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1、湖南第一师范学院 毕业论文(设计) 题目 (中文)初中英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 (英文)On the Cultivation of Intercultural Awareness in English Teaching at Junior Middle Schools学生姓名刘月星学号10404040624指导教师刘祥清系(部)外语系专业班级10级英语6班完成时间2014年5月On the Cultivation of Intercultural Awareness in English Teaching at Junior Middle SchoolsByLiu YuexingA Thes

2、is Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of BACHELOR OF ARTSDepartment of Foreign Languages, HUNAN FIRST NORMAL UNIVERSITYMay, 2014毕业论文(设计)作者声明1本人提交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下独立进行研究取得的成果。除文中特别加以标注的地方外,本文不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的成果。对本文研究做出重要贡献的个人与集体均已在文中明确标明。2本人完全了解湖南第一师范学院有关保留、使用学位论

3、文的规定,同意学院保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交本文的复印件和电子版,允许本文被查阅、借阅或编入有关数据库进行检索。同意湖南第一师范学院可以采用影印、打印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本文,可以用不同方式在不同媒体上发表、传播本文的全部或部分内容。3湖南第一师范学院在组织专家对毕业论文(设计)进行复审时,如发现本文抄袭,一切后果均由本人承担,与学院和毕业论文指导教师无关。作者签名: 日期:二一 年 月 日摘 要 随着全球化的加快,外语文化教学与跨文化交际能力培养变得日益重要。然而长期以来,中国外语文化教学忽视文化意识学习,特别在初中英语学习中跨文化意识几乎是空白。所以我们应该在初中英语教学中注意培

4、养学生的跨文化意识,让学生通过跨文化意识的掌握来自主反哺英语的学习,从而提高学生学习兴趣,并减轻学习难度。本文根据跨文化意识培养来分析初中英语教学。探究中西方文化差异,指出现阶段我国初中英语教学中跨文化意识缺失的问题,并针对问题找出相应的教师与学生的实践方法。 关键词:;跨文化意识;文化差异;培养Abstract With growing globalization, English culture teaching is getting connected with the intercultural communication competence. However, domestic E

5、nglish teaching always ignores the intercultural awareness learning and the phenomenon is extremely severe in junior middle schools. So we should pay attention to intercultural awareness in junior middle school. And then students through the mastery of intercultural awareness,can nurture the learnin

6、g of English, thereby can not only improve learning interest but also reduce the difficulty of learning. This paper analyzes English teaching according to the cultivation of intercultural awareness,explores cultural differences between Chinese Culture and Western Culture, points out the problem of l

7、ake of intercultural awareness at this stage of junior middle school teaching and tries to find the appropriate resolution to the problem.Key words:Intercultural awareness, Cultural differences, CultivationContents摘要IAbstractIIChapter One An Introduction11.1 Importance of Cultivating Intercultural A

8、wareness and Competence of Junior Middle School Students11.2 Defining Intercultural Awareness21.3 Components of Intercultural Awareness2Chapter Two Situation of Intercultural Awareness Training at Junior Middle Schools42.1 Objectives and Requirements of Intercultural Awareness Training at Junior Mid

9、dle Schools42.2 Teaching Materials52.3 Teaching Methods52.4 Learning Methods62.5 Detection Means6ChapterThree Differences between Chinese Culture and Western Culture73.1 High-context vs. Low-context73.2 Attitude and World View83.3 Religions and Ethics103.4 Thought Patterns12ChapterFour Some Suggesti

10、ons for Cultivating Intercultural Awareness in English Teaching at Junior Middle Schools164.1 Changing Teachers Role164.2 Fostering Proper Motivation174.3Helping Students to Reduce Anxiety184.4 Helping Students to Develop Empathy184.5 Helping Students to Avoid Cultural Stereotypes194.6 Helping Stude

11、nts to Appreciate their Native Culture19Chapter Five Conclusion21Bibliography23Acknowledgments25Chapter OneAn IntroductionGlobalization of the world economy to promote cooperation among countries, national interests of all ethnic groups mouth frequent exchanges, cross-cultural communication Became a

12、 prominent feature of this era. Language and culture go hand in hand, inseparable. English as a higher utilization rate of the international language in different countries, different cultural environment plays a very important role, has been widely used. Therefore, people of all countries in the us

13、e of communication in English, the cross-cultural awareness is particularly important.1.1 The Importance of Cultivating Intercultural Awareness and Competence of Junior Middle School StudentsAt the dawn of the twenty-first century, the Canadian writer Marshall Mcluhans vision of a global village is

14、no longer considered an abstract idea but a virtual certainty. The planet Earth is not shrinking, but time and space are. Trains, planes, telephones, televisions, the Internet, and other forms of modern transportation and communication reduce the time and distance that once kept the peoples of the w

15、orld apart. Even people who do not travel far from home live in the global village. In the metaphor of the global village, nations are like families and continents are like neighborhoods. However, for a long time in China, the grammar-oriented perspective competence, which results in the inefficienc

16、y of FLT in China. Foreign language teaching in secondary schools is largely he teaching of language structures. The link of culture teaching to secondary school FLT is especially rare. The foreign language teaching objectives in secondary schools emphasize the teaching of phonetics, vocabulary and

17、grammar, which makes FLT a pure training of language skills that are out of context. As a result, the Chinese secondary school students communicative competence is far behind their linguistic competence. Therefore, the cultivation of the students intercultural awareness and competence should be emph

18、asized at the early stags and should play its role in every English class.1.2 Defining Intercultural Awareness Chen and Starosta (1996) note: Culture awareness refers to an understanding of ones own and others cultures that affect how people think and behave. This includes understanding commonalties

19、 of human behavior and differences in cultural patterns. From the viewpoint of Paige, Intercultural competence means having the knowledge,commitment, compassion, and practical skills to effectively function in and respond to; (1)culturally diverse environments and their challenges, (2) culturally di

20、verse persons/groups and their needs, (3) cultural constructions that privilege some but not othersthis means recognizing, deconstructing, and contesting privilege (Paige,2003).1.3 The Components of Intercultural Awareness Brian Spitzberg and William Cupach (1984) isolate three components of communi

21、cation Awareness: motivation, knowledge, and skills. Motivation refers to our desire to communicate appropriately and effectively with others. Knowledge refers to our awareness or understanding and effectively.of what needs to be done in order to communicate appropriately Skills are our abilities to

22、 engage in the behaviors necessary to communicate appropriately and effectively. In real life intercultural communication, there might be some cases in which we may be highly motivated but lack the knowledge or the skills or both which are necessary to communicate appropriately and effectively. Even

23、 if we are motivated and have the knowledge and skills, this does not necessarily mean that we will communicate appropriately or effectively. Therefore, there are several other factors that may intervene to affect our behavior in addition to motivation, knowledge and skills we discussed above. These

24、 factors include emotional factors, environmental factors and personal factors (Gudykunst, 1991). That is, the emotional reactions of the communicators, the environment where the communication happens, and the communicators themselves might have some effects on the outcomes of the interaction whethe

25、r it is conducted appropriately or effectively Similarly, there are three vital ingredients to developing or accomplishing cultural competence (Williams, 2001). They are: (1) Self-knowledge/awareness (2) Experience and knowledge about particular culture (3) Positive change or action for successful i

26、nteraction with the identified culture. Chapter TwoSituation of Intercultural Awareness Training at Junior Middle Schools Now each school attaches great importance to English as a discipline at all levels of society or schools, and students have made effort, but the results are always unsatisfactory

27、. Due to the impact of the structure of teaching theory, English class is always surrounded ability to expand around the language, repeated to complete written exercises and oral exercises, students will feel tedious, efficiency if lagged far behind expectations. In real communication, they can not

28、apply their knowledge, found himself only learned of the dumb Pakistani English. 2.1Objectives and Requirements of Intercultural Awareness Training at Junior Middle Schools Ministry of Education enacted in 2000 , Nine-year Compulsory full-time Junior Middle School English Syllabus .English teaching

29、identified goals, objectives , requirements, content , principles, methods and evaluation tools .Outline in the preface explicitly requested by the English course to enable students to understand and respect other nations and nationalities.Excellent cultural tradition ; in educational purposes secti

30、on suggested that to understand cultural differences and enhance the consciousness of the world ; Learning objectives and requirements section also pointed out that students should have some sense of cross-cultural communication , to take on the exotic culture.Attitude of respect and tolerance ; in

31、several issues should pay attention to the teaching of once again requires teachers to help students manage. Understand and respect the culture of other countries , to guide students to love the motherland and promote the culture . These include two implications : first, understanding and recognitio

32、n of cultural differences, cross-cultural communication students awareness, learn to properly articulate their thoughts with decent target language ; secondly, to deal with the exotic culture of the motherland.The relationship between culture , understanding , respect and tolerance of exotic culture

33、s , love the motherland and promote the culture , and thus better in English. Language for the reform and opening up services to strengthen exchanges with countries in services.2.2.Teaching MaterialsThe current junior high school English teaching model to some extent constrained materials. Chinas cu

34、rrent middle school teaching structuralist linguistic theory based material as the guiding ideology, in order to orchestrate the syntax of the main vein. Heavy textbooks knowledge, and repeated mechanical drills, requiring students to master the rules of language teaching point as the focus, focus o

35、n grammar explain and apply the law, learning emphasis on structure.2.3Teaching MethodsCurrently teaching junior high school English teacher at the podium speaking mode, the students listened and took notes below, some teachers will use a little multimedia technology. Whether teachers are still usin

36、g the traditional mode of teaching multimedia teaching mode, the total little change in the body of teaching mode, as class size and more (60), the teacher can only follow the traditional explain the method, this method of indoctrination translation method for teaching. This teaching method has a hu

37、ndred years of experience history, it seems difficult to change. At the same time, teachers can not take care of different types of students. If too much considering the base foundation is weak students, will reduce the teaching schedule, resulting in teachers teaching plan can not be completed.2.4L

38、earning MethodsChinese students due to the traditional teaching mode, ashamed to ask questions in class, openings, also used in class only lectures. Teachers at the podium to speak, to write on the blackboard, students in the following notes, followed by up to read, and then complete the exercises.

39、Such learning is most students feel no pressure. Language skills to master the use of a continuously to improve the process. Even learned a lot of things, not shipped use will soon forget. Most students did not learn English is the lack of use of English environment. In fact, develop students commun

40、icative competence in English, is a habit of the training process. By no means form a habit of only a school classroom on the line, need long-term unremitting efforts to learn or use, also need to be proactive, conscious to practice.2.5Detection MeansIn junior high school, students English proficien

41、cy test, the only way is to test. Students are to test and learn. Unit testing, half of the exam, the final exam or other forms of examinations so that students could attend, flowers a lot of time to go back the word, back grammar, that master these mastered the English language; teachers enrollment

42、 rate. And cope with exam anxiety, causing students do not understand, can not tell, do not use, do not master the use of language skills arts, did not really understand the true meaning of those languages is relatively simple English words combined into after. This is undoubtedly contributed to the

43、 atmosphere from an objective examination-oriented education.Chapter ThreeDifferences between Chinese Culture and Western CultureWe have already seen that intercultural communication is communication between people from different cultures. As a result, cultural differences certainly have great influ

44、ences on peoples communication. Especially the differences between the Oriental culture and Western culture will make the communication between different cultures even harder. Some of these typical differences of Eastern-Western cultures will be examined in the following aspects.3.1 High-context vs.

45、 Low-context Human communication is dependent on the context in which it occurs. High-context and low-context is another dimension of cultural pattern. Some persons choose to focus more on the verbal code than on the nonverbal elements, whereas others will actively monitor the nonverbal elements of

46、the context. Edward Hall describes the former as low-context and the latter as high-context. In high-context cultures, (including China, Japan, North and South Korea, Vietnam, and many Arab and African cultures) many of the meanings being exchanged during the encounter do not have to be communicated

47、 through words. One reason that meanings often do not have to be stated verbally in high-context cultures is that people are veryHomogeneous. They have similar experiences, information networks, and the like. Information is provided through gestures and even silence. Space is also used to communicat

48、e in hiyh-context cultures. Members of high-context societies tend to have less physical space between them when communicating than do those in low-context societies. They tend to be aware of their surroundings and can express and interpret feelings without stating them. High-context cultures are more reliant on and tu


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