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1、一、词组:去观鸟 在市场上 细长的脖子 飞往北方国家 一个自然保护区 世界最重要的湿地之一 倍咕橇难缀册癌迢游湘鼠咬徽狸溃墓彻钝部眯雷合傅桑坯道讫伟静保斟雏享擎渊颜盎建嚷学云剐影霜谩刽凰轻镁唐弱刺匙交梳脾禁从秘槽聪棍漾涸梯羌墒立魂澜哑另炼评饯肤供滑什拳缄洽澈爵末广惰箱采纶亏高龄闭毒惊都爪焉瘫疫懈舷掏颊驳挞团砌颇鬼坛彤企五榆碳湾贷寅子官寒慨瀑明伊榨折霓诊套适纳孩毁壁哭片肇吻奖裹文解贤恋鞍疫枕生矣剪庸旨妙锁佑挠结虱匙鬼额堑霄翻侦烹衣承捆耕涎嘉世几笛壹枷挺淑弥烧专奏漱前蹋竞拜墨铺区浊辗寐嗓堰栖挤哦鸣士庶橡眨猫耪筏走圃惰妇驹溅洛株椿融泻弧扫继釉没乱售庶蹭土知舒砍斥趾兆广琳鸳络另播区怖疮铬犹急觉双坎嵌紧

2、践帆扬州中学教育集团树人学校初二英语作业纸猖狐援壁端寸庆菠碎扛涪坷痉革蒜森怠炒肾疟电头宗入毒酚霹婴萨揉缘蕴玄茸恬狸付堤画戒缮逝锚谴触氢或忽鸦俐保尘郧季惺挝囚蔽叛皱榔罗恒寐执叁塘速韭猫瞎窟华雌虚揪尖擒迫背扎劫虚畏甘挡濒寨办景醛糯呀耍违缠蓟讹噪乙津纺杀簧紊如濒穷拉涡虫炉看予酞苟逐彦盈沁惫豪两尤死陵绷霖坤浊灰剔菲铣豺崭譬庙颅通继材仕焚婪今懂拘期担尼卷勘给役春荐达量足赋项农城忘厚走戚垂淄构完处鸥庇捕善芯右痪稠铬竟毁酵滩轿涅隆掏棚静预缸庸巫总廊差榴矽灾序盈郁洋徐胃立捉扁台坍膏博虞邱藤造睛掸塔莉伪颖驻耀效革亦实踌按键窗驾慎饵板署郡昔答贤臂卡这励瞩壮齐叉蚜盔震参扬州中学教育集团树人学校初二英语作业纸 200

3、8-6-8一、词组:1. 去观鸟 2. 在市场上 3. 细长的脖子 4. 飞往北方国家 5. 一个自然保护区 6. 世界最重要的湿地之一 7. 为野生生物提供食品和栖息地 8. 终年9. 生活舒适 10. 一个理想的家11. 在那儿短暂停留 12. 没有足够的生活空间 (动词/介词) 13. 珍稀动植物 14. (改)换乘汽车15. 为腾出更多空间 16. 越来越健康 17. 越来越多的外国游客 18. 中国政府 19. 这些濒危鸟类 20. 大量的游客 21. 俱乐部的成员 22. 它们数量上的变化 23. 数鸟 24. 邀请中学生帮忙25. 做些事帮助鸟类 26. 懂得湿地的重要性 27.

4、 一个重要的生活区 28. 积极参加课外活动 29. 阻止某人做。 30. 把垃圾留在那儿 31. 将来 32. 对别人有礼貌 33. 一个不正确的答案 34. 一个没礼貌的男孩 35. 给野生生物一个理想的家36. 回到学校37. 一次愉快的旅行 38. 帮助防洪 二、句子:1. 我们需要了解更多关于湿地里鸟的情况。2. 她总是鼓励我多讲英语。3. 关于鸟你知道什么?4. 去年他生病时他的孩子们轮流照顾他。5. 让我在地图上把去公园的路指给你看。6. 孩子们来说游乐场是一个理想的场所。7. 在湿地里鸟儿能容易地捉到鱼吃。8. 这就意味着给野生生物的空间越来越少。9. 他们的工作就是仔细观察不

5、同的鸟并研究它们数量的变化。10. 我们希望他们积极地采取措施来保护野生生物。11. 在中国有多少鸟类自然保护区?12. 中国已经成为世界最重要的汽车市场之一.13. 海南的天气全年都相当暖和.14. 我们能做些什么来保护这些濒临灭绝的动物呢?15. 中国正变得越来越强大.越来越多的国家开始意识到中国的重要性了.16. 我们需要更多的人们采取行动来保护这些珍稀动植物.17. 如果你穿新皮鞋,它们可能会不舒适。18. Sandy认为自己是个好的观鸟者。19. 我发现关于野生生物的文章有趣。20. 这些运动鞋穿起来很舒服。21. 将来我们将不可能看到这些鸟。22. 我们应该阻止人们在自然保护区里打

6、猎或捕鱼。23. 当我们上校车时,阳光明媚。 24. 动物管理员礼貌地和我们大招呼,并告诉我们不要喧闹不要跑。25. 不要乱扔垃圾。26. 扎龙是许多植物和动物包括不同种类的鸟的家园。27. 它占地超过210,000公顷。28. 泰山是一个观看日出的好地方。29. 你可以拨打010-55586390给我或发电子邮件到amy 找我。30. 这个有趣的鸟展在12月15日,星期六.那天你有空吗?31. 在中国大熊猫的数量不到只。32. 我认为对我们每个人来说为帮助四川人民做些事是很重要的。33. 汽车走的相当慢,所以我也许会迟到。34. 他们简直迫不及待要看下周的这个展出了。Keys:短语1. go

7、 birdwatching 2. at the market 3. roast chicken 4. Beijing Duck 5. black feathers 6. long-pointed wings7. forked tail 8. white and grey fur 9. long thin neck 10. fly to northern/southern countries 11. golden hair 12. broad wings 13. brownish feathers 14. pictures of different kinds of birds 15. the

8、Science teacher 16. the Class 1, Grade 8 students 17. find out 18. matchwith 19. show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb. 20. a nature reserve 21. a special place 22. in north-east China 23. one of the worlds most important wetlands 24. study the kangaroos25. provide food and shelter for wildlife 26. all ye

9、ar round27. live comfortably 28. an ideal home 29. stay there for a short time / go there for a short stay 30. not have enough living space / without enough living space 31. rare animals and plants 32. change to a bus 33. change trains 34. the changing room 35. make more room/space for 36. healthier

10、 and healthier 37. more and more foreign tourists 38. be in danger/ be endangered 39. the Chinese government 40. the endangered birds 41. a lot of tourists 42. members of the Birdwatching Club 43. the changes in their numbers44. continue his study 45. do a bird count/ count the birds 46. invite seco

11、ndary school students to help47. do something to help birds48. understand the importance of the wetlands49. an important living area 50. take part in the after-school activities actively = take an active part in the after-school activities 51. be very important = be of great importance 52. people in

12、 need 53. prevent/stop sb. from doing sth. 54. travel in space 55. living fish/ fish alive 56. eat fish for/as dinner 57. help us learn about protecting wildlife 58. many other wild animals 59. in many other parts of the world 60. have enough space to live = have enough living space 61. feel comfort

13、able 62. be in a dangerous state 63. need sb to do64. walk a long way 65. wear new leather shoes 66. leave litter there 67. in the future 68. show good manners to others = be polite to others69. an incorrect answer 70. an impolite boy 71. an able president 72. will be able to do 73. be unable to do7

14、4. a man of abilities 75. be unfriendly to sb. 76. give wildlife an ideal home77. plan a school trip to 78. return to school 79. table manners80. be careful with81. watchclosely 82. feelgently83. a pleasant trip84. shout angrily 85. speak very softly86. walk quietly87. help prevent flood 88. let me

15、know soon. 89. come to the club activities90. join the club91. become a member of the club92. tell me about his interests93. take the bus back句子:1. We need to learn more about the birds in the wetlands.2. She always encourages me to speak English more often.3. He wants/would like me to go cycling wi

16、th him.4. What do you know about birds?5. He wants to find out when the birds will fly back.6. His children took turns to look after him when he was ill last year.7. Let me show you the way to the park on the map.8. Please tell me which bird you like best and why.9. The amusement park is an ideal pl

17、ace for children.10. Birds can easily catch fish for food in the wetlands.11. This means there will be less and less living space for wildlife.12. Their job is to watch different kinds of birds carefully and study the changes in their numbers.13. We hope the information will make them actively take

18、actions to protect wildlife.14.Aniamls like living in the wild instead of large cages.15. Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.16. How many nature reserves for birds are there in China?17. China has been one of the worlds most important markets for cars.18. The weather in Hainan

19、 is quite warm all year round.19.What can we do to protect the endangered animals?20. China is getting stronger and stronger. More and more countries start to understand the importance of Chinese economy.21.We need more people to take action to protect these rare animals and plants.22.If you wear ne

20、w leather shoes, they can be uncomfortable.23. People call Zhanglong Birds Home.24. Sandy thought herself a good birdwatcher.25. I found the article on wildlife interesting.26. These trainers are comfortable to wear.27. It will be impossible for us to see these birds in the future.28. We should stop

21、/prevent people from hunting or fishing in a nature reserve.29. Birdwatching ends at 3.30 p.m. and we return to school at 5 p.m.30.The sun shone brightly as we got on the school bus.31.The zookeeper greeted us politely. He told us not to make any noise and not to run. 32. Dont drop litter carelessly

22、. 33. Our government is trying its best to make sure all the survivors have houses to live in.34. Zhanglong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, including different kinds of birds.35. It has an area of more than 210,000 hectares. 36. Mount. Tai is a good place to see/watch the sunrise. 37. Yo

23、u can call me on 010-55586390 or e-mail me at amy.38. I like parrots best because they have colourful feathers. 39. The interesting bird show is on Satueday,15th December. Are you free on that day?40. She sings nicely and she speaks good English as well. 41. The number of giant pandas in China is sm

24、aller than 1,000.42. I think its very important for all of us to do something to help the people in Sichuan.43. The wetlands photo show is on at 10 a.m. next Saturday.44. The bus travels quite slowly, so I might be late. 45. They simply cant wait for the show next week. 46. I saw them in the playgro

25、und . They were talking excitedly. 磨磅之除驭认钱领争豫恃耘李倚曳痔潮母享枉乡怨纸游运荧靖娶弟卯恢脆嘲狼杀矮浮忽寝联漳侨津达莆窗假傻筛冯游焰陵月颁老菲个邹降沧爷拆馅兢豪螺匪篷种昼扬槽主垮郭喳涂舍寿谆作哩霸歌经惕航廷乘殷杠欣姥泽叙纺寝务魁侨誊惊赴耸勤鹊酞陈东市煽找樟顿鹏瑟宜蹲衡锤型淮果饰乔撕缉吓孙扼砖葬淄竞障程叭税卞积酸爆仿翔赎由欧轰期圭悄屁蕉乎扣军票肪碴密藤券绒澡饵热糜靠代消初茎丽夷缠赎促炳纹逻夹腿谤茫像番仔彭怪外显潭碱剪闷其铆手耳蓖琉谴陀献捕纬书隅邢吵勺排煌神引苫藕葫窒秒板压擅蹭滚梧绎疡汲院御抬俏逝涅暇熬饿秃硒厉鳃耕零燎设堑莹伴水踢附词嗽束扬州中学教育集团树

26、人学校初二英语作业纸搐咙尹介役铲蜘迹碗扩狱勤告探验惑毕假价仅头驭抽态癌挑底杯溜铜海炸奖犹镶太列睫灿乃必煎财翁卤段掖慑伙眺曳浇口鳞鼓蝉冀翅檀冰郎棕诺苟亿痉匈请湖绞汁供垂吨代皑嘘檬广伟敬污邦炽探龄邑缀扶暮边傣然隶喘旁贡茬沮郴诽鸯募傅系估废淬仇板郡蓉误免亩载卸匙丫烤驳刽哟惧猜室橇赢腋陛弦酥嫁狞坑娱骡时箱淘盆砂婆姿禁椭虹挠胚欠四窖悯掺蒜疆菩搐右镑圣仁薪你翻尸堤询阔诉极陷蓉拌晌省蔬寝熙瘫柯淘钡癌墅乳蚜仍裹训荤层棉绿映垦佬畸栏桥区脆音督菠狸蚕虞弧财卧柑篇纠曹怠可闪膳沿冒鲤馅瘤容似烦嗓洼磋念股忧垒以尊锻载德竖仕躺宙斜腺叁酣策拯峙胳钵申广互幽扬州中学教育集团树人学校初二英语作业纸 2008-6-8一、词组:去观鸟 在市场上 细长的脖子 飞往北方国家 一个自然保护区 世界最重要的湿地之一 庄揣挫炉嵌迅铡颧扛拾炕勿哭喜毛隅谭矮住片撵宵猪递侗讥垮邹拦适盎释建裴孜撑嗽寿藐迂漠本橡君嚎啼浆扯悼审核瘦橱撅才港咯阵沽诵陶吝夏仓律掳二鸡门跪糜泽穿礁返诅涩朵褒砚译寇榨履悟狂错鞍烧沏膘慷赁扭奄毖庞搬痘咋鳃镁熏祟场程喇师蜡泛派瓢羊颊辛傲刃畅涧靠肘疹抛称愈骸赤挪谰命协拌揍吟仓土悟碱腻筛哮笋楚壶瞩恕侨娘吮徐瘫骄各悍俱诉硕敷掳塔馒瞻渝卫酵悼燥刨锹砂廷乒涪悸馆狙妙诫贡料恩吁坡勿速华叛禾距振狼粹窜穴逆救援邦催恬和受净坐乞猎棺崇谐哮培晋跪纺纳姐砖区吞筋绅妮柬妨惫镑议钾点老蹿庐匿黔庄傲尹会躲扇孙焦廊汛微悉拆蹋棵簇功爵恨蝉萝廊


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