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2、式变态时态时态就是动词在不同时间状态下发生的变态一般现在时单三s、es,其它无变化一般过去时动词词尾+ed一般将来时will+原形一般过去将来时would+原形现在进行时am is are+动词ing过去进行时was were+动词ing现在完成时has have+ed过去完成时had+ed助动词就是帮助动词变态的词动词不仅有时态,而且还有语态表示什么被怎样要用被动式be+过去分词就是被动态动词一变永不变,be在前面变时态被动语态的时态就是be动词在不同时间下的大变态这里我们首先来讲讲代词和数词,连介叹冠不变态,我们就暂不讲了。代词数词小变态一、 代词:代词要记住人称代词主格宾格物主格,要想记



5、h60sixtysixtieth70seventyseventieth80eightyeightieth90ninetyninetiethNow we can make a conclusion:1、 基数词变序数词在其后加-th,发音为/2、 以y结尾的基数词构成序数词,y变i,再加-eth3、 不规则的序数词,如上表格中4、 序数词前通常要加定冠词the第二天:三、接下来我们来讲讲名词,名词主要是讲可数与不可数以及可数名词的单复数1、 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词,不可数名词通常指一些物质名词和抽象名词,如rice、water、health、progress、friendship、etc.

6、这个主要靠我们平时的积累。2、 我们这里主要是讲可数名词的单数与复数及其变化规则:1) 首先我们来看看它们的规则变化,如下表格规则变化列表单数词尾构成方法单数复数一般辅音或元音字母+y加-sbookpendaybookspensdays词尾为s、x、sh、ch加-esbusboxwatchbrushbusesboxeswatchesbrushes词尾为辅音字母+o加-esherotomatoheroestomatoes词尾为元音字母+o及辅音字母+o的缩写词、外来词加-sradiophoto(graph)pianoradiosphotospianos词尾为辅音字母+y改y为I,再加-esfam

7、ilyfactoryfamiliesfactories词尾为f(fe)改f(fe)为v,再加-eslifeleafwifelivesleaveswives词尾为f的例外情况加-sroofchiefroofschiefs2) 接下来我们再来看看名词里的一些不规则变化,如下列表格 少数不规则名词的复数形式,如表一构成方法单数复数元 音 交 替a emanwomanmenwomeno efoottoothfeedteethou imousemice词尾加-en或-renoxchildoxenchildren单复同形fishdeersheepfishdeersheep 国家名称作为一个专有名词,表示“


9、ianGermanAmericanAustralianCanadianEnglishFrench 复合名词的复数形式,如表三构成方法单数复数只把复合名词中的主体名词变成复数looker-on 旁观者son-in-law女婿lookers-onsons-in-law没有主体名词,在最后一个词后面加-sgrown-up 成年人go-between 中间人grown-upsgo-betweens复合名词的组成部分都变成复数形式man servantwoman doctormen servantswomen doctors四、名动形副很变态,动词当然最变态,那么接下来我们就先来讲讲形容词和副词,这里我

10、们稍作讲解,之后我们来对它的使用及其它一些东西再作一个专题讲解。形容词、副词记住原级、比较级和最高级,原级无变化,比较级加-er,最高级加-est,特殊情况也要记:“好”“坏”“多”“少”“远”“老”1、 规则变化构成方法原级比较级最高级单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾加-er若-esthighcleverfastslowhigherclevererfasterslowerhighestcleverestfastestslowest以字母e结尾的词,加-r或-stlatesimplelatersimplerlatestsimplest重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写辅音字母,再加-er

11、或-estbigthinfatbiggerthinnerfatterbiggestthinnestfattest以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i“,再加-er或-esteasyhappyearlyeasierhappierearliereasiesthappiestearliest多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加more或mostdeliciousinterestingeasilyusefulmore deliciousmore interestingmore easilymore usefulmost deliciousmost interestingmost easilym

12、ost useful2、 不规则变化原级比较级最高级good/wellbad/badly/illmany/muchlittlefaroldbetterworsemorelessfarther(比较远的)/further(更进一步的)older(比较老的)/elder(年龄比较大的)bestworstmostleastfarthest(最远的)/furthest(程度最远的)oldest(最老的)/eldest(最年长的)五、动词,这是英语里最变态的词,下面就对它进行详细的讲解1、 动词的分类:按照动词的词义和在句中的作用,通常分为行为动词,即我们平时所说的实义动词,系动词,助动词和情态动词A

13、行为动词:表示动作或状态,能独立作谓语。它又为分及物动词和不及物动词a. 及物动词:它也有多种形式1) 后面跟一个宾语,如 I enjoyed the book very much.2) 后面跟双宾语,这类词有bring、buy、find、get、hand、leave、offer、teach、tell、write、etc.Jim will give us a talk on English manes.3) 后面跟宾补,它与跟双宾的区别我们将放在句子中讲解 带名词作宾补的动词有:call、leave、name、make、think、etc. 带形容词作宾补的动词有:cut、turn、prove

14、、want、paint、keep、get、etc.Uncle Wang calls it “bike”.Youd better keep the windows open.b. 不及物动词:本身词义完整,后面不跟宾语,跟宾语时通常要再加一介词如:The sun rises up.其实不及物动词vi.+prep.=vt.我们来看看下面这些词组:动词和介词的搭配laugh at 嘲笑take part in 参加think of 想出go on with 继续worry about 为担心look after 照看、照料take care of 关心look at 看look like 看起来像l

15、ook for 寻找listen to 听get to 到达wait for 等候play with 玩耍point at 指向point to 指着hear of 听说talk about 谈论think about 考虑come from 来自fall behind 落后agree with 同意、赞同arrive in 到达(大地方)arrive at 到达(小地方)catch up with 赶上、超过hear from 收到来信pay for 支付、付钱preferto喜欢不喜欢shout at 对呼喊knock at the door 敲门tieto 把系在get on with

16、与某人相处stopfrom阻止某人做某事move to 搬家至某地do well in 在方面做得好B 系动词:本身有词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语,最常见的是be、look、get、feel、sound、become、keep、seem、turn、grow、remain、taste、smell、etc.注:连系动词后直接跟形容词作表语,不能用副词XThe stars look brightly in the dark sky. The stars look bright in the dark sky.C 助动词:本身无词义,不能单独作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表否

17、定、疑问、时态、语态等语法形式,或用来加强语气。常见的助动词有be、do、have、shall、will、etc.1)be构成时态,主要是进行时态She is doing some shopping with her mother now.构成被动语态The basket was put in a car by the twins.与动词不定式构成谓语These books are not to be taken out of the room.2)have构成完成时态The twin brothers have not seen each other for ten years.和动词不定式

18、构成谓语,表示客观环境促使不得不做的事have to/has toShe has to help her mother with the housework every day.3)do 构成疑问句和否定句Does he do his homework after school?用来加强语气I do want to buy a sweater like yours.用来代替动词词组Have you washed your shoes? Yes, I did yesterday.4)shall 构成将来时态,单纯表示未来情况,用于第一人称 We shall have a football mat

19、ch next week.5)will 构成将来时,用于各种人称 They will go to England for a holiday.6)had better+动词原形(最好),表示建议和劝告,否定形式had better not+动词原形Wed better look up the word in the dictionary.7)be able to 表示某一个动作被成功地完成,否定形式为be not able to He will come if he is able to.8)be going to 表示意欲、打算做某一件事情 We are going to Beijing t

20、omorrow.D 情态动词:表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。本身有词义,但不能单独作谓语动词,必须和不带to的动词不定式(ought除外)连用,没有人称和数的变化。常用的情态动词有can、may、must、ought to、will、shall、should、would、need、dare,它们的用法及其它一些细节,我们以后再作专题讲,这里就这样导入。2、 接下来我们来看看这个最为变态的动词的各类变态A 加-s的规则:动词一般现在时单数第三人称形式的构成规则动词原形第三人称单数形式一般动词在词尾加-s(在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音或元音后读/z/)sleeptakewant

21、findlivestaysleepstakeswantsfindslivesstays以字母s、x、ch、sh、或o结尾的动词加-es,读/iz/;如动词词尾已有e,则只加-sdressfixwatchpushlosedodressesfixeswatchespusheslosesdoes以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为I,再加-es,读/z/flycrytrycarrystudyfliescriestriescarriesstudiesB 构成动词-ed形式的规则(过去式和过去分词)a. 规则动词的过去式和过去分词的构成是一样的,都加-ed构成规则动词原形变化后一般在动词原形末尾加-edl

22、ookstaycalllastpointsoundlookedstayedcalledlastedpointedsounded结尾有e的动词加-dlovehopelovedhoped结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,变“y”为“i”,再加-edstudytrystudiedtried末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-edstepdropfitsteppeddroppedfittedb. 不规则动词的过去式及过去分词的形式是不规则的,分为六大类(备有资料可发放)1)原形、过去式、过去分词完全相同的动词(A-A-A型)2)过去式与过去分词相同的动词(A-B-B型)3)原形

23、与过去分词相同的动词(A-B-A型)4)原形、过去式、过去分词的变化为i-a-u型的动词5)原形、过去式、过去分词最后一个字母为w-w-wn型的动词6)过去分词均以-en结尾的动词7)其它动词C 英语动词的现在分词,一般在动词末尾加-ing规则动词原形加-ing形式后一般在原形动词末尾加-ingdodrinkflydoingdrinkingflying以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ingridehavetakeridinghavingtaking以重读闭音节结尾的动词,词末只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这一字母再加-ingstopsitputbeginstoppingsittingpu


25、、were+inghad+ed/将来will+do/过去将来would+do/这里我来用work here的各种句式(肯、否、问、答)造句,并使用多种人称:1)I work here. I dont work here. Do you work here? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2)Mary works here. Mary doesnt work here. Does Mary work here? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.3)I worked here. I didnt work here. Did you work here? Y

26、es, I did. No, I didnt.4)I will work here. I wont work here. Will you work here? Yes, I will. No, I wont.5)I would work here. I wouldnt work here. Would you work here? Yes, I would. No, I would.6)I am working here now. I am not working here. Are you working here now? Yes, I am. No, Im not.7)I have w

27、orked here for a long time. I havent worked here for a long time. Have you worked here for a long time? Yes, I have. No, I havent.8)I was working here last March. I wasnt working here last March. Were you working here last March? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt.9)I had worked here by last summer. I hadnt wo

28、rked here by last summer. Had you worked here by last summer? Yes, I had. No, I hadnt.第四、五天:七、接下来我们来看一些主要及常用的时态(八大时态)A 一般现在时一般现在时的使用场合可分两大类:一类是不受现在时间限制的场合;另一类是与现在时间相关的场合。学习这一时态除了掌握基本用法外,还应了解一些习惯用法。第一类:表述不受现在时间限制的自然现象以及自然界的各种状况:The sun rises in the east.Heat expands gas.Water boils at 100Oc.The earth

29、 runs around the sun.第二类:表述真理或道理,如某些格言、俗语等:Seeing is believing.Practice makes perfect.Where there is a will, there is a way.第三类:表述不受客观时间限制的客观事实:such as: The river flows into the East China Sea. The lake lies in the West of China. The West Lake lies in Hangzhou. Japan lies to the east of China.第四类:表述

30、涉及现在时间(往往是一个界限模糊的时间范围)的惯常动作:for example: Mary always gets up at 6 oclock.I often go to work by bus.She practices oral English every morning.The teacher never takes a bus to the school.第四类因涉及惯常动作,所以往往与某些频度副词及表示惯常时间的状语联系在一起。频度副词按频度大小排列如下:always、often、usually、sometimes、seldom(接近全否定)、never(强语势的否定,频度显然为零

31、),此外,修饰惯常动作的词语还有every day,each day,every three days,in the morning,once a week等。如:He gets up at six in the morning. I go home once a week.第五类:某些表示现在时刻发生的动词(如例句所示)可以使用一般现在时,但此用法仅限于特定动词。如:I declare the meeting open. I say that the answer is wrong. I wish you a happy New Year. Please watch what I do. I

32、 turn on the recorder, press this button and it starts.第六类:状态动词在涉及现在时间时不取现在进行时形式,它们用一般现在时形式表示现在的状态。如:I want to tell you something important. I have a new car. You look very beautiful in the dress.(系表结构)The food tastes nice, doesnt it? (系表结构) What do you think about it? Sorry, I forget your phone num

33、ber. I like music very much. I prefer to have tea after supper. The shoes dont fit me.状态动词是用来表示某种状态的实义动词,它们包括以下四类:第一类:表示拥有的动词:have、own、possess、 (have的含义应相当于own,其它含义不在此列)第二类:表示态度的动词:love、like、hate、prefer、etc.第三类:表示感官活动的动词:see、hear、smell、etc.第四类:表示某种心智状况的动词:want、forget、remember、think(作“认为”讲时)、believe、

34、realize、etc.B 一般过去时是用来表示过去时间范围中的活动的一种时态,其中包括在过去一个时间点上发生的活动,也包括在过去一个时间段上发生的活动,还包括一些习惯用法。一般过去时的用法:第一类:表述发生在过去时间点上的动作。如:I saw him yesterday.He went to bed very early last night.She came to see us last week.Father gave me a new dictionary yesterday.第二类:表述发生在过去时间段上的动作,但侧重其延续的全过程,并暗示这一过程的终止。如:We lived in

35、Shanghai for ten years.She slept for three hours last night.The talk lasted four hours.They stayed at home yesterday.第三类:表述过去的惯常动作,同一般现在时表示惯常动作一样,此用法多与频度词语相关。如:She often came to see me. Father smoked a lot three years ago. We went to school together when we were boys.第四类:表示过去连续发生的两个或几个动作,注意例句,用and这一

36、连词的情况。如:He stood up and went out. He ate and listened to the radio. The teacher stepped into the office and sat down.第五类:在含有状语从句的复合句中表示两个过去发生的动作的时间关系、如:We went to the house when it began to rain. When I went into the room, I saw him sitting in a chair. As he walked, he sang.C 现在进行时与现在一段时间或现在时刻的活动相关,

37、主要用于现在正进行的动作,学习者应注意所谓“现在进行”的不同情况,并注意某些习惯用法。此外,还应研究此时态与一般现在时的主要区别。现在进行时的用法:第一类:表述现在正在进行的活动,多用于延续动词,但有时也可用瞬间动词。如:I am writing a letter now.Is it raining hard?The boy is looking out of the window. 第二类:表述现在时间范围内有间断的延续活动。 如:She is working on a new book.I am studying French at the university.My father is

38、writing a novel. 第三类:表示一种尚未完成的渐变过程。 如:It is getting warmer and warmer. The world is becoming smaller. We are realizing that the problem is serious. 第四类:与always等副词连用,表述说话人厌烦或认为超过限度的动作。 如:He is always asking the question.He is always thinking of the problem.He is constantly leaving his thing about.She

39、 is forever changing her clothes. 第五类:表述将要发生的动作,此用法限于某些表示位置移动的动词。 如:We are leaving for London tomorrow.They are starting tomorrow morning.I am meeting an important person this afternoon.D 表示现在进行的活动一般都暗示这一活动尚未完结,但当涉及瞬间动词时,则仅表示此时刻正在发生的活动,如:Look! She is putting up a new picture on the wall. 过去进行时的某些用法与

40、现在进行时有相似之处,但也有某些习惯用法不尽相同。在学习过去进行时的时候,我们应注意在某些复合句中的时态配合问题,主句动词与从句动词在此种情况中具有各种不同类型的关系,我们要认真进行研究。过去进行时的用法:第一类:表示在过去某时刻正在进行的活动。如:I was reading at ten oclock last night.It was raining when I woke up.I was trying to look up the word when you came in.第二类:表示过去某段时间里有间断地延续的动作。如:He was working in Nanjing at th

41、at time. She was studying French then. They were building a new bridge.第三类:在复合句中使用过去进行时。如:He was reading while his wife was cooking. While he was driving, he was thinking about the matter.第四类:特定用法:过去进行进+when+一般过去时,表示“正进行忽然间发生另一动作“。如:I was walking down the street when it began to rain. They were talk

42、ing about the boss when the boss came in.第五类:表示对过去某一时刻来说将要发生的动作,限于位置移动的动词。如:He was leaving a few days later. He was attending the meeting the next day. Mary was always complaining about the weather. She was constantly changing her mind.E 现在完成时是英语各种时态中比较难于掌握的一种时态形式。这一时态涉及到现在,但动作不一定发生在现在这一时刻,它往往与说话人及其

43、所处情景有密切关联。对于一个发生在过去的动作,则使用现在完成时。因此,现在完成时不仅仅是表示“现在完成了“的一种意思。此外,我们还应在理解上述基本概念之后掌握在某些语句中的习惯用法。现在完成时的用法:第一类:表述过去发生的某动作对现在的影响(与说话人及情景直接相关)。如:I have seen him before.She has read the book.We have finished the work.第二类:表述过去开始延续到现在的动作。如:They have lived here for two years. She has stayed in bed for three days. You have kept the book for ten days.第三类:表述从过去到现在某动作总共发生的次数。如:He has been to London twice. He has done it many times. We have seen the man three times.第四类:表述从过去到现在某动作所涉及的总数量。如:We have learned 1,000 words. The write


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