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1、雅思口语中使用频率较高的高级形容词130个1fantastic 奇异的,很棒的2amazing 惊人的,很棒的3absurd 荒谬的4unbelievable 难以置信的5intelligent 聪明的6annoyed 惹恼怒的7gorgeous 华丽的,豪华漂亮的8brilliant 辉煌的,卓越的9monotonous 千篇一律的10doleful 无聊的11stringent 严格的12efficient 高效的13outstanding 杰出的14adventurous 爱冒险的15impatient 没耐心的16practical 实际的17romantic 浪漫的18deliber

2、ate 故意的19ambitious 有雄心壮志的20organized 做事有条理的21reserved 矜持的,寡言内向的22sociable 好社交的23talkative 爱说话的,唧唧喳喳的24unusable 于众不同25avid 贪婪渴望26greedy 贪婪的27understanding 善解人意的28dedicated 专注的,献身的29incurable 无可救药的30pretty shy 非常害羞的31outgoing 外向的32disorganized 有条理的33frank 坦白的,34generous 慷慨的,大方的35tolerant 容忍的,宽容的36inex

3、perienced 无经验的37mischievous 恶作剧的,淘气顽皮的38sensitive 敏感的39sensible 明智的,有判断力的40emotional 富有情感的,易动感情的41sentimental 伤感的42responsible 有责任感的43innocent 天真的无辜的44supportive 能给予帮助和支持的45passive 被动的46costive 小气的47stingy 小气吝啬的48malignant 恶意的49vigilant 警惕的50omnipotent 全能的,万能的51fierce 凶勐的,残忍的52severe严重的(SARS: Severe

4、 Acute Respiratory Syndrome)53intriguing 有趣的,迷人的54retarded 反应迟钝的55discreet 谨慎小心的56discreditable 丢脸的57thrifty 节俭的58furtive 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的59shabby 破烂的,褴褛的60assertive 过分自信的61tangible 切实的62tempting 诱惑人的,吸引人的63tiring 疲劳的,累人的64cynical 玩世不恭的,愤世嫉俗的65notorious 臭名昭着的66applicable 能应用的,适当的67agitated 激动的,不安的68boldl

5、y 大胆的,显露的69eminent 杰出的,显赫的70dry 无味的,干巴巴的(这个简单的单词但有生动的用法)71doleful 无趣的,郁闷的72unavoidable 不可避免的73inevitable 不可避免的74dignified 尊严的,庄重的75indispensable 非常重要的,无可替代的76cunning 狡猾的,精明的77revealable 暴露的,显露的78flashy 光鲜的79impressive 印象深刻的80rational 有道理的81reasonable 有道理的82miserable 可悲的,悲惨的83spontaneous 自发的,自然的84dil

6、igent 勤奋刻苦的85industrious 勤奋刻苦的86studious 勤奋刻苦的87indolent 懒惰的88cosmopolitan 国际化的(多用于形容大都市)89radiant 容光焕发的90versatile 多才多艺的91canny 精明的92cautious 小心谨慎的93discreet 小心谨慎的94immortal 永垂不朽的95extravagant 挥霍的96idle 空闲的,懒惰的97abstemious 有节制的,节约的98frugal 节俭的99wholehearted 全心全意的100competent 有能力的,胜任的101sympathetic

7、同情的102compassionate 富有同情心的103eccentric 古怪的104interpersonal 人际关系的105introversive 内向的106cozy 舒适惬意的107lax 轻松的,松弛的108conceited 自以为是的109extraordinary 不寻常的110vernal 春天的,和煦的111futile 徒劳的,无用的112crooked 弯曲的113timorous 胆小,腼腆的114harsh 苛刻的115consecutive 连贯的116anti clockwise逆时针的117clockwise 顺时针的118dreaded 可怕的119

8、instinctive 天生的,本能的120bleak 阴冷的121brisk 轻快活泼的122caustic 尖酸刻薄的123brittle 易碎的124unceasing 永不停息的125climatic 顶点的,高潮的126clumsy 笨手笨脚的127considerate 体贴的,为他人考虑周到的128coherent 一致的,连贯的129incredible 难以置信的130constant 连续的,持续的雅思口语:表达气愤的30句简单口语1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我感到恶心!3. Whats wrong w

9、ith you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldnt have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. Youre a jerk! 你这个废物/混球!6. Dont talk to me like that! 别那样跟我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁呀?8. Whats your problem? 你怎么回事了啊?9. I hate you! 我恨你!10. I dont want to see your face! 我不想见到你!11. Youre crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of

10、 your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Dont bother me. 别烦我。14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。15. Get out of my face. 给我消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。20. Its none of your business. 不关你的事!21. Whats the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cu

11、t it out. 省省吧。24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。26. Im fed up. 我受够了。27. I cant take it anymore. 我受不了了!28. Ive had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。29. Shut up! 闭嘴!30. What do you want? 你想怎么样?雅思口语地道表达:老外最常说的29句话who knows! 天晓得!it is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!how come 怎么回事,怎么搞的。e

12、asy does it. 慢慢来。dont push me. 别逼我。come on! 快点,振作起来!have a good of it. 玩得很高兴。it is urgent. 有急事。what is the fuss? 吵什么?still up? 还没睡呀?it doesnt make any differences. 没关系。dont let me down. 别让我失望。god works. 上帝的安排。dont take ill of me. 别生我气。hope so. 希望如此。go down to business. 言归正传。none of my business. 不关我事

13、。it doesnt work. 不管用。im not going. 我不去了。does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?i dont care. 我不在乎。not so bad. 不错。no way! 不可能!dont flatter me. 过奖了。your are welcome. 你太客气了。it is a long story. 一言难尽。dont play possum! 别装蒜!make it up! 不记前嫌!watch you mouth. 注意言辞雅思口语Part 1之Neighbour最优15问15答(举一反三)1.Are there many

14、people living near you?Yes, and they will say hello when they bump into each other anyway. But it can be annoying because gossip gets out everywhere here and everyone will know about it so it kinda sucks sometimes. 2.Do you know (all) your neighbours?My neighbors are weird and get into lots of compl

15、icated situations that usually involve some one get hurt. Their family is complicated as their dad died and their mom is scatterbrained and remarried a guy who has kids of his own so now they have 5 or 6 kids. One of them is in college and only one of the remaining people are normal. So we dont talk

16、 to them much. They also throw big parties that keep me up all night.3.How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbours?I live in north east Scotland and i have good neighbours. we all chat over the wall and sometimes stand there for ages talking. Some we nip in and out of for coffee now and then.

17、We are never in each others faces all the time but we look out for one anothers houses if were on holiday or such like.Of course the smaller the town the better. In my town you cant go down the street without meeing a few people you know.4.Do you think its important to know your neighbours?Yes. I wo

18、uld prefer to stay at a place where even if people know each other but still respect each others privacy and do not gossip or snitch about each other.5.How well do you know your neighbours?I dont like my neighbours at all, they are very noisy, nosy, & rude people, i can hear them screaming at their

19、kids & calling them bad names (although we live in a good neighbourhood), they run very loud music as well. If i run into any of my neighbours in the elevator, i dont open any talk, just Hi & thats it. Only the people in the 2nd floor are nice respectful people. I wish i had more good neighbours to

20、be friend with.6.Do you think its important for a person to have a good relationship with their neighbours?My neighbours are all grown up and are very kind. The benefits of having a good relationship with my neighbors is that we can make a new friend, share stories about our lives to improve them, t

21、o learn from them, etc. Not everyone can enjoy their neighbors, some people have strange, loud, neighbors. I would rather have older people as my neighbours because I like the peacefulness in a neighbour hood. I dont like all the ruckus.7.What do you think of your neighbours?My neighbours are great,

22、 we all get on very well and often socialise together, if one of us has a barbecue we invite one another around but we dont live in each others pockets. This is a fantastic place to live, I got lucky when I moved in here.8.What kind of people are your neighbours?Nosey, Annoying, Has to know everythi

23、ng, sits on the porch and watches us do yardwork, has to know everyones business. Well, just that kind of neighbor.9.Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbours in your neighbours homes?Almost never. We have terrific neighbors and we want to keep it that way. We chat in the yard and gath

24、er outside. We help one another with the shoveling in the winter. We loan out our garden tools to one another. We even bring each other cookies at the holidays. But we dont visit in one anothers homes often.10.How (well) do you get along with your neighbours?My neighbor spies on me, I wonder why. Wh

25、en I step outside I always see my neighbor behind the curtain watching me. I went last week to ask why and he denied it. I just laughed and walked away. He is over 65. I think hes bored but still bad behavior.11.What are the benefits of having good relationships with ones neighbours?You have to co-e

26、xist with them so why not be friendly. They can be a natural support to you and yours when and if needed, and vise versa. You have a community that shares life with you.12.What sorts of problems (conflicts) can people have with their neighbours?There are many: rave music full-blast till 6am, gangs f

27、ighting in the streets, throwing glass bottles at neighbours, throwing furniture through the windows13.In what ways can neighbours help each other?By keeping an eye on each others properties for signs of trouble (break-ins).Taking in the mail for a neighbor when theyre away on vacation.Helping with

28、odd jobs around the yard.Sharing things with each other (tools,garden equipment,household stuff.etc.).Starting up a neighborhood watch program.14.Have you ever asked a neighbour for help?Never. I am too shy to go and ask my neighbors, because I dont like when people say no to me in front of my face.

29、15.Would you prefer to have young people as your neighbours, or old people?Older people normally dont give too much trouble for neighbors because they dont listen to loud music, they dont throw big parties, they use to bring us a piece of cake when they bake it (its really nice!) and when neighbors

30、are younger or just have kids youre vulnerable to all sort of unexpected things, such as their music, parties, fights, but to compensate that they bring a lot of joy to the block. In fact, I think the problem is not really if the neighbors are younger or older, but if they are respectful and have co

31、nsideration for the others living around. I have three neighbors, three young men who start party on Thursday and it goes until Sunday. The problem is not their party, but their bad taste for music and the fact that they have only one CD that they play a thousand times in a row. Nobody deserves it!雅

32、思口语:考前必看十句箴言(举一反三)1. 男的帅,女的美,自信又大方。 美观整洁的装扮会让自己在考场上更加自信,整个气场都不一样。考官也会感染到你的正面情绪,让对话在良好的气氛中进行。同时充分展现自己的口语能力,即使有说的不好的地方。根据新航道多个案例,两个英语水平相当的考生,有英语表现欲望,想去展现自己的同学得分会更高。 2. 提前进考场,证件在身上。 守时很重要,由于口语考试前也有一系列的流程,建议烤鸭们提前至少三十分钟进场。如果紧张的同学可以更早一点进去做些适应准备。各地有考生由于迟到而被取消口语考试资格的。证件随身带,因为考官会check your ID。手机请不要带进考室,如果考官问

33、Where is your mobile phone? 直接回答:Its outside即可。 3 .熟练常规步骤,进行暖身准备 进考场以下对话请记牢 E(考官):Hello, my name is Wenny. How are you / how are you doing? S(学生): Im great! Thank you. E: May I check your ID? S: Sure, here you are. 结束考试请说这句: S:Thank you, Wenny. Have a good day ! / Nice to talk with you! 看到了吗?尽量可以记下考

34、官名字,适当时拿出来“狗腿”一下! 4 .Part1把握好,和考官一起放轻松。 第一部分的题不会太难,而且大都在掌握之中。比如Hometown,Study,Work,Name这几个最常见的。所以在开场时尽量调整呼吸,慢慢再考官引导下进入英语状态。通常考官会看你在各部分的表现是否有循序渐进。即使在初期紧张犯点小问题,随着话题增加和时间延长,如果有更好表现的话分数也不会受太大影响。 5. 没有听清单词?请往下看 没有听清部分单词的话可以让考官重复。但技巧是尽量用些长点的句子表达。如果老是pardon,考官会认为你表达有限。试试:Sorry, but I didnt quite catch that

35、. Could you please speak again?或是 sorry, could you repeat it again?等。 6. 没有听懂考官问题?请继续往下看 没听懂的部分尽量联系上下文和语境猜,或是让考官再进一步释义。技巧是“套话”:Do you mean_ (猜一个可能正确可能错误的意思)如果实在不懂,没辙了,还是坦白从宽吧:Sorry, I dont really understand this question. Maybe its beyond my knowledge. 7. 新题怎么办?排列组合+实力 遇到新题或是自己没有准备过的话题会让大家乱了阵脚。放松,首先

36、看看能否在自己准备的一些话题中进行排列组合,来应对考官的问题。除此之外,不要忘记在课堂上学习了很多有用的单词习语,这些才是你真正应该掌握的东西。试着根据每个话题的共同特点,进行有结构的阐述,多少要说一些来表达自己的英文水平。比如,问到没准备的人物类卡片,我们可以从大多数对人的描述开始讲,如外貌,性格,经历,怎么知道他的,评价等。 8. 缺乏灵感不要慌 考生还容易空白的就在于缺乏灵感,即使是自己很熟悉的话题也有可能当时“短路”,什么都想不出来。这个时候建议大家问自己一些WH Questions来找灵感。比如Who,What,Why,When,Where,How,How often,How muc

37、h等 9. 遣词造句需注意 虽然口语可能会有些口误,但这是考试,还是要注意中国考生容易错的He / She,动词第三人称单数加S,时态问题等。所以,请大家在讲之前提醒自己“时态,人称,从句”。特别是Part2,你可以在做笔记的时候写下这几个中文首字。 10. 多点原创,少点模板背诵。 考生常用的市面雅思口语书籍就那几本,考官都知道你讲的这段是背的哪里的。一旦他认为你开始”背书”了,绝对要压分的。所以建议大家观点可以采取sample answer的资料,但举例的时候多点和自己生活相关的原创。或是从培训班老师那里获得更个性化的一些sample answers。雅思口语Part 1中最难的10道题烤


39、成为了雅思口语考试中能否取得高分的关键。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们在此总结了10道值得关注的雅思Part 1的题目。1. Would you talk to people whom you meet for the first time?雅思口语里面最难的题目往往是看起来比较幼稚的题目。如何寻找到准确的切入点就自然而然成为了关键。这个题目一个比较明显的切入点就是性格。考生可以回答会与第一次见面的人交谈,那主要原因就是性格比较outgoing, 通过交流能够了解不同人的想法。接下来可以按场合来详细说明,在哪几种不同的场合下交友的目的是什么。Alternatively, 考生也可以说自己会对陌生

40、人比较的defensive,vigilant,不喜欢与陌生人说话,因为别人会感觉uncomfortable。如果再问到一些问题的话,他们会consider it as a blatant intrusion upon ones privacy。2. Whats the difference between the way people shop before and now?人们购物方式的不同。这个题目也很有可能在第三部分被问到。这个题目其实是一道有非常多可能答案的题目。比较直接的一种回答的切入点就是traditional shopping 和 online shopping的比较,通过现代科

41、技的发展,引出了传统购物和网上购物的好处与坏处的对比。 另外一个切入点是人们购买商品的种类的区别;通过对不同时代环境的阐述,展开商品需求的区别。3. Do you judge a person by the clothes he/she wears?曾经有个别学生考过这个题目,这也是我认为在雅思Part 1里面算是相当有难度的一类题目。对于这个题而言,yes or no的答案已经不重要,重要的是理由是什么。如果说yes的话,考生可以根据人的职业,年龄等几个方面来展开答案。不同的人的衣着有什么区别;如果考生选择说no的话,那么考生可以说现在人们的衣着形式越来越广泛,所以我们无法从一个人的衣着来j

42、udge一个人怎样。另外,考生们可以引入另外一个观点就是judge,外国人不喜欢别人对其评头论足,这是国外的一种文化,考生们有兴趣的话可以去了解一下。4. Why is breakfast important?早餐的重要性。相信这个题目很多学生认为并不是非常的难,但是如果烤鸭们想要给出一个quality answer,那就有一定的难度了。这主要是因为这个题目最好的答案就是从biology入手,然后去探讨早上人体需要一天的能量,什么样的食物能够提供怎样的营养。然后如果可以的话,可以稍微的带一下中西方早餐的区别。5. Is there any change in the household cho

43、res now?这个题目是问学生现今社会家务活是否已经产生了变化。可能这种题目对于很多学生,如果没有经过好好的准备的话,可能会比较的难。这里主要建议考生从现代科技的发展与应用以及人们居住方式的变化入手,来探讨这个题目。很多传统的家务活已经被现代科技产品所代替,所以相对来说家务活变少了,同时考生可以提出来很多的现代科技产品的不足。同时,原来的住宅结构是庭院,而现在人们住的是楼房,所以这在一定程度上也决定了家务活的不同。6. Does your family always treat you as a child?这个题目相对来说,难度更高一些。考生们可以说是,然后分情况来具体的阐述。比如说每当要

44、做一个重大决定的时候,都是父母来做,而不听取自己的意见。每次父母都会唠叨很多自己已经懂得的道理。很多事情父母都是主动替自己去做,比如说报考培训班,从来都不让自己去做,继而可以去探讨这样的好处与坏处。反过来,也可以说父母已经把自己当成成人了,很多事情自己就可以决定,这样能够培养独立能力等等。7. What can you see outside your window?这个题目考生可能看似很难,但是完全可以投机取巧,借助准备的第二部分的话题,比如说Describe a historical site; describe a restaurant or describe a library. 将这

45、些建筑物写成自己家附近的景色即可。8. What do you think is a good way to learn English?可能很多学生认为这个题目很简单,有很多的思路。但是往往思路越多的时候,越是理不清,说起来很乱。基本上,考生们需要找到一条主线,然后顺着主线来讲。比如说形式:学习英语最好的方式就是通过看英文电影,听英文歌曲以及读英语文章。然后,这三个内容都是第二部分常考的话题,这时候考生就可以再次借助第二部分准备过的内容来back up你们的答案。同时,考生还可以加入其它内容,比如说获取这些内容的渠道以及什么时候去练习英文。9. Do you think it is impo

46、rtant to watch movie in the theatre?这个问题相对来说还是有点难度,但是考生可以抓住这样两条主线,电影的种类以及价格。首先上来,先谈到对于那些对视听效果要求比较高的电影,比如说动作片,或者是恐怖片,电影院是最佳选择,但对于其他的爱情片或者说喜剧片,可能就没有太大的必要了。其次,可以引入价格的讨论,在网上看更加便宜。10. What kinds of newspaper do you have in China?这里我们可以从报纸的内容来探讨。有综合性报纸,专栏报纸等等,还有英文报纸。然后考生可以进而结合自己,谈到自己最喜欢的报纸,这里建议考生去说China D

47、aily, 它是自己英语学习道路上的良师益友等等。后面这个部分可以完全套用第二部分中Describe a newspaper的话题。相信各位考生如果能将以上的题目进行精心准备的话,一定能够在第一部分披荆斩棘,给考官留下深刻的印象。雅思口语Part 2中最难的10道题雅思口语考试中的Part 2为话题描述,是让绝大多数考生都望而生畏的部分。这部分的考试是由考生一个人陈述完成,与考官之间缺乏对话交流,所以很容易造成考生的紧张。若是出现难题,则更会让考生不知所措,从而导致整个口语考试的严重失分。Part 2中考生们普遍认为的难题主要难在以下三个方面:1. 考生对该话题缺少熟悉度;2. 考生对该话题的

48、理解容易造成偏差;3. 话题本身相对抽象。不熟悉的话题如并未亲身经历过的事件或并未拥有过的东西常常会造成考生最害怕的结果:无话可说,难以开口;如果对话题的理解有偏差,即便一直在说,也会文不对题,且中途无人指正,容易越说越偏,找不到重点;相对抽象的话题易使考生说不到具体的点,考官听不到“故事”,分数自然也就上不去。下面列出今年考试中许多考生心中Part 2的十道“最难”题,不妨来探讨一下它们的难点所在和应对方法。NO.1 A Good Law Describe a (piece of) (good) law in your country.You should say: what the law is how you first learned about this law who benefits from this law (or,


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