9A Unit1 Comic strip +welcome +vocabulary.doc

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1、9A Unit1 Comic strip +welcome +vocabulary主备:蒋俊南 复备:初三英语组 审核:学习目标: 知识目标:a To identify the symbols that represent the star signsb To learn the names of the symbols that represent the star signsc To use adjectives to describe characteristics and recognize whether an adjective is positive or negative能力目

2、标:To know about 12 different star signs情感目标:Know about your characteristic and perfect yourselves教学重点:.1.words: bull ,centaur, crab, ram, unfair, inactive, explain 2.phrases: star sign, have lots to eat, worry about not doing sth 3.sentence patterns: It is nice of you to bring me the newspaper It sa

3、ys I wont be You should/shouldnt教学难点:Different star signs and symbols学习过程:Step I warm-up 1.Ask and answer: What animal do you like best?Ask students what animals they are in the Chinese horoscope.Ask them to describe the characteristic of that animal. Write the English names of the Chinese star sign

4、s on the board. Rat/Ox/Tiger/Rabbit/Dragon/snake/Horse/Goat/Monkey/Rooster/Dog/Pig2.Explain that western countries use a different system of star signsExplain that the western star sign system is based on the month you were born in, rather than the year you were born in.Step II welcome to the unit1.

5、 Present six pictures. Explain to students that each picture in Part A represents a star sign. Ask them to complete part A, then discuss the answers as a class, then read the star signs well.2. Ask students to complete part B. Explain that there are 12 star signs in total- those in Part A and those

6、in Part B .Each star sign represents a period of time in a year.3. Ask students whether they know what their star sign is.Encourage them to say the name of their star signs aloud.Step III: comic strip1.Eddie and Hobo are also talking about star signs. Listen to their conversation carefully, and then

7、 answer the question.What do Eddies stars say today?(It says Eddie will have lots to eat and drink today)2.Listen again and read after the dialogue. Answer more questions: . Who brings Eddie the newspaper? (Hobo) .What does Hobo ask Eddie to read? Why? (Hobo asks Eddie to read his stars because it i

8、s very interesting) .What happens to Eddies breakfast at the end of the story?3.Practice the dialogue and act it out.Step IV Vocabulary1. Present an article .Let students find out adjectives.My cousin is very generous .He dislikes selfish people. He likes sports a lot, and he looks very strong .He i

9、s weak in History and thinks it is very difficult. His favourite subject is English. He has a good memory, so it is easy for him to remember the English words quickly. However, when it comes to History, he seems to have a bad memory, and it is hard for him to remember those facts.(generous -selfish;

10、 strong-weak; difficulthard-easy; good -bad)2. Teach students some opposite words and complete part A and check answers.3. Read the words in part A .4. Finish part B, according to the pictures then check answers5. Fill in blanks.A helpful studentI would like to recommend Daniel for the Grade 7 Best

11、Student Award. He is very (1)_(unkind). He always thinks of others first. He is also very (2)_(unhelpful).He spends a lot of time at the schools Hand-in-Hand Club. He does a lot of computer work for the club and often helps other members with difficult projects. We like him very much because he is a

12、lways (3)_(rude).He is good at swimming ,and he often tells us to be(4) _(careless)when we play water sports. He is (5)_(weak)and(6)_(afraid)too. Last week, Mrs Lu fell down when she crossed the street. Daniel ran up and helped her. Mrs Lu was (7)_(ungrateful)for his help. We will be very (8)_(unhap

13、py)if Daniel gets the award.(1 kind ; 2 helpful; 3polite; 4 careful; 5 strong; 6 brave; 7 grateful; 8 happy)6. Activities: describe your partners characteristics.e.g. I like my partner Tom because he is strong ,patient and hard- working.巩固练习:A.根据提示或首字母写出下列单词:1 Mike is very _(谦虚的) even though he is t

14、he top student in our class.2 Bill is good at doing things .He is _(动手能力强的).3 I was born on 26th March .Some people think him a little _(自私的).4 Kitty likes to take part in school activities. She is an a _ girl.5 She doesnt want to do her homework, so she is not a h_ student.6 Sandy always gives mone

15、y to charities. She is g_(1 modest 2 practical 3 selfish 4 active 5 hard-working 6 generous)B. 根据中文补全下列句子 1 不要为爷爷的健康担心。 Dont worry _. 2 我不会轻易放弃任何事。 I wont _. 3不要到处炫耀,你应该更谦虚点。 Dont _. 4 我叔叔总是为别人着想,他是个善良的人。 My uncle _man. 5 妈妈真是考虑周到,给我们带上午饭。 Its _for us.拓展与提高 选词填空Something , tree, simple, spend, why,

16、they, if, go, in, protectThe Earth is getting warmer and warmer because of the activities of people .We cut down and burn _1_and send gases into the air with our cars and factories .Can we do anything about it ?Sure ,we may not be leaders or scientists but we can play our part in _2_the planet. Here

17、 are two tips:Ride to school .Do you _3_to school by bus or by bike ?If you go by bike ,you are doing _4_for the Earth .Buses, cars, trains and planes produce a lot of carbon dioxide .If you live near to your school, _5_not bike there on warm spring mornings? Or, you can _6_walk to school to save en

18、ergy.Wash in the green way. Do you help your mum wash dishes? Then wash them_7_an energy-saving way. A recent study by Cambridge University found that 60% of the energy used on a piece of clothing is _8_in washing and drying it .Over its lifetime, a T-shirt can send up to 4 kilograms of carbon dioxi

19、de into the air._9_you wash your own clothes ,wash them in cold or warm water to save energy, but not hot water .Wash your clothes when _10_fill up the machine. Use the most energy-saving machine you can find.Step V Homework.Review the knowledge what you learnt.教学反思: 整合9A Unit1 Reading(1)主备:蒋俊南 复备:初

20、三英语组 审核:教学目标:知识目标: 1.通过各种阅读手段了解各星座的时间和名称; 2.了解与性格有关的词汇能力目标: 1.归纳各星座的人物所拥有的性格特征,了解文章大意 2.通过阅读提高学生从所给材料中提取信息的能力.情感目标: 通过星座的学习,了解中西方文化的差异,娱乐自己但不可沉迷于其中.教学重点,难点: 1.掌握课文中出现的四会单词.2.了解关于12星座的性格特征的形容词.3.课文中的部分长句子的理解.学习过程:Step 1 RevisionReview the star signs: look at the star signs and name them. Read togethe

21、r after the teacher.Step 2 Lead-in1. Free talk: (1)What is your star sign?(2)Can you tell me something about yourself? ( abilities, special qualities, characteristics)(3)How many students are under the same star sign as you? (Yesterdays homework)(4)What are they like? (clever, kind, generous, hard-w

22、orking, brave, patient, polite.)(5)Do you share similar characteristics?(Let students speak out as many adjectives about characters as possible.)2.Teach the new words Read the new words after the teacher. Then let students read the sentences by themselves.3.Do some more exercises to see if students

23、have known all the words meanings.Step 3 Reading1.T: Its said that star signs can represent a persons characteristics. Lets check if it is true. Please listen to the tape and learn something about them.2.Reading task 1: After listening to the tape, do “T” or “F” questions.3. Reading task 2: Ask stud

24、ents some questions to check if they have known the main idea, with the books open.(1)Is Aries lazy? (2)Which star sign likes saving money?(3)Does Sagittarius like telling jokes?(4)Which star sign has the best imagination?(5)Your birthday is on 13th September, what is your star sign?4.Make students

25、read the article passage by passage and try to find out the adjectives to describe peoples characteristics with the picture of each star sign. Aries: energetic, active, impatient, selfishTaurus: stubborn, hard-working, patientGemini: curious, clever, outgoingCancer: kindLeo: strong, confident, gener

26、ousVirgo: modest, practicalLibra: polite, fair, elegantScorpio: powerful, sillySagittarius: humorous, luckyCapricorn: successful, patientAquarius: kind, wise, strangePisces: generous, gentle, easy-going, creative, imaginative5.Discussion: What is your star sign? Do you have the same characteristics

27、as the star sign says? Do you think what the star signs say about people are facts?Step 4 Conclusion: What the star signs say about people are not facts. We can just learn about star signs for fun.巩固练习:A. Fill in the blanks with adjectives1. Tom likes playing basketball and has lots of energy, he is

28、_. 2. He can carry the heavy box, he is s_.3. Lily gets high marks in most of exams but she is not proud, she is _.4. He often buys presents for his classmates, he is _.5. He didnt do his homework, he was _. 6. She will get angry if she waits for a long time. She is _.B. “T” or “F”1. Kitty was born

29、on March 27th, she should be kind and wise. _2. Suzys birthday is on April 28th ,she should be energetic and active . _3.Simons star sign is Leo,this means he is strong and confident_.4. Sandys star sign is Virgo , this means she is probably a careless person. _5. Daniel was born on October 7th , he

30、 should be polite _拓展与提高阅读下面的短文,选择正确答案:Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white in his garden. It seemed to be moving towards the house. That is a thief(小偷)! He thought, and he took his gun and shot(开枪) at him. Then he went back to bed, because he was too frightened害怕) to

31、 go out of the house in the dark. The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw one of his white shirts hanging on the clothes-line in the garden, his wife had washed it the day before and hung it out to dry. Now it had a bullet- hole right through middle of it. My God, said Nasreddin, I was lucky las

32、t night. If I had been wearing that shirt, the bullet would have killed me! And he called his neighbors together and asked them to thank God for saving him.Multiple choices ( ) 1. At midnight Nasreddin saw _in his garden. A. something strange B. a thief C. something white D. a ghost ( ) 2. Nasreddin

33、 was so frightened that he _. A. cried out for help B. dared not go out of the house C. dared not stay in his house D. couldnt say a word ( )3. The next morning Nasreddin found_ . A. his wife in the garden B. the clothes-line C. the thief dead D. a bullet-hole through the white shirt ( )4.Nasreddin

34、said that if he had been wearing that shirt_. A. he would be killed B. he would die C. he would have killed D. he would have been killed ( )5. He called his neighbors together in order to_.A.make a speech B. tell the story C. thank God D. thank themStep V Homework.1. Read the passage.2. Remember all

35、 the adjectives which describe a persons characteristics3. Finish the exercises on page 11.教学反思: 整合9A Unit1 Reading(2)主备:蒋俊南 复备:初三英语组 审核:教学目标:知识目标:1. Further understanding the text. 2. To learn language points in the text.能力目标:How to use different suitable adjectives to describe peoples character.情感

36、目标:To develop interest of students in star signs and make them know it is just for fun to believe star signs in West教学重点:To grasp language points in the text教学难点:How to use different suitable adjectives to describe peoples character.学习过程:Step 1 Revision1. Ask students to read the text one by one.2.

37、Questions for studentsWhen were you born?Whats your star sign?How many star signs is a year divided into?How can I know what my star sign is?Amy was born on 1st September. How is she?If your birthday is on 10th February, what star sign are you?Jack is Taurus. What is he like?Which star sign makes a

38、person save money?Step 2: Explain the text 1. A year is divided into 12 different star signs.Divideinto 把划分为. be divided into被划分为-e.g. The forty students were divided into eight groups in their English class to have a discussion on English names yesterday.2. Some people believe that people born unde

39、r the same star sign share similar characteristics.born under the same star sign过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰people,“出身在同一星座的人们”be similar to和相似 e.g. Your bicycle is similar to mine.你的自行车和我的相似。believe sb. 相信某人 believe in sth.相信某事 believable adj.值得信赖的3. You are patient and do not give up easily.patient 有耐心的impatien

40、t没耐心的give up 放弃,give in屈服,让步 give out 分发,分给4. You are energetic and active, but sometimes too impatient.sometimes有时 sometime某时 some time一段时间 some times 数次,好几次选择 I have never been to Shanghai. I hope I can go there_.A sometimes B sometime C some time D some times5. Some people think that you are self

41、ish at times.at times = sometimes = from time to time 有时6. You are stubborn and do not like change. change n. Great changes have taken place in my hometown.我的家乡已经发生巨大的变化。7. You are outgoing.你善于交际。8. You are a strong and confident person.confident adj. confidence n.be confident of/in sth.= be sure of

42、 sth.=have confidence in sth. 对-有信心You should be confident of/in yourself.= You should have confidence in yourself. 你应该对自己有信心。be confident that = be sure that9. You are a modest person.你是个谦虚的人。10. You are elegant and love beautiful things. 你文雅,热爱美好的事物.11. You love peace and do not like to argue with

43、 others.你热爱和平,不喜欢与人争吵。argue with sb. about/over sth. 为了某事和某人争吵They are arguing with each other about/over the money.他们正在为钱而相互争吵。argue & discussargue 辩论双方意见不一,双方都强调自己的观点,反对另一方的观点,着重论证和说服。discuss 双方观点可能一致,也可能不一致。就某一问题交换意见,意为“讨论,谈论”。Lets discuss the problem. 让我们讨论一下这个问题吧12. Its silly of you not to forg

44、ive others for their mistakes.你不原谅别人的过错真是太傻了。Its +adj. +of sb. to do sth.Its kind of you to help me. 你帮了我,你真是太好了。forgive sb. for sth./doing sth.原谅某人(做了)某事Can you forgive me for doing such a silly thing? 我做了这样一件傻事,你能原谅我吗?13. You are a powerful person and have lots of energy. powerful adj.强壮的,有影响力的 ,强

45、有力的 power -powerful success-successfulhelp -helpful use -useful care -careful peace -peacefulenergy n. 能量,精力(不可数)energetic adj. 精力充沛的14. You are also creative and imaginative.imaginative用作形容词,意为“富有想象力的”,相当于full of imagination. e.g. She is an imaginative girl. = She is a girl full of imagination.她是个富有创意的女孩。imaginative的动词形式是imagine 如:I cant imagine the life on an island. 我不能


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