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1、初三英语期末复习测试卷(牛津版9A) 二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)( )21. I prefer her some presents her some money.A、to buying;to giving B、to buy;to giveC、buy;give D、buying;to giving( )22. There are in the reading room,but many of those books arent to read.A、enough books;enough easy B、enough books;easy enoughC、books enough;easy

2、 enough D、books enough;enough easy( )23. Could you please tell me our tickets?A、where do we show B、where we do showC、where we to show D、where to show( )24. Do you mind the door?A、my opening B、me to open C、mine opening D、to open( )25. -Is there in the box? -No, .A、something;anything B、anything;someth

3、ingC、anything;nothing D、nothing;anything( )26. Which _ you rather _, tea or coffee?A. would, to drink B. would, like C. would, D. would,drink( )27. Dont eat meat. If you do so,youll get fat.A、too much;much too B、much too;too muchC、much too;much too D、too much;too much( )28. _ useful advice he gave u

4、s ! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a( )29. My mother asked me to go shopping yesterday. In this sentence “to go shopping” is _.A. Object B. Predicative C. Adverbial D. Object complement( ) 30. I like my teacher very much. He is very kind _ us.Oh, thats very kind _ him.A. of; to B. to; of C. to; to

5、D. of; of( ) 31. Simon hardly speaks English, _?A. is he B. isnt he C. does he D. doesnt he( )32. How many students listened to the teacher carefully enough in the class? _.A. Nobody B. None C. Someone D. Some one ( )33. I dont know how to _ with this problem and what to _ with these bad apples.A. d

6、o; do B. deal; deal C. deal; do D. do; deal( ) 34. I think this talk is worth _.A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. listen( )35.I have no choice but _ my homework.I agree with you. We students can do nothing but _ it.A. do; finish B. to do; to finish C. to do; finish D. do; to finish三、完形填空(

7、共10分,每小题1分)What is your favourite colour ? Do you like yellow, orange , or red ? If you do , you must be an optimist (乐观者) , a leader or an active person who enjoys life. Do you prefer grey and blue? Then you are probably quiet, shy and youd rather follow than 36 . You seem to be a pessimist (悲观者) .

8、 Colours 37 our moods, there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feel more 38 and warmer than a dark green one. It seems that a red dress brings warmth and cheer. On the other hand, black is depressing (令人压抑的) . A black bridge 39 the River Thames , near London , used to be the scen

9、e of more suicides ( 自杀 ) than other bridges in the area until it 40 green. The number of suicide attempts fell sharply at once, perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done 41 pink or baby blue. Light and 42 colors make people not only happier but also 43 . It is a true fact t

10、hat factory workers work better, harder, and have 44 accidents when their machines are painted orange rather 45 black or dark green. ( ) 36 .A. go back B. come C. lead D. think ( ) 37. A. influenced B. dont influence C. influence D. effect ( ) 38. A. cheerful B. cheer C. nervous D. worried ( ) 39. A

11、. on B. over C. cross D. through ( ) 40.A. painted B. is painted C. got D. was painted ( ) 41. A. with B. by C. in D. to ( ) 42. A. dark B. bright C. clear D. good ( ) 43. A. active B. more quiet C. more active D. much active( ) 44. A. little B. less C. fewer D. more ( ) 45. A. to B. than C. for D.

12、not四、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)AIn the past,when people had problems,they went to their families or friends to get advice. Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows,TV programs and telephones hot lines,too. A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers. Mo

13、st hot lines are completely anonymouscallers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers. Most hot lines are usually free, too. Callers do not have to pay for advice or the phone callseven if the calls are long distance. At some hot lines, the advisers are volunteers. Other hot lines pay the

14、ir advisers for their work. Usually the advisers are full-job people with years of education and experience, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line. All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems.( )46. When people call

15、 the hot line advisers, they .A. often give their names and telephone numbersB. generally have to pay for the long distance callsC. usually pay nothing for most of the calls and adviceD. always try to get in touch with the volunteer advisers( )47. How do the hot line advisers work?A. They do what th

16、e callers tell them to do.B. They listen to the callers and take their advice.C. They give the callers advice.D. They go to the callers houses to help them.( )48. The writer of the article seems to think that .A. with hot lines people wont get advice from their families or friendsB. hot lines help t

17、he callers a lotC. people had better pay for the advice and phone callsD. the hot line advisers will solve all of the callers problemsBTV Programs6:00 21 NEWS 19 $ 20 MILLION PRIZEGame Show 53 THE NEW DOCTORSFilmGeorge Mendel and Judy Grant are doctors in love in a big-city hospital. 55 24 HOURSTalk

18、 ShowThe first woman in space describes her work on the space station.6:30 10 NEWS A DAY IN MY LIFEFilm Lance wants Betty to marry him. He gives her a week to decide. 19 MONEY TALKTalk ShowDavid Montoya, the head of City Bank, discusses the high cost of living. He describes the ways to save money. 5

19、5 CHINESE COOKCookingMr. Li talks about how to cook Sichuan chicken. 55 OK FOR KIDSTalk ShowChildren discuss latest kids films.7:00 10 NEWS LIVING TODAYDocumentary(纪录片) A Canadian student describes his first trip to West China. 10 THE RICH AND THE FAMOUSStar TalkKen Cleveland interviews(采访)singer Gl

20、oria Estefan. He visits her one hundred-room house. 31 MEND IT YOURSELFHome RepairJack and Julie talk about how to repair a broken window. 37 SPORTS WORLDTennis A match in Wimbledon, England.( )49.What kind of program is 24 HOURS? A. Talk Show. B. Film. C. Game Show. D. Cooking.( )50.Whats on Channe

21、l 19 at 6:30? A.CHINESE COOK B.SPORTS WORLD C.MEND IT YOURSELF D.MONEY TALK( )51.Who does Ken Cleveland interview? A. A student. B. A cook. C. A rich singer. D. A tennis player.CJenny felt more confident about her life after reading about her star sign. She always followed the advice for her star si

22、gn, Virgo.One Monday, it said, “Be careful not to answer phone calls this week, or you could miss a great opportunity(机会)!”“I think Im patient enough not to answer the phones for a week,” thought Jenny. Twenty minutes later, her mobile phone rang. It was from her company. They were calling to tell h

23、er that she was needed to go to the office early that day, but Jenny did not answer the phone. When she arrived at the office, her boss was angry because Jenny, his only secretary(秘书), was four hours late. He became even angrier when he knew that she did not answer any phone calls for the whole day.

24、When the same thing happened the next day, Jennys boss became impatient and told her to go home! During the rest of the week, Jenny did not answer any phone calls. She missed 20 phone calls on Sunday and felt sad that she did not speak to anybody on her birthday.On the following Monday morning, Jenn

25、y rushed downstairs to get the newspaper and read her star signs advice for the new week. She felt she was very silly after reading an apology(道歉)for last weeks mistake in the newspaper. Virgos advice should be “Be careful to answer phone calls this week.” “Not” was put in by mistake!( )52. Jenny fe

26、lt after reading the advice for her star sign.A. patient B. confident C. wise D. powerful( )53. Jenny was asked to go home on .A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Sunday( )54. What was the main reason that Jennys boss got very angry?A. Jenny was late for work.B. Jenny didnt know she was wrong.C. Jenny

27、 didnt answer the phone calls for a whole day.D. Jenny had a bad star sign.( )55. In fact, the newspaper wanted the Virgos .A. to answer all phone callsB. not to answer any phone callsC. to answer as many phone calls as they wantedD. not to answer any phone calls from the company第二卷(非选择题部分,55分)五、单词拼

28、写(共15分,每小题1分)A)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。56.In our school, we usually have a _(week) class meeting on Tuesday afternoon.57. Sandy doesnt like to go fishing. She is an _(patient)girl.58. The birthday present he sent me is very (value).59. Green represents new life and (grow).60. Some students like to use

29、 yellow stationery because it is the color of (wise).61. The students are preparing for the _ (come) exams.62. Our English teacher was very _ (satisfy) with our study.63. Last night I stayed up until 12 oclock, so now Im very _ (sleep).B)根据句意及汉语提示,在下列各句空缺处写出各单词的正确形式。64. Thank you for offering me som

30、e useful (建议).65. We are all interested in the first _ (克隆的) sheep, Dolly.66. It seems (不公平的) on him to make him pay for everything.67. My brother often _ ( 吵架 ) with my father when he was young.68. I am very worried that Tom hasnt _ (回复) to my e-mail.69. The football match will be covered _ (以现场直播的

31、方式).70. His words yesterday _ (使想起)me of my school life.六、根据用所给动词的适当形式填空(共5分,每小题1分)71. His brother is only six years old. He has difficulty (read) the story books.72. “Hero” is an ancient (古代的) costume film_ (direct) by Zhang Yimou.73. While _( jog) around the park, Tom found a dying dog.74. My comp

32、uter doesnt work. I will have it _(repair) tomorrow.75. Kids dont know how (achieve) a balance between work and play.七、根据首字母填空(共10分,每小题1分)根据短文内容及所给首字母填写所缺单词,每空格填一词。Everyone needs friends, and if you f 76 to make friends, you should think whether there is anything wrong with your personal qualities.T

33、o make friends, you must be friendly. A cheerful person smiles. A smile always makes the others like you. Smile at someone and you are s 77 to get a smile back from him.A friendly person tries his b 78 to make the others feel at home. Put yourself in their place and make them feel welcome.Try to r 7

34、9 names. It makes your new friends feel happy when you call them by their names, because you dont forget them.If you do not a 80 with other people, you should still be friendly. Do not argue, b 81 discuss. You always lose friends if you argue too much. And you should think m 82 of others than of you

35、rself.It is important for teenagers to have one o 83 a group of good friends. This is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss things which are too d 84 to say to their family members.F 85 , dont believe those who leave their friends when they are in trouble. A friend in n

36、eed is a friend indeed.76. f 77.s 78. b 79. r 80. a 81. b 82. m 83.o 84.d 85. F 初三英语期末复习测试卷(一) 二、21-25 DBDAC 26-30 DABDB 31-35 CBCDC三、36-40 CCABD 41-45 CBCCB四、46-48 CCB 49-51 ADC 52-55 BBCA五、56、weekly 57、impatient 58、valuable59、growth 60、wisdom61、coming 62、satisfied 63、sleepy 64、advice/suggestions 6

37、5、cloned 66、unfair 67、quarrel(l)ed / argued 68、replied69.live 70、reminded 六、71、reading 72、directed 73、jogging 74、repaired 75、to achieve七、76、fail 77、sure 78、best 79、remember 80、agree 81、but 82、more 83、or 84、difficult 85、Finally牛津英语9A选择题专练100题( ) 1. Do you mind _ ?A. I smoking B. my smoking C. my smok

38、e D. me to smoke( ) 2. Dont be _ , this is not a _ traffic.A. surprise, surprising B. surprise, surprise C. surprised, surprising D. surprising, surprised( ) 3. You each _ good sense of humour.A. with B. has C. have D. are( ) 4. The room is safe to _ .A. live in B. living in C. live D. live with( )

39、5. Hobo has lots to eat and drink. “lots” is _.A. subject B. object C. attributive D. predicative( ) 6. Its _ for us _ polite in class.A. interesting, to become B. important, toC. good, to D. necessary, to be( ) 7. When you feel _ to watch TV by then, you are all right.A. enough good B. enough well

40、C. well enough D. good enough( ) 8. If it isnt yours, it must be _ .A. somebody else B. somebody elses C. else somebody D. elses somebody( ) 9. Some people _ that people born under the same star sign _ share.similar characteristics.A. dont believe; / B. believe; dont C. dont hope; / D. believe; does

41、nt( ) 10. Thanks for _ the new chairperson.A. recommend me as B. recommending me asC. recommend me for D. recommending me for( ) 11. “Do you mind if I sit here?” “_ .Its for Mr. Brown.”A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not( ) 12. “Are these enough for you all?” “_.”A. Much more B. Many more C. More many D. Too much( ) 13.It is very kind _ you to help me with my lessons. It is hard _ me to learn them well.A. of; for B. of; of C. for; of D. for; for( ) 14. Simon often _, “I am genero


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