freeway,souvenir,sneaker,brochure,etc.2.Use the following phrases to make simple sentences:be famous for,no wonder,be modeled after,get close to,come to life.,Teaching goals,诵读词汇,识 记 词 汇,1.连一连A.Wor

3、ds(词汇连线),(1)fantasy a外出;短途旅行;远足(2)attraction b纪念品(3)tourism c少数;少数民族(4)preserve d前进;促进;提前(5)settler e移民;殖民者(6)minority f 吸引;有吸引力的事物(7)advance g 幻想;怪念头(8)outing h 保存;保留;保护区(9)admission i 允许进入;入场费;承认(10)souvenir j 旅游业,识记词汇,B.Phrases(短语连线),(1)根据.模仿;仿造 a.be famous for(2)提前 b.get close to(3)接近 c.no wonde

4、r(4)活跃起来 d.be modelled after(5)难怪;不足为奇 e.in advance(6)以.而闻名 e to life,2.根据释义写出单词,(1)_ several different types of(2)_ the main subject of a talk,book,film or something else(3)_ to keep something as it is;an area of land made available for a special group of people or animals to live in(4)_ to or at a

5、ny place,position or situation(5)_ something that is pleasant to think about but is not real,various,theme,preserve,wherever,fantasy,(6)_ action,usually a very great one or a very bad one(7)_ the measurement of something from one end to the other(8)_ being the only one of its kind;unlike anything el

6、se(9)_ in the middle of an area or an object(10)_ without doubt,deed,length,unique,central,no wonder,1.theme,subject与topic【完成句子】(1)The _ for his lecture is“Learn From Comrade Lei Feng”.他演讲的题目是“向雷锋同志学习”。(2)The _ of the poem is love and peace.这首诗的主题是爱与和平。(3)Whats the _ of his new play?他这部新剧的主题是什么?(4)W

7、hats the _song of the movie?这部电影的主题曲是什么?,topic,theme,subject,theme,精讲词汇,【归纳总结】,这三个词都有“题目;话题;主题”之意,常可通用,只有语境上的一些差别。,2.Preserve与reserve,【完成句子】(1)He was anxious to _ his reputation.他急于维护自己的名声。(2)The society was set up to _endangered species_ extinction成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。(3)My friend here helped me _ a

8、 double room and a single room t last weekend.上周我这儿的朋友帮我预定了一个双人间和单人间。(4)These seats are _ for the elderly and the disabled.这些座位是留给老人和残疾人坐的。(5)The money was being kept _ for their retirement.他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。,preserve,preserve,reserve,reserved,from,in reserve,【归纳总结】,preserve vt.保存,维护,保留;维持.的现状,保养;贮存,保鲜;

9、使继续存活,保护 n.C,U保护(区)preserve sb/sth from 保护某人/某物免受reserve sth for.保留或储备某物 keep/hold sth in reserve 储备某物以备用,e across,come up,come out与come up with,【完成句子】(1)Your problem _ at the meeting.你的问题在会议上提出来了。(2)The sun _.太阳升起了。(3)A little girl _ to me and asked for money.一个小女孩走向我要钱。(4)I _ my college classmate

10、in town.今天在镇上我偶然遇到了我的大学同学。(5)The authors new book just _.这位作家的新书刚出版。(6)The doctor _ a good idea.这个医生提出了一个好想法。,came up,comes up/came up,came up,came across,came out,came up with,【归纳总结】,come out 出现;发生 come across 偶然遇到或发现 come out 开会;出版;结果come up 被提及;出现;(太阳、月亮等)上升;靠 近;(小草等)发芽come up with 想出;提出,4.admiss

11、ion与permission,【完成句子】(1)She failed to gain _ to the university of her choice.她未被自己选择的大学录取。(2)He took the car without _.他未经许可擅自使用了汽车。(3)The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary _to reproduce illustrations.出版者负责取得准予复制插图的必要许可文件。(4)He is a thief by his own _.他自己供认是小偷。(5)Whats the _ to th

12、e theme park?这个主题公园的门票是多少钱?,admission,permission,permissions,admission,admission,【归纳总结】,I 单词拼写1.Because flies are small and dirty c_,we do not much care if many die at once.2.Thanks to science,we have learned to tell the difference between f_ and reality.3.Generally speaking,our arms will s_ togethe

13、r with our legs when we walk.4.Each persons fingerprints are u_,so the police often solve the crime according to the fingerprint.5.The wildlife park has been created to p_ many species of wildlife.,reatures,antasy,wing,nique,reserve,运用词汇,6.Tom told us that when he was young,all of his family would w

14、atch_(动画片)after supper.7.Im planning to watch the_(锦标赛)with my friends at home.8.There were_(各种各样的)reasons why he decided to leave school.9.Much to the_(娱乐)of passersby,the passengers in the bus are dancing and singing.10.Some people prefer a(n)_(品牌)they know,but others say these new ones are equall

15、y good.,cartoons,tournament,various,amusement,brand,II 单项填空,1.Nowadays,people get news around them and about the world from _ media,such as on TV,by radio,in the newspaper or on the Internet.A.formal B.precious C.various D.normal2.When a disaster occurs,all people,_ they are old or young,rich or poo

16、r,try their best to help those in need.A.no matter B.whether C.however D.even though 3.John studies very hard and does well in all his lessons._ he is at the top of his class.A.No doubt B.No problem C.No wonder D.No way,4.Such food doesnt keep long.You may as well _ it in the fridge.A.compensate B.p

17、rocess C.preserve D.reserve5.These days,he has stayed up late into night in order to get good marks in the following monthly test.Its no _ that he seems tired and sleepy in class every day.A.wonder B.problem C.doubt D.question6.Vitamin C helps our bodies make a special chemical,which _ affects our b

18、rains,making us feel happy.A.in all B.in turn C.in advance D.in short,7.In the near future,more _ in the space technology will be made by scientists.A.advantages B.adventures C.advances D.advertisements8.Im quite _ to office work.Can you offer me some suggestions?A.familiar B.fresh C.similar D.sensi

19、tive9.How about camping this weekend,just for a change?OK,_ you want.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever10.The Forbidden City is a great tourist _,drawing millions of visitors every year.A.arrangement B.attraction C.accommodation D.appearance,11.What should I wear for the party,darling?_ Were

20、 already late!A.Come on!B.Cheer up!C.Its a long story.D.Dont mention it.12.What about going to see The Red Sorghum tonight?_ To be honest,Im very interested in Mo Yans works.A.So what?B.Forget it!C.Not really.D.Thats great!13.I _ my former teacher in the supermarket,which was out of my expectation.A

21、.came about B.came along C.came across D.came to,14.Supermarkets now offer a great _ of goods to satisfy different needs and _.A.variety;tastes B.type;hopes C.number;smell D.kind;market15.The government is doing its best to _ the cultures of the tribal people for fear that they may soon die out.A.pr

22、eserve B.frustrate C.hesitate D.defend,In this period,we get familiar with the words and expressions in this unit.The most important is to master the usages of the vocabulary.Thus practicing after class is necessary.Try to do more exercises to reinforce them.,Summary,Learn the words and expressions by heart after class and get ready for the dictation next class.,Homework,Thank you for your attention!Good-bye!,


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