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1、幻灯片1Lesson Twol Q1: Which is Sandys pencil? l The red pencil.l Q2: Whats this?l Its a pencil. Its a red pencil. 幻灯片2l Q3 the, is, pencil, blue, Sandys?l isnt, No. It, Sues , isl Is the blue pencil Sandys?l No, it isnt. It is Sues.幻灯片3l Q4. Say something about the fourth picture in Page 2.幻灯片4Lesson

2、4l Q1: Whose is this book? l Its Sandys. l Q2: Whose is the green book? l Its Sandys.l 幻灯片5l Q3: Which book is Sandys? l The green book. l Q4: Is this Sandys book?l Yes, it is.l Q5: Is Sandys book green?l Yes, it is. 幻灯片6l Q6. Raise four questions about Picture 10 on Page 4幻灯片7Lesson 6 l Q1: Is the

3、yellow ball Sues?l No, it isnt. Is the yellow ball Sandys?l Yes, it is. l Q2: Is Sandys ball red?l No, it isnt. l Is Sandys ball yellow?l Yes, it is.幻灯片8l Q3: Is the yellow ball Sues? l No, it isnt. l Its Sandys.l Q4: Which ball is Sandys?l The yellow ball.幻灯片9l Q5. Say as much as possible about Pic

4、ture 5 on Page 6幻灯片10Lesson 8l Q1: Who is that girl? l Which girl?l The girl on the red bicycle. l Thats Sue Clark. l Shes Sandys sister./Shes in Mr. Crisps class. 幻灯片11l Q2: Is Sues bicycle black?l No, it isnt.l Is Sues bicycle red?l Yes, it is幻灯片12l . Q3: Is Sue Sandys sister?l Yes, she is. l Q4:

5、Is Sue on the blue bicycle?l No, she isnt幻灯片13l . Q5: Is Sue on the blue bicycle?l She isnt on the blue bicycle, she is on the red bicycle. 幻灯片14l Q6: Is Sues bicycle black?l It isnt black.l Its red. l Q7: Whose is the red bicycle?l The red bicycle is Sues幻灯片15l . Q8: Whose bicycle is red?l Sues bic

6、ycle is red.幻灯片16l Q9. Raise two questions about Picture 4 on Page 8.幻灯片17Lesson 10l 1. Is Sandy hungry or thirsty?l He isnt thirsty. He is hungry.l 2. Is Sue.l 3. What is Sandy doing? l He is.幻灯片18l What is Sue doing?l She isl l Where is Sandy?l He is at home.l He is at home eating幻灯片19l Say as muc

7、h as possible about Picture 10 on Page 10幻灯片20Lesson 12l 1. Whats that?l Its a car.l 2. What color is the car.l Its black.l 3. Is it a red car or a black one?l It isnt red. Its black. 幻灯片21l Is it Mrs. Williams car? l Yes, it is.l Is it a big car? l No, it isnt.l Its a small car.幻灯片22l Is that ball

8、Sues?l No, it isnt.l Its Sandys.幻灯片23Lesson 12l 1. Whats this?l Its a ball. l Is it Sues ball?l No, it isnt Sues ball.l Its Sandys ball. 幻灯片24l What color is the ball?l Its yellow.l Its a yellow ball.l Whose is this ball? l Its Sandys.幻灯片25Lesson 14l This is an apple. It is a red and green apple.l I

9、t is Sues apple.l 这是给桑迪的鸡蛋.l 翻译:幻灯片26l Is this an apple or an orange?l It isnt an apple. l Its an orange.幻灯片27l Say something about Picture 13 on Page 14.幻灯片28Lesson 16l This is a school boy. l He is a fat boy.l He is short.幻灯片29l Raise as many questions as possible about Picture 16 on Page 16.幻灯片30

10、Lesson 18l 1. Is the schoolboy fat? l Yes he is/No he isntl 2. Is the schoolboy fat or thin?l He isnt thin, he is fat.l 3. What about the schoolboy?l He is fat.幻灯片31l Say something about Picture 17 on Page 18.幻灯片32Lesson 20l A:Is the brown schoolbag heavy?l B:Yes,it is.l A:Is the brown schoolbag lig

11、ht?l B:No,it isnt.幻灯片33l About Picture 14.l What.l Is it.l What colour .l Is .or.l What about幻灯片34l 褐色的书包里有什么?l 有书.l 翻译:幻灯片35Lesson 22l Whos this?l Its a policeman.l Whos the man?l He is a policeman.l What nationality is the policeman?l He is French. 幻灯片36l Is the policeman fat or thin?l He isnt fat

12、. He is thin.l This is a fat French policeman.幻灯片37l Isorl What nationality.l Tell me about.幻灯片38Lesson 24l Whose is that cup?l Which cup?l The new big white cup.l It is Sues.l Is Sues cup white or blue?l It isnt blue. Its white.幻灯片39l Is that a blue cup?l No, it isnt.l Its a white one.l Is that an

13、old blue cup?l No. It isnt. Its a new white one.l Give me that cup please.l Which one?l The old blue one?l No. Not that one. The new white one.幻灯片40Lesson 26l Theres a man at the door.l Who is it?l It is a policeman.l Is he tall?l Yes, he is. 幻灯片41l Say something about picture 21 on Page 26.幻灯片42Les

14、son 28l Which is your book?l 复数:l This is my orange.l 复数:幻灯片43Lesson 30l 看苏的手很脏.l 翻译:l 这些是桑迪的书.l 翻译:幻灯片44l This is Sandys book. Its old.幻灯片45Lesson 42l 1.are you hot?l Yes, I am . l No, Im not.l Im cold. l 2. Are you hot or cold?l Im not cold.l Im hot. 幻灯片46l 3. Who is hot?l sandy is . l Sandy is ho

15、t.幻灯片47Lesson 44l 1. What is he ? l He is a policeman.l 2.Tell me about the schoolboy?l Look at him.l He is a fat boy. 幻灯片48l 3.Is the policeman tall? l Yes, he is . l No, he isntl He is fat.初夏早上六点,清亮透明的月儿还躲藏在云朵里,不忍离去,校园内行人稀少,我骑着单车,晃晃悠悠的耷拉着星松的睡眼。校园内景色如常,照样是绿意盈盈,枝繁叶茂,鸟儿歌唱。经过西区公园,看那碧绿的草地,飞翔中的亭子,便想起十七那年,在这里寻找春天的日子。本想就此停车再感受一遍,可惜心中记挂北区的荷塘。回想起冬日清理完荷塘的枯枝败叶,一片萧条的景色:湖水变成墨绿色,没有鱼儿游动,四处不见了鸟儿的踪影,只有莲藕躺在湖底沉沉睡去。清洁大叔撑着竹竿,乘一叶扁舟,把一片片黑色腐烂的枯叶残枝挑上船。几个小孩用长长的铁钩把莲蓬勾上岸,取下里头成熟的莲子。


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