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1、初中创新学练案外研社初一英语上册Module 1 Nice to meet you Unit 1 The first English lesson. Period 1 SectionA(1a-2c)【自主学习目标】1. 掌握本课单词、词组。meet , first , student , too , write , be from , years old , Chinese , teacher English,lesson,class,Miss,twelve,open,match,practice.2.掌握日常交际用语,能听懂别人的自我介绍,能利用动词be做简单的自我介绍或询问对方个人信息。3

2、. 学习 be 动词(am , is , are )的用法。学习人称代词的主格。【预习学案】一、单词拼写:1. This is the _ (第一)lesson .2. I am in _ (班)Two , Grade Seven .3. She is a good _ (学生).4. My friend is _ (十二)years old .5. We have an English _(课) every day .6. Could I _ (打开)the door ?7. _ (匹配)the words with the pictures .8. Li Lei often _(写) to

3、 me .9.They are _(练习) speaking English .10. Please _ (关)the window .二英汉互译。1. 一年级一班 _ 2. twelve years old _3. 来自 _ 4. Nice to meet you . _5. 站起来 _ 6. English lesson _7. 听 _ 8. an English boy _9. 你的名字 10.my friend 11.一个中国女孩 _ 12. sit down _三、用am , is, are 填空:1. Hi, I _ Tony . What _ your name? My name

4、 _ Lisa.2. you Betty?Yes,I .3. Hello! How _ you? I _ fine, thank you.4. How old Tom and Jim?They thirteen.5.What _ your telephone number? It _ 678-691.6. They _ from Beijing .7. We _ from Shanghai .8.Where _ you from ? I _from England .【知识链接】一、连系动词be的用法1 概念 连系动词be,在刚开始学英语句子时,恐怕你首先遇到动词王国中的成员就是be。不少同学

5、对be的说法不一,这叫be如何“是”好?连系动词be的基本意思是“是”,其实,不少场合连系动词be也充当“不是”。真可谓“是也不是”。让你先一睹be的“容貌”吧。(1)询问年龄及回答时be不译出。 How old are you? 你多大了? Im eleven.我十一岁。(2)询问姓名与回答时be不译成“是”。 Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Amy. 我叫Amy。(3)在一些表示问候的用语及答语中be不译出。 How are you? 你好吗? Im fine. Thank you. 我很好。谢谢。2 用法 1) is,am,are 是be动词的现在

6、时形式,当表示现在存在的状态或经常性的状态时,be动词用现在时,即is,am,are。 连系动词be是am, is, are三者的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,而是以am, is, are的形式出现。它们各有分工,而且随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。am最专一,始终跟着I转;are 跟you, we及表复数名词或复数意义的词连用;is的交际最广泛,is与“他、她、它”形影不离,至于名词单数,指示代词(this/that)都与is结下不解之缘。 刚开始学习英语的同学,往往对连系动词be与主语人称保持一致的问题把握不好。为此,建议你在歌谣中熟悉连系动词be的“身影”: 我用am,你用are; Is

7、连着他、她、它;遇到复数全用are,单数is复数are。2)be动词的否定形式是在be后加not,一般疑问句形式:把be提到句首。其一般疑问句的肯定答语为:Yes, 主语 +be;否定答语为:No, 主语 + be not .Eg: She is my sister.否定形式:She isnt my sister.一般疑问句形式:Is she your sister? Yes,she is.二、人称代词的用法1、定义:用以代替名词的词叫做代词。2、用法:1)代词在句子中的功能与名词的功能相同。人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或主语补语。例:I am a teacher .(我是一个英语教师。主语)

8、例:It is she who sings the best in my class.(在我的班里歌唱得最好的就是她。主语补语)2)当三个人称代词(单数)同时出现时,其先后顺序为you,he,I。而复数一般采用we,you,they顺序。【达标自测】 一、 根据句意及首字母提示在下面各句中的空白处填入适当的词.1.W_are you from? -I am from London.2.Lingling is 13. She is a s_ . Now she is in Class Three,Grade One.3.Wang Ming is C_ .He is from Beijing.4.

9、My name is Tony. Im new. Nice to m_ you.5. Lingling and Hanmei are good f_.6. Hi! My n_ is David .7. Im eleven . Are you eleven y_ old , too ?8.Im in C_ Two , Grade One. And you ?二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Daming and I _ (be) good friends.2._(I) name is Li Xiaoping.3.Nice _(meet) you. 4.He is 13 _ (year) old.5

10、.They are from England. They are _(England).6. Lili is her _(give) name.三、 用be动词的适当形式填空.My name _Su Ning. I _ 13 years old. I _ from Nanjing. Nanjing _ a big city. Lily and Lucy _ from England .We _ good friends. Lucy and Lilys father _ a teacher. Their mother works at the hospital. She _ a nurse. I

11、 have a pet(宠物). It _ a cat. Do you have any friends? Where _ they?拓展演练一、单项选择1._ ? My name is John . A. Whats his name B. Whats her name C. Whats your name D. Whats the boy2. Hello , Linda . _A. How are you ? B. Hello , Bill! C. Good morning , Mr Bill. D. Good afternoon , Bill.3. Good morning , Mr L

12、i. _.A. Sit down, please. B. Hello C. Good morning, Jim D. Fine, thank you 4. 你想知道对方的名字,应问:_A. Your name. B. Hello? C. Whats your name, please? D. Im Lisa.5.Whats your last name? _.A. Peter Hall B. Hall Peter C. Peter D. Hall6. This is my sister. _ name is Linda.A. She B. Her C. He D. His7. Whats hi

13、s name? _ .A. Her name is Linda B. His name is Tony C. My name is Kate D. Hes OK8. Dad, this is Miss White. _ , Miss White?A. Whats your name B. How do you do C. Hello D. How are you 9. Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you. Hello, Wei Hua. _A.Nice to meet you, too. B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. Ho

14、w old are you?10. How are you, Tom? _. Thanks. And you?A. Im fine B. Im Miss Green C. My name is Jim Green D. Im not Miss Green二、句型转换。1.Im a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ a teacher?2.Im from London .(对划线部分提问)_ are _ from?3.Sarah is eleven years old. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ Sarah?4.Tony is in Class One. (改为否定句)Tony _

15、 _ Class One.三、补全句子或对话。1.你叫什么名字? _ your name?2.很高兴见到你。 Nice to _ you.3.你好。我是李晓华。 Hello, _Li Xiaohua.4.A:她叫什么名字? A: Whats _ name?B:她的名字叫王辉。 B: _ name is Wang Hui.四、改错.1. How old is her. _2. Li Lin is my a friend. _3.My brother is not in ten class. _4.I am an English . _5.How old are your father? _附答案

16、:【预习学案】一、1. first 2. Class 3. student 4. twelve 5. lesson 6. open 7. Match 8. writes 9. practicing 10. close二、1.Class One,Grade One 2.12岁 e frome 4.很高兴见到你5.stand up 6.英语课7.listen to 8.一个英国男孩9.your name 10.我的朋友11.a chinese girl 12.坐下三、1. am , is , is 2. Are , am 3. are , am 4.are,are 5. is,is 6. are

17、7.are 8. are , am 【达标自测】一、1.where 2.student 3.Chinese 4.meet 5.friends 6.name 7.years 8.Class.二、1.are 2.My 3.to meet 4.years 5.English 6.given三、Is am am is are are is is is are拓展演练一、1.C 解析:本题考查交际用语,根据回答可知是问“你的名字是什么”,因而选C.2.B 解析:本题考查交际用语,在回答“Hello”时,仍然要用“Hello”回答。3.C 解析:Good morning的答语应该用Good morning

18、。4.C解析:本题考查交际用语,问名字要用Whats your name, please?5.D解析: first name(也称given name)指名,last name(也称family name)指姓氏,英语中习惯将姓氏放在最后,名放在最前面,与汉语的表达形式完全相反。Hall是姓,而Peter是名。6.B解析:名词前应该用形容词性物主代词,my sister 是女的,要用her。7.B解析:由问句中的his name可知是问女名,故选B。 8.B 解析:本题考查交际用语,陌生人初次见面问好应该用“How do you do?”9.A解析:本题考查交际用语,当对方用Nice to m

19、eet you表达问候时,回答用Nice to meet you,too.10.A解析:本题考查交际用语,回答“How are you”应该用I am fine 或者fine。二、1.Are you 2.Where you 3.How old is 4.isnt 三、1.Whats 2.meet 3.Im 4.her Her四、1.her改为she 2.去掉a 3.ten class改为Class Ten 4.去掉an 5.are改为isUnit 2 Im from China and Im Chinese . 【自主学习目标】 1. 掌握本课单词、词组。English ,city , Eng

20、land ,twenty-nine , blackboard.fifty2.能读懂关于人物介绍的简短文章。3.能根据图片对图中人物进行简短的以S+be结构为主的描述,能用Sb+be句式对自己的个人情况做简短介绍;学会用and来衔接句子。【预习学案】一、根据句意及首字母和汉语提示补全句子。1. Tom is an _ (英国的)boy. He is from England.2. Hangzhou is a big _(城市) in China.3. There are _ (十一)girls in my class.4. Please look at the _(黑板).5.There are

21、 _(二十九)apples on the apple tree. 二、选择适当的词填空.English England 1.I like _ very much and I like sports,too. 2.Miss Black is from _, she is _. 3.Mary and Tony are _. 4.David Beckham is from _. He is an _ basketball player.Chinese China1. Im_.2. Mr Liu is a teacher and he is _.3.My uncle isnt from Beijing

22、, _.4. Mr Liu is from _ and hes _.5. Jackie Chan is from _ . He is a _ actor(演员).三、按要求写出下列各词.1. to(同音词)_ _ 2.sit(反义词)_ 3.what is(缩写)_ 4. open(反义词)_ 5.chair(复数)_【知识链接】1、Whats your name ? 你叫什么名字?My name is Wang Hui .我叫王辉。2、Where are you from ? 你来自哪里?I am from Beijing / Shanghai / China / America / Eng

23、land .我来自北京/上海/中国/美国/英国。Im Chinese / American / English .我是中国人/美国人/英国人。3、How old are you ? 你多大?Im thirteen years old . 我十三岁。4、What class are you in ? 你在哪个班?Im in Class One . 我在一班。5、Im not from England and Im not English . 我不是来自英国,我不是英国人。当表示某个国家的人时,可用:Sb. + be from +国家或Sb. + be +国家的人. eg : 1) 他是英国人。H

24、e is from England . He is English .He is an Englishman . 2) 李雷是中国人。Li Lei is from China . Li Lei is Chinese .3) 露西和莉莉是美国人。Lucy and Lily are from America .Lucy and Lily are Americans .6、Im in Class One with Daming and Lingling . 我和大明、玲玲都在一班。and与with都有“和;同一起”之意。and为连词,用于连接语法上同类的词、短语或句子,表示并列关系。with为介词,

25、表示“共同;伴随”。后面可接名词、代词或名词短语,在句中作状语。【达标自测】 一用所给词汇的适当形式填空。1.Tony_(be not) in Class Two.2.“_Lingling and Daming your classmates?”“No,they_(be not)”3.Jack is from _ (American). 4.Hes in (Wang Hui)_class.5.There are many big _(city) in England.二、用am , is, are 填空:1. He and I _ in Class Three .2. Mary with he

26、r friends _ playing football .3. Jim and his friends _ playing basketball .4. Susan with her parents _ in China 5. I _ from Beijing. 6. David _ my friend . 7. Daming and Sam_ good friends.8. Beijing _ a big city.9. We _ twelve years .10. Lingling _ in my class. 三 完成句子(每空一词)1、我是一名学生,我来自英国。 I am _ _.

27、I am _ _.2、他们不是中国人,他们是英国人。 They _ . They are _.3、迈克和玛丽在三班吗?是的。 _ Mike and Mary in _ _? Yes, they are.4、你儿子多少岁?他11岁。 _ _ is your son? He is _ years old.5、他14岁吗?不,他不是. _ he _years old ? _, he _.拓展演练一单项选择1.“_?”“I think hes fourteen.” A.Where are you from B.How old is Helen C.How old is Sam D.How old ar

28、e you2.Shanghai is a big_. A.city B.country C.town D.village3.Ann with her parents _ in China. A.am B.is C.are D.be4. Tom and Peter_good friends. A. am B. is C. are D. /5. _is a nice girl. _name is Tina. A. Her, She B. He, Her C. She, Her D. His, His6. This is Mary and that is Kate. _my_.A. Shes, fr

29、iend B. Theyre, friend C. Theyre ,friends D. shes ,friends 7._is a teacher. A. Li Miss B. Miss Li C. miss Li D. Li miss8. David is _. He is from_. A. English, England B. English, English C. England, England D. England, English9. Im _. A. a China B. Chinese C. chinese D. China10. They are in_. A. cla

30、ss one B. class 1 C. Class One D. One Class二根据短文内容补全单词Hello!My name is Li Tongtong.Nice to _ you.I am _ Beijing.Im thirteen _ _.Im in Class Four_ Lin Tao.This is my teacher,Miss Green._ is my English teacher.She _ _ New York.She speaks_very well.We all_her.三、根据首字母提示完成单词。1. Six and six is t_.2.The te

31、acher is writing on the b_.3.She is a new s_ in Class Two.4.Beijing is a big c_.5.C_ the window ,please. It is cold outside.6.Nice to m_ you. 四、句型转换: 1. She is in Class One. (改为否定句) She_ _ _ Class One 2.My name is Tom. (对划线部分提问) _ is _ name ? 3. The red coat is mine. (对划线部分提问) _ is the red coat? 4.

32、Im 12. (改为同义句) Im _ _ _ 5. He is a student.(改为复数)_ _ _. 附答案:【预习学案】一、1.English 2.city 3.eleven 4.blackboard 5.twenty-nine二、1.English 2.England English 3.Englisn 4. England English1. Chinese 2. Chinese 3. China 4. China Chinese 5. China Chinese三、1.too two 2.stand 3. whats 4.close 5.chairs【达标自测】 一、1.is

33、nt 2.Are arent 3.America 4. Wang Huis 5.cities二、1.are 2.is 3.are 4.is 5.am 6.is 7.are 8.is 9.are 10.is 三、1.a student from England 2. arent Chinese English 3.Are Class Three 4.How old eleven 5.Is fourteen No isnt拓展演练一、1.C 解析:根据答语判断是问他的年龄,排除A,B,D三项,Sam是男名,所以选C.2.A解析:上海是个大城市,应该用city.3.B解析:本题考查with的用法,w

34、ith为介词,表示“共同;伴随”。后面可接名词、代词或名词短语,在句中作状语。句子的主语是Ann,所以用is。4.C解析:本题考查be动词的用法,主语是Tom and Peter,是复数,所以用are.5.C解析:本题考查代词的用法。作主语时用人称代词的主格,作定语修饰名词用形容词性物主代词。6.C解析:由前一句可以判断是两个人,排除A,D,根据主谓一致的原则可知主语是They时,表语应该用复数friends。7.B解析:本题考查miss的用法,miss原意为“小姐”,其后常加上未婚女士的姓氏或姓名全称。此时miss和其后姓氏的第一个字母都应大写。 8.A解析:本题考查English, Eng

35、land,English是英国人,England是英国。9.B解析:Chinese 作形容词时,意为“中国的”;作名词时,单、复数形式相同,意为“中国人”。 Chinese是专用名词,必须大写第一个字母,而China是中国的意思。10.C解析:本题考查班级的表达方式,表达“班”时数词要放在后面,并且开头第一个字母都要大写。二、meet from years old with She is from English like 三1.twelve 2.blackboard 3.student 4.city 5.Close 6.meet四、1. isnt in 2.What your 3.Whose

36、 4.12 years old 5.They are studentsModule 1 Nice to meet you综合能力检测一、单项选择。( )1. -_? -No, I am Kate.A. Whats your name B. Are you Lucy C. Are you a student( )2. Tom is _ English boy and Daming is _ Chinese boy.A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a( )3. -_ are you? -I am thirteen.A. Where B. What C. How old D. How

37、 many( )4. London is in _. A. America B. China C. England( )5. -_. Nice to meet you, too. A. Good morning. B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you.( )6. Tom and Peter _ good friends.A. am B. is. C. are( )7. Lucy and Lily are _. A. English B. English girl C. England( )8. - Are you Mrs Li? -_. A. Yes, I a

38、m. B. Yes, Im. C. No, I amnt.( )9. _ is your daughter? She is eight years old.A. How oldB. How manyC. Where( )10. My friend is in _. He isnt in my class. A. class two B. Class Two C. two class D. Two Class二、根据首字母补全单词1. Zhang Hua is from Qingdao and Im from Dalian. We are good f_.2. My father is fort

39、y years o_and Im twelve. 3. Shanghai is a big c_.4. W_your name? 5. H_name is Tony. 6. Im from China. Im C_.三用所给词的适当形式填空1. _is a girl, _name is Helen. (she) 2. He is _friend. We are _.(I, student) 3. Daming and I _(be)students.4.Two and two (be) four.5.In ,the family name is first.(China)四.句型转换。1.This is my grandmother.(改为否定句) _ _ _ grandmother.2.His telephone number is 535-2575.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ number?3.Its his


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