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1、SectionB 1a-1e,What can you,do to help the,world if you,are a volunteer,?,1.Id like to_.,2.I am good at English.So I hope to,_.,3.I could_.,1.wh,ee,l,n,.,w,i:,l,轮子,The,wheels,turning.,轮子在,转。,are,2.br,o,k,e,n,adj.,br,损坏,?u,k,?,n,的,The bicycle,is,broken.,3.,r,e,p,air,修理,v.,r,i,p,?,He is,repairing,a br

2、oken,He is,bicycle.,fixing,up,a broken,bicycle.,f,i,x,v,.,修理,安,装;,fix up,修,理,4.,give,赠送,not,sell,away,Jimmy,gives away,his bicycle to poor,kids.,5.,take after,be similar,(外貌或行为),to,像,My son,takes after,me.,not,have,any,more,6.,run out of,用尽,用,Jimmy has,完,run,out of,money.,1a,Match the sentences with

3、 similar,meanings.(,把意思相近的句子搭配起,来),b,_ 1.Ive run out of,c,it.,_ 2.I take after my,a,mother.,d,_ 3.I fixed it up.,a.,I repaired it.,_ 4.I gave it away.,b.,I dont have any,more of it.,c.,I am similar to her.,d.,I didnt keep it.,1b,Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns.Then,make sentences with the phr

4、ases.,动词短语和,名词搭配再用短语造句,my bike,money,my father,run out of,old clothes,take after,fix up,give away,run out of money,take after my,father,fix up my bike,give away old,clothes,I,gave away my bike,to a childrens hom,A wonderful boy,Before-,listening,run out of,money,This is Jimmy.,Everybody says,fix up

5、the,bike,give it away,find and,buy,old,bicycles,he is a good boy.Can,you guess,what happens to him?,Listen and number the,1c,While-,listening,pictures 1-,4 in the correct,order.,把四幅图按正确顺序,标号,4,2,1,3,1.,He finds an,old bike.,2.,He is fixing up the,bike.,3.,He gives away the bike to,a kid.,4.,He has r

6、un out of,money.,Listen again,.Circle,T,for true or,F,for,1d,false.,判断正误,1.Jimmy fixes up broken,bicycle,T,parts,like wheels.,2.Jimmy sells bikes.,F,gives away,3.Jimmy takes after his,father,F,mother.,T,4.Jimmy has run out of,money.,Post-,listening,fill in the blanks.,wonderful,Jimmy is a1._ boy.He

7、likes bikes,very much.He,fixes,away,often finds or buys old bikes that,nobodywants.Then he 2._ up the,helps,bikes and give them 3._ to kids who,aft,dont have enough money to buy their own,er,run,bikes.The reason why he does this is his,father often 4._ people and Jimmy,with,takes 5._ his father.Jimm

8、ys parents,stop,are proud of him.Now he has 6._ out,of money so he cant buy any more old,1e,Role-play a conversation between,Jimmy and the reporter.Use the,information in 1c and 1d.,用,1c,和,1d,中,的信息,分角色表演,Jimmy,和记者之,A:I am a reporter from,间的对话),CCTV,Can I ask you some,questions,Jimmy?,B:Sure,A:What d

9、o you do?,A:He could put up some signs,asking for old bikes.,B:He could.,C:We could.,.,In your group,go on the,conversation,and come up with,some ways to raise money for,Jimmy.,小组之间继续对话,想,出一些方法为,Jimmy,筹钱。,What have you learnt,in,this,lesson?,本节课你学到了什么?,wheel,broken,repair,New words and,phrases:,(,新单

10、词和短语),Important,sentences:,(重要句子),fix up,give away,take after,run out of,Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle,parts,like wheels.,Jimmy takes after his mother.,Jimmy has run out of money.,I gave away my bike to a childrens,home.,Come up with more ways to,1,help Jimmy.,Retell Jimmys,2,story.,3,listen and rea

11、d the,conversation in 1c.,Good Luck,My computer doesnt work.,Could you please help me _?,B,A.fix up it B.fix,it up,C.fix them up D.,look it up,What can I do to help homeless,C,people?,I think you could _ some,old clothes to charities.,A.give up B.give out,C.give away D.give,back,Good Luck,D,Our food

12、 _.Could you go to,the supermarket and get some bread,and milk?,A.have run out of B.have run,out,C.has run out of D.has run,out,B,My fathers very quiet,too.I,_ him.,A.follow with B.take after,C.look like D.turn to be,We should try our best,D,_.He is badly ill.,A.cheer him up B.cheer,up him,C.to cheer up him D.to,cheer him up,


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