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1、2011届高三年级模拟试题英 语 总路咀高中 胡晓玲第二部分:单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.What do you think of tonights film? Do you like it?_Oh, films of that sort have lost their _for me .A. interest B .appetite C appeal D. pleasure22. Last week, my kids along with other kids from the nei

2、ghborhood_to help me wash my car. A encouraged B. conducted C .motivated D. volunteered23. Pengs company makes _700,000 yuan for each partnership it sets up and more importantly, benefits both local people and foreign countries.A. extremely B. approximately C. absolutely D. desperately24. Expo 2010

3、Shanghai has been an extraordinary celebration of global business and culture, and it has also provided a fantastic model for Expo 2015 Milan _managing and organizing events of this scale. A. in return for B. in terms of C. in exchange for D. in spite of25. It seems to some experts that there are on

4、ly three commonly-used video websites in this area: , Y, T and they_ 90% of the market. A. make up B. put up C. set up D. take up26. He tried to join the Army but to his disappointment ended up being _ because of poor health and eyesight.A. turned down B. turned back C. turned over D. turned against

5、27. My parents always remind me to make sure the electricity is turned off while I am having a bath, which would _ cause danger, leading to a dreadful consequence.A. somehow B. meanwhile C. otherwise D. furthermore28. Liu Xiang, I have to say, is highly occupied. He is not_ for any interview at the

6、moment. A. convenient B. responsible C. reasonable D. available29. It would be unwise to _ much significance _ these opinions.A. accuseof B. attach to C. take over D. concentrate on 30. The stronger the _ is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. That is to say, it is up to whethe

7、r he has an interest in the foreign language. A. inspiration B. ambition C. motivation D. aspiration第三部分:完型填空。(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3150各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项.Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to _31_ a passager at 2:30 a.m. When I arrived to _32_ the

8、 passager, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. I walked to the_33_ and knocked,“Just a minute,”answered a weak ,elderly voice. After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman _34_ her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.I took t

9、he suitcase to the car, and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car.She kept thanking me for my kindness.“Its _35_,”I told her,“I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother _36_.”“Oh, youre such a good man,”she said. When we got into t

10、he taxi, she gave me a/an _37_,and then asked,“could you drive _38_ downtown?”“Its not the shortest way,”I answered quickly.“Oh, Im in no hurry,”she said,“Im on my way to a hospice(临终医院).I dont have any family left. The doctor says I dont have very long.” I _39_ reached over and_40_ the meter(计价器)Fo

11、r the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the buildings, _41_ the manufactory where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived , and the furniture shop _42_had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. Sometimes shed ask me to slow down in front o

12、f a _43_ building and would sit staring into the darkness, say nothing._44_, she suddenly said,“Im tired, Lets go now.”We drove in silence to the address she had given me.“_45_ do I owe you?”she asked.“Nothing,”I said.“You _46_ make a living,”she answered. “Oh, there are other _47_.”I answered.Almos

13、t without thinking. I _48_ and gave her a hug. She _49_ me. Our hug ended with her remark,“You gave an old woman a little moment of _50_.”31.A. call in B. show around C. pick up D. bring back32.A.discover B. collect C. send D. offer33.A. window B. room C. taxi D. door34.A. in B. of C. about D. on35.

14、A. nothing B. worthless C. unimportant D. useless36.A.treated B. had C .received D. commanded37.A.hand B. hug C. address D. map38.A. for B. across C. from D. through39.A. quickly B. calmly C. nervously D. quietly40.A. shut off B. take out C. put down D. break down41.A. including B. concerning C. con

15、taining D. regarding42.A. where B. what C. that D. there43.A. beautiful B. normal C. unusual D. particular44.A. At dawn B. At night C. At noon D. At dusk45.A. How many B. Why C. How much D. Which46.A.should B. must C. have to D. would47.A.people B. travellers C. customers D. passengers48.A.bent B ro

16、se C. stood D. turned49.A.cared about B. hold onto C. gave in to D. kept away from 50.A. pity B. fun C. joy D. freedom第四部分:阅读理解。(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe choice to adopt and hold gratefulness is the one that is different from those who suffer misfortune an

17、d those who enjoy a full life.My mother died when I was 24. It was a very difficult time in my life everything seemed to fall apart. I lost my job, and then my utilities were turned off. I had to take cold showers for six months. A neighbor who knew about my situation came to my house and made me an

18、 offer. I took care of her children as a job, and I no longer went hungry. I was surprised that someone would trust me a young woman with her children. And it was with the very confidence that before long I began taking care of other peoples children, too. I have since moved 300 miles from Boise, Id

19、aho. For more than 23 years I have made every effort to reach out to all the kind-hearted people who helped me when I was down and out. Without their trust, I dont know what I would have done. I am very involved in my community and volunteer at the local food bank, and I help out whenever I can. Id

20、like to owe what I am to whoever has offered me generosity.If you are grateful for what you already have, the world will work together to give you more to be grateful for. Otherwise, the world will give you more to complain about.Moreover, the true master learns to be grateful, in advance, for the t

21、hings that are desired, because, being grateful in advance for some attainment or accomplishment does two very important things: oneit tricks your subconscious into believing that the goal is certain and twoit convinces other people, with whom you must interact to achieve your desires, that you know

22、 what you are about, that you are a winner, not a whiner (哀诉者).51. The underlined word “utilities” refers to _ in the passage. A. water and gas supplies B. gas and electricity suppliesC. shower equipment and water supply D. heating and TV signals52. The writer was grateful mainly for _.A. his neighb

23、ors donation B. his communityC. having got the job D. others trust53. The writers personal story in the second paragraph tells us that _.A. to be grateful will get you nowhere but away from homeB. a grateful person is most likely to be successfulC. we need to be grateful to be helpful and usefulD. t

24、he fragrance (芳香) stays in the hand that gives the rose54. The best title for the passage would be _.A. A Thank-You Note to Trusting NeighborB. You Are a Winner, Not a WhinerC. Be Grateful to Life in Advance D. Gratefulness Brings a Great Fullness to LifeBWhy does night fall but never break and day

25、break but never fall?Why are people who ride motorcycles called bikers and people who ride bikes called cyclists?In what other language do people drive in a parkway and park in a driveway?In what other language do they call the third hand on the clock the second hand? Lets face it: English is a craz

26、y language. There is no egg in an eggplant, neither pine nor apple in a pineapple and no ham in a hamburger. Sweet-meats are candy, while sweetbreads, which arent sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But when we explore its paradoxes (探讨它的矛盾), we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing

27、rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths in them. And why is it that a writer writes, but fingers dont fing, grocers dont groce, and hammers dont ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldnt the plural of booth be beeth? One goose, two geese so one moose, two meese? How can a slim chance a

28、nd a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next? English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the

29、 creativity of human beings. Thats why, when stars are out, they are visible; but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it; but when I wind up this essay, I end it.55. According to the passage _. A. sweet-meats and sweetbreads are different thingsB. t

30、here should be egg in an eggplantC. pineapples are the apples on the pine treeD. boxing rings should be round56. Which of the following includes two items which have the similar meaning?A. A wise man and a wise guy. B. Overlook and oversee. C. Quite a lot and quite a few. D. Hot as hell and cold as

31、hell.57. The underlined words “wind up” in the last paragraph probably mean “_”.A. blow B. roll up C. get hurt D. finish58. Through the many paradoxes in the English language, the writer wants to show that human beings are _.A. clever B. crazy C. lazy D. dullCThere is no doubt that much of the profi

32、t of a businesssometimes the whole of its successdepends upon the use of the odds and endsThe odds and ends are various small things,which are left over when the main things are producedBut they possess a real value of their own If a business,big or small,looked down upon these odds and ends,it woul

33、d mean a big difference in the amount of the benefit of the businessTake a meat factory for instance, there are countless odds and endsbones and hair,which can be made into glue and rope to increase its profit greatly Then,if we are college students,what about our odds and endsthe odd moments? Take

34、time for exampleEvery one of us has the exact same amount of itEveryones success or failure depends on the use of their timeBut everyone uses the time more or less in the same wayHowever,why many great men in science or art have made huge successes for themselves in the world?Because they have made

35、best use of their odd momentsTake Thomas AEdison, he never allowed his odd moments to slip byHe thought,planned,and tried his inventionsHe always worked twenty hours out of each twenty-fourHis inventions made him famous all over the world,and provided valuable wealth for the human beings So, remembe

36、r this axiom:very busy people always find time for everythingHowever,people with great spare time find time for nothingIs it very strange?Not at all!The question is how to gather up fragments of time and make full use of themAs many big businesses have found,that the real profit is in using the odds

37、 and endsWe also must do in this way to make best use of our odd moments and manage to be successful in something that we do 59. What are odds and ends? A. They are nothing useful B. They are various small,but valuable things C. They are the main things that factories produce D. They are odd moments

38、 students deny to gather up 60. Why should the odds and ends be made full use of ?Because _ A. lots of factors in success or in failure depend on the best use of odds and ends B. they control to possess a value of their own C. they are various small things people dont want D. they are useless things

39、 left over when the main things are produced 61. What does the word “Axiom” in the fourth paragraph mean? A. clear and evident without proof B. statement accepted as true without proof of argument C. statement that can be argued D. regulation accepted in scientific usage 62. “Fragments of time” equa

40、ls “_ ”in the above passage A. the odds and ends B. immense leisure C. the main things D. the odd moments DThis is the VOA Special English Economics Report. China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety. Some cases have brought attention internationally to the increased use of

41、imported ingredients to make food and medicine. In Panama, medicine made with a poisonous chemical killed or sickened more than one hundred people. A Chinese company had identified it as diethylamide glycol ( 化乙二醇), a low cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze(防冻剂). Some countries ha

42、ve banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylamide glycol. China has now told companies to discontinue its use, even though it says the toothpaste is safe. Another industrial chemical, melamine(三聚氰胺), was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. Thousands of dogs and cats

43、became sick. The United States has restricted some imports of Chinese seafood because they contained banned substance. And questions have been raised about other products, including childrens toys covered with lead paint. Chinese officials promised to provide the European Union, the biggest trading

44、partner, with detailed reports on enforcement efforts against unsafe goods. Meglena Kuneva, commissioner (理事) for consumer protection of the European Union said China should have kept its promise. China recently closed three companies linked to the Panama and the pet food scare. And it dismissed the former head of its food and drug administration. He was found guilty of corruption (腐败) for approving unsafe drugs. This week, a conference of the State Council approved a proposed special measure on the supervision of foo


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